The Ace Bodyguard

C345 Changes of Yang Wave

C345 Changes of Yang Wave

0Yang Bo said, "Little Wang, it's not that I don't want to tell you about that matter, but I swore that from now on, I would never bring up that matter again, so please forgive me."    


Wang Xiao was a little disappointed, he did not expect Yang Bo to still be unwilling to say it. Even if it was related to Yang Lei's life and death, he didn't want to bring up that matter. It seemed like this matter was really very important, so Yang Bo would definitely not bring it up again.    


or perhaps, Yang Bo was protecting a secret, or perhaps, he was protecting his own dignity.    


"Uncle Bo, is the fact that Yang Lei was assassinated related to that matter?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Yang Bo shook his head: "I don't know, but don't worry, I will definitely ask around. I thank you for your care and protection of Xiao Lei.    


Yang Bo's words were like a will.    


Not knowing why, Wang Xiao had a vague feeling that something big was going to happen. However, he couldn't say what was so important about this place.    


"Uncle Bo, why do you say that?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Nothing much, just a casual remark." Yang Bo held his hands together, and looked at the distant horizon with his profound gaze. Even though he was here, his heart was no longer here. Perhaps in the distance, there were people he had longed for day and night, perhaps in the distance, maybe in the hopes that he had been unable to fulfill for many years. Perhaps in the distance, there were people bitterly waiting for him.    


"Little Wang, I'm leaving, I'll leave Little Lei to you." Yang Bo said with a heavy heart.    


"Uncle Bo, where are you going?" Wang Xiao asked.    


The current Yang Bo was completely different from before. The him before gave off an abnormal feeling, but the him now gave Wang Xiao the feeling that he was an expert. He was definitely an expert, had the demeanor of an expert, and the aura of an expert. Even if it was Wang Xiao, at this moment, in front of Yang Bo, he felt a very insignificant sensation. It was as if the vast aura Yang Bo was giving off was able to affect his mood.    


It was as if the king's aura that was being emitted from Yang Bo's body was innate. Under his aura, Wang Xiao had the illusion that he was just a small blade of grass. It was only because he was protected by the big tree, he was not pulled out by the hurricane. If they left the tree, they would be uprooted by the hurricane. As to why he felt such a feeling, Wang Xiao did not know either.    


"Little Wang, don't ask where I'm going, and don't tell Little Lei, I'm entrusting Little Lei to you, I hope you can protect her well. I can see that you have a great future ahead of you. Little Lei's character is not that good, if there's anything wrong with her, please forgive her. " Yang Bo said in a serious tone.    


After giving Wang Xiao these instructions, he left in large strides, and got on the carriage with big strides. Wang Xiao originally wanted to take out the order badge and let Yang Bo see if he could recognize this thing, but Yang Bo had already boarded the carriage.    


Yang Bo drove off. It was as if he was going to a faraway place, as if he was going to a place that no one knew and he didn't know when he would come back. Maybe a month, maybe a year. Even ten years, twenty years, or even a lifetime, he would never return.    


From today onwards, he had to protect Yang Lei even more. This was because Yang Bo had already handed Yang Lei over to him, so he had to go all out.    


After meeting Yang Bo this time, Wang Xiao realized even more clearly that Yang Bo would definitely not be a simple person, and would definitely not be the same person from the past who would act normally all day.    




He was definitely an expert!    


Yang Bo was definitely a hidden expert. How could he not know that such a powerful expert had been by his side for such a long time? Wang Xiao couldn't help but think of something that Master Gu Yue had once said. He remembered that Master Gu Yue had once said to respect the world.    


So there were many experts in the world, and they were all around. It was just that they didn't notice them.    


After Yang Bo left, Wang Xiao planned to look for a person, the Elder Zhu.    


Yes, it's him. Elder Zhu is a person from the Martial Alliance, he is well-informed, and because of the Ghost Valley incident, Wang Xiao had met with the Elder Zhu before, and even helped him in some matters. As one of the higher-ups of the Martial Alliance, Elder Zhu was well-informed and had seen a lot of things. He definitely recognized this order badge, he believed that once he sees it, Elder Zhu will know about the sect behind this badge.    


Wang Xiao also turned around and got on the carriage. He did not want to delay this matter, so he could not delay it either. Only by finding the organization as soon as possible can he guarantee Yang Lei's safety.    


When he got on the car, Wang Xiao's phone suddenly remembered that it was Yang Lei calling, but he did not expect it to be the little ghost.    


"Brat, why are you looking for me?" After receiving the call, Wang Xiao asked.    


"Brother Xiao, if it wasn't for you being the brother, you would have been too disloyal." the kid complained over the phone.    


"Why am I not loyal?" Wang Xiao asked.    


F * ck, this little brat is really unsatisfied. The moment I returned home, I treated him to food, drinks, and fun. I even found a few beauties for him and spent so much money.    


If it was said that he was not loyal, then he would not be loyal. He would give all the billions he had overseas to his brothers in the organization. Although Wang Xiao didn't mind, it was still worth a few hundred million, it would be fine to leave some for him. Even if he didn't leave any money for himself, he would have to inform him beforehand.    


Without a word, he already gave out a portion of his several hundred million. The money was his, the favors were his. Just thinking about it made him angry, as this matter of borrowing flowers to offer up to him was thoroughly displayed by the little ghost.    


The little demon complained on the phone: "Brother Xiao, you threw me amongst a group of beauties. You don't care if I'm dead or alive, it's too disloyal."    


Damn it, this was what it meant to be disloyal. If a friend of his had spent that much money to buy a store at such a high level, Wang Xiao would definitely praise him for being too loyal. He would truly be a good brother to Wang Xiao.    


"Kid, you must learn to be content." Wang Xiao said.    


The little guy said, "Brother Xiao, bring a few hundred of your brothers over and surround this hotel. I will destroy this hotel, capture all the women, and kill all the men."    


"What happened?" Wang Xiao asked.    


The kid seemed angry.    


However, even if he met with an unhappy situation, he could not do this because this was the Huaxia, not Africa. It was not a place where one could do whatever they wanted. If it was back in Africa, as long as the brothers weren't willing, they would fight and kill each other. And no one cared about that sort of place, because the binding force of those countries was so low that no one would listen to their leaders' words.    


However, since this was the Huaxia, they could not act rashly. No one cared about the killings in the Wulin People, but if they fought and killed everyday, sometimes smashing here, sometimes smashing there, they would encounter trouble.    


The kid said, "F * ck, these beauties are too much. When it's time, they run away one by one. I told them to stay but they didn't give me any face. Brother Xiao, you should know that back then in that place, which one of them did not give me face? Not to mention the time limit, as long as I was willing, even if a few months had passed, no one would have dared to speak out against me. "    


The more the little ghost talked, the angrier he got. He thought about how he used to be grand overseas, but now that he was back home, no one gave him face.    


So it turned out that the little ghost was only angry because of this small matter. He had thought that it was some sort of major event.    


"Brat, this is our country, so don't act recklessly. Moreover, it's normal for them to not give you face. After all, you just returned back home, so naturally no one will recognize you. " Wang Xiao said.    


Hearing Wang Xiao's words, the little brat felt that it made sense. He had just returned back to his hometown, so the beauties here didn't recognize him.    


"Brother Xiao, get that brat Di Loong to give me a million. F * ck, I'm going to smash those girls to death. I want those women to continue to lie down and beg for mercy. I don't believe that if they don't give me face, they won't give me money. "    


This brat, he actually asked for this much money right from the start. Could it be that he felt that his money was all collected? So, he could spend it however he wanted.    


"Wait for me in front of the hotel, kid. I'll come find you, then we'll do something together." Wang Xiao decided to bring the little ghost with him to find Elder Zhu.    


He was really worried, so he left the little ghost alone.    


This was because imps were the same as Green Hair s, they both liked to cause trouble. Once they had nothing to do, they would cause trouble, and it seemed like if they did not cause trouble for a few days, they would feel completely uncomfortable. However, although Zhang Baiwan liked to cause trouble too, he was wealthy and could not be compared to kids.    


Back in Africa, imps would often cause trouble, and each time, there would be bloodshed. As a result, there would always be deaths. However, he did not care about the lives of those people at all. In his words, someone who wasn't from my race, even if he dies, it doesn't matter. As a powerful expert, it was very dangerous for him to have such a mindset.    



After telling the little kid to wait at the entrance of the hotel, Wang Xiao hung up and gave Chen Dagaang a call. Chen Dagaang, the bodyguard beside Elder Zhu, was also very strong. Back then, when Elder Zhu found him to deal with that matter, it was Chen Dagaang who contacted him.    


"Brother Wang, what can I do for you?" After the call connected, Chen Dagaang asked curiously. Since their last separation, Wang Xiao had never contacted him. Today, Wang Xiao suddenly called, so Chen Dagaang was very curious.    


"Brother Chen, may I ask if Elder Zhu is here?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Yes, why are you looking for him?" Chen Dagaang's attitude towards Wang Xiao was very friendly, because as a Ranker, Wang Xiao should be respected, and Chen Dagaang was very clear about Wang Xiao's ability.    


As long as one had the ability, he or she would be respected. This was the reality of society. If one did not have the ability, it would be impossible to gain respect from others.    


"Brother Chen, I will be coming to visit the Elder Zhu soon. Please make some arrangements for me."    


Although Chen Dagaang was only an expert in Acquired Stage, and not in Innate Stage, most Innate Stage Expert did not dare to offend him, and would even have to give him face.    


This was because behind Chen Dagaang was the Elder Zhu, the person at his side. Even if it was the governor's driver, as long as he arrived at the town or town below, even if he didn't have an official position, the local leaders would still have to give him some face.    


After all, he was the governor's driver. If he offended him, it would only affect him greatly if he spoke ill of his boss in front of him. Besides, the drivers of the powerful figures around them also had a say.    


For example, when a big shot was sitting in the car and the driver made a small request to arrange some unimportant seats for his family and friends, the leader would definitely agree. In any case, it was not a big deal and all he needed was a word to get it done. If he refused, and the driver accidentally turned the steering wheel, wouldn't that be an injustice?    


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