The Ace Bodyguard

C164 Ling Shan Temple

C164 Ling Shan Temple

0On the rows of stone staircase, countless tourists were coming and going. Some of them had just gotten up the mountain, but some of them had already left.    


The two of them walked for an hour, but before they even reached the middle of the mountain, Zhang Tingting was already exhausted to the point of gasping for breath. She rarely went out on foot, let alone climbed.    


Seeing that Zhang Tingting was tired, Wang Xiao asked: "Do you need me to carry you up the mountain?"    


"No need, I can do it myself." Zhang Tingting's eyes revealed an unyielding determination. She did not need Wang Xiao's help, because she wanted to rely on her own efforts to climb the mountain.    


"Since you can persevere, it's up to you."    


The two of them enjoyed the scenery along the way as they climbed. After another half an hour, they had finally reached the middle of the mountain. In the middle of the mountain, the water in the huge pond didn't even reach half a meter deep.    


There are goldfish and turtles in the water.    


At the center of the pool was a giant stone turtle. Many people saw the coin being thrown into the wishing pool, and it was said that as long as the coin was thrown onto the stone tortoise, the wish made could be fulfilled. In any case, Wang Xiao did not believe those bullshit words, begging was better than asking for help, begging was better than asking for help.    


Many tourists were pouring coins into the pool. At the bottom of the pool, there were piles of coins. Most of these tourists were having fun, so they threw coins into the wishing pool. At most, they would only spend a few yuan, but for this bit of money, they didn't feel any heartache.    


However, even if one person were to throw a single stone and accumulate as much as they could over the years, the coins in the Wishing Pool would still pile up like a mountain if they were salvaged. The tourists only want to be happy, not for the fish and tortoises in the pool. If so many coins were thrown into the pond, it would definitely cause severe pollution. Once the water in the pond was contaminated, would the fish inside still be able to survive?    


Sure enough, there were a lot of dead fish floating on the surface of the water. There were academies, fake mountain ranges, unique looking areas and so on. It was rumored that the wish made by Zhang Tingting from the Lingshan Temple at the peak of the mountain was very fulfilled.    


Since she wanted to make a wish at the Lingshan Temple, Wang Xiao naturally had to accompany her. The two did not linger at the halfway point of the mountain, but continued to climb.    


Because many people didn't have the strength to climb the mountain after they reached the halfway mark, most people would choose to return after staying for a period of time. Zhang Tingting clenched her teeth all the way as beads of sweat continuously fell from her forehead.    


However, the strong her still clenched her teeth. No matter how tired she was, she had to persevere and reach the peak of the mountain. This was because she had come here to make a wish. If she did not make a wish within the Lingshan Temple, it would become a great regret.    


Finally, under Zhang Tingting's perseverance, she climbed up the mountain, and then sat down beneath a big tree, gasping for breath, she breathed in the clear air of the mountain top.    


Wang Xiao, on the other hand, did not feel the least bit tired. After walking for so long, he had not expended much energy at all.    


"Aren't you tired? Why do you feel like you're fine at all?" Zhang Tingting asked curiously.    


"This small mountain road is nothing." Wang Xiao said casually.    


Compared to his previous experiences, this small journey was not worth mentioning. Back in the tropical rain forest, as well as in the mountains, they would often carry several dozen jin of weight. Furthermore, even if they ran all the way, they wouldn't be exhausted after a few hours.    


Seeing Zhang Tingting's tired expression, Wang Xiao took out a tissue to let her wipe the sweat on his forehead. Actually, he also admired Zhang Tingting for being able to hold out for so long.    


One had to know that many able-bodied men did not have the courage to climb to the top of the mountain after they had reached the halfway mark. However, it was rare for a weak girl like Zhang Tingting to have such courage.    


"Thank you." After receiving the tissue, Zhang Tingting wiped the sweat off her forehead.    


Standing at the peak of the mountain, the view was very wide, allowing him to see the city below. The city at the bottom of the mountain was densely packed with tall buildings. There was no end in sight. Furthermore, standing at the foot of the mountain, the gentle breeze gave one a refreshing and comfortable feeling.    


It was a pity that it was not early in the morning. If it was clear, one would definitely be able to see the sunrise. When the sun rose in the east, one would be able to see the brilliant morning glow and the blazing sun on the peak of the Qingfeng Mountain.    


It was a pity that there were no clouds at the moment. If there were, he would have been able to feel the clouds above his head. However, this place was not Mt. Tai and the mountain itself was not tall enough. Even in the aforementioned situations, one would still not be able to see the most beautiful landscape painting of nature.    


An ancient temple stood on top of a mountain. On top of the mountain, this ancient temple was the only building, so it was extremely eye-catching and also extremely spectacular. In front of the ancient temple, there were a few stone staircase. On both sides of the red gate, there were two statues of King Kong.    


From time to time, a few pilgrims would come in and out, and those who came in and out were all here for the incense. After Zhang Tingting stood up, she pulled Wang Xiao's hand and said joyously: "Wang Xiao, quickly follow me. Let's go to the Ancient Temple to take a look and make a wish."    


"Alright." Wang Xiao nodded.    


Seeing Zhang Tingting being so happy, he was also in a good mood. Since she had chosen to be good to her, he would make her happy. Wang Xiao didn't guarantee that she would bring her happiness every day, but as long as he had the time to go out with her, he would definitely let her have fun to her heart's content.    


This kind of peaceful and happy life could last for an unknown amount of time. Maybe after Yin Tianzheng comes out of seclusion, all the beautiful lives would disappear into thin air, and they would never be able to return. Not only that, but perhaps even the people closest to him would be in danger.    




He definitely could not let this happen. He had to stop this from happening. Wang Xiao clenched his fists tightly, his eyes revealed a vicious light. He swore to prevent all of this from happening, and to not let anyone around him be threatened in the slightest.    


Zhang Tingting was currently pulling Wang Xiao's hand, and was happily walking forward. After she felt that Wang Xiao was clenching his fists, when she turned around, she coincidentally saw the moment when Wang Xiao's eyes revealed a fierce light. Wang Xiao, what's wrong with you, who made you angry? " Zhang Tingting asked.    


"I'm fine." Wang Xiao shook his head.    


"Wang Xiao, is it because I've taken up your time that you're unhappy?" Zhang Tingting thought that maybe she had taken up some of Wang Xiao's time, so Wang Xiao was not too happy. If this was really the case, she would no longer take up Wang Xiao's time in the future.    


"How could you think like that? If I could go out and play with you, how would I be angry?" Wang Xiao said.    


Zhang Tingting asked: "Then why were you a little angry just now."    


Absolutely not. I was just making up my mind to make a lot of money in the future and let you live a happy life. I'll buy you a private plane and a villa. When I have time in the future, I'll take you around the world. " Wang Xiao said.    


Zhang Tingting laughed: "I don't need you to say all this, as long as I can be together with you, I'll be satisfied, I won't ask for too much."    


She was a very practical beauty, and her thoughts were simple.    


All the beautiful women these days, as long as they had outstanding looks, who wouldn't hope for their boyfriend to buy them all kinds of famous brands, even the more expensive the better? In order to satisfy their vanity, they didn't even care about their boyfriend's life. There was once a news report that a man had found a beautiful woman as his girlfriend. In the end, when that beauty shouted that she wanted the famous brand name, the man had no choice but to lend her some money, with all sorts of high interest rates, and so on. In the end, when the man was unable to take it anymore and was chased for money all day, the beauty chose to leave heartlessly.    


For example, Zhang Tingting was not that type of woman. When the two of them arrived at the bottom of the Lingshan Temple stone staircase, they saw a stone tablet beneath the stone staircase, and on the stone tablet, rows of complex characters were carved. The general content on the stone had a long history, it was established during the Tang Dynasty.    


It was said that during the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin was hunted down like a mountain. He escaped into a forest by himself, and because he had been running for days and nights, he fell asleep in the forest due to exhaustion. Even though there were pursuers everywhere, he couldn't care less. He just wanted to have a good rest and sleep.    


In his dreams, Li Shimin had a dream. He had a dream from the Buddha.    


In the dream, the Buddha told Li Shimin that he was surrounded by pursuers and that if he wanted to live, he had to continue moving forward. There was a large river dozens of miles ahead of him in the forest, and a monk on the river bank could survive as long as he reached the riverbank at sunrise.    


After Li Shimin woke up, he was still skeptical of this dream. However, regardless of whether he believed it or not, he had to continue moving forward, because he no longer had a way out. Thus, Li Shimin hurried on his journey, riding on the aid of the bright moon. As expected, at sunrise, he saw a river that seemed like it could swallow mountains and rivers, galloping and galloping like tens of thousands of horses.    


On the riverbank, he found a monk crossing the river on a bamboo raft.    


With the help of the monk, he successfully crossed the river and arrived at the other side just as he was about to stab into the water. However, because he did not have a boat, he had no other choice but to cross the river. Later on, after Li Shimin became the Yellow Emperor, he built a temple for that monk from back then, which was called Lingshan Temple.    


After he finished reading the words on the monument, Wang Xiao scoffed, he did not believe it at all. Maybe the local leaders wanted to gain a reputation as a Lingshan Temple expert, so they fabricated such a ridiculous story. They traced the history of this temple back to the Tang Dynasty and even had some connections with Li Shimin.    


This sort of mythical story wasn't enough to be believed. For example, the thirteen monks from the common people had protected the king in an army of thousands, and then they had rendered meritorious deeds for the king. This was simply nonsense. In such a large-scale war like the ancient one, what was the point of fighting 1300 monks?    


There were many unimaginable stories passed down in the ancient times. Most of them were fabricated by future generations out of thin air, and there was also the King of Tang who roamed the Underworld. This was simply nonsense. Of course, perhaps Thirteen Swords and that historical legend of crossing Li Shimin's river also had such a thing, but most of it was just a myth.    



The story that people were most familiar with was that Zhao Zilong went in and out of the army, saving Ah Dou from the millions of soldiers in Cao Cao. This kind of historical story was exaggerated by future generations in order to add a bit of mystery to it. He could take a step back and think about it. Perhaps there really was such a story, but it was definitely not so magical.    


At that time, Zhao Zilong probably disguised himself as a commoner and ran away with Ah Dou. Along the way, he killed thirty to fifty Cao soldiers, but the later generations exaggerated him. Otherwise, no one would be able to fight their way in and out of the million strong army, and even going back and forth seven times. Even if the soldiers were to lose water severely, even if the soldiers lost hundreds of battle generals, no one would be able to accomplish this.    


Wang Xiao and Zhang Tingting entered the Lingshan Temple, their hearts were sincere, and since they were already here, they might as well go in and make a wish, since it wouldn't cost them much anyway.    


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