The Ace Bodyguard

C209 Parachute Escape

C209 Parachute Escape

0The Posturing Man hugged the seat firmly and shouted anxiously. I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I have money. "    


But now, even if he had the money, it would be useless.    


Another man fell down from above, smashing onto Posturing Man's body, and then the two of them fell down together. As he was falling, the Posturing Man let out a blood-curdling scream.    


If it was a normal day, Wang Xiao would definitely gloat; this was the result of him acting tough. But now, he didn't even have the mood to gloat.    


In such a desperate situation, Wang Xiao's desire to live was strong. He was one of those people who would not easily accept fate. No matter what kind of desperate situation he was in, he would not resign himself to fate. Even in such a situation, Wang Xiao was still thinking about how to escape. He looked around but didn't find anything heavy.    


It seemed like the only thing he could do was to break the tempered glass on the plane. Only by shattering the tempered glass on the plane would one be able to successfully jump out of the plane and land on the sea below. Even though the vast and endless Pacific Ocean below them, even if they were to successfully land on the surface of the Pacific Ocean, the chances of survival were still very small, but at least there was still a sliver of chance.    


Yang Lei hugged Wang Xiao tightly, she did not dare to let go. Because if she let go, she would fall off the nose, and all she felt was a faint feeling in her head and a dull feeling in her chest that made her unable to speak. At this moment, although Yang Lei did not want to die, what could she do?    




The tail of the passenger cabin fell straight towards the head of the plane. And it was about to hit Yang Lei. If Yang Lei got hit, even if she didn't land on the ground, she would definitely be injured. Wang Xiao's other hand moved quickly, throwing all these people aside.    


After that, he planned to use his fists to break through the tempered glass on the passenger plane. However, was that even possible? It seemed impossible. The tempered glass of the passenger plane was as hard as iron. Even if a submachine gun were to hit it, it wouldn't be able to penetrate through, let alone a fist.    


Although Wang Xiao was an expert in Acquired Stage, but with his strength, he was unable to break the tempered glass of the passenger plane.    


Boom! *    


Wang Xiao's punch landed on the tempered glass of the plane, producing a loud sound. However, the glass remained unmoving.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The Nine-dragon Qigong in his body frantically revolved, and Wang Xiao continuously punched a few more times. Unfortunately, the tempered glass did not budge an inch and showed no signs of damage. The heck, why would quality be so good? Don't those manufacturers know how to take advantage of the situation? Everyone hated those who dole out work, but at this moment, Wang Xiao hated those who did not dole out work.    


The plane was falling faster and faster, and there was not much time left. Another second of delay and the death rate would have greatly increased. Yang Lei realised that after Wang Xiao punched the window of the passenger plane, even though she knew that with Wang Xiao's strength, it would be very difficult to shatter the glass, but she still prayed for a miracle to happen.    


The cabin of passengers was in a straight line and was densely packed together. It was likely that the lowest level of people had already been crushed to death.    




Wang Xiao once again punched out with force. On his fist, the skin and flesh was already ripped, it was originally because of the force behind the punch, which resulted in the fist splitting apart. The aura of death pervaded Wang Xiao's heart, and he felt like a gigantic rock, blocking his heart, causing him to be unable to breathe.    




Wang Xiao cried out a few times in indignation. The Nine-dragon Qigong Genuine Qi in his body, along with Wang Xiao's howls, surged crazily like floodwaters. All the Genuine Qi, followed along the veins in his body, gathered above his head, and then broke out from the ground.    


Crash! *    


The endless Genuine Qi s all surged out of Wang Xiao's Hundred Meetings Acupoint. He had already gathered all three flowers, and the Genuine Qi had broken through his body.    


Innate Stage!    




Wang Xiao was ecstatic, and ecstatic laughter came out from his mouth. In this life or death crisis, he actually leveled up to the Innate Stage. All these years, he had spent a lot of effort and energy, yet he was still unable to become a Innate Stage Expert. After obtaining the Fire-god Herb, Wang Xiao had also absorbed the fire attribute spiritual energy from the Fire-god Herb, but he was still unable to level up his Innate Stage.    


In the face of a life or death crisis, he had been promoted, and he had finally become the Xu Innate Stage that he yearned for day and night. Just that, perhaps, he would become the shortest Innate Stage Expert in all of history, dying the moment he advanced. Even if one became an expert of this level, it was impossible for them to fly. Once they fell into the Pacific Ocean below, they would be no different from ordinary people.    




Wang Xiao surged. Taking the opportunity to level up to an Innate, and taking the opportunity when the Genuine Qi was about to erupt, he planned to destroy the tempered glass in the cabin in one go.    




When Wang Xiao's fist heavily smashed into the tempered glass, the glass did not shatter, only a few cracks appearing. However, he had already seen hope. As long as there was a crack in the glass, everything would be fine. As long as he continued to punch the glass a few more times, he did not believe that the glass would not break.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    




As he waved his fist, Wang Xiao's punches continued to hit the tempered glass. With every punch, more cracks appeared on the glass, and it got bigger, until his fist was bleeding profusely. But he didn't care, didn't care at all. As long as he could survive, it wouldn't matter if his fist was injured.    


"Wang Xiao, are we going to die? Don't waste your energy." Yang Lei said fearfully. She was in a daze, as if he might faint at any moment.    


"Shut up." Wang Xiao said.    


Once again, the Genuine Qi surged, unleashing a tsunami-like attack power.    




Ka-cha! *    


Finally, the tempered glass on the plane was shattered with a single punch from Wang Xiao. A huge gust of wind blew into the plane and messed up both Wang Xiao and Yang Lei's hair. After sensing a huge gust of wind, the originally drowsy Yang Lei's consciousness immediately sobered up. However, she still held Wang Xiao tightly.    




Wang Xiao revealed a face of joy, and finally broke through the reinforced glass.    


"Yang Lei, quickly get out." Wang Xiao shouted loudly, just as she was about to speak, a strong gust of wind blew into his mouth, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.    


Due to the wind blowing into the cabin, it was very loud, so when Wang Xiao was speaking to Yang Lei, he had to speak loudly, or else, she would not be able to hear him.    


"Wang Xiao, I..."    


Yang Lei had only just opened her mouth when a gust of wind blew into it, causing her to feel very uncomfortable and unable to speak any further.    


Wang Xiao endured it and said loudly beside Yang Lei's ear: "Yang Lei, remember what I said to you just now. Remember how to use the parachute;    


If not for the fact that the Genuine Qi was very powerful, it would be hard for Wang Xiao to say these words. He grabbed Yang Lei's hand and planned to send Yang Lei out of the cabin. With the current situation, Wang Xiao could only do this much, and hoped that Yang Lei would not disappoint him.    


He hoped that after Yang Lei was thrown out of the cabin, she could quickly press the parachute button. If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Xiao had already become a Innate Stage Expert, he wouldn't be able to protect Yang Lei from the hole in the tempered glass, because the hurricane had entered through the hole.    




Wang Xiao sent Yang Lei out of the cabin, and then he quickly followed. Behind him, there seemed to be someone screaming in pain, but Wang Xiao did not have the energy to care about their lives, he could only save Yang Lei. If it was within his capabilities, Wang Xiao would definitely not watch as so many people died.    



After all, there were hundreds of people and hundreds of families. But at the moment, he had no time to think about it. If it wasn't for the fact that Yang Lei was very important to him, Wang Xiao would have definitely given up. Because in the face of death, everyone was selfish. No one would sacrifice themselves for others.    


Those people who spent their days shouting that they would sacrifice themselves for their friends were also the most hypocritical of people. F * ck, if both of them fell down the cliff at the same time, it would be perfect to grab onto a tree branch. However, that tree vine could only bear one person's weight, and one of them just so happened to be the person who loudly yelled "sacrifice yourself" all day long. The other party would definitely kick the other person off and then shout, "Go to hell and die, I'll live on by myself."    


However, these people wouldn't have died in vain. If he had survived this disaster, Wang Xiao would have definitely found out who the mastermind was, and who actually brought so many people down with him to deal with him. Once he found out who the mastermind was, he would take revenge for these people who died.    


Originally, Wang Xiao wanted to jump out of the cabin with Yang Lei, but the cave entrance was not big, so he could only send her out first. The hurricane that was poured into the cabin was like an invisible wall of air, as though it wanted to stop Wang Xiao and prevent him from escaping. However, even the true Death God would not be able to stop him from escaping, much less this hurricane.    


Wang Xiao erupted his full strength and jumped out of the passenger plane. After appearing amidst the blue sky and white clouds, the hurricane became much weaker. He was only a second behind Yang Lei in escaping from the cabin, and that was while he was falling from a high altitude. Even if it was just a second, there was still a distance of more than a dozen meters between them.    


After jumping out of the cabin, Wang Xiao looked down to take a look. His expression changed greatly, as it turned out, Yang Lei did not use his parachute, and his body, was quickly falling downwards. It was so frustrating, so disappointing, that Yang Lei made this kind of mistake at such a crucial time.    


felt that what he said made too much sense. Meeting a teammate like Yang Lei was really a burden, although he was very angry, Wang Xiao did not plan to abandon Yang Lei.    


He originally wanted to open the parachute, but in this situation, Wang Xiao didn't dare to open the parachute. Because after you open the parachute, the speed of falling will slow down. As a result, the distance between him and Yang Lei became further and further apart.    


As they fell, their speed would increase, and their gravity would increase.    


Yang Lei was probably unconscious, so she did not activate her parachute. It was easy for him to suffocate to death in the midst of falling to the ground, making it impossible for him to breathe.    


Wang Xiao allowed his body to continuously fall, and as he fell, his speed became faster and faster. He had to open the parachute for Yang Lei, otherwise, Yang Lei would definitely die.    


Wang Xiao's consciousness became more and more blurry, and his chest became more and more oppressive.    


Yang Lei's life was getting more and more dangerous, what should he do? Suddenly, Wang Xiao thought of a way, he took out his phone and held it tightly in his hand.    


After trying very hard to stay awake, Wang Xiao looked at the falling Yang Lei with a gaze similar to his own. He was more than ten meters away from Yang Lei, and from the side, he could vaguely see the start button of Yang Lei's parachute.    


Right at this moment, Wang Xiao decisively made his move, he threw the parabola and it smashed onto the start button of Yang Lei's parachute.    


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