Urban Magic Eye

C756 Hongmen Sun Lang

C756 Hongmen Sun Lang

0Situ Minghui's current method was without a doubt rational. Although he would die here, Situ Haowen and Situ Xueni were still alive. As long as they were alive, they could call upon all the Hong Sect organizations in the world to avenge him.    


However, this was a very difficult choice for Situ Haowen and Situ Xueni. Situ Xueni said with tears in her eyes, "Grandfather, come with us! We can't leave you behind."    


Situ Haowen also said with tears in his eyes, "Grandfather, come with us. We will go through the secret passage. Sunn Lang will not catch us."    


"Chief Branch Leader, Chief Branch Leader, come with me!" Many disciples of the Hong Sect followed Situ Haowen into the secret chamber. They were all injured. However, none of them cried out in pain. There was only endless hatred.    


It wasn't that they didn't work hard, but the enemy's firepower was too strong. Not only was their firepower strong, but there were also spies among them. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties. They had no choice but to follow Situ Minghui into the secret chamber.    


In times of danger, seeing true feelings and hearing these emotional words, Situ Minghui's depressed mood was somewhat comforted.    


At this moment, he was heavily injured and couldn't thank each and every one of them. He could only express his guilt to these loyal disciples of the Hong Sect, and said apologetically, "It's all my fault. That's why I have harmed so many disciples of the Hong Sect. I have let down the ancestors of the Hong Sect. I... Cough cough..."    


"Head Branch Leader."    




"Old man!"    


Situ Minghui coughed, and these people immediately became nervous. They were afraid that Situ Minghui would get agitated and die.    


"I'm fine!"    


Situ Minghui waved his hand, signaling everyone to be quiet. After everyone was quiet, he continued, "I am seriously injured now. If I go with you, I will only be a burden to you. Moreover, the bullet has shot into my lungs. Even if... even if... cough cough... "    


Situ Minghui coughed violently again. His face showed a trace of red. This was not a sign that his injuries were getting better. It seemed like he was going back to life. "    


" Grandpa, grandpa! "    


Situ Xueni was very anxious. She used her hands to help Situ Minghui breathe and comforted him, "Grandpa, you will be fine. As long as you find Lee Hao, he will definitely have a way to save you."    


Of course, Situ Minghui knew that Lee Hao could save him, but after Lee Hao was taken away by the FBI, he had lost contact with him. Even though Lee Hao told him that he would appear in Canada the next day before he left, they knew nothing about the current situation.    


At this time, the gunshots outside disappeared. Dozens of armed men rushed into the hall of Hong Sect's headquarters. Among these people, half of them were Chinese, and most of them were foreigners.    


One of them was a bald man with a long scar on his forehead. After he entered the hall, he immediately shouted, "Mr. Situ, an old friend came to our door, but he didn't come out to see us."    


Standing next to the bald man was a Chinaman. He was in his early thirties, and the deepest impression he gave people was his hawk-like eyes. From time to time, he would shoot out a cold light that was fond of people.    


His voice was also very special and very cold. It was as if he had come to hell. He said coldly, "Mr. Moore, there's no need to shout. I arranged for Old Dog Situ to be shot twice by the spy I arranged for him to be next to him. I'm afraid he's already dead "    


"That's for the best!" The bald man named Moore smiled and said, "This way, Mr. Sun will become the new leader of Hong Sect."    


This man named Sun was the Old Wolf that Situ Haowen had mentioned. He was Sunn Lang, and because of his ruthless nature, the disciples of Hong Sect had privately called him Old Wolf.    


Sunn Lang's status in Hong Sect wasn't low. He was one of the leaders of Hong Sect, and he wasn't an ordinary leader. He was the leader of the America, and his strength was incredible. This also showed Situ Minghui's trust in him.    


Upon hearing Moor's words, Sunn Lang's face remained expressionless. He replied with a gloomy expression, "The seat of the dragon head of Hong Sect was originally mine. Now, I am only taking back what belongs to me."    


"Of course!" Moor's ferocious face revealed a disapproving expression. There was nothing in this world that belonged to others. As long as one's strength was sufficient, everything would belong to him.    


As the saying went, when one's reputation was not good, one's words would not go smoothly. Sunn Lang, as a Han, did not have the mentality of a robber like the America. He explained the reason why he should be the Branch Leader of the Hong Sect.    


"All these years, I have been fighting for the Hong Sect with my blood and blood. Every year, I have made billions of meters of profit. But old dog Situ is dying, and he doesn't want to pass on his position to me. Instead, he wants to pass it on to that useless son of his, and he wants me to wholeheartedly support him. "    




Speaking of Situ Haowen, Sunn Lang was quite disdainful. He sneered and said," Who is Situ Haowen? He is just a useless Ah Dou. He also deserves me, Sunn Lang, to assist him. "    


"What's more infuriating is that old dog Situ knows that I like his granddaughter, but he doesn't want to betroth his granddaughter to me. Now, someone from Huaxia called Lee Hao, but he took the initiative to give his granddaughter to someone else. Isn't this a despicable act? What's more infuriating is that old dog Situ knows that I like his granddaughter, but he doesn't want to betroth her to me. Now, someone from Huaxia called Lee Hao, but he took the initiative to give his granddaughter to someone else."    


The more Sunn Lang spoke, the angrier he became. The more he spoke, the greater the fury in his heart. Then he roared loudly, "Situ Haowen, I know you are hiding in the secret chamber below. I advise you to come out obediently, or else I will burn this place to ashes."    


Where was this place? This was the first stop for the Hong Sect to move overseas, and it was also the headquarters of the Hong Sect. It had existed for hundreds of years, and the disciples of the Hong Sect had a very special feeling about it. If Sunn Lang dared to burn this place down, he would never be the chief of the Hong Sect for the rest of his life.    


Sunn Lang knew this. He only said a few words of anger, but didn't arrange for his subordinates to set the place on fire.    


As for Sunn Lang's guess, it was clearly correct. Situ Haowen and the others were in the secret chamber that Lee Hao had stayed in before. If it wasn't for this secret chamber, they would have been wiped out by now.    


This secret chamber was only open to the chief of Hong Sect, so even though Sunn Lang knew about it, he couldn't do anything about it.    


Not only did Sunn Lang know that there was a secret chamber underneath the hall of Hong Sect, he also knew that there was a temporary passageway in the secret chamber. As for where it led to, he didn't know. However, he knew that it was a secret passageway that allowed one to leave Honolulu.    


That was why he was a little impatient. That was why he wanted to use this method to threaten Situ Haowen.    


Sunn Lang knew in his heart that as long as there was a fish that slipped through the net today, then even if his plan failed, the disciples of Hong Sect wouldn't listen to a traitor who betrayed them.    


Of course, since Sunn Lang dared to launch a surprise attack today, he was naturally well-prepared. Now, the entire island of Hawaii had been sealed off by him and the people Moor had brought with him. No one would be able to escape quietly.    


As for whether Situ Haowen and the others could hear his words, Sunn Lang wasn't worried at all. Because he knew that the secret chamber of Hong Sect wasn't a simple basement. Not only was it highly technical, but it also had very advanced equipment inside.    


The fact was that after Situ Haowen and the others entered the secret chamber, they had already turned on the equipment. Not only could they hear each other's conversation, but they could also see each other's faces.    


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