The Ace Bodyguard

C383 Harmelde an Innate Expert

C383 Harmelde an Innate Expert

0Wang Xiao thought that he had sensed wrongly, and so he tried to sense if it was true that such a strong aura had come from the Innate Stage.    


What's going on, what's going on, Hamed actually became the Innate Stage Expert.    


Even if he was a genius, even if his innate talent was any higher, it would still be impossible for him to become an expert in Innate Stage in such a short amount of time. When Di Loong noticed the change in Wang Xiao's expression, he also felt the aura on his body.    


When he confirmed that Hamed was a Innate Stage Expert, Di Loong was no less shocked than Wang Xiao. "I can't believe that such inconspicuous people would actually have such great abilities. There is a saying that goes' one cannot judge a person by his appearance. 'You can't judge a person by his appearance.    


You are an expert of Innate Stage." Wang Xiao asked curiously, he did not expect the other party to be so fast, to go from a normal person to a Innate Stage in such a short period of time, it was as if he was riding a rocket.    


Since he was Innate Stage Expert, why did he get tied up by Zhang Baiwan and White Hair?    


Or perhaps, Hamed knew that the two of them were from Divine Monarch Sect and knew that they were his friends, so he didn't want to fight them.    


"What is Innate Stage?" Hamed curiously looked at Wang Xiao, indicating that he did not understand what Wang Xiao meant. He simply did not know what Innate Stage were.    


"You actually don't know about Innate Stage." Wang Xiao was very curious, if it wasn't because of Hamed's serious expression, he would have definitely suspected that the other party was lying to him. He didn't want to tell, but that was impossible, because Hamed didn't have to lie to him.    


Since Hamed had come to find him from far away, he must have treated him as a brother. Furthermore, he wanted to fight with him with all his heart, otherwise, why would he have come from far away?    


"I don't know. I really don't know what Innate Stage is." Hamed honestly replied that he did not lie to Wang Xiao. Never heard of it before.    


Di Loong was also looking at Hamed curiously. Hamed was an expert of the Innate Stage, but he actually didn't know what Innate Stage was. Could it be that because there were no cultivators overseas, the people overseas did not know the level of cultivation, and it would be normal if that was the case, but, if there truly was no one cultivating overseas, then, why would Hamed become an expert in Innate Stage?    


"Don't you feel that you've become very powerful? Moreover, you can even unleash an invisible attack that can knock your opponent down from a distance of a hundred meters." Wang Xiao asked seriously.    


"Yes, it is absolutely true. I do have this ability, but I suspect that it is an extraordinary ability." Hamed admired Wang Xiao's insight a lot, to actually be able to see through his profoundness with a single glance. No one could tell what he was capable of, but today, he was seen through in front of Wang Xiao, so he couldn't help but admire him.    


"How did you know?" Hamed asked in surprise.    


"Answer me first, when did you get this ability?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Could it be that Hamed had met an expert, received guidance from an expert, and then became an expert on Innate Stage? However, that's impossible, no matter how powerful an expert was, it was impossible for an ordinary person to become an expert on Innate Stage in such a short amount of time. Furthermore, although Hamed's talent was not bad, it still wasn't good enough to enter the eyes of this expert.    


After hearing Wang Xiao's question, Hamed replied: "After I separated from you that time, I returned back to my country. A few days after, I mysteriously fell into a serious illness, and many doctors were helpless, saying that I didn't have long to live. At that time, I was very scared, and thought that it was the God's punishment for me. After consuming that pill, my entire body felt very hot, as though a surge of energy was continuously flowing into my body. After that, I fell into a coma, and when I woke up, I found that I had special abilities. "    


Regarding Hamed's answer, Wang Xiao was even more surprised. What kind of pill was this, to actually be able to make an ordinary person quickly become an expert in Innate Stage? If this pill could be refined, then countless experts would appear in the sect in the future. Whoever could concoct this pill would become the world's most powerful leader.    


This was because after refining this kind of thing, it would nurture even more experts, and the number of experts would continuously increase.    


If anyone mastered this technique, they would become a threat to the society. If the other party's mind was not accurate, it would be a disaster for the entire human race.    


Di Loong also looked at Hamed in shock. Just what was this thing, it was actually so powerful, but this was the first time he had heard of such a thing. If he had not personally heard Hamed talk about this matter, Di Loong truly could not believe that there was such a strange story in this world.    


"You said that you picked up a pill, swallowed that pill and passed out. When you woke up, you discovered that you had special abilities, right?" Wang Xiao asked seriously.    


"Yes, it's absolutely true. I definitely didn't lie to you. Maybe it's because my faith moved God, and God loves me, so he bestowed upon me the ability to protect the peace of the world." Hamed said.    


Wang Xiao felt that Hamed was really adorable, that he was a god with nothing to say, and that his faith in gods was really deep. With just this little ability of his, he still wanted to protect the peace of the world. Even those who were several times stronger than him did not have the ability to protect the peace of the world.    


Hamed was simply looking down from the well, but he could not be blamed. After all, he did not know the levels of cultivation, so it was normal.    


"What does the medicine look like?" Wang Xiao continued to ask.    


This matter was very important. If he could not get some details out of it, or if he could study this medicine, then it would be of great benefit to the sect.    


"That pill is white, about the size of a glass bead, and round." Hamed replied.    


It was a white pill, about the size of a glass bead. What is this thing, and what is it? Suddenly, Wang Xiao seemed to have thought of something, and revealed an excited expression.    


After Di Loong realized that Wang Xiao was very excited, he curiously asked, "Could it be that you know what that thing is?"    


"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, it must be that kind of thing." Wang Xiao nodded.    


"What is that thing? It's actually so powerful, able to make an ordinary person directly become an expert with Innate Stage." Di Loong asked curiously.    




These two words of Wang Xiao caused Di Loong to be incomparably shocked. Pill, how could such a high-grade item appear in modern times? It was said that in the ancient times, Chinese martial artists refined a kind of medicine. This medicine was very magical, it was called the Pill.    


There were many kinds of Pill, some that could treat injuries, some that could cure poisons, and some that could allow people to level up. However, Di Loong had only heard of this magical pill before, but had never seen it before. It was said that in the modern times, the Pill had disappeared.    


It was unknown how many experts had given up all hope in order to create the Pill, but they had all failed. Di Loong originally thought that Pill might not even exist, that this was something people had invented out of thin air. But he never thought that there would actually be a Pill.    


"You mean, there really are Pill in this world." Di Loong asked excitedly.    


The reason he was so excited was because Pill were mystical. Although this kind of thing was very hard to obtain, as long as the world had it, there would be ways to find it. If it really was just a legendary existence, then there was no way to find it.    


"Yes, it is absolutely true. There is indeed the existence of Pill in this world." Wang Xiao nodded.    


Hamed stood at the side. After hearing Wang Xiao and Di Loong's conversation, he was confused as to what exactly were Pill s and what were Pill s.    


Could it be that the thing the two of them were talking about was the pill he had taken? No, that's impossible, absolutely impossible. The medicine I took, was not a Pill at all, but a divine medicine bestowed to me by a god.    


"Brother Xiao, I still don't believe that this world really has such a miraculous medicine." Di Loong said. Seeing is believing, hearing is believing, hearsay is telling, most of what is said is false, most of it doesn't exist. For example, the ancient emperors had always said that they were the real dragon, the Son of Heaven. They had even fabricated all sorts of strange phenomena when they were born. In fact, these were all nonsense. They simply did not exist.    


"I once heard from someone that this thing really exists, and it can be found and found." Wang Xiao said.    


"I'd like to hear more about it." Di Loong was becoming more and more curious about Pill.    


"For example, during the Ming Dynasty, some emperors of the Qing Dynasty were infatuated with Pill. For the sake of Pill, they would not even go to court often." Wang Xiao said.    


Actually, the records of the Pill were not only from these, but they were also from the history records, so the authenticity of the records was very high.    


"Regarding what you said, I have heard it before. I have read about it in some books, but didn't those emperors also die because of the Pill, and there was also the Qin Dynasty's First Emperor who sent people to search for the immortals. His pursuit of the Pill was also so intoxicated." Di Loong said.    


"Yes, that's right. Many ancient emperors died from the Pill poisoning. However, their deaths might be related to the Pill, or maybe not. " Wang Xiao nodded.    


"What do you mean?" Di Loong asked.    


Wang Xiao said: "If the deaths of those emperors were really related to the Pill, then there are only two possibilities. The first Pill is fake, because ancient people would add mercury, and things like water silver. If they were to be used in small amounts, the short term type would not have died, but if time passes, they would definitely die from poison."    



Hearing Wang Xiao's analysis, Di Loong nodded his head in agreement.    


Wang Xiao continued to speak: "The second possibility is that the Pill is real, but those ancient emperors' bodies were emptied out by the alcohol, and they are not cultivators. Their bodies could not withstand the Pill's energy, so they died."    


"There is indeed such a possibility." Di Loong nodded.    


If the existence of Pill was really that magical, then if a normal person took too much of it, their body would definitely not be able to withstand the massive amount of energy. In the ancient times, most emperors had poor physical qualities and were very unhealthy, because they never trained, and there were also many beauties in the harem. They would spend all day with the harem's concubines, and their bodies had long been emptied by alcohol and sex.    


The Yellow Emperor's bodies were already terrible, if they took more Pill, it would only be the opposite. If a fake Pill was used, the mercury poison would be very strong and would cause the person to be poisoned. If he consumed a real Pill, his body would definitely not be able to withstand that powerful energy.    


It was said that there were many experts in the ancient times. Even the strong ones with Innate Stage were not considered true experts in the ancient times. Especially in Ancient Times, even if it was an ordinary commoner, they could possibly be an expert in Innate Stage. Experts in this realm didn't even have the qualifications to join the army.    


"Brother Xiao, do you know how to refine Pill?" Di Loong asked.    


"I don't know." Wang Xiao shook his head.    


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