Peerless Divine Emperor



0Jing Yunxiao's reaction made everyone present cry out in surprise.    


It was obviously the ancient martial arts family that wanted to threaten Jing Yunxiao.    


Jing Yunxiao found a way to dissolve it in an instant.    


Furthermore, he had captured the Acting Patriarch of the Ancient Martial Family, Gu Yuan.    


This series of operations.    


No matter how he looked at it, it did not seem like something that a twenty-something year old youth could do.    


At least it was them.    


In that situation, he was probably helpless.    


In the end, he could be threatened by the ancient martial arts family.    


Jing Yunxiao.    


This person appeared just like the most dazzling star in the night sky.    


It made everyone present feel like they were being pushed back.    


Regardless of talent.    


Regardless of means or strength.    


Regardless of his ability to scheme.    


And so on and so forth.    


They were both far beyond ordinary people.    


His existence!    


It was as if they were trying to set off the vulgarity of the world.    


It made him feel ashamed of himself.    


"Are you letting him go? If you don't release Bing Ling and the people from the Ancient Martial Family, then don't blame me for being merciless. "    


Jing Yunxiao snapped.    


The sword in his hand became even more threatening.    


It was as if he could take Gu Yuan's life at any time.    


"Damn it, you brat …"    


Gu Yuan was enraged to the extreme.    


A little kid popping up all of a sudden.    


Yet today, their ancient martial arts family had suffered such a huge setback.    


Not only did he kill a lot of people from the ancient martial arts families.    


Even the Ancient War God's guards had suffered terrible casualties.    


Now, even he himself was severely injured or even kidnapped.    




There were so many things about it.    


They were all narrating the incompetence of their ancient martial arts family.    


He, Gu Yuan, was incapable!    


Anger burned in his heart. He wished that he could hack Jing Yunxiao into eight pieces.    


Since when had their ancient martial arts family ever lost face like this?    


The clan leader wanted him to represent the ancient martial family.    


However, the ancient martial arts family fell into his hands...    


"stinky kid, let me go. As long as you let me go, I will naturally let Bing Ling and the people from the Ice Ancient Family go."    


Gu Yuan said coldly.    


"Gu Yuan, do you really think I'm a three year old child? You let them go first, and then I'll let you go. Otherwise, I will take your life now and stomp over your entire ancient martial family. Do you believe that I will keep my word? "    


Jing Yunxiao replied without admitting or denying anything.    


"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? If I let them go, will you let me go? If you don't want them to die, then release them at the same time. "    


Did Gu Yuan want to die?    


Of course he didn't want to die.    


Even though he had lost all his face today.    


But there was nothing to worry about.    


Therefore, he chose to compromise.    


Release them at the same time.    


This was his last concession.    


"Bring all of them out safe and sound. If they are all safe and sound, I can promise you that I will release them at the same time."    


Jing Yunxiao had to make sure that Bing Ling and the others were alright.    


If the ancient martial arts family dared to touch even a hair on their head.    


That Jing Yunxiao will definitely make the entire ancient martial family accompany them in death.    


"What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and bring them out. Remember to treat them well."    


Gu Yuan angrily rebuked the rest of the ancient martial family members.    


But that line was to entertain them well.    


There seemed to be something in his words.    


When the people from the Ancient Martial Family saw this, many of them immediately accepted Gu Yuan's order and quickly rushed into the Ancient Martial Family.    


Jing Yunxiao's face was full of anticipation.    


Bing Ling.    


It had been a year since he left.    


Within a year.    


He was thinking about Bing Ling all the time.    




They were finally going to meet again.    


Not long later.    


Bing Wanfeng and the rest were the first to be brought out by the ancient martial family.    




When Bing Yuhan saw Bing Wanfeng and the others, he became agitated.    


Bing Yuhan no longer cared about the calamity that befell the Ice Ancient Family.    


As long as Bing Wanfeng and the others were fine.    


That's more important than anything.    


Bing Wanfeng and the others had already heard the commotion.    


However …    


He didn't know what was going on here.    


At that moment, he saw a young man actually holding Gu Yuan hostage.    


They couldn't help but be shocked.    


When they saw that Bing Yuhan and Jing Yunxiao were together, they became even more shocked.    


When Jing Yunxiao saw Bing Wanfeng and the rest, he did not say much.    


He didn't want to say anything more.    


From the bottom of his heart, Jing Yunxiao was a little dissatisfied with Bing Wanfeng and the other people of the ancient family.    


For the sake of the clan, he had sacrificed the happiness of his granddaughter.    


Now, he had fallen into such a situation.    


This was not Jing Yunxiao's way of doing things.    


If they weren't Bing Ling's people …    


Jing Yunxiao wouldn't even save them.    


From Jing Yunxiao's point of view, they asked for it.    


"Where's Bing Ling?"    


Before Bing Ling came out, Jing Yunxiao was already worried.    


The longer the delay.    


The more likely Bing Ling was in trouble, the more likely she was.    


Especially Bing Ling, who was very stubborn.    


If it was something he had decided on, he wouldn't compromise no matter what.    


Jing Yunxiao was afraid that she would do something stupid.    


And just like that, he waited.    


A figure was carried out by several people.    


The figure that was being carried away.    


Jing Yunxiao was extremely familiar with it.    


It was Bing Ling.    


It really was Bing Ling.    


However, it was now Bing Ling.    


He was obviously in a coma.    


His face was pale and his aura was very weak.    


"What did you do to Bing Ling?"    


Jing Yunxiao was instantly enraged.    


Veins popped out all over his body, and his eyes turned blood-red.    


"Don't worry, she's fine. It's just that she wasn't very obedient, so our ancient martial family let her consume some pills to calm her down."    


Gu Yuan said.    


"Release them quickly!"    


Jing Yunxiao didn't want to hear Gu Yuan's nonsense.    


He wanted to protect Bing Ling at his side.    


His heart was bleeding.    


He was even more roaring.    


"Let's do it together!"    


Gu Yuan said with a grave expression.    


"If your ancient martial arts family dares to play any tricks, I will definitely not let you off lightly."    


Jing Yunxiao roared.    


After which, he released Gu Yuan.    


Gu Yuan also knew.    


With Jing Yunxiao's strength, if he didn't really release them, he definitely wouldn't be able to survive to a safe distance.    


Therefore, he didn't try to play any tricks.    


He immediately asked the ancient martial families to release Bing Wanfeng and Bing Ling.    


Ice Wan's plump face was full of remorse.    


He and the rest of the people from the Ice Ancient Family rushed to Bing Ling's side, picked her up and quickly walked behind Jing Yunxiao.    


Although Bing Ling was still in a coma and her aura was weak, it was fortunate that she was safe for the time being.    


Jing Yunxiao's heart calmed down a little.    


However, the anger in his heart did not subside.    


That fury was like a volcano erupting, causing an extremely sharp killing intent to surge out from Jing Yunxiao's body.    


"You ancient martial arts family actually dared to do this to Bing Ling."    


"Then you only have one path you can take, and that is death."    


"Not only you, Gu Yuan, deserve to die, but everyone in your Ancient Martial Family deserves to die."    


Jing Yunxiao was extremely angry.    


And then he wanted to start a massacre.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


But at this moment.    


In the ancient martial arts family, an aura shot up to the sky.    


The moment that aura appeared.    


Although it was not as scary and turbulent as when Jing Yunxiao broke through to the Martial Saint Realm.    


However, it also caused the world to tremble.    


Everyone was shocked.    


On the other hand, Gu Yuan and the other ancient martial family members were overjoyed.    


"It's the Patriarch."    


"The Patriarch has stepped into the third level of the Martial Saint Realm."    


Someone from the ancient martial arts family exclaimed.    


The other aristocratic families were also in a state of shock.    


"This is probably the only person in the Archaeopterygium to step into the Martial Saint Realm in the past hundred years."    


"Other than the powerful figures of the Thunder Slaughter Hall's headquarters, I'm afraid that no one else is a match for Gu Ba, right?"    


"Speaking of which, the people from the Thunder Slaughter Hall seem to have stopped moving recently. That secret organization called Martial Hall has also become a lot quieter."    


"It seems like it's not likely that that kid will move the ancient martial arts family this time."    



Many people in the surrounding area were discussing.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    




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