The Ace Bodyguard

C55 Female Monkey Xu Jiajia

C55 Female Monkey Xu Jiajia

0"I can't help you, but I can be your listener. When reading, didn't the teachers tell you that if you have difficulties, you have to confide them to someone to complain about? " Wang Xiao said.    


The little beauty tilted her head as if she was deep in thought. After a few breaths, she nodded and said, "That's true. But first, why did you come to the warehouse?"    


It was rare to be able to talk to a little beauty, so Wang Xiao decided to say it. He originally thought that it would take some effort if he wanted to hook up with this little beauty. But he didn't expect it to be so easy.    




Wang Xiao sighed again.    


"What's wrong with you? Why do you keep sighing?" The little beauty asked.    


"Don't mention it, I was originally working in the Foreign Trade Department office, but after offending Xu Jiajia, I was sent to the border, and was relegated to the warehouse." Wang Xiao felt wronged.    


The little beauty looked at Wang Xiao with her watery eyes, as if she was very surprised.    


"Why are you looking at me like that?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"So you also offended the female monkey?" The little beauty said.    


"Female monkey, who's the female monkey?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Xu Jiajia, she's the manager of Foreign Trade Department. Everyone secretly gave him two nicknames: Li Mo Chou, the female monkey."    


From the words and expression of the little beauty, Wang Xiao could tell that the little beauty also didn't have a good impression of Xu Jiajia. However, these two nicknames, mother monkey and Li Mo Chou, were very suitable for Xu Jiajia.    


Especially the female monkey, she was more suitable for Xu Jiajia. She had a monkey face and a sharp mouth, just like a monkey.    


"You don't have a good impression of Xu Jiajia either?" Wang Xiao asked.    


The little beauty said, "Hmph, that female monkey is extremely sarcastic and often acts arrogantly. She always bullies newbies and bullies the weak and fears the strong. I have not even been in the Foreign Trade Department for three months, so I'm still a new person. She bullies me everyday and always lets me come to the warehouse to do odd jobs. "    


"You're not considered a new person until three months from now?" Wang Xiao had never worked in a company before, so he did not know much about the company's rules.    


The little beauty said, "Yes, according to the labor laws, as long as an employee has been working in the company for more than three months, they are not allowed to be fired as they please, otherwise they will lose money. Many of the rookies had lasted less than three months. They would swallow their anger and worry about being fired. I'm not even three months old, so I'm often pissed off. "    


The little beauty's words were filled with righteous indignation, but it was also very pitiful.    


"We are really in the same boat. May I ask what your name is?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"I won't tell you." The little beauty said.    


Wang Xiao already saw her work pass in front of her chest. This little beauty was called Zhang Tingting. This was exactly like her name. Not only was he good-looking, her name was also so pleasant to hear.    


"You are a good and bad person." The little beauty Zhang Tingting saw that Wang Xiao's eyes were dishonest and actually looked at her place again, she was slightly angry.    


"Beauty, don't be angry. I really wasn't looking at you just now. I just wanted to see your work permit and know your name." Wang Xiao explained.    


Zhang Tingting's face flushed red, embarrassed and embarrassed. Wang Xiao was clearly just looking at himself, but he actually didn't admit it, and even found a reason.    


"Never mind, I won't bother with you. However, as long as you're here, it's fine." Zhang Tingting was overjoyed.    


"What do you mean?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Zhang Tingting said: "Because if you came, that mother monkey Xu Jiajia would not bully me. I will never be a new disciple again, not only did you take over my position as a new disciple, you are also a man."    


Zhang Tingting actually wanted to leave the warehouse and not work with him.    


Zhang Tingting continued to speak: "Do you want to know why Xu Jiajia still has the nickname of Li Moli?"    


"Why?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Actually, Wang Xiao didn't care, even if that damned woman Xu Jiajia jumped down to commit suicide, it didn't matter. He just wanted to find a topic to talk to Zhang Tingting and build up her relationship with her.    


Zhang Tingting said: "It's said that Xu Jiajia was unmarried and had children. Furthermore, the money she worked hard to earn was taken away by her boyfriend. From then on, she especially hated men, as well as beauties that were more beautiful than her. "    


So that was how it was. Xu Jiajia had been hurt too deeply by a man before, so she hated men. Her man must have found an even more beautiful girlfriend and left her behind. Furthermore, she even took away her savings for many years. This kind of man was trash, worse than pigs and dogs.    


Originally, Wang Xiao didn't have a good impression of Xu Jiajia, but after knowing what had happened to her, he felt sympathy for her.    


"But you must not speak carelessly about these things. If Xu Jiajia finds out about it, she will definitely choke me to death." Zhang Tingting was afraid.    


"Don't worry, we're both in the same boat, we'll be good friends in the future. We should help each other out, how could I betray you?" Wang Xiao said in all seriousness.    


"Thank you." Zhang Tingting thanked him.    


Wang Xiao stretched out his hand and said. "Since we know each other, and we have a good time talking about it, why not shake hands and be good friends in the future?"    


Zhang Tingting's hands hung down, there were differences between males and females, she did not want to shake hands with Wang Xiao.    


But Wang Xiao was just too overbearing, he didn't care whether Zhang Tingting agreed or not. After he stretched out his hand, he immediately grabbed Zhang Tingting's hand, and shook hands with her.    


Zhang Tingting's slender and jade-like hands were very smooth, very exquisite, and also very warm. Holding the other's hand, Wang Xiao was unwilling to let go.    


"Can you please let me go? It's time for work." Zhang Tingting's face flushed red, extremely embarrassed. Her heart was also thumping non-stop. Since young, there had never been a man who had held her hand before, and Wang Xiao was the first one. Moreover, he was so bold.    


After all, they had just met each other at the beginning, and wanted to leave a good impression on the other party's heart. He did not wish to leave a bad impression on Zhang Tingting's heart the moment they met. There will be a long period of time in the future, and you have to take it step by step because you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.    


After releasing Zhang Tingting's hand, Wang Xiao said seriously: "Don't worry, with me here, mother monkey Li Mo Chou will never bully you again."    


"Do you dare to go against her?" Zhang Tingting asked.    


Wang Xiao said, "Once I arrive, she will definitely transfer all her anger onto me. You will definitely be safe in the future."    


"Then I'll have to trouble you." Zhang Tingting beamed.    


When Wang Xiao first appeared, she was still on guard, but after chatting with him for a while, Zhang Tingting relaxed his guard against him. She felt that chatting with Wang Xiao was really fun, and also comforting.    


"It's fine, we're friends after all." Wang Xiao said magnanimously.    


"If the female monkey, Li Moli, bullies me again in the future, will you make a move just because I'm a friend?" Zhang Tingting continued to ask.    





Regarding this question, Wang Xiao was not in a good position to answer. Beauties always ask random questions. For example, some beauties always ask a man, your mother and I fall into the river at the same time, which one do you want to save first? This was the problem that troubled men the most.    


If he answered to save his mother first, his girlfriend would definitely be angry.    


If he answered to save her first, then his girlfriend would call him a hypocrite.    


"I knew it, but you wouldn't dare." Zhang Tingting was not very satisfied with Wang Xiao's reaction.    


Wang Xiao said: "No matter what, I am a man and Xu Jiajia is a woman, I cannot make a move against her. However, if she bullies you in the future, after she gets to know her boyfriend, I'll bully her boyfriend. "    




Zhang Tingting could not hold back her laughter. Xu Jiajia already has a child, how can she find a boyfriend in the future? Although she isn't married yet, if she were to find a boyfriend, it would count as him marrying into another family. "    


Zhang Tingting stood on the stepping stone and placed a box of samples on a high ground. Foreign Trade Department and the production department were different, the warehouse of the production department was filled with countless products.    


However, there were practically no items in Foreign Trade Department's office. These medicines had been sent over from the production department. Foreign Trade Department was also known as the Sales Department, but it could also be said to be the Compulsory Department.    


Foreign Trade Department would deliver the medicine sent over by the production department to the other customers, and then negotiate business with those customers. As for the medicines from Foreign Trade Department, they were generally better than those from the production department. After all, the medicine here was carefully selected.    




Zhang Tingting accidentally twisted her leg, the box in her hand fell, and she quickly fell down.    


Be careful.    


Wang Xiao rushed over quickly and hugged Zhang Tingting, her two hands accidentally latching onto her chest. Although it was not big, it was extremely flexible. Wang Xiao dared to guarantee that it was not intentional. When he saw that Zhang Tingting was about to fall, he made a mistake.    


"Let go."    


Zhang Tingting's face flushed red, she was extremely embarrassed.    


Being hugged by Wang Xiao, and that part being held by both of Wang Xiao's hands, how could he not be embarrassed? She was still a girl and had never been so close to a boy before.    




When Wang Xiao let go of Zhang Tingting and coincidentally hugged her, a mysterious feeling quickly spread throughout their new meeting time, and spread to every part of her body.    


In that moment, Wang Xiao seemed to be out of control. But he knew that being impulsive was the devil's punishment, so Wang Xiao held back. Moreover, Zhang Tingting was a very proper girl, she was definitely not a casual person.    


If he really did something that was out of bounds, it would be the opposite. When Zhang Tingting sees him in the future, he would definitely run away and hide far away.    


When Zhang Tingting was shy, Wang Xiao realized that she was even more beautiful. She was as beautiful as the morning glow, indescribably beautiful.    


"Sorry, I didn't mean to." Wang Xiao apologized.    


"Mm …" I … I know, I didn't... "No …"    


Zhang Tingting stammered, unable to say a word for a long while. She felt embarrassed, embarrassed. However, the moment Wang Xiao hugged her, her emotions became complicated.    


She was both shy and scared.    


It was as if she needed the warmth and heartfelt rejection. To someone who had never been in love with her before, Wang Xiao's actions just now seemed to have opened her heart.    


"You can rest. Just leave the heavy work to me."    


"How can I be embarrassed?" Zhang Tingting tactfully refused.    


"What's there to be embarrassed about? You're a girl, you're not suited to doing this kind of work." Wang Xiao had a manly look on his face.    


"Thank you." Zhang Tingting expressed her gratitude.    


She felt that Wang Xiao was truly concerned about her, not faking it.    


"Are you alright? Did you twist your foot? How about I show you?" Wang Xiao asked in concern. He naturally wouldn't miss such an opportunity.    


Zhang Tingting shook her head. "Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. I just need to rest for a while."    


Wang Xiao brought over a stool for Zhang Tingting to sit and rest.    


Zhang Tingting sat at the side, arranging what Wang Xiao should do. Seeing Wang Xiao being constantly busy, a warm feeling rose from the bottom of Zhang Tingting's heart. She seemed to understand why a woman wanted a boyfriend.    


After finding a boyfriend, he would have someone he could rely on, someone he could rely on, someone he could rely on, and someone he could share his burden with. Her good impression of Wang Xiao continued to rise.    


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