The Ace Bodyguard

C440 A Sky-high Meal in Which One Pretends to be Cool

C440 A Sky-high Meal in Which One Pretends to be Cool

0Director Hou was worried that Wang Xiao would continue to order and spend more money on him, so he intentionally said that he was not hungry, and even boasted shamelessly that he was normally thrifty and worked hard, donating all the money he had saved at the table to the poor mountain regions. If it was just a normal delicacy, Director Hou didn't care at all. He could order as many dishes as Wang Xiao wanted, and eat as much as he wanted. But the things that Wang Xiao had ordered were all the most expensive things in the world. They had already exceeded several million, and he had truly suffered a huge loss today.    


Wang Xiao said to the attendant: "I heard that the Rui Rui Wine that is preserved in the 19th world is very good. Do you have it here?"    


Director Hou's face paled, and his hands trembled slightly. The Lafite Red Wine from the nineteenth century, was worth more than a million. It was a good vintage, the longer the wine was kept, the more expensive it would be. Furthermore, the wine from that period did not have alcohol. As the wine was sealed well, it would not deteriorate. The 19th century Lafite wine that was still preserved could be said to be extremely rare and hard to buy.    


As we all know, the longer the wine is kept, the better. But if a lot of alcohol is added, it will deteriorate if it is kept for too long. After drinking it, it will definitely poison and die." There was once a news report that a man mistakenly believed that it would be better if he kept the liquor for a long time, so he buried a few bottles in his yard and dug them up ten years later to drink.    


Because preservation of liquor had its own special techniques, moreover, alcohol was not allowed to be used in liquor. Currently, alcohol was an industrial product and even a small amount would not be poisoned, but if too much was too much, it would cause people to be poisoned. Some people drink white wine for a long time, because those white wine is inferior wine, so it leads to alcohol poisoning, the body organs dry up, and finally alcohol poisoning and death.    


"Sir, how many bottles of that red wine do we have in our hotel?" The waiter said with a smile.    


He really didn't expect that this hotel would have this kind of red wine. It was indeed a 5-star hotel. Usually, five-star hotels would not be able to find the Lafite wine that was preserved during the nineteenth century. Because most of this red wine is kept in the British royal family.    


"Fine, give me three bottles." Wang Xiao said with a smile.    


"Yes, sir, please wait a moment." The waiter left with a smile.    


Director Hou's expression was a little ugly. He really wanted to grab the bowl on the table and smash Wang Xiao's head ruthlessly afterwards. He wanted to make Wang Xiao bleed on the head. He originally thought that this kind of poor student would at most consume 10,000 yuan in one go, but he never thought that Wang Xiao would be so ruthless. He had spent several million on him, and the price was almost 10 million.    


A single meal costed tens of millions. How was this even considered a meal? It was practically burning money. If not for the fact that he wanted to fight Zhou Susu, he wouldn't even have agreed to it even if it had cost him his life. After seeing Zhou Susu's full and sexy body, Director Hou had a new idea.    


Although Zhou Susu didn't have money, Zhou Susu was still very beautiful, sexy and plump. After getting hold of Zhou Susu, he would definitely play with him ruthlessly, giving him a good thrashing for three to five months, wanting to make Zhou Susu lie on his body and beg while crying.    


After he was done, he would let Zhou Susu receive other customers. Many of his friends would support him with beauties. After some bosses offered a high price to support beauties, some of the beauties beside him would accompany the other bosses to sleep. It was more beneficial for the negotiations.    


However, the girls kept by his friends were far less sexy and beautiful than Zhou Susu. If Zhou Susu could sleep with her other customers, it would be much easier to negotiate in the future.    


This idea seemed to be quite good. Although she had spent a lot of money today, it was enough to settle Zhou Susu, not only did it make Zhou Susu cry and beg for forgiveness, it also made Zhou Susu her woman. In the future, she could accompany other customers to sleep, help him earn money, and help him negotiate a business deal.    


After thinking of all these plans, Director Hou was slightly calmer in his heart. In any case, wool comes from sheep, so let's just pay a bit of interest first. Do not underestimate a woman's power. If you want to achieve great things, you cannot do without money, and you cannot do without a woman. If he had a capable woman by his side, it would be over a hundred thousand gold coins.    


Wang Xiao intentionally said to the Director Hou: "Director Hou, I might have ordered more than tens of thousands of these things, is it too expensive?"    


Actually, Wang Xiao knew about the price, he was just looking for the Director Hou.    


The Director Hou didn't even want to laugh. He really wanted to smash Wang Xiao to death with the cup in his hands. Meeting a fool like Wang Xiao really made one want to cry, but no tears came out. It made one want to go crazy.    


"Ha ha!"    


With a reluctant smile, Director Hou said to Wang Xiao: "The things you've ordered just now, might be worth around eight or nine million."    




Wang Xiao was shocked, his mouth was wide open, his eyes were wide open, as though he did not dare believe what he just heard.    


Zhou Susu was also very surprised, to think that there would actually be eight or nine million, she thought that it might be at most one or two million. She finally understood Wang Xiao's intentions. He was doing this on purpose so that the Director Hou could bleed. Zhou Susu was very clear that an experienced person like Wang Xiao would definitely know the price of these things. He must have done it on purpose, purposely causing the Director Hou to suffer heavy losses.    


However, Zhou Susu was also very worried, because after Director Hou loses so much money, he would definitely obtain it regardless of everything, and would not let this money be wrongly spent.    


Wang Xiao pretended to be surprised and asked: "Director Hou, is it really that expensive?"    


"Of course, why would I lie to you?" The Director Hou nodded.    


Seeing Wang Xiao making such a fuss about nothing, Director Hou really wanted to scold his eighteen generations of ancestors. Since he didn't know that these things were so expensive, why was he still working so hard to order so many? He even suspected that Wang Xiao was doing this on purpose. However, after seeing Wang Xiao's astonished expression, Director Hou concluded that Wang Xiao did not know how expensive these items were.    


"Director Hou, I'm really sorry, I didn't know that those things were so expensive, how about this, we will return all those things." Wang Xiao said deliberately.    


"No need, no need to return it. This little money is nothing. I can afford it." Director Hou had an arrogant look, as if he was not lacking in money.    


Although he said this, his heart was bleeding. It was as if a sharp dagger had pierced into his heart.    


"Seeing Wang Xiao's astonished expression, Director Hou thought in his heart. Foolish brat, just eat it. Eat it, eat it ruthlessly. After this meal, your sister will be mine. Not only will I have your sister, I'll also have her take care of other bosses in the future. Talk about business and make up for today's losses. "    


Although this idea was somewhat malicious, in Director Hou's eyes, this was a great idea that could kill two birds with one stone. Not only could he get the beauty back, he could even make the beauty earn money for him.    


"Director Hou, you are really amazing. You are so rich." Wang Xiao purposely praised him.    


Eating a meal that cost so much money was actually something that even Wang Xiao was reluctant to part with. Even though he spent money like water in Africa back then, Wang Xiao had never spent money that expensive.    


Hearing Wang Xiao praise himself for being rich, Director Hou said complacently: "I am such a person, I don't have anything but money. The only thing I do not lack is money.    


When he was bragging to Wang Xiao, Director Hou looked at Zhou Susu intentionally or unintentionally. After all, a meal would cost around eight or nine million, and he believed that Zhou Susu would definitely be very shocked. Because, for a poor person like Zhou Susu, her lifetime savings would not exceed this much.    


Perhaps because the cost of this meal was close to ten million, Zhou Susu might feel a little guilty and uneasy, so she would frequently look at Director Hou.    


When Director Hou realized that Zhou Susu's gaze on him was different from before, he became even more proud.    


"Back in the day, I also went around the whole world, spending tens of millions every time I went out to play. It was like spending money like flowing water, spending it like dirt." Director Hou said proudly.    


Wang Xiao expressed his admiration. As expected of a rich person, to be so willful like this.    


The Director Hou continued to speak, "I have played with almost all of the famous places in this world, including the pyramids of Egypt, the Grand Canyon of the United States and so on.    


Following that, the Director Hou began to chat with Wang Xiao about the affairs of the various nations in the world, as well as many interesting things. In order to seem not only rich in front of Zhou Susu, but also very cultured and knowledgeable, he gathered all of the things that he had experienced, heard, and seen in the past and started to talk nonstop.    


When she heard the Director Hou talk and talk so extravagantly, Zhou Susu also looked at him curiously and had a whole new level of respect for him. She originally thought that the Director Hou would only rely on a few coins to do whatever he wanted, but she didn't expect the other party to have some talent.    


The more Director Hou spoke, the more excited he became. He even forgot the pain in his heart from spending millions on this meal.    


"Director Hou, you are truly amazing. You have traveled the world and experienced a lot." Wang Xiao praised.    


After all, this meal had cost him so much money, so it was only right to praise him.    


Director Hou said proudly: "Reading ten thousand books is not as good as walking ten thousand miles. If a person cannot learn more, no matter how much knowledge one learns, it is useless."    


Wang Xiao solemnly nodded his head, showing that he made sense.    


The Director Hou said to Wang Xiao: "Little brother, if you have the chance in the future, you must travel around the entire world, because you will learn a lot of things. In school, all you learn are nerds. "    


"Thank you, Director Hou, for your teachings. I understand." Wang Xiao said with a smile.    



Seeing that the other party was acting too arrogantly, and had even gotten addicted to it, Wang Xiao thought in his heart: Continue acting arrogantly, continue acting arrogantly. Let's see how long you can continue acting arrogantly. If after eating his fill, Director Hou suddenly knew that Zhou Susu was his woman, he would definitely vomit blood. It was because he had spent so much money and acted so arrogantly for so long that he had been tricked. No one could withstand such a blow.    


Wang Xiao even had a burden. If Director Hou could not bear the pain and vomited blood and died, then that would be his own fault. He only wanted to punish Director Hou and make his heart ache, but he did not think of killing Director Hou out of anger.    


After talking for a long time, Director Hou's mouth and tongue were parched and he took a sip of tea.    


The food was already on the table. Looking at the fine wine and delicious dishes on the table, Director Hou's heart was heavy. If he were to spend so much money on engineering projects or just buy a luxury car, he wouldn't feel the pinch. After all, it was worth it.    


However, he had spent so much money for a meal just to curry favor with a beautiful woman. This was the behavior of a prodigal. It was all his fault for acting too arrogantly just now. It was all due to him losing face, so he could only grind his teeth and swallow it down. However, after thinking about that plan, Director Hou felt much better. After settling Zhou Susu and getting tired of playing around for three to five months, he made Zhou Susu go to bed compared to the other bosses and negotiated business for him.    


Wang Xiao picked up one of the bowls of soup and personally handed it over to Zhou Susu. This was a huge supplement, even the billionaires couldn't bear to eat it often.    


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