My TikTok Connects Myriad Realms

C19 Night Chat

C19 Night Chat

0Huang Jia was not a local resident of Yuzhou, so she rented a house in Yuzhou, which was located in an ordinary district.    


After Zhou Yi and Huang Jia left the western restaurant, they took a taxi back to the district where Huang Jia lived.    


At the entrance of the residential complex, Zhou Yi got out of the taxi and said, "Huang Jia, don't worry. You'll be in big trouble tomorrow."    


Huang Jia, who was standing in front of him, raised her head and, as if she had made up her mind, said, "I'm sorry, senior. I never thought that it would bring you so much trouble! "    


When she got a lift, she found out the reason why Wang Zongjun came to pick a fight, so she felt a bit guilty. Zhou Yi had been helping her all this time, taking so many favors from him, but she had brought him a lot of trouble.    


Zhou Yi heard her apology and felt helpless. Huang Jia kept apologizing to him when they were getting on the taxi, but he felt that there was no need to apologize.    


Huang Jia took out her cell phone from her bag and said, "Senior, I really can't thank you enough for helping me this much. Then I'll return the thirty thousand to you!"    


Zhou Yi heard that she was going to return the thirty thousand she gave him this morning, so he asked in confusion, "Huang Jia, why are you bringing up this again? It's already been said that this is my deposit for you. "No need to return it."    


However, Huang Jia shook her head and said with embarrassment, "Senior, I'm a bit embarrassed. During the day, I thought you were going to lose and that you were going to go to Tianyu company. "    


"This is very normal. Normal people would choose Tianyu first if they don't know what's going on, so you don't have to worry." Zhou Yi smiled. To be honest, he did suffer a bit from Zhao Tiancheng's hand, but he didn't care about it at all.    


"But I …"    


Seeing that Huang Jia still wanted to say something, Zhou Yi's face darkened. "Huang Jia, if you want to be like this, I'll be angry." He had already figured out the reason why Huang Jia wanted to return the money, and he found this junior sister of his to be a little laughable.    


Seeing Zhou Yi's stern face, Huang Jia was afraid that she would anger him. Just as she was about to say something, she forcibly restrained herself, revealing the expression of a child who had done something wrong.    


When Zhou Yi saw her expression, he could no longer maintain his serious expression and chuckled.    


"Senior, what are you laughing at?" Huang Jia was puzzled.    


"I laughed at your expression just now." Zhou Yi said while holding back his laughter.    


"?" Huang Jia didn't understand what he meant.    


At this moment, Zhou Yi suddenly stretched out his left hand and touched his head.    


Such a intimate action caused Huang Jia to be slightly taken aback, but soon after, her face turned red.    


"Study, study, senior …" "I, I …" Huang Jia spoke incoherently with her heart pounding like a little deer. She didn't even dare to look at Zhou Yi.    


Zhou Yi was stunned when he saw her expression.    


"Not good, I'm being a bit rude!" Only then did Zhou Yi realize what he had just done. Only very close male and female friends would do such a thing. And he had no relationship with Huang Jia at all. What would she think of this?    


Zhou Yi hurriedly retracted his hand and explained awkwardly, "Huang Jia, I, I was embarrassed just now!" He couldn't even speak properly.    


It was Huang Jia's first time seeing Zhou Yi's expression as if he had done something wrong. For some reason, her heart throbbed.    


Pfft! In the next moment, Huang Jia suddenly laughed.    


Zhou Yi was shocked when he saw her smile, which was a subtle yet eerie smile, for the first time.    


"Senior, your current appearance is so funny." Huang Jia said.    


"Eh, I'm sorry for what happened just now. I couldn't help but …" Zhou Yi scratched the back of his head, but in his heart, he was upset. Why did he suddenly look like a boy who had never been in a relationship with a pretty girl before?    


"Thank you, senior." At this moment, Huang Jia spoke.    


"What's wrong?" Zhou Yi heard her suddenly thanking him and didn't understand what she meant at the moment.    


"Senior, I only now know that you're really nice to me." Huang Jia lowered her head shyly and whispered.    


On a summer night, the earth was still emitting the heat of the sun in the darkness, and the air was a bit hot and stuffy. At this moment, a gust of wind blew towards the two people under the dim yellow light, bringing a refreshing feeling with it.    


"What's wrong?" Zhou Yi asked as he felt the cool night breeze.    


Huang Jia raised her head and looked directly into Zhou Yi's eyes. The previous shyness had disappeared, but it was replaced with determination. "Senior, thank you for doing so much for me. If you don't mind, I will definitely work hard."    


Zhou Yi didn't expect her to say all this. He was stunned for a moment and then smiled: "Huang Jia, you're still worried about the thirty thousand yuan right? Idiot, don't worry about these things. I never minded your boss. Actually, I feel like thirty thousand dollars is enough to hire such a beautiful girl like you. To be a network celebrity, looks and values are very important. "    


Hearing Zhou Yi praise her, Huang Jia lowered her head shyly and made a soft "En" sound.    


"Alright, it's getting late. Go back and rest." Tomorrow morning, your big net is going to be full. " Zhou Yi took out his phone, looked at the battery, and only had 10% left.    


"I need to go back and recharge." he thought.    


However, Huang Jia didn't seem to have the intention to bid her farewell. She raised her head again, and with a look as if she had thought for a long time, she said resolutely, "Senior, do you want to come to my rented room for a cup of coffee?" When she spoke, her ears were red and hot.    


"To your rented apartment?" However, Zhou Yi was greatly taken aback. Huang Jia had actually invited him to her rented apartment, and in the middle of the night …    


Zhou Yi looked at Huang Jia in surprise, but the latter looked frightened and quickly looked away.    


Zhou Yi suddenly felt troubled. Honestly speaking, he definitely wanted to go to Huang Jia's room. After all, she was so beautiful. As long as it was a man, he wouldn't reject her, and he was no exception. However, inviting her to a rented apartment seemed very ambiguous!    


Zhou Yi didn't really understand what Huang Jia was trying to do. Usually, only good friends, or even men and women, would invite a boy to their room at night.    


Zhou Yi was a bit moved. He had a good impression of Huang Jia. Ever since he broke up with Wu Yitian, he had never been close to a girl before. How about … Zhou Yi thought for a while and was about to agree with Huang Jia.    


But then, in the distance, a siren sounded.    


Zhou Yi immediately woke up. He looked towards the direction where the sound came from and saw a police car approaching from the distant street with lights on.    


"The police?" Zhou Yi's heart skipped a beat. He just fought with Wang Zongjun's group. Although they were all beaten down, but someone must have called the police. The police did not care whether you were being unreasonable or not.    


Just when Zhou Yi suspected that it was most likely the police who came to look for him, the police car whistled past them without stopping.    


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