Heaven-defying Saint Emperor

C656 A wolf riding on a blood evil

C656 A wolf riding on a blood evil

0"What did you say?" Demon Crown Prince was startled, as if he heard wrongly.    


But the people of Yuxu Sect on top of the city wall could hear it clearly. That's right, Ye Tianze was referring to a weak chicken and scolded this Demon Crown Prince.    


Originally, when Ye Tianze had said that they could choose to surrender or not, they had had some doubts. However, when they saw Ye Tianze jumping down alone, they heaved a sigh of relief.    


The heavy burden that was weighing on your heart for the past few months has finally dropped to the ground. In the eyes of Chen Hui and the other foreign expert, if you want to die, that's fine.    


Therefore, they felt grateful towards Ye Tianze from the bottom of their hearts.    


Who would have thought that once Ye Tianze jumped down, he would directly return the favor to. If this angered him, at that time, he would slaughter everyone in Yuxu Sect, what would happen?    


Seeing the fear on everyone's faces and the unease in their hearts, if not for the presence of so many Yuxu Sect Elders, they would have definitely scolded.    


"Weak chicken!" Ye Tianze repeated himself.    


This time, the Demon Crown Prince understood. Ever since he knew that the Vermillion Bird had returned to the Vermillion Bird Legion and stabilized the situation, he had already calculated that Ye Tianze might still be alive.    


He was really looking forward to see if the person who had destroyed the ten Demon Ox Generals and killed the Ten Monarchs of the Monster Race was really a man with three heads and six arms.    


However, he didn't expect that the other party would call him a weak chicken the moment he saw him. No matter how well-behaved he was, he was still a bit angry in the bottom of his heart.    


"waste, how dare you insult my Demon Crown Prince Your Highness, I will skin you alive!" The bad-tempered Demon Master General gripped his battle ax and prepared to attack.    


"Oh, it seems like you don't understand." Ye Tianze smiled as he swept them with his gaze, and said, "What I said was that everyone here is a weak chicken, and not only him!"    


"?" Demon Clan.    


"?" People of Yuxu Sect.    


The people of the Yuxu Sect really thought that Ye Tianze, who had been holding back for two months, still hadn't held anything back, and now that he was forcing his way into the Demon Clan, he had lost his mind and started to worry about his own future affairs.    


Demon Clan's nine great Master General s were angered to the point that their faces turned green. No matter how amazing you are, when facing my million strong army, you should at least show some respect!    


"It seems that you think differently than I do." The Demon Crown Prince laughed, "Could he be trying to infuriate me, and then ? Let me take the initiative so that you can capture the thief and the king! "    


Hearing that, all of the Demon Clan s immediately calmed down. Right now, Demon Clan already had a very good understanding of Ye Tianze, and basically, all of the young generation knew of Ye Tianze's great name.    


"I do have such a plan, but ?" Ye Tianze laughed and said, "Even though you are weak, it is clear that you are not that retarded, so ?"    


All of them were Peak of fairyland, and were half a step into another level of spirit demon, yet they were looked down upon by a Human Clan King Stage for being weak. If it wasn't for the fact that His royal highness the prince had no orders, they would have definitely ripped apart this Human Clan.    


The Demon Crown Prince was not angered by Ye Tianze, "Don't waste your breath, although my strength far surpasses yours, as an army of Master General, if you don't use the million strong army behind you, and if you have to do it yourself, wouldn't I become a retard?"    


The Demon Crown Prince in front of him was a little weaker than him, but he was still a expert that surpassed the realm of immortality.    


"I don't think you understand. I'm talking about you, your subordinates, and the million strong army behind you. You're not talking about just you guys!"    


Ye Tianze said, "So, from the beginning to the end, I did not prepare anything to capture the king, I want to beat the crap out of you, million strong army, from where you came from, go back to where you came from!"    


Forget about the good temper the Demon Crown Prince had, he was like a Buddha, when he heard this, he would probably get angry.    


"With just you alone? Or the entire Yuxu Sect, those tens of thousands of cultivator? " The Demon Crown Prince sneered, "If it is really like this, I will wash my hands and wait!"    


Ye Tianze raised his hand, and the big doors of the Jade Hollow City immediately opened, after which a thousand Knights slowly walked out, and stood behind Ye Tianze.    


Demon Crown Prince was stunned, he could see that there was something wrong with these Knights, but in his opinion, even if these Knights had any trump cards, it would only be a slap on the face.    


"With the knights behind you?" Thinking about what Ye Tianze said before, Demon Crown Prince suddenly had the urge to laugh, "One thousand cavalry against my An army of a million demi-humans?"    


"Hahaha, don't tell me this Human Clan has lost her mind and is actually so arrogant?" The nine Demon Clan s looked at him as if they were looking at an idiot.    


The cavalry stood to the side, expressionless.    


No matter whether it was Cao Shuang, Tang Ning, Guo Lingjun, Guo Lingjun, or the others, they were all speechless.    


Although the elders of the Yuxu Sect believed in Ye Tianze, the difference in their strength was too huge. To use a thousand Knights to fight a An army of a million demi-humans, was too unrealistic!    


"He can't be real... You must be crazy! " Chen Hui said softly.    


At that moment, even the seniors did not say anything, they seemed to agree with Chen Hui's words. After all, no matter how strong Ye Tianze was, he was still a weak crowned teenager. With such a huge pressure bearing down on him, forget about him, even old people like them would probably go crazy.    


"He's not crazy, he's just... It's just that I don't want to surrender! " Tang Ning suddenly said.    


Everyone was quiet, when they thought about Ye Tianze's words, they suddenly realised, and their hearts couldn't help but to admire him a little.    


But even so, no one was willing to follow him as he rushed towards the million strong army.    


"That's right! With just me and the thousand cavalry behind me, do you dare to fight?!" Ye Tianze said loudly.    


His voice was very loud and with the support of the Spiritual Energy, it spread to the Jade Hollow City and throughout the camp there.    


"Do you dare to fight?!" The thousand cavalry s all shouted in unison.    


Even if there were only a thousand people, even if they were facing the million strong army s, they would still choose to fight, and not surrender!    


The nine Demon Clan s fell silent. The Demon Crown Prince also fell silent. There was no longer any sneer on their faces.    


They had underestimated the Human Clan, but even if they were in his shoes, facing the million strong army, they would not have such courage to face him head on!    


"Although, this is a bit foolish, but ?" Demon Crown Prince lowered his head, and suddenly raised it, "But, since you have earned my respect, and I have the million strong army, why would I not dare?"    


"wolf part, listen up. Divide out ten thousand wolf-riding!"    


Demon Crown Prince's order reached. Chief of Wolf Division immediately let out a wolf's howl and immediately, countless wolf-riding surged out of Demon Clan's camp. When they gathered together, they were like a flood that surged over.    


The Yuxu Sect people atop the city walls looked at the densely packed wolf-riding s and their faces filled with fear and unease. However, when they saw that Ye Tianze and the others didn't move an inch, they couldn't help but feel a little ashamed in their hearts.    


With their courage, Ye Tianze and these cavalry won the respect of the Demon Clan. Although they were much stronger than these cavalry s, they did not even have the courage to leave the city.    


"I really look forward to this cavalry showdown. I hope that you can become as strong as you say!" Demon Crown Prince raised his hand and turned the chariot.    



Along with the nine Demon Clan s, they returned to the main camp. One thousand against ten thousand.    


Facing these tens of thousands of vicious wolf-riding in front of his eyes, Ye Tianze turned around, looked at the familiar face for the past two months, and asked: "Are you guys ready?"    


The cavalry did not answer. After two months of being together, they had a better understanding of this teenager. When the Heartless Array was activated, the uncomfortable feeling of being floating outside their body made their hairs stand on end.    


They already knew that the formation would bring danger, but at the moment they stepped onto the battlefield, they did not turn back!    


"Alright!" Ye Tianze felt their intentions, "After this battle, if we survive, we won't stop until we're drunk!"    


When the Heartless Array activated, the cavalry immediately felt that creepy power that appeared. Following that, a huge will descended on them, adding onto their bodies, it covered their bodies with their own will.    


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