Prince and I in Desert Island

C790 Abolition of Farm

C790 Abolition of Farm

0"You …" Xiao Xiong pointed at me with his finger and his face turned green.    


"You what you, you don't know etiquette, the lack of culture is really scary." I continued to provoke him.    


"I …" He wanted to say something, but stopped in his tracks because Ouyang Yuanzun glared at him viciously.    


"Tell your men to get out of the way," Ouyang Yuanzun said as he placed the fan against my neck.    


Seeing how Ouyang Yuan was holding me hostage, all of the brothers of the Blood Leech Mercenary Group raised their guns once again.    


"sissy, let my brother go!" The Blood Leech pointed at Ouyang Yuanzun and bellowed.    


"If you don't want your master to die, then scram!" Ouyang Yuanzun looked at the blood leech disdainfully and said.    


"What are you doing? "Release the Lord," the eagle coldly asked.    


"Blood Demon, you're just a spicy chicken. You only know these despicable tricks. What kind of man are you?" The Seven Nights would not strike a blow on Hierarch Ouyang Yuan.    


"Liniang back from the farm," I ordered.    


"Yes." Liniang nodded.    


"Falcon listen, retreat from the farm!" Liniang turned around and gave the order.    


"Brother Blood Leech, you guys retreat as well." The Blood Leech Mercenaries weren't members of the Falcon, and they wouldn't retreat without the order from me and the blood leech.    


"Brother …" The blood leech looked unwilling. He was worried that I would meet with an accident after I retreated.    


"Brother, are you alright? Don't worry," I said with a smile.    


"sissy … my bro is missing a hair. Even if I, Bloodleech, chase you to the ends of the earth, I'll kill you." Xue Shi pointed at Ouyang Yuan Zun and said.    


"That might not be the case. Lonely Spirit, bring that cripple up here." The pendant had healed the injuries of Xiao Xiong and Adi. Adi's legs had been blown off yesterday, so he could now stand up.    


"Blood Wolf, you're still alive …" When the blood leech saw the blood covered wolf, it was immediately stunned.    


"Big Brother, save me! The tendons in my limbs have been cut off!" When the blood wolf saw the blood leech, its eyes lit up as if it was grabbing onto the last straw of its life.    


"Ah Di, release my brother, or I will tear you into ten thousand pieces." The Blood Leech roared.    


All the mercenaries raised their guns once again. Countless small crossbows appeared above Adil, Xiao Xiong and Ouyang Yuanzun's heads.    


"Shoot! Blood Leech, what are you trying to show off for?" "Shoot, you retard!" Adidas crazily hammered the blood wolf as he shouted.    


"Big Brother, save me!" The blood wolf had completely collapsed. For the past few months, it had been living an absolutely miserable life.    


"Addie, what do you want?" The blood leech gritted its teeth and asked.    


"Kill everyone in the Miller family," Addie said without hesitation.    


"Impossible!" The blood leech said coldly.    


"Lonely Soul killed the blood wolf and chopped it into pieces to feed the dog!" Addie raged from embarrassment.    


"Shadow Listening to the order, immediately release the Blood Wolf to assist the Miller family in cleaning up the mess," I said.    


"Kai, do you have epilepsy? What qualifications do you have to command the Umbra? Who do you think you are?" Addie was laughing so hard she rocked back and forth.    


"I'm ordering the Umbra on behalf of the Bach Family's Patriarch. Is there a problem?" I asked Addie.    


Ouyang Yuanzun was also stunned. The twist of events had happened too fast, and he was a little muddled.    


"Kai, you can't have really lost your mind, right? "Patriarch Bach, how dare you put money on your face and take a piss to reflect on yourself." Ah Di looked at me with disdain as he spoke.    


"Lonely Spirit, let me ask you, are you Shadow loyal to the Bach family or to Adidas?" I asked Lonely Soul.    


"Loyal to the Bach Family, loyal to the Family Head," Lonely Soul said affirmatively.    


"Did you hear that? They're loyal to the Bach family, loyal to me, Addie... "Don't stir people up, you …" Addie patted my shoulder and laughed gleefully.    


"Are you the patriarch of the Bach family?" I asked.    


"Yes, what questions do you have?" Addie was also confused, not knowing what was going on in my gourd.    


"Do you have the Bach Family Head's token?" I asked.    


"What token?" Addie tensed up.    


"Asura Spirit Serpent Order." The Shadow Seventh Night took Addie's words and enunciated them word by word.    


"You traitor, you don't have the right to speak here!" Addie pointed at the Seven Nights and roared.    


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