Heaven-defying Saint Emperor

C301 If i don't go to hell who goes to hell!

C301 If i don't go to hell who goes to hell!

0As the pressure became greater and greater, the darkness became heavier and heavier. That kind of darkness where one could not even see one's fingers in front of one's eyes, even in one's imagination, did not have any light.    


In the darkness, Ye Tianze felt his thoughts become heavier and heavier, as if he had been trapped in a quagmire. He could no longer imagine anything, and his eyelids were as heavy as a mountain.    


"This is ?" My dreamland ? However ? When... I... Enter... "It's done ?" I... of... dreamland. " The voice in his heart became slower and slower.    


It was slow thinking, and he knew that once he closed his eyes like he was tired and wanted to sleep, he might never wake up.    


He would be buried within his eighteen layers of hell and would never be able to wake up again.    


Ye Tianze never thought that the Taoist Huanmo would actually possess such a terrifying hallucination.    


Deep within everyone's consciousness, there was the hell, and this hell had a total of eighteen levels. Every level they went into, they would forget a portion of the secular world's memories.    


When a person entered the eighteenth floor of his hell, they would bury themselves completely. That was an even more terrifying thing than death.    


Because death meant the end of one's life, and maybe even the chance to reincarnate. However, burying in his own eighteen floors of hell, would never end.    


In the endless darkness, he had forgotten who he was and could not imagine who he was. Yet he would always ask himself, who he was!    


Ye Tianze knew that this heavy darkness was a sign that he would fall even deeper into the eighteenth floor of the hell. If he fell too deep into it, then even if his past life was that of a Human Emperor himself, it would be impossible for him to avoid a fate where he would sink into depravity.    


"I... Or ? Too careless... Too Small... Huanmo... Daoist ? If... Cant know... When am I... Enter the dreamland... I will... Bury forever... "Here!" Ye Tianze thought.    


His thoughts were intermittent and he could not continue. However, he had already reached this level, his fastest way of thinking. If he was a normal person, he would have already fallen into depravity before even reaching the 18th level. He would ask himself every day for a hundred years, "Who am I?"    


"Hurry, bury him, he has a way of thinking."    


A few hurried voices came from outside, seemingly afraid that Ye Tianze would crawl out from the coffin s.    


But Ye Tianze knew that these people did not really exist. This was the shadow of the image that came out when he was terrified.    


As time passed, the shadow would grow bigger and bigger. For normal people, this shadow would become real and they would think that someone was really burying themselves.    


Ye Tianze's willpower far exceeded that of an ordinary person, so he could naturally differentiate between the real image of fear and the real thing. In this dreamland, other than his consciousness, everything else was fake.    


However, just like the famous saying of the hallucination, "True is false, sometimes is false."    


When he wasn't in the illusion, any hallucination would be fake, but if he went deep into the dreamland and got struck by the hallucination, then that fake would become real as well.    


To break the hell's illusion, one had to find out when exactly they entered the dreamland. This could be a picture, could be a sound, or could be an unremarkable detail.    


With such a slow thinking process, it was naturally very difficult to discern the origin of everything that had happened.    


"No ?" If this goes on... I'm afraid... Haven't found... Origin of dreamland... He was already at hell 18 ? Layer... "It's in there ?" Ye Tianze knew he didn't have enough time.    


However, being inside the illusion of the hell, he could only constantly fall, until the darkness pressed down on him so that he could not breathe, pressing down on his mind.    


At that time, he might spend a year or even 10 years, 100 years, or even 10,000 years to think, "I ?" Yes... "Who is it!?"    


"Perhaps ?" Think of yourself... It's just a waste... Time... Perhaps ? Eighteen Floor of hell s... There was no... Imagine... Then... "Terrifying ?"    


Ye Tianze's mind was suddenly clear, looking at the darkness, he had a hint of understanding, "I ? In hell... Where did it come from ? the eighteenth floor of hell! "    


The reason why he had this kind of understanding was because he thought of a single sentence: "If I am not in the hell, then who is in the hell!"    


The one who told him this was a monk named Di Zang.    


When he met Di Zang, he was at his peak, at the time when he was leading the Human Clan to the Buzhou Mountain, to fight against the Four Great Clans.    


Di Zang stood alone, blocking him and his warriors. He was so skinny, as if she would fall if the wind blew.    


Ye Tianze was certain that any of his warriors could easily decapitate him.    


However, Ye Tianze didn't see the slightest hint of fear in Di Zang's eyes. That was the first time he had seen someone who wasn't afraid at all.    


He asked Di Zang why she stopped him.    


Di Zang said that she was going to hell!    


Ye Tianze naturally did not believe him. He was wholeheartedly thinking to himself that creating the hegemony of the Human Clan was already an open road in front of him.    


At the peak of Buzhou Mountain, what he wanted was not only the hegemony's status, but also the annihilation of the Four Clans, and the eternal glory of Human Clan!    


At that moment, he was only a step away from the Buzhou Mountain!    


Even the warriors under him found Di Zang's words extremely laughable, because with their courage, they could shake the laws of this world. They were the strongest masters in the history of Human Clan!    


Ye Tianze did not kill him. He brought army and headed towards the Buzhou Mountain without hesitation. This time, he did not look back!    


Faintly, he heard Di Zang, who hadn't turned around behind him, say in a heavy tone: "If I don't enter the hell, then who will!    


It was only at this moment that Ye Tianze finally understood that Di Zang was not answering him at that time, but was speaking his mind.    


This was the hell!    


If I don't enter the hell, who will?    


Di Zang seemed to have long known of the outcome of his defeat, it was just that he was powerless to stop them. However, he would forever remember those clear and fearless eyes of his.    


Perhaps it's his regret, or perhaps it's his praise, but it's not important anymore.    


When Ye Tianze recalled back to his words, he suddenly did not think about struggling out of the hell.    


Because he himself was already in the hell, where did he get to the eighteenth floor of hell?    


Even if there was a hell of the eighteenth floor, he wanted to see what exactly a hell of the eighteenth floor looked like. Could he really be buried in there for all eternity?    


Most importantly, he felt that there seemed to be an enormous secret hidden within the eighteenth floor of the hell.    


"I will... Enter the dreamland... Root... is not... Because Taoist Huanmo was actually ? Because of him ? Because this is my dreamland ? That red-clothed female ? The paper man ? The coffin ? "It couldn't have appeared out of nowhere ?"    



As he entered this darkness, Ye Tianze sank even deeper into it. This time, he did not hesitate at all as his destination was the eighteenth floor of hell.    


It was as if he was looking for a ray of light in this endless darkness ?    


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