Reborn Medicine King

C334 Martial Law

C334 Martial Law

0Ji Changfeng waited for these few days like it was the year.    


When he received the news that Jiang Fann had returned to the Leehuo Academy, the first thing he did was to have the core disciples of the academy bring him in and directly head to the top of Jiang Fann's mountain to look for him. Unfortunately, Jiang Fann had already gone into closed door cultivation, so he could only wait here for him to come out.    


"Looking at your relaxed expression, you probably didn't participate in the internal conflict, right?" Jiang Fann said with a smile.    


Ji Changfeng nodded his head, "Elder Brother Jiang specifically reminded me that day, so of course I wouldn't participate. However, the current situation in the capital is very chaotic, and I don't know how to deal with it, so I ask Elder Brother Jiang to give me some pointers."    


Jiang Fann said: "We can just wait, but your father should be waiting for something. When the time comes, he will definitely appear, and the time is not far away."    


Ji Changfeng's eyes brightened. He thanked Jiang Fann and after exchanging a few words of greeting, he quickly left.    


Looking at his retreating back, Gu Ling'er asked Jiang Fann in a low voice: "Are you helping him?"    


Jiang Fann laughed: "The character of this Ninth Prince is very good, all those years ago he helped me, and he also had the presence of an Emperor, this Leehuo Dynasty requires this group of people to ascend the throne."    


"You really have a lot of things to worry about. Looking at the time, that Xian Hu should be arriving soon, do you still want to go to the capital to take a look?"    


Jiang Fann nodded his head: "Give me the mask, I will go myself. Go and meet my mother, ask Grandmother Sun to come and fetch you back, remember everything I told you, after you stabilize your cultivation, come out and travel, if you have the chance, please meet my mother for me."    


Hearing this, Gu Ling'er's face reddened, and she nodded lightly. She didn't forget to remind Jiang Fann: "Be careful, I'll wait for your return."    


Jiang Fann wore the beast skin mask and transformed into the handsome Fox Clan cultivator.    


Gu Ling'er stood at the top of the mountain. As the breeze blew, he looked like a painting with the disposition of a fairy. There was a bit of worry on her face, less of her usual playfulness.    


It was obvious that she was slightly worried about Jiang Fann leaving alone. She had a feeling that if Jiang Fann left this time, she did not know when she would be able to see him again.    


Jiang Fann did not turn back as he quickly left the Leehuo Academy.    


This mask could change one's breath and appearance. The Heaven Hunting Assassin lying in ambush outside did not notice Jiang Fann at all as he headed towards the direction of the capital. Before he left, he wanted to go home and take a look.    


When they arrived outside of the city, they saw that there were already countless merchant caravans gathered there. They were unable to enter the city, so they all stopped outside of the city to wait for the city gates to open.    


However, Jiang Fann saw a city gate that was open, but heavily guarded, preventing most people from entering.    


Jiang Fann discovered that the teams of some of the powers could pass through without a hitch. All of them were the major powers within the empire, and Jiang Fann knew that they were the targets of the various princes' attempts to rope them in.    


He did not hesitate and headed straight for the door.    


A few guards immediately stopped Jiang Fann, "The city is under martial law, demi-humans are not allowed to enter, please leave!"    


Jiang Fann did not dawdle, he immediately took out his Jiang Mansion Badge and handed it over: "I am a guest of Jiang Mansion, I want to return to my residence."    


The guard handed the order badge over to Jiang Fann with both hands: "So it's a Jiang Mansion Cultivator, let us through!"    


The guards opened up a path for Jiang Fann to pass. It was an exceptional situation now, and no one dared to offend their Jiang Mansion.    


Jiang Fann successfully entered the city, and just as he was about to head towards the Jiang Mansion, he suddenly heard a guard's voice from behind, attracting his attention.    


"Myriad Poison Sect? You are not from my Leehuo Dynasty sect, so you are not allowed to enter the capital. Our Leehuo Dynasty does not welcome you either.    


Upon hearing Myriad Poison Sect, Jiang Fann immediately turned around to look towards the direction of the main entrance. He discovered that it was a group dressed in black, and judging from their auras, they exactly seemed to be from Myriad Poison Sect. The pattern on their clothes, was also a symbol of Myriad Poison Sect.    


The man in the lead was not weak, he had reached the fifth change in fate, and all the cultivators that he brought were Life Taking Stage cultivators, when this group of people combined their powers, their fighting strength was definitely not weak, adding the Poison Arts, the damage they caused was huge.    


If it was in the past, how would Myriad Poison Sect dare to approach the capital? Even if it was moving within the borders, it would only dare to wander around in the surrounding areas.    


They must have had something to rely on to be able to come here.    


As expected, the man in the lead took out a command token and showed it to the city guards, then whispered something to them.    


The city guard was also startled, his face was filled with disgust, but in the end, he returned the order badge to the Myriad Poison Sect cultivator, and said sternly: "You are not allowed to cause trouble in the city, otherwise you will be killed without question."    


Although the city guards did not want to let them in, they could not accept the order and could only step aside, allowing Myriad Poison Sect's troops to enter the city. This immediately attracted a lot of discussion from the citizens.    


Jiang Fann could see all of this clearly, the order badge came from one of the big powers in the city, Guangnan King's residence.    


Guangnan King didn't know which prince he was supporting, and he had no good impression of Myriad Poison Sect. If it wasn't for the capital, he would have even taken action to kill a few of them.    


As the group of Myriad Poison Sect cultivators walked to the corner of the street, Jiang Fann finally walked towards the direction of the Jiang Mansion.    


No matter who colluded with Myriad Poison Sect in the capital city, they were destined to fall this time. It was very likely that Ji Wusheng's injuries came from his Myriad Poison Sect, which was why Jiang Fann had already left a reminder a year ago.    


With ease and familiarity, Jiang Fann directly headed towards the Jiang Mansion.    


The bustling capital city was a little desolate, and there were not many people on the streets.    


The two guards outside the gate only let Jiang Fann enter the Jiang Mansion after seeing him hold the Jiang Family medallion, and after carefully inspecting it to confirm that it belonged to the Jiang Mansion.    


After all, cultivators would often come here, and Jiang Mansion was also a place for cultivators that made friends with the world. There were many cultivators with different surnames in the palace, and although there weren't many from the demon race, there was definitely still a lot of them.    


However, Jiang Fann headed towards the Branch of Loongze County Courtyard with large strides, and directly walked in. A disciple went up and asked Jiang Fann what he wanted, and Jiang Fann directly replied that he wanted to see the patriarch.    


The disciple led Jiang Fann to the guest hall, where Jiang Fann coordinated with him and waited. Not long after, Jiang Tianhai appeared and greeted him with a cupped fist, but upon seeing Jiang Fann's eyes, he was immediately stunned, and turned around and told his disciple to leave.    


Only Jiang Fann and Jiang Fann were left in the living room.    


Jiang Fann looked at his father with a smile, and did not speak.    


Jiang Tianhai sized up Jiang Fann: "Why did you sneak back here?"    


Blood was thicker than water, and some things were very strange. His appearance had changed, his aura had changed, but his father was still able to recognize him immediately. This was truly hard to explain.    


"Father, the Ancient Herb Realm has already ended. I plan to travel around. This time, it might be even longer, so I'll come back and say my goodbyes."    


Jiang Tianhai smiled: "Your mother will definitely be very happy to know that you've returned."    


"We'll talk about it after dinner. I still have to go see Heavenly King Jiang, is my mother alright? Are you able to consume the pills that I left behind on time? " Jiang Fann asked.    


Don't worry about that, the servant girl will make her take those pills every day, the effect is very good, she has not cultivated yet and has already successfully entered the Innate Stage, your pills are indeed mystical, I will send someone to prepare dinner now, you can go see the Heavenly King.    



After that, the two talked about Jiang Family and Jiang Fann's recent progress. After an hour, Jiang Fann got up and left the hall.    


It would not be difficult to find the Heavenly King Jiang with his current realm. When he tried to sense the aura of the Heavenly King Jiang, the other party responded immediately.    


Very quickly, the Heavenly King Jiang descended from the sky and saw Jiang Fann. He said with great interest: "This disguise is pretty good, looks like the Ancient Herb Realm has already ended."    


Jiang Fann nodded, "I came back immediately. Why didn't Jiang Yueyao and Jiang Shuai go to the Ancient Herb Realm? Maybe I can help them. "    


"They are training outside and have not come back yet. You took the initiative to look for me.    


Jiang Fann went straight to the point, and directly told Heavenly King Jiang everything that he had seen and heard when he entered the city. He must be connected to Ji Wusheng, and Jiang Fann believed that as long as he notified Heavenly King Jiang, it would be equivalent to contacting Ji Wusheng.    


Heavenly King Jiang was surprised: "The Myriad Poison Sect is here? Are you sure? Do you know which faction colluded with them? "    


"The order badge in their hands is from the Guangnan King Mansion, but I am not sure if they are really colluding with them. However, Senior Ji Wusheng sure has tolerated it, if you are able to bear with it, the entire capital will probably be in chaos, and at that time, wouldn't it be even more troublesome? "    


Heavenly King Jiang said: "His Highness received news that there is someone colluding with an evil sect in the city. The cultivators that fought with him back then were able to leave so easily, obviously someone helped him. His Highness should be waiting for this person to appear."    


Jiang Fann laughed: "That person will not come, as long as we can catch him. Myriad Poison Sect is currently at war with Myriad Beasts Mountain, if that guy dares to leave the sect, I guarantee that Myriad Poison Sect will be flattened by the Spirit Demon race and can't continue to exist. The Golden Beast Continent is already very chaotic because of them, I think Myriad Poison Sect is trying to take this opportunity to move into Leehuo Dynasty as well.    


"Your analysis makes sense. I'll go see His Highness in a moment. Do you want to come along?"    


Jiang Fann decisively shook his head: "I don't want to participate in such a troublesome matter. I'll just take care of my own matters. Heavenly King Jiang, I will leave from now on. Father and Mother, please take care of me. "    


"You don't have to worry about that, even if I don't care about it, Uncle Jiang Yao will definitely look after it, since it belongs to his branch. After you leave, be careful. Those people from Heaven Hunter's group are still plotting against you. Don't underestimate their perseverance. The most unfortunate thing is that even now, I still do not know who exactly wants to make a move. However, with your current disguise, there shouldn't be a need to worry. "    


Jiang Fann laughed: "This is a treasure from the Spirit Demon race, it's quality is not bad, don't worry, there are too many people who want to deal with me, there aren't many who can do anything to me."    


That night, Jiang Fann sat at the dining table. His mother recognized him with a single glance, it was even faster than Jiang Tianhai.    


All of the disciples present were higher-ups of this branch. Jiang Yao was the senior, so he told Jiang Fann to take off his disguise and have a good meal.    


He was very happy to see Jiang Fann again. Without Jiang Fann, it was very likely that he would have already become an ordinary person.    


Obtaining strength was equivalent to regaining a new life. This world's strength was revered, and he, Jiang Yao, had such a mighty background back then. His talent was extremely high, so it was better for him to just die.    


However, everything was different now. He even felt that his realm could still be raised and his physical body had almost returned to its peak state. So no matter how he looked at Jiang Fann, he found him pleasing to the eye.    


These branch elders had watched Jiang Fann grow up, watched Jiang Fann turning from a weak one to a weak one, and made a comeback to his current state. They had witnessed a miracle and knew that they were all on the same side, so they naturally would not leak the news that Jiang Fann had returned to the Jiang Mansion.    


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