The Ace Bodyguard

C221 Island

C221 Island

0In the third wave, Wang Xiao and Yang Lei rose and fell on the surface of the sea, moving with the waves. After an unknown amount of time, the waves finally disappeared, and the sky returned to a state of ten thousand miles clear behind them. The weather at sea was cloudy and uncertain. When the wind blew, it came and went quickly.    


It was a good thing that Wang Xiao was an expert in Innate Stage, he could hold his breath in water for a long period of time, and could also provide him with oxygen for a short period of time underwater. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to survive until now.    


Having followed the waves for so long, the two of them had no idea how much distance they had been pushed out by the waves. Once everything returned to normal, Wang Xiao carried Yang Lei on his back and continued to swim forward.    


He didn't know how long it would take to find the island, but there weren't even any small boats made from parachutes left. If he only relied on swimming, he definitely wouldn't be able to hold on for long, because even experts of the Innate Stage have limited stamina.    


"Wang Xiao, you should just abandon me." After thinking about it, Yang Lei made a firm decision.    


Wang Xiao did not say a word, and continued to advance.    


"Wang Xiao, I have already thought about it. If you continue swimming while carrying me, you will definitely not be able to last long. Yang Lei said.    


Wang Xiao still did not speak, because he did not want to speak.    


Talking also consumed a lot of energy, so he had to maintain his physical strength at this moment.    


"Wang Xiao, speak up, I really don't want to implicate you." Yang Lei did not want to implicate Wang Xiao. If Wang Xiao really abandoned her, she would not blame Wang Xiao.    


"Shut up, don't talk." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


Seeing that Wang Xiao was unwilling to abandon him, and looking serious, Yang Lei did not say a word. However, she was truly touched. Wang Xiao had never been willing to give up on his, and this showed just how loyal he was to his.    


After two to three hours, Wang Xiao felt very tired and had to think of a way. If he kept swimming and didn't find the island, he would definitely die from exhaustion on the surface of the Pacific Ocean.    


Suddenly, Wang Xiao thought of a way. He could use his clothes and pants to make a simple life buoy.    


"Yang Lei, take a deep breath. I'll put you down for now. Wang Xiao said.    




Yang Lei thought that Wang Xiao must be tired, so he wanted to rest. After all, Wang Xiao was also made of flesh and blood, so it would be tiring. Thus, she took a deep breath and held it in.    


After Wang Xiao put Yang Lei down, he quickly took off his pants, then tore off his clothes and tore off his clothes. Then, he tied up his legs tightly, and started to make a water horse, similar to a life buoy. He then pressed his body against the crotch of his pants, which rose out of the water like two pillars.    


This kind of simple method was something that Wang Xiao learned when he was young. He remembered that when he was eight or nine years old, he went swimming in the pond with many of his friends. There was no such thing as a life buoy. As a result, some children throw their tires into the water as a life buoy. Some children found ropes and tied the legs of their pants.    


Who would have thought that things they used to play around with would come in handy now? After finishing all this, Wang Xiao pulled Yang Lei to the surface of the water and carried him on her back.    


Yang Lei took a few deep breaths. If Wang Xiao still did not pull her up, she would definitely drown to death. Yang Lei realised that Wang Xiao was not wearing pants, only a pair of underpants, and she was actually lying on Wang Xiao's back. Yang Lei felt awkward, as her skin was sticking closely to Wang Xiao, how could she not feel awkward?    


However, Yang Lei had never thought of this method. With this simple water horse, the pressure on Wang Xiao decreased by a lot. Although this thing could not withstand the gravity force of two people, the effect was very obvious.    


Bitter and bitter seawater poured into their mouths from time to time. Wang Xiao looked in front of him and tried his best to calm himself down so that he wouldn't get too anxious. There was no use being anxious on this boundless sea. If he wanted to instantly find the island or land, maybe a day, maybe a week, maybe...    


Helplessly shaking his head, Wang Xiao was unwilling to think further. As long as he did his best to escape, even if he died in the sea, it could only be called fate.    


Yang Lei hugged Wang Xiao, and looked at Wang Xiao who was swimming forward, and really wanted to kiss him lightly. She was truly touched and grateful to Wang Xiao for everything he had done for her.    


Wang Xiao rested for a few times and stopped for a few minutes each time before continuing on. They had to find the island before nightfall, because the night water was freezing cold. If they didn't find the island at night, they would definitely freeze to death in the sea. Even though it was noon and there was a scorching sun in the sky, the sea water was still somewhat cold.    


He knew very well that if she did not find the island before nightfall, Yang Lei would not be able to pass the night. If not for her desire to live, Wang Xiao would have been unable to persevere any longer.    


"Wang Xiao, look."    


Suddenly, Yang Lei pointed ahead in surprise and joy.    


Looking in the direction that Yang Lei pointed, there was a green dot on the surface of the sea in front of him. It was just that the green dot was very small, only about the size of a ping pong ball.    


The island!    


It must be the island.    


When he found the green dot, Wang Xiao was sure that it was an island. However, because the distance was too far, it was only the size of a ping pong ball. If it weren't for the fact that the sea was vast and the sea flat, the two of them definitely wouldn't have been able to see the island from such a long distance away.    


"Wang Xiao, is that an island?" Yang Lei asked.    


"Probably." Wang Xiao nodded.    


"Great! This is great! We finally see the island!" Yang Lei was wild with joy.    


Wang Xiao was also excited, as if he was on stimulants. He activated the Nine-dragon Qigong's Genuine Qi, and gathered the Genuine Qi in his hands together. His hands moved like they were paddling, and Wang Xiao's speed was extremely fast, like a small boat on the ocean, he quickly rushed forward. He wanted to get closer to the green dot and make sure it wasn't an island.    


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!    


At the same time he was overjoyed and excited in his heart, he was also very worried and scared, because Wang Xiao was worried that it was not an island. If it wasn't for the island, would he still have the desire to survive after losing his hope? Would he have given up the impulse to escape due to despair? It was just like last night, when the rescue plane appeared and disappeared, the two lost all confidence in anything.    


Yang Lei also clenched her fists tightly, as she looked forward with worry. Just like Wang Xiao, she was also worried that the green dot in front of her was not an island, and that she would be disappointed this time.    


Yang Lei prayed silently that the green dot was a pirate and that the two of them would not be disappointed. She hoped that their lives would not end there and then, and that they would be able to escape this calamity.    


Then, he opened his eyes and said to Wang Xiao: "Wang Xiao, I made a wish to the heavens that if we are on this island, if the two of us survive this crisis, when we return, I will definitely marry you. Not only that, I will save a lot of money, not wasting a drop of pure water, not wasting a single grain of rice, and I will do my best to create charity.    


Wang Xiao didn't want to say anything. It was naturally good for Yang Lei to do good deeds, but whether or not she married him, didn't matter anymore. The life and death of the Female Boss was unknown, causing Wang Xiao to be in no mood to talk about love between a man and a woman. If he did not take revenge for the Female Boss, he would never marry and have children in this lifetime. As he continued moving forward, the green dot in front of him, which was only the size of a ping pong ball, gradually grew larger.    


The green dot was the size of a basketball and then the size of a boat. The object in front was motionless, quietly erected on the surface of the sea, as though it was waiting for Wang Xiao and Yang Lei to get closer.    


Two hours later, the object finally appeared clearly in front of them.    


The island!    


It really was an island!    


Wang Xiao could already see the rocks and trees on the island. From afar, the island looked like a giant monster in the Pacific Ocean.    


Hu hu hu hu!    


Wang Xiao stayed where he was and relied on the water horse to support most of the two people's weight. He took the chance to rest and gasped for air. In fact, if a person was in the water, they would lose a lot of weight. Due to the buoyancy of the water, even a minor could lift a 200 jin fatty out of the water. The two of them had added water horses and Wang Xiao's skill, so he could rest for a bit.    


Yang Lei was ecstatic, the excited and happy expression on her face was as though she had escaped death. No, it wasn't like escaping from death. The two of them had escaped from death anyway.    



After resting for a few minutes, Wang Xiao continued to move forward. He frantically activated the Genuine Qi, and without holding anything back, he unleashed all of it. Since he had seen the island and had seen hope, there was no need for him to maintain his physical strength.    


Finally, when he was about five kilometers away from the island, Wang Xiao saw the entire island. The island was very big, it was about a few kilometers in area and there were lush forests on the island. As long as there were lush forests, there would definitely be fresh water on the island. The island was surrounded by seawater, so even if there was spring water, it would certainly contain some salt. However, it was still better than seawater.    


Wang Xiao's speed was extremely fast, almost like how a bicycle would move on dry land. For an expert of Innate Stage, once they used Genuine Qi to swim in the water, their speed would indeed be very fast.    


However, for experts of the Acquired Stage, the advantage of swimming in the sea was not that obvious, because experts of the Acquired Stage were still unable to leave the body of Genuine Qi and could even transform into a human.    


Yang Lei was also very surprised, how could Wang Xiao's speed be so fast? With Wang Xiao's current speed, if he went to the international swimming competition, he would definitely be first, without a doubt, to win the championship.    


With regards to Wang Xiao, Yang Lei felt that he could not understand him at all, as if Wang Xiao was hiding many secrets. When there's a chance in the future, I must ask Wang Xiao about it and get to know him well.    


As he got closer and closer to the island, Wang Xiao could see that the water surface of the island was different in size and shape. After swimming for a few more minutes, Wang Xiao tried to stand in the water. The water just happened to be below his chin, but because of the slight waves on the sea surface, it was inconvenient for him to walk. Two minutes later, the water was only as deep as his shoulder.    


He put Yang Lei down and then said: "Yang Lei, let's walk."    


"Mm, alright." Yang Lei nodded.    


held Wang Xiao's hand tightly, as if they were going to grow old together. From now on, they would be inseparable, and they would love each other. She took a close look at Wang Xiao, and realised that the current Wang Xiao was very handsome, and also very noble. She hadn't seen him before, but it wasn't too late either.    


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