The Ace Bodyguard

C187 Looking for Big Sis and Big Sis

C187 Looking for Big Sis and Big Sis

0"Shang Mu, what's going on, what's going on? Tell me, where is Female Boss now, and where is she now." While shaking the corpses of the opposing party, Wang Xiao asked incessantly. However, a dead man naturally could not speak to him.    


"Shang Mu, what exactly is going on? Where is the Female Boss and where is she? The current Wang Xiao could no longer remain calm, and had lost all reason. He cared too much about the life and death of Female Boss, and viewed him as the most important person in her life.    


Looking at the corpse in front of him, Wang Xiao's consciousness continued to replay the past. He still remembered a few years ago, when he was on a mission with Shang Mu and the others, he encountered an attack from a group of enemies. After that, under the cooperation of the few of them, the powerful enemies were all eliminated.    


After each mission, everyone went to eat, drink, and gamble. But unexpectedly, when he saw Shang Mu today, he had already turned into a corpse. Seeing that his good brother from before had died, and became an ice-cold corpse, Wang Xiao's heart felt like it was being stabbed by knives.    


After a brief moment of sadness, he finally faced reality.    


Since Shang Mu had chosen this path, since he had become a mercenary, living a life where one could lick the blade and lick the blood, then sooner or later, this would be the outcome. No, not only would Shang Mu have such an outcome, including himself, he would also have such an ending.    


"My good brother, rest in peace. Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you. I will definitely find Female Boss. No matter who kills the two of you, I will turn the other party into ashes. If I cannot avenge you, then I, Wang Xiao, will not live up to my name. " Wang Xiao swore.    


Using the dagger in his hand, he dug a pit in the soft soil, and Wang Xiao was buried. He did not set up the tablet for Shang Mu, nor did he leave behind any inscriptions. He also did not bring Shang Mu's body back to the Huaxia for burial.    


This was because as mercenaries, no matter where they died, they would be buried, just like the corpses on the ancient battlefield. Once they died, they would be wrapped up like horses, buried in the ground. Perhaps, after many of the mercenaries died, they didn't even have any friends to retrieve their corpses for, they could only leave the wild. Even after death, there would be no chance for the loess to bury itself.    


Wang Xiao also never thought that such a day would come where his good brother who was once an African mercenary, would actually die from Jin Country. What was even more unbelievable was that he himself buried his good brother. The affairs of the world were unpredictable. This saying made a lot of sense.    


The lonely grave, so lonely. "Even if later on, no one would know who was buried in this lonely grave." Shang Mu, I need to find the Female Boss. Rest in peace, I hope that you will not be a mercenary in your next life. "    


After saying that, Wang Xiao left with large strides.    


Now was not the time to be sad, so he had to continue, and had to find the Female Boss. These past few years, Wang Xiao had already gotten used to life and death. He remembered that when he first joined this organization, every time he saw those close to him die one by one, he would feel heartbroken for a long time.    


Later on, someone told him that there was nothing to be sad about. As time passed, he would get used to watching people die and lose all feeling. As mercenaries, their lives were already miserable, they might even die someday without knowing what happened. After that, as he experienced more and more massacres, as well as life and death situations, Wang Xiao finally started to have a heart of stone.    


Even if he saw his good friends fall, even if his good friends die, he would quickly stop feeling sad, continue fighting, and continue on his path forward. It was because he knew that it was very difficult for people to live, and they could not live forever in grief. Perhaps, at the next intersection, he would be the one to fall.    


Wang Xiao also believed that he had become stone-cold and that there would be no more sorrow in the future. Even now, he realized that he was still wrong. He would still feel sadness. Even after seeing his friends die, he would still feel extreme pain.    


As they advanced, they discovered a few corpses along the way.    


He recognized these dead people as well. They were the subordinates of the Female Boss's team and were her former brothers in life and death.    


Eight people, a total of eight people. These people died around two days ago. After calculating it with the time, Wang Xiao was sure that Female Boss must have been in a dangerous situation when she called the little brat, so she did not finish her words and suddenly disconnected.    


Female Boss!    


Female Boss!    


Wang Xiao muttered to himself as he constantly called out the Female Boss's name.    




After a crisp sound, he discovered that he stepped on something. Lowering his head, he saw a medallion on the ground. Wang Xiao anxiously picked it up, only to see that it was a black order badge, with a word 'Order' written on the front, and on the back, were a few lines of small words.    


This is the order badge of the Female Boss, the order badge of the Mercenary Organization. This medallion also represented the position of the Female Boss, symbolizing her authority. As long as anyone in that organization saw this badge, it would be as if they saw a Female Boss in person.    


However, how could such an important object be lost here?    


Could it be...    






Wang Xiao shook his head with all his might, his expression extremely ugly.    


He did not believe it, he did not believe it, he did not believe it, that the Female Boss was really dead, killed by someone. However, if the Female Boss had not died, why would such an important object have been lost here? With his lost brothers and the lost command medallion, Wang Xiao had no choice but to believe in a fact.    


Maybe the Female Boss was really unlucky, and really disappeared from this world forever.    


"Female Boss!"    


Wang Xiao shouted loudly, although he knew that it was very dangerous to do so, if the enemy was nearby, his whereabouts would definitely be exposed, and this would mean death for him. However, Wang Xiao did not care about all these anymore. He did not care about the danger, as long as he could see the Female Boss, no matter how dangerous it was.    


"Female Boss." Wang Xiao called out again.    


It was Wang Xiao's voice, the voice of the Female Boss that called out to him. His voice was so sad, so powerless, so lonely and helpless. As he thought about his past life with the Female Boss and how the Female Boss had saved his life time and time again, Wang Xiao's tears actually fell one by one.    


Clutching the Female Boss's order badge tightly, Wang Xiao actually cried, he was really crying. No one could understand the respect Wang Xiao had for the Female Boss. No one could feel that Wang Xiao treated the Female Boss like his own sister.    


From the Middle East to Africa, and to many other places on the world, Wang Xiao had always followed Female Boss, risking his life and going all out with him. The two of them relied on each other.    


Although the Master Gu Yue had once taught Wang Xiao the Nine-dragon Qigong, his master had disappeared without a trace after he passed the Nine-dragon Qigong down to Wang Xiao. Therefore, in the entire world, no one could surpass the position that the Female Boss held in Wang Xiao's heart, and no one could cause Wang Xiao to be so concerned about him.    


Wang Xiao called out to the Female Boss as she walked forward. If he had been calm and rational, she would not have done this. Perhaps the current him was not irrational. It was just because she cared too much about a person, putting the life and death of the other person more important than her own, that he ignored her own life.    


In the St Helens Volcano, Wang Xiao continuously travelled through the forest, surpassing the mountains. The current him, his entire mind was on the safety of Female Boss, he had already forgotten about the Fire-god Herb, as well as the two experts in White Tiger Sect. He had even forgotten about Yin Tianzheng.    


At the same time!    


Inside the Huaxia, at an airport, Yang Lei and a group of people were heading towards the airport quickly. On the way to the airport, Yang Lei held her phone tightly. She was anxious and her expression looked haggard, because she was still unable to contact Wang Xiao, who was still in the midst of shutting down his phone.    


"Wang Xiao, where are you, and why can't I get a hold of you? What's wrong with you, are you really angry, or are you really ignoring me?"    


At this time, not only was Yang Lei anxious, she was also feeling guilty about what she had done to Wang Xiao before.    


If the heavens were to give her a chance, then she would be good to Wang Xiao, be good to him with her heart and soul. She had already thought it through. As long as Wang Xiao could appear at this moment, and find Wang Xiao, she would accept all of Wang Xiao's bad behavior. Even if Wang Xiao was still unable to change his impulsive personality and unambitious personality, she could still accept it.    


Only after losing them would they know how precious they were, and this was what Yang Lei did.    


However, could he still restore the feelings he had after losing her? Even if it could be redeemed, the scars and shadows left behind would never be erased. Before boarding the plane, Yang Lei continued to call Wang Xiao's phone. She was going to go to the Jin Country, so before boarding the plane, she really wanted to give Wang Xiao a call.    


His phone was turned off!    


His phone was turned off!    


It was still turned off.    



Yang Lei was frantic, why did Wang Xiao keep her phone turned off, could it be that something happened to him? No, it shouldn't be possible, absolutely impossible. Because with Wang Xiao's strength, how could something like this happen?    


"Director Yang, the plane is about to take off. Hurry and board the plane." Sun Yang came to Director Yang's side and said.    


"I know." Yang Lei said in a low voice.    


Seeing that Yang Lei was not in a good mood, Sun Yang was curious, what was wrong with Yang Lei, why was her heart so heavy, and why was she unhappy. Especially in the recent few days, Yang Lei had always been like this.    


In the past few days, she found that Yang Lei kept holding her phone, as if she was continuously dialing a number, but that number never seemed to have been dialed. Although she was very curious, Sun Yang did not inquire.    


After all, she was only one of Yang Lei's employees, it was inconvenient for her to ask about Yang Lei's private life.    


At this time, it was already night. As there was a huge time difference between the two countries, it was already dark. In an open area within the St Helens Volcano, Wang Xiao had already raised a firewood.    


Although it would expose his target, Wang Xiao did not care. Instead, he hoped that his whereabouts would be exposed, and the people who dealt with the Female Boss would appear. After searching for an entire day, Wang Xiao was already dispirited.    


He had a feeling that something must have happened to Female Boss.    


If he was dead, he wanted to see his corpse.    


Even if Female Boss was really dead, he had to find her corpse. However, even after searching through the St Helens Volcano for an entire day, she still could not find Female Boss's corpse.    


Wang Xiao thought carefully and calmly about who exactly had assassinated Female Boss and the others. In that moment, countless organizations appeared in his mind, all of them from the hostile forces that he had encountered in Africa.    


However, all these powers were denied by Wang Xiao. After all, dealing with Female Boss and the others was not something that an ordinary organization could do, and it would even pay a huge price. Without sufficient benefits, no one would take the risk.    


It was as if the world had entered the black abyss era at this moment, as if at this moment, there would never be any light.    


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