The Ace Bodyguard

C114 Plan to Lure Snakes out of Their Holes

C114 Plan to Lure Snakes out of Their Holes

0Those people who were stronger than him and who were stronger than him were all cultivating diligently, making Wang Xiao feel that he was not qualified to be lazy. That's right, he really didn't have it. Even those stronger people had to work hard, so what right did he have to not work hard?    


The strong flow of air in his body continued to surge and spin within Wang Xiao's veins. Streams of air flowed around Wang Xiao's body like countless densely packed snakes, and he felt refreshed and refreshed from the feeling of bathing in spring wind.    


Not only can cultivation help one's strength rise, it can also help one's mind to be clearer and more spirited.    


Early morning on the second day, Wang Xiao was woken up by the sound of a phone ringing. It was not even 7 o'clock when Xiao Ziye called. Wang Xiao was a little angry, Xiao Ziye was serious, he was still not letting him rest, it was not yet 7 o'clock yet, and he was awoken by it. Last night, he had cultivated to the depths of the night, so he wanted to rest more in the morning.    


"Sleep is very important. If you don't sleep well for a long time, not only will you look haggard, but your memory will also decline and your intelligence will deteriorate." "Hey, why are you calling me so early?" Wang Xiao answered the phone, and said impatiently.    


"Wang Xiao, you're actually still sleeping." Xiao Ziye roared.    


"What else can I do if I don't sleep?" Wang Xiao said impatiently.    


"Wang Xiao, didn't you tell me to wait for you at the destination yesterday? Where are you right now?" Xiao Ziye asked.    


He never thought that Xiao Ziye would actually be here so early. If everyone was as positive and responsible as Xiao Ziye, then the world would truly be at peace and there would be nowhere for those outlaws to hide.    


"Didn't I tell you eight o'clock? There's still more than an hour left." Wang Xiao said.    


"Wang Xiao, come over immediately. I froze to death so early in the morning." Xiao Ziye said somewhat pitifully.    


"Keep boasting. Bye bye. See you in an hour." Wang Xiao did not want to go earlier because it was not necessary.    


It's not like I'm going to see a beauty, is there a need to go ahead of time? According to their original plans, they would only start moving officially at 8 AM in the morning. Therefore, even if they went there an hour earlier, it would only delay them a little, so they could only foolishly wait there. After hanging up, Wang Xiao went back to sleep.    


He could still rest for half an hour. He didn't have enough sleep, so he couldn't do anything. Therefore, he needed to have sufficient sleep before he could move. This was also the reason why many killers, the night before the operation, not only didn't get close to a woman, but also had to eat, drink, and sleep well. Due to lack of sleep, his mental state would be very weak the next day. If they were close to a woman before the start of the operation, it would consume their physical strength and affect their performance.    


Half an hour later, Di Loong knocked on the door.    


"Brother Xiao, quickly get up and wash up. Eat some breakfast, then start to move." Di Loong called out from outside.    


After getting up, Wang Xiao washed up simply. Someone had already prepared breakfast. Lee Kai and Liu Daquan had also recovered, because yesterday, after Wang Xiao and Di Loong brought back the real medicinal ingredients, they had people take the medicine, so the two of them recovered very quickly. In addition, the two of them were martial artists. Their bodies were strong, and their resistance and recovery abilities were stronger than ordinary people.    


After eating his fill, Wang Xiao started to move, he and Di Loong started to move again. And at this time, there were many people training in the courtyard. Every morning, the members of Divine Monarch Sect would cultivate diligently, but two of them were missing this morning. These two people were Lee Kai and Liu Daquan.    


The reason why the two of them did not cultivate was because Di Loong had sent them out. Because they were worried about the retaliation of the White Tiger Sect, and had to watch every single movement of the White Tiger Sect, after Wang Xiao and Di Loong discussed with each other, they decided to let Lee Kai and Liu Daquan take responsibility of this matter.    


Not only were the two extremely loyal, they were also very clever. More importantly, Wang Xiao and Di Loong were very concerned about the two of them.    


Hello, Sect Leader!    


Good day, Deputy Sect Leader!    


Seeing that Wang Xiao and Yue Yang had appeared, all the experts of the Divine Monarch Sect bowed respectfully, as they all stood up straight, as if becoming a member of the Divine Monarch Sect was their utmost honor.    


"Continue to cultivate. Everyone must work hard and persevere in order to become a master of the Postliminary Realm as soon as possible." Wang Xiao smiled slightly.    


After encouraging them with a few words, Wang Xiao and Di Loong got on the carriage.    


It was just that before he got on the carriage, he had called Yang Lei. On the surface, it was a greeting, but in reality, Wang Xiao wanted to see if Yang Lei was safe. He could not possibly ask Yang Lei directly on the phone, "Are you still alive? If Wang Xiao really asked such a question, with Yang Lei's personality, she would definitely go crazy.    


After confirming Yang Lei's safety, Wang Xiao concentrated on dealing with the two fugitives from Ghost Valley, and completed the mission given by the Elder Zhu. It was unknown whether Xiao Ziye was angry or not. With her vicious personality, he should be gnashing her teeth and clenching his fists.    


Xiao Ziye had definitely never waited for anyone, but today, she actually made her wait for more than an hour. Huahai City's current climate was a little cold in the morning but a little hot in the afternoon. When the two of them reached the intersection of the small district, they did not see Xiao Ziye at all.    


What's going on, why is Xiao Ziye not here, could it be that she left due to anger?    


Impossible, absolutely impossible.    


Wang Xiao knew very well that Xiao Ziye was very concerned about this matter, so she would definitely not leave due to anger.    


"Brother Xiao, why isn't Xiao Ziye here?" Di Loong asked.    


Previously, Wang Xiao had told him that he had been waiting over an hour in advance.    


"I don't know." Wang Xiao shook his head.    


"Brother Xiao, actually, there is no need to have Xiao Ziye come together. Not only are they obstructing our way, she can't help either." Di Loong didn't really understand what Wang Xiao was trying to do, to actually involve Xiao Ziye in this matter.    


Wang Xiao said: "Xiao Ziye came to find me a few times in the past, but I never agreed to it. Since you've promised Elder Zhu, why not do me a favor. "    


Wang Xiao just wanted Xiao Ziye to owe him a favor. If he met with trouble in the future, he could ask Xiao Ziye to help him. Although this Beautiful Policewoman looked to be unruly and tyrannical, Wang Xiao was more clear that he placed a high importance on a person like Xiao Ziye.    


When she was in a difficult situation, as long as he helped her, she would be grateful in the future.    


"Brother Xiao, let's go see Sima Gao." Di Loong did not want to waste time, so it was fine if Xiao Ziye was not there, but it did not matter if she was. Furthermore, in this mission, they had never thought of letting Xiao Ziye join them.    


"Fine." Wang Xiao nodded.    


Suddenly, Wang Xiao saw Xiao Ziye. She was standing next to a bun stall and was actually gulping down the bun. She was currently dressed in plain clothes. With her long black hair fluttering in the wind, she was simply indescribably beautiful. Seeing Xiao Ziye wolfing down her food as if she had never eaten anything before, Wang Xiao wanted to laugh.    


An upright and upright captain of the Criminal Police team, and her dad was the number one leader of Pinghai Province, would actually stand in front of a bun stall and eat bun in big mouthfuls, as if she hadn't eaten for days and nights. Most probably, in all the rich families, only Xiao Ziye would act like this.    


As for her wealthy family members, they all had bird nests or ginseng soup for breakfast.    


Di Loong also noticed Xiao Ziye, so he said to Wang Xiao: "Brother Xiao, so Xiao Ziye is actually over there, do you want to go over to take a look?"    


"Forget it, let's go see Sima Gao and the other two first, then see her again." Wang Xiao decided.    


"That's good too." Di Loong nodded.    


At the same time, in a dilapidated, pitch-black room, Sima Gao and the other two were anxious. Time was almost up, but Wang Xiao and Di Loong had not arrived yet. They had had enough of living such a life of fear and trepidation. They never wanted to live it again.    


"Boss, will Sect Leader Wang and the rest come?" a man asked.    


Sima Gao replied: "I'm not sure, maybe."    


"Boss, what if Sect Leader Wang and the rest don't come, what about the three of us?" the other man asked.    


"Don't worry, I believe in Sect Leader Wang. Since he promised me, he will definitely come." Sima Gao said anxiously.    



In fact, he was also very worried, worried that Wang Xiao and Di Loong would not dare to offend Expert of Ghost Valley and change their mind. Then, it was unknown how long the three of them would continue to live in such a manner. This sort of life was better than death. They had truly had enough. Even if it was a day, they did not want to stay here.    


Just when the three were worried that Wang Xiao and Di Loong might not come, there was a light knock on the door.    


The three of them were shocked and tensed up. "Right now, they are like frightened birds. Any movement they make will cause them to be suspicious." "Who?" Sima Gao asked.    




A familiar voice sounded from outside the door.    


The three of them were overjoyed, because they were very familiar with this voice. When they heard the voice, the three of them knew that Wang Xiao and Di Loong had arrived. Their savior had come, the only person who could save them from the sea of flames.    


"Brothers, so it's Sect Leader Wang and Di Loong. Let's open the door quickly." Sima Gao said excitedly.    


"Yes, yes, yes, open the door." The remaining two people were excited as well.    


As expected, after the three of them opened the door, they saw Wang Xiao and Di Loong standing outside.    


"Sect Leader Wang, Deputy Sect Leader Di Loong, you finally came, quickly come in." The excited expressions of the three of them were as though they had seen their ancestor. No, even if they had seen their ancestor, the three of them would not be this excited and happy.    


Wang Xiao swept a glance over the three of them, and discovered that they had unkempt hair and unkempt faces, and their entire faces were filled with filth. Looking at their expressions, Wang Xiao knew that these three birdmen must not have slept last night, so their spirits were very low.    


"Sect Leader Wang, the three of us haven't slept tonight, so our spirits aren't very good. But don't worry, we definitely won't disturb that incident." Sima Gao promised.    


"Hm, it's good that it won't affect me." Wang Xiao nodded.    


They wouldn't dare to interfere with this mission, unless the three of them didn't want to live anymore.    


"Brother Xiao, time is up. Let's begin with the plan." Di Loong reminded.    


"Alright." Wang Xiao nodded, he then looked at the three of them, as though telling them to prepare for action.    


Sima Gao spoke up at this time: "Sect Leader Wang, there is something I want to ask you again. Can you really protect the three of us?"    


Wang Xiao frowned. Didn't the other party ask him about this yesterday? Why did he ask again today?    


Seeing Wang Xiao's unhappy expression, Sima Gao said anxiously: "Sect Leader Wang, please do not mind, it's not that we do not trust you, nor is it that we suspect your ability. However, this matter is related to the life and death of the three of us, so we must be careful. "    


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