The Ace Bodyguard

C391 The Operation of Two Sects' Experts

C391 The Operation of Two Sects' Experts

0At this time, Liu Daquan felt a great responsibility, as if there was a huge mountain pressing down on his shoulders. He wanted to breathe, but he couldn't. If it was just a normal mission, even if there was a risk to his life, he would be duty-bound to do it. As long as he put his life on the line, he would be able to survive.    


"Don't hesitate. Go ahead, I believe in you." Wang Xiao ordered.    


Liu Daquan raised his head, then mustered up his courage and said: "Clan Master, don't worry, I will definitely complete the mission. If I fail, I am willing to die to apologize."    


Since Wang Xiao trusted him so much and valued him so much, Liu Daquan had decided to sacrifice everything. No matter how difficult it was, he had to complete this mission. Even if he had to pay a heavy price, he couldn't afford to let Wang Xiao make a mistake.    


"Don't say such depressing words, I believe in you, you have to believe in yourself too. Even if you really fail, I won't punish you. " Wang Xiao did not want to make Liu Daquan nervous, in case something happened during the crucial moment. He only wanted Liu Daquan to relax as much as possible.    


The experts of Divine Monarch Sect had already entered the carriage one after another, and Wang Xiao finally got on the carriage as well. This was a medium-sized passenger car that could carry around twenty people at a time. Lee Kai himself drove the car and became everyone's driver. When everyone was in the car, Wang Xiao ordered Lee Kai to start the car.    


In front of them, Yin Tianzheng and the rest's carriage was also driving, and their destination was also the place the battle was going to take place. Since Wang Xiao's courtyard was too small, they had to find a different place to settle this issue. Although there were some spacious places in the center of the city, the city center was densely packed with people.    


If they were fighting in the center of the city, with so many people fighting with each other, the sounds of killing would surely be deafening. With such a huge commotion, countless citizens would be terrified. At that time, the leaders of the city would step in and stop him. Although the leaders of Huahai City were not capable of handling this matter, they could report it layer by layer.    


If they could not solve the problem, they would report it to the province. If the province could not handle it, they would report it to the capital. Wang Xiao and everyone else present were well aware of the serious consequences that would occur once news of this matter spread to the capital.    


Martial Alliance was originally a violent organization in the martial arts world. They would never talk big when dealing with matters." In their hearts, a fist was a great principle, and a fist was the truth. A wave of crazy attacks came forth, completely eliminating all of the disasters.    


Wang Xiao did not want to offend Martial Alliance, so he could not be enemies with it. As for the future, that would depend on the ability of the Divine Monarch Sect as well as whether there were conflicts of interest. However, the future was still very long. Who knew what would happen in the future?    


Maybe the danger of Divine Monarch Sect would not be able to escape tonight, and it would disappear in this battle, and there would be no future for them.    


"Brother Xiao, is there a problem with the place you have chosen?" Sitting on the carriage, the little ghost asked Wang Xiao.    


"What problem?" Wang Xiao asked.    


The little ghost said: "For example, the experts of White Tiger Sect would set up an ambush there."    


When everyone heard the question, they were very concerned. After all, this matter was related to their life and death, so they had to be careful. Although they weren't afraid of death, they didn't want to die either. As long as they could survive, who the hell would want to throw their lives away?    


Wang Xiao replied: "No, don't worry, there won't be a problem?"    


"How can you be so sure?" the kid said.    


"Because that place was picked by me at the last minute, and Yin Tianzheng and the other experts did not even put my Divine Monarch Sect in their eyes. In their eyes, if they wanted to destroy my Divine Monarch Sect, it would be as simple as lifting their hands, so they would not waste their time thinking about that." Wang Xiao analyzed.    


He was certain that the experts of the White Tiger Sect would not ambush him in advance. Even if they wanted to ambush him, they would not be at the place where the battle was going to take place. This was because this place was personally selected by him, and there was no way someone with White Tiger Sect would have the ability to predict the future, so he had thought of this beforehand.    


There were a lot of empty spots on the outskirts of Huahai City. Aside from the people from White Tiger Sect, there were over a hundred places on the outskirts of the city which were all camouflaged. However, this was even more impossible, as they did not have that many people, nor did they have that much time.    


The little ghost nodded his head seriously, feeling that Wang Xiao's analysis was logical. The experts of White Tiger Sect would definitely not set up traps there.    


The experts in the carriage looked out the window, only to see that the night sky was very beautiful. No, it should be saying that the Huahai City at night was very beautiful. Even though it was currently night, the entire Huahai City was brightly lit up, as if it was a bright pearl from the east that was shining brightly in the pitch-black night sky.    




How beautiful!    


When they saw the night in front of them, they suddenly felt that it was very beautiful. If not for tonight's matter, they would definitely be carefully observing the beautiful city tonight. Perhaps it was because a battle to the death was about to occur, so everyone had the same feeling.    


When a person's life or death was uncertain, they would be especially nostalgic about everything in the world.    


Di Loong was also looking at the city under the pitch-black night sky. He also felt that the scenery tonight seemed to be even more resplendent, dazzling, and even more beautiful than before. Having lived in the Huahai City for so many years, this was the first time that he discovered just how beautiful this city was.    


"Di Loong, what are you looking at?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Di Loong said: "Brother Xiao, I was just thinking that if there is another day and I have enough time, under the night sky, I must sit upright on top of the tallest building in this city and look down upon the beauty of this city. Only by standing at a higher place can I see further and see the city clearly."    


"How hard is that?" After we eliminate the White Tiger Sect, I guarantee that I will lead my brothers up the skyscrapers where the Huahai City s are perched on, and let you stand at the highest point of this city. " Wang Xiao said.    


Everyone's hearts yearned for the future. They yearned for the day when they could really gather together on top of the skyscraper with the highest Huahai City. They could drink together, chat about life together, and look down at the beauty of this city. He just didn't know when this day would come.    


Perhaps some of these brothers of theirs would never have that day in their lives. The car drove quickly. For some people, this was their destination for fighting. However, for some people, they might not be heading there to fight, but to the gates of hell.    


Because once he went there, he would never have the chance to return. But even so, no one suggested leaving, and no one wanted to be a deserter. The people from White Tiger Sect were not afraid, they were also afraid, but the people from White Tiger Sect were not afraid of death, and neither were they afraid of death.    


In short, they could not lose to someone with White Tiger Sect. Even if their strength was inferior to White Tiger Sect, in terms of aura, they could not lose to the other party.    


Wang Xiao was also thinking, that the reason he built this sect and brought everyone to fight, was it really for everyone, to lead them to the peak of their life, to achieve something, or to push them to the gates of hell, is this to give them the chance to rise or to harm them?    


Wang Xiao felt that all of this was getting more and more confusing and unclear. When he had just established his sect, he thought that he would lead his brothers to the pinnacle of life, become strong together, and achieve great things.    


However, every time the sect encountered a crisis, countless of their brothers would die. Wang Xiao was indeed more and more confused. He had already started to wonder if he was right in establishing his own sect, and whether the Divine Monarch Sect members following him was the right one or the wrong one.    


This was indeed the case. For example, Wei Qing of the Han Dynasty became a great military figure of his generation, leaving his name in the Qing Dynasty. His achievements were recorded in the history books. But that was exchanged for with countless people's lives. It was unknown how many people who followed him had died in the boundless yellow sand.    


If Divine Monarch Sect wanted to rise up, then he needed to pay a heavy price. The rise of any sect was like being built on countless bones. Just like the appearance of every new dynasty, they were also built on thousands and thousands of bones, because they were exchanged with countless lives.    


"When the little ghost saw that no one was talking, he felt that it was very quiet, so he began to brag again." "Brothers, tonight's circumstances remind me of a mission many years ago."    


"Brother Gui, what quest is it?" A man asked curiously.    


The kid said, "Three years ago, your Sect Leader and I were in Africa and we did many earth-shattering things. He remembered one time when a rich man had been kidnapped. The organization that kidnapped that rich man was a valiant organization that did not care about life. In order to save that rich guy, we travelled all night by plane, and the God Descended Weapon … "    


The little guy blabbered nonstop. His speech was breathtaking, and as he spoke, everyone became intoxicated from his narration. Although they had not personally experienced such an event, they all experienced it together, as if they had seen the scene at that time. Everyone felt a bit regretful that they did not participate in that soul-stirring mission, but it was also a mission filled with color.    


That year, in Africa, there was indeed a rich person who was kidnapped. The family of that rich person gave Wang Xiao a hundred million USD of Wolf Tooth Mercenary Group, asking him to rescue the rich person.    


After receiving the mission, Wang Xiao, the little ghost and the others immediately set off, but they did not go by helicopter. Furthermore, the danger of that time wasn't as exaggerated as the little ghost said. As long as the little ghost could make everyone happy, it was fine as long as it could relax everyone's mood. Everything else didn't matter.    


At the same time!    


In Yang Lei's villa, she lied on Xi Menghan's bed, it was hard for her to fall asleep. In the past, when Xiaoya was here, the two of them could still chat and talk, but now that Xiaoya had left, Yang Lei felt that it was a little strange.    


After thinking about Wang Xiao, Yang Lei was extremely anxious, and it was unknown how he was doing right now. Could it be that Wang Xiao really wanted to go and take risks, do something very dangerous, and even have a life threatening risk? So that's why he told her those things.    


The more she thought, the more worried she became. Yang Lei took out his phone, planning to call Wang Xiao and ask him about her situation. However, after continuously calling a few times, Wang Xiao's phone was turned off and could not be dialed.    


"Wang Xiao, where are you? Are you safe?" Yang Lei clenched his fists nervously.    



In the empty room in the middle of the night, she was getting more and more impatient, wishing that she could fly to Wang Xiao's side. Even if she could only glance at Wang Xiao, she would be satisfied. If she could tightly hug Wang Xiao, or snuggle into his embrace, it would be for the best.    


However, this simple wish of his could not be fulfilled at this moment.    


In the past, she hated Wang Xiao so much that she hated him.    


But now, she liked Wang Xiao so much that she couldn't leave him.    


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