The Ace Bodyguard



0Wang Xiao knew that Green Hair was definitely angry in his heart, so he intentionally scammed Zhou Susu. Previously, when he found out that he had colluded with Xiao Ziye to actually slander her for beating up the old granny and robbing the old man's money, he had had the impulse to teach him a lesson.    


The Green Hair must be brooding over this, so he deliberately sought trouble. This fellow truly lived up to his reputation as a hoodlum. He had the personality of a hoodlum and was unable to change anything.    


"Brother, you're not giving Brother Xiao any face?" White Hair was a little afraid of Wang Xiao because he knew of Wang Xiao's ability.    


Green Hair pretended to be in pain and said, "I'm already in so much pain, I don't care who he is, I won't give him face."    


Wang Xiao brought over a chair, then sat on it and looked at Green Hair.    


Continue acting, continue acting, this guy will do his best. He really wanted to see how long the Green Hair can continue acting for.    


At this time, Zhou Susu said to the Green Hair: "Brother, I'll just give you 10,000 yuan, don't scam me, count me in." If she spent just a little bit of money, she would be able to get the Green Hair to calm down.    


"How is 10,000 yuan enough? It's at least 50,000 yuan." The Green Hair said.    


"This is too much." Zhou Susu said unhappily.    


"Green Hair immediately urged White Hair. White Hair, call the police, call them! "    


White Hair did not dare call the police, nor did he dare to call the people from the Health Bureau. He knew that the female boss of this Restaurant had a good relationship with Wang Xiao, so he didn't cooperate with the Green Hair. Otherwise, he would have made a phone call long ago.    


"Green Hair, have you pretended enough? If your stomach really hurts, I'll give you some acupuncture." Wang Xiao said coldly.    


Hearing Wang Xiao's words, Green Hair trembled. He couldn't help but think of something. When he still hadn't met Wang Xiao before, he was ordered by the Brother Biao, so he pretended to die at the Wang Ping Clinic. In the end, he was pierced with a few needles by Wang Xiao. In truth, Wang Xiao's guess was right, the reason he blackmailed Zhou Susu this time was because of Wang Xiao.    


Although Green Hair was unhappy about the lesson that Wang Xiao had taught him, he understood that he was not Wang Xiao's match. Thus, he could only use this method to deal with Wang Xiao.    


"Brother Xiao, I know you are powerful, but you have to be reasonable. There's something wrong with this Restaurant thing, I must get the Health Bureau to come and check it. " Green Hair took out his phone and was about to make a call.    


"Big bro, calm down, calm down." After all, Wang Xiao had personally come, but he actually did not give Wang Xiao any face at all. However, he also admired the Green Hair. Once he risked his life, he was indeed fearless.    


Zhou Susu said anxiously: "Brother, can I give you 20,000?"    


"Twenty thousand." Green Hair's shifty eyes were actually rolling around.    


"Yes, twenty thousand." Zhou Susu clenched her teeth and nodded.    


Although 20,000 yuan was a lot, but for the sake of unnecessary trouble, she could only accept her fate.    


Green Hair was elated to hear that there was so much money, so he nodded and agreed.    


"Susu, you don't need to give him money, you don't need to give him a penny. Not only that, I will also make him take responsibility, and ruin your Restaurant reputation. He will also take responsibility for that. " Wang Xiao sneered.    


Green Hair immediately rolled on the ground, holding onto his stomach in pain and shouting, "Aiya, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts really hurts. White Hair, quickly make a call and complain about this Liangliang Restaurant. "    


White Hair did not dare to make a phone call. If he dared, he would have already called him.    


Zhou Susu looked at Wang Xiao gloomily. She had already agreed on the terms with Green Hair, but the king had been disrupted by Wang Xiao. But now, the Green Hair did not admit it.    


Wang Xiao knew Zhou Susu was worried, so he said to her: "Not only do I make him not dare to take a single cent, I also want him to be your little labourer, and not only that, I don't even need to pay your wages."    


If it was an ordinary person saying this, Zhou Susu would definitely not believe it, but she believed Wang Xiao.    


Green Hair continued to roll on the ground. When he heard what Wang Xiao said to Zhou Susu, he firmly decided that he must pretend to the end. No matter what, he could not lower his head and admit defeat to Wang Xiao this time.    


Wang Xiao squatted down, and said expressionlessly: "Green Hair, don't pretend anymore, I'll tell you one thing. If you still want to blackmail Zhou Susu and make me your enemy, then I'll ask Zhou Susu to give you a hundred thousand."    


"Is there really such a good thing?" The Green Hair did not seem to believe it.    


"Of course." Wang Xiao nodded.    


Green Hair looked at Wang Xiao quietly. He really wanted to hear what Wang Xiao had to say. But he had already decided, no matter what Wang Xiao said, he would endure it. That would be a hundred thousand.    


Wang Xiao looked at his surroundings, then indicated for Zhou Susu to bring the spectators out.    


Zhou Susu understood Wang Xiao's intention, so she politely invited everyone out.    


The spectators could see that it was not because of Zhou Susu's Restaurant, but because someone wanted to blackmail him. When there was no one in the Restaurant, Wang Xiao asked the Green Hair: "Have you seen Brother Biao and Brother Biao recently?"    


Green Hair shook his head, indicating that he had not.    


White Hair also shook his head, indicating that they had indeed not seen Brother Biao before. As for Brother Hu, they had not seen him once every few years, because he was the boss of Brother Biao, the boss of their boss. As such, Green Hair and White Hair were not qualified to see Brother Hu.    


"Do you want to know where the Brother Biao has gone to?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Do you know?" Green Hair asked curiously.    


He hadn't seen Brother Biao recently and he had even looked for his a few times, but he seemed to have disappeared from the world.    


"Of course I know." Wang Xiao replied.    


"Then tell me, where did Brother Biao go?" Green Hair asked.    


Wang Xiao sneered: "Those who are my enemies, where else can they go? Of course it's the Underworld. Don't you think it's strange? Ever since the two of you leaked the news to me last time, I went to look for Brother Biao and Brother Biao. Other than the fact that the two of them went to the underworld, where else could they have disappeared to? "    


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!    


Wang Xiao's words made a buzzing sound in Green Hair's head, as if it was thunder in a clear sky. Wang Xiao actually killed Brother Biao and Brother Hu, this …. It was terrible.    


Green Hair opened his eyes wide. White Hair did the same. Cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.    


Seeing that Green Hair was still in a daze, Wang Xiao asked: "Do you not believe me? Since you do not believe me, I can send you to see Brother Biao and Brother Hu now."    


Green Hair was scared half to death. He still did not want to die. Furthermore, he firmly believed that if Wang Xiao truly wanted to kill him, he would definitely dare to. After all, such powerful characters as Brother Biao and Brother Biao had all been killed by Wang Xiao, let alone him.    


"Brother Xiao, I believe you. I believe you." The Green Hair nodded his head in a hurry, believing in Wang Xiao.    


"Then why the f * ck are you still pretending to be dead? Get up and stand properly." Wang Xiao bellowed.    


Green Hair immediately crawled up, and together with White Hair, they obediently stood in front of Wang Xiao. Wang Xiao crossed his legs and sat on a chair. The current Green Hair was like a child who had done something wrong, waiting for the punishment of an adult.    



"Green Hair, is your stomach still hurting?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Green Hair let out a cold cicada, and then anxiously replied: "Brother Xiao, I am no longer in pain, Brother Xiao you are really awesome, you don't even need to personally do it, you can cure my stomach pain, my admiration for you, is like an unending torrent, like a flood of the Yellow River, it is uncontrollable, ah …"    


White Hair also immediately agreed, expressing his admiration for Wang Xiao's medical skills.    


Within three days, you two must bring out a hundred customers for Zhou Susu's Restaurant, and each customer must consume the least one hundred yuan. If you two are missing a customer, or if your consumption is insufficient, I will break your legs. Wang Xiao shouted in anger.    


His angry shout almost scared White Hair and Green Hair to the point that they couldn't get up.    


"Brother Xiao, this … This is too difficult. " Green Hair was in a dilemma. How could it be possible to bring in a hundred customers within three days, and to consume at least a hundred per customer?    


"Don't tell me about the difficulties. If you find it difficult, go and tell the dead Brother Biao." In truth, Wang Xiao was only trying to scare the two of them, he wouldn't really kill them.    


Even if it was the Wulin People, or even if it was an expert, he wouldn't kill someone for no reason at all. Because killing people required benefits, killing people also needed a reason. No one would kill a person for no reason.    


The two of them were so scared that their legs went limp, and in front of Wang Xiao, they vowed and promised that they would definitely complete the mission. Wang Xiao waved his hand, signalling for the two of them to scram.    


Under Wang Xiao's instructions, the Green Hair and the White Hair left dejectedly.    


Zhou Susu smiled as she looked at Wang Xiao. She knew Wang Xiao was very capable. Just as expected, the moment Wang Xiao appeared, he had the two Green Hair s obediently leave. Not only did he not want money, he even had to be responsible for his own Restaurant. Wang Xiao, thank you. If not for you, I wouldn't even know what to do. " Zhou Susu sat beside Wang Xiao. The clear and beautiful fragrance off of her body, as well as her enchanting eyes and bountiful figure, was definitely capable of making a man feel ecstasy his bones.    


Even Wang Xiao, who thought that he had a high immunity to beauties, had a strange fire of desire arise in the bottom of his heart when he saw Zhou Susu's extremely beautiful body.    


"Susu, no need to thank me. This is what I should do." Wang Xiao smiled.    


"Brother Xiao, you saved me before. Now that you have helped me drive away that rogue, I don't even know how to repay you." Zhou Susu's charming eyes looked at Wang Xiao tenderly. The last time she met Wang Xiao, she had never forgotten about him. Today, after Wang Xiao helped her drive away this rogue, Zhou Susu's impression of him deepened.    


As a person who had experienced much in the past, she had a different personality from little girls like Zhang Tingting.    


A few years ago, Zhou Susu had gone to Africa to do business with her man and ended up being kidnapped by a group of criminals. That period of time was the darkest period of Zhou Susu's life. She even believed that she would never see the light of day again.    


Perhaps the heavens pitied her and arranged for Wang Xiao to appear. Zhou Susu would never forget that scene. Although it was a long time ago, she still remembered clearly that it was a scorching summer noon. Africa belonged to the tropics, and the sunlight was strong.    


The group of vicious looking people wanted to move their group of women, as if they wanted to buy them for a primitive tribe. It was said that the primitive tribe's people were very savage and liked to eat people. They often robbed women, and after they got tired of playing, because they were worried that the women would run away, they killed them and ate them.    


At that time, Zhou Susu was in despair, but when she was in despair, a group of people rushed in who would kill without batting an eye. That group of people were Wang Xiao and the rest. With Wang Xiao in the lead, a dozen demons killed the dozens of people crazily. It was said that Wang Xiao and the others were doing their mission too, but not to save them.    


Due to a coincidence, they were saved by Wang Xiao and the others.    


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