Prince and I in Desert Island

C61 Inner Restlessness

C61 Inner Restlessness

0Li Yan and Wang Yao played a little bit before quietly lying down next to me. Wang Yao pulled my hand, which was pressed against my head, to rest it against my neck. I reached out my other hand and touched Liyan's head. Liyan leaned her head against my arm.    


They liked to rest their heads on my arms, and I was used to holding them.    


Love may be a habit! He was used to holding her hand when they crossed the road. He was used to calling her when they went out. He also wanted to hug her when she slept. It was customary to wake her up every day and to say good night to her when she went to bed.    


For example: A woman who is used to a man's snoring and never gets used to it so much that she can't sleep without his snoring. This is love.    


When you get used to a woman's willfulness, acting coquettishly, even causing trouble for no reason, this is love, you will change for her, go easy on her, this is love.    


If you are unable to adapt to her, to all her habits, it means that you have not loved her; or that you have not yet reached the point of love, for love is in these details, and when you are accustomed to all the habits of your lover, such as the faint scent of perfume on her body, her capricious temper, the kiss of your face when she is happy, and the tugging at your ear when she is angry.    


Love, sometimes it is so simple, simple, it is like a cup of water around us, reaching out, light, tasteless, is an essential part of life. Habit is the belonging of love, but also the highest state of love.    


Neither of us was sleepy, but neither of us spoke. We could hear each other breathing.    


Wang Yao tilted her body and put her feet on top of mine. She leaned on me in a very charming manner. Her head was on my shoulder, and she was so close to me that I wanted to put her on the spot.    


I tried to suppress my thoughts, to keep hinting to myself that I was diverting my attention. I tried to remember the details of the old barracks, because there was only one thing that had happened to me.    


When I thought of my recruits, I went from a newborn calf unafraid of tigers to a steady, qualified, and excellent scout." I learned a lot and changed a lot in the army, from a disobedient bayonet to a recruit model.    


Slowly my heart calmed down, a gentleman can do things but not do things. Although I am not a gentleman, but I am also not the kind of person whose lower body controls their own brain.    


Wang Yao half lay on top of me, and now I was at a loss for Wang Yao's hot body.    


That's right, big brother is so determined. What is a hero? Mount Tai collapsed before the same color, the beauty sat in the bosom but not chaos. In that case, I am also a great hero.    


Suddenly, Li Yan also turned her body and accidentally touched me.    


My recovered consciousness instantly disappeared without a trace and what replaced it was an endless impulse. The heroic image he had just erected collapsed with a loud bang.    


Under the stimulation of the two beautiful young misses, Li Yan and Wang Yao, my heart began to waver. The evil thought used the east wind to counterattack and completely crushed the few remaining lines of justice and bottom-line.    


I admit that my heart is full of evil, I am all but evil.    


My two hands exerted force to hug the two little beauties tightly in my embrace. Their bodies stuck tightly to me and even through the clothes, I could feel their thumping hearts.    


They must have been stunned by my gesture, for they were taken into the arms of their rude hands without any warning, and in a very heart-pounding way at that.    


Li Yan and Wang Yao didn't escape my grasp until Li Yan whispered in my ear, "No!"    


As I slowly let them go, I regained my senses.    


Wang Yao reached out and touched her wet lips. What had happened to her just now? Why was she so out of control?    


Li Yan raised her head and kissed my face before continuing to rest her head on my arm and sleep quietly.    


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