The Ace Bodyguard

C290 Wang Tian's Courage

C290 Wang Tian's Courage

0"Big brother, no matter how powerful that person is, no matter who he is, I will definitely not leave." Wang Tian shook his head with a serious expression, indicating that he would never leave. If he was allowed to, unless he was dead, he would never leave the Divine Monarch Sect.    


"Wang Tian, are you not going to listen to my orders?" Wang Xiao bellowed.    


I …    


Wang Tian lowered his head, his mind was in chaos, he should have listened to Wang Xiao's orders, no matter what orders they were, as long as it was an order from Wang Xiao, he had to obey. However, he was truly unable to obey this order, unable to listen to Wang Xiao's orders.    


Zhang Baiwan took this chance to speak: "Little brother Wang Tian, since Brother Xiao has already let us leave, why aren't you following the arrangements? Aren't you looking for trouble for Brother Xiao? Even he is not Yin Tianzheng's match, let alone us. "    


When Zhang Baiwan said these words to him, Zhang Baiwan felt that he was really stupid. Even though he knew that staying behind meant death, Wang Xiao still refused to leave. He had never seen such a foolish beggar before. After all, he had been a beggar his entire life. He didn't even know what kind of school it was, or what kind of police it was, so he could only hope to know how smart he was.    


If the situation was not pressing, Wang Xiao would not let Wang Tian and the other two leave, but at the moment, he really could not care about all of this. Letting them leave, might be the best choice, if he let them stay, it would just be suicide, and it would only harm the three of them.    


"No, I'm not leaving," Wang Tian said as he shook his head.    


Zhang Baiwan said anxiously: "Wang Tian, if you really want to help Brother Xiao, then listen to his arrangements. Rather than you staying, why not leave, because staying would only distract him." The reason he was so anxious was not because Zhang Baiwan was worried about Wang Tian's life.    


If Wang Tian did not leave, then he would be embarrassed to leave. After all, he was Wang Xiao's brother-in-law. Under these circumstances, if he actually wanted to escape, it would be very embarrassing if word of this got out.    


"I'm not leaving anyway." Wang Xiao continued to shake his head.    


Zhang Baiwan was so angry that he wanted to punch Wang Tian. Your sister, you actually do not understand what other people are saying, but he held back his impulse and patiently said: "If you stay, if you die with everyone, then no one will avenge Brother Xiao in the future. As long as you are alive, there will be a chance for you to take revenge in the future."    


White Hair said: "Boss, I also think we cannot leave. If we leave now, wouldn't that be very disloyal?"    


"Your sister, step aside." Zhang Baiwan angrily pushed White Hair to the side, and even wanted to add to his anger by kicking him, the best would be to kill him with a kick. F * ck, what did he know, does he think that just looking stupid could solve all the problems?    


After being scolded by Zhang Baiwan, and after glaring at him for a moment, White Hair did not dare to say a word.    


Seeing how cowardly Zhang Baiwan looked, Wang Xiao was truly disappointed. Why didn't he have the courage that Wang Tian had. Wang Xiao's demands were not high, as long as Zhang Baiwan had a bit of courage, but he was actually so afraid of death, without any courage at all.    


"Wang Tian, Zhang Baiwan's words are reasonable. The reason I let you leave is also because I have some arrangements. If we really die, you must definitely avenge us in the future. " Wang Xiao advised.    


Di Loong also patted Wang Tian's shoulder. "As a man, there's no need to be so obedient. Let's hurry up and go, we have to obey orders."    


Wang Tian finally raised his head and looked at Wang Xiao with those sad eyes, revealing a reluctant expression.    


Wang Xiao smiled slightly towards Wang Tian, signalling him not to feel too much pressure, and to leave in peace.    




Wang Tian dropped to his knees and kowtowed to me.    


Wang Xiao supported him and asked: "Why are you doing this?"    


"Big brother, don't worry. I won't make things difficult for you and I won't make you angry. I'll leave now." I promise you, if you are truly killed by that person, I will definitely avenge all of you. As long as I still have a breath of life, I will definitely not forget to take revenge. " Wang Tian swore.    


"Good job, Wang Tian." Wang Xiao nodded.    


Zhang Baiwan said embarrassedly: "Brother Xiao, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you. Although I don't have the power to do anything for you right now, in the future, when I become stronger, I will definitely avenge you and kill Yin Tianzheng."    


"Thank you very much." Wang Xiao expressed his gratitude.    


He was very clear of Zhang Baiwan's character, and Wang Xiao was also very sure that if he really killed himself and the others, Zhang Baiwan would completely forget about all these grudges within a few months.    


But it didn't matter, because Wang Xiao didn't hold much hope for Zhang Baiwan either.    


For someone like him, who was stuck in a wall made out of mud, Wang Xiao would never have any hope for him. The more hope he had, the more disappointed he would be. Fortunately, Zhang Baiwan didn't know what he was thinking. If he knew that Wang Xiao thought of him as a person that couldn't be helped, he would definitely have an opinion.    


"Zhang Baiwan, listen carefully, immediately bring Wang Tian and the other two away from this place. Find a remote place and after you settle down, you must contact Di Loong, or me." Wang Xiao said to the Green Hair.    


"Don't worry, I will guarantee that I will complete the mission. It's just that, it's just that …"    


Zhang Baiwan wanted to say something, but he hesitated. It was as if he wanted to say something, but was unable to.    


"Whatever you want to say, just say it." Wang Xiao said.    


"However, after we left, the expenditure on the three of them was enormous. However, we do not have much money right now, so I want to ask if you can give us some money."    


Originally, the reason why Zhang Baiwan was hesitating to say something earlier was because he wanted money. At this time, he was still thinking of asking Wang Xiao for money.    


"Boss, it's not right for us to do so. After all, the Brother Xiao is currently in a difficult situation, not only can we not help the Brother Xiao, we even have to ask the Brother Xiao for money. This is too unethical." White Hair said at this time.    


White Hair deeply disdained Zhang Baiwan's actions. How could he know such a boss, how could he have such a boss.    


Get out of my way. Money isn't omnipotent, but it's impossible without money. If we don't have money, it'll be hard for the three of us to walk even an inch. What do we eat, what do we use, what do we wear … and it's not like we're going to starve to death. Zhang Baiwan said loudly.    


White Hair did not speak, but he was deeply disappointed with Zhang Baiwan's actions.    


"Don't worry, I will get Di Loong to transfer some money to you." Wang Xiao said.    


"Really." Zhang Baiwan asked excitedly.    


"Absolutely, of course." Wang Xiao nodded.    


"Great, Brother Xiao. My good Brother Xiao, I knew that you would not ignore us, and I ask you to pay a little more. You also know that the current water and electricity charges, the room rental fees, and the price have all increased. If you don't give me enough money, I'm afraid it won't be enough for the three of us. "    


The more Zhang Baiwan talked, the happier he became and the more excited he got. He simply did not consider the difficult danger Wang Xiao was currently facing.    


If it wasn't for Zhang Tingting, Wang Xiao would definitely give him a slap on the face. Damn it, you actually asked me for money.    


"Don't worry, I will give you a sum of money, enough for you to spend for a few years."    


Hearing that Wang Xiao has promised to give the three of them a sum of money, which would be enough for the three of them to spend for a few years, Zhang Baiwan was very excited and happy. He had never seen so much money. What should he do after obtaining so much money?    


After seeing Zhang Baiwan's excited and happy expression, Wang Xiao knew what he was thinking about at the moment.    


"But you better remember this well. First, do not use this money on your own, and secondly, do not bully Wang Tian. Third, you must take responsibility for the two of them."    


Wang Xiao looked at Zhang Baiwan with his bright eyes. He was a little worried that Zhang Baiwan would disappear after taking the money, not caring about Wang Tian and White Hair. After all, he had been friends with the White Hair for many years, but he would definitely not care about Wang Tian.    



Wang Xiao had originally planned to give this money to Wang Tian, but he had no idea about the social situation. He had never even heard of bank ATM, and even if he had, he didn't know how to use it.    


If he gave the one million in his card to Wang Tian, then Wang Tian would take the card and would have no idea how to use it. Under that helplessness, Wang Xiao could only give the money to Zhang Baiwan.    


"Brother Xiao, don't worry, I am definitely not that kind of person. Although I, Zhang Baiwan am usually a bit of a scoundrel, I still know right from wrong. I would not do something that is worse than an animal."    


Zhang Baiwan slapped his chest hard. He promised Wang Xiao that he wouldn't disappear after getting the money, no matter whether Wang Tian lived or died.    


"Okay, I believe you, but please remember, if you are truly like this, there will be people chasing after you." Wang Xiao warned.    


Hearing Wang Xiao's warning, Zhang Baiwan was shocked, he never thought that Wang Xiao would actually say such words to him, and when he said those words, Wang Xiao's eyes revealed killing intent. He's Wang Xiao's big brother-in-law, right? Even if it's for his little sister Zhang Tingting's sake, Wang Xiao shouldn't be so vicious right?    


Cold sweat actually emerged on Zhang Baiwan's forehead. The little plan that he had in his heart earlier, disappeared without a trace at this moment. " Brother Xiao, I will keep my word and I won't lie to you. If I do, I will die a horrible death. "    


"You may leave." Wang Xiao waved his hand.    


He wasn't in the mood to arrange residences for the three of them. Furthermore, Zhang Baiwan was even more familiar with Huahai City than him, so Wang Xiao was absolutely at ease with this.    


"Brother Xiao, take care."    


"Big brother, take care."    


Wang Tian reluctantly followed Zhang Baiwan as he left, but Zhang Baiwan was eager to leave this place, and had long wanted to leave as soon as possible. He did not have the courage like Wang Tian, who was not afraid of death, because his personality was that kind of person who only cared about small gains.    


Looking at the three's departing backs, Wang Xiao said: "I hope that they are alright."    


"Brother Xiao, don't worry. Yin Tianzheng will not deal with the three of them." Di Loong said.    


"Maybe." Wang Xiao nodded.    


With Yin Tianzheng's prideful and proud personality, he naturally would not deal with the three of them. Instead, he would deal with himself and Di Loong. As long as he and Di Loong died, it was possible that Yin Tianzheng would not deal with the other members of Divine Monarch Sect. After all, he did not want to waste time.    


A sect was different from a clan. Once a deep hatred was formed between two powers, the clan would exterminate all of them. This was because the clan was related by blood, and the entire clan was a descendant of an old ancestor. As long as there was a fish that escaped the net, they would surely think of revenge.    


For example, when Wang Xiao and him were still alive, the members were all brothers, and were close to each other. But once he and Di Loong died, those people might feel sad and uncomfortable for a while, but in a few months, they would forget about the hatred between them.    


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