Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C488 Is to Extort Money

C488 Is to Extort Money

0The efficiency of the river water was really high. It had only been half a month since the company was established and it had already started operating normally.    


Of course, the Gu family's role in it was not weak, and they also had the help of Long Family. Otherwise, with just River Water alone, it would be impossible for him to complete the formalities so quickly.    


However, the company did not have many people. It only occupied one office building, and there were only five or six of them.    


Looking at the employees, Liu Haofeng nodded with satisfaction. Other than the two he recommended previously, the rest were all calm men in their thirties.    


As he walked into the office, River smiled wryly with a frown: "Wind Brother, I didn't expect you to appear right at the start."    


Liu Haofeng shrugged, "It's fine, I'm not coming. You have your own ways to deal with it. Tell me, what's the situation? "    


River solemnly said, "We have taken down the real estate project, but we still need an engineering team to start the construction. Originally, I planned to ask Changxi Construction Group. However, it was Wang Qingming's company. "Also, Wang Qingming intends to bid against us."    


"Bidding?" Liu Haofeng frowned and didn't quite understand.    


River water continued to explain, "The Gu family's real estate project is not very big, only a thousand square meters. Wind Brother, look, there is an open area on the left side, and the government is bidding. If we take it by the way, this entire area will be ours. "    


"Even if we can't, it won't be good for us if Wang Qingming can. He is one of the ten richest men in Changxi. If we really invest here, we don't have any advantages. "    


Liu Haofeng nodded in agreement. What advantage could he have if he had an enemy to compete with him on the side?    


Pursing his lips into a smile, he patted River Water's shoulder and said, "Alright, when the time comes for the bidding competition, just let Wang Qingming get it, including the project."    


River water inexplicably gawked: "Wind Brother, Du... "Give it all to him, then we …"    


Liu Haofeng shook his head, "Listen to me, I have my own ways of dealing with this. We don't have that much money, someone has to give us some money. With such a large area, it would at least cost five to six billion, plus the construction project, it was worth a billion. "Tsk tsk, if I give all of this to you for free …"    


When he saw Liu Haofeng's sinister smile, the river water couldn't help but shiver. Wind Brother was about to extort him!    


Liu Haofeng didn't explain and didn't bid with River Water. After waiting for over half an hour, news came from the river that Wang Qingming had already completely taken down the project, including the construction of his Imperial Real Estate.    


When Liu Haofeng heard this news, he almost laughed out loud. Finally, someone gave him money …    


In the office, Wang Qingming rubbed his temples with a frown. He had a nagging feeling that Imperial was giving up too quickly.    


I heard that the relationship between Imperial and that brat Liu Haofeng is not shallow, and now that he suddenly removed the label, could it be that something happened to Liu Haofeng?    


However, there was no news from the Tyrant Dragon group, making him very worried. He had a feeling that things were not that simple …    


"Chairman, someone is looking for you." Just as she was lost in thought, the enchanting secretary pushed open the door and shouted with a trembling voice.    


Wang Qingming's brows twitched. He was just about to say something when Zhong Yawei pushed the secretary away and said, "This is my certificate. It's best if you don't interfere. Otherwise, it will be dealt with according to treason."    


The enchanting secretary was so scared that her face turned pale. Treason against the country, that wasn't the death penalty? Looking at the military officer certificate, the secretary was even more frightened and quickly left.    


Seeing Liu Haofeng and his sister walk in, Wang Qingming stood up in shock. He wanted to shout out loud, but something stuck in his throat and he couldn't.    


Closing the door, Liu Haofeng said with a smile, "Boss Wang, long time no see."    


That smile made Wang Qingming even more nervous. He really didn't die. Damn the Tyrannosaurus Rex, taking five million was not enough to kill a kid!    


Sitting on the soft chair opposite him, Liu Haofeng sighed and said, "Boss Wang is indeed rich. This life is not something we can compare to."    


Wang Qingming's face twitched, but he knew clearly in his heart that it was useless to call the police. After all, they were a special department.    


Calming down a little, Wang Qingming sat back down. He stared coldly at Liu Haofeng and said in a low voice, "What do you want?"    


"I'm not thinking of anything." Liu Haofeng shook his head as if it was a matter of course, "I'm such an honest person, why would I do anything to you?" "Don't worry, I've always followed the law."    


Even a ghost wouldn't believe him, let alone Wang Qingming, who wasn't dead yet, so his brain wasn't that stupid.    


Zhong Yawei did not interrupt him. Instead, she was sitting beside him with her legs crossed as she played with her cellphone. There wasn't the slightest trace of nervousness or oppression in her heart.    


But the more it was like this, the more uneasy Wang Qingming felt. He felt that something was up with Liu Haofeng. Suddenly, he recalled the earlier bid and his heart skipped a beat. No wonder the Imperial was suddenly withdrawn, it wasn't because something had happened to Liu Haofeng, but because he had returned!    


Gritting his teeth in anger, Wang Qingming continued to ask: "What do you want? If there's nothing else, please go out. "    


"Ai ai ai ai, don't be impatient." Liu Haofeng smiled sinisterly and patiently, "It's nothing much, just that someone bought the killer to kill me. I asked them and they all said that it was a boss called Wang Qingming who paid for it. At first it was 5 million yuan and a few migrant workers, but later it was even the country's wanted criminals, so it wasn't too good. "    


Wang Qingming's heart trembled. Liu Haofeng was clear about this! Damn it, can't those bastards keep their mouths shut? He took the money, but didn't manage to get it done.    


Wang Qingming clenched his teeth and lowered his voice. His right hand could not help but move downwards and silently reached into the drawer. What evidence do you have? "There's no evidence, so don't spout nonsense or..."    


"I really have no proof. They said so." Liu Haofeng shrugged calmly and leaned back on his chair with his hands on his back, "Boss Wang is so rich, why would you buy someone to kill?" Those must all be slander, false accusations. "    


Wang Qingming was even more confused. What was going on? Since there was no evidence, why were they here?    


Zhong Yawei interjected, "Boss Wang, the main reason we came today was to talk to you about your son, Wang Cong. Oh right, let me tell you something first. This morning, there were terrorists attacking the special forces in Longlong Ridge. They used mortars and other weapons. If you want to watch it, you'll see it on the news. "    


Wang Qingming's heart trembled. Could it be...    


Zhong Yawei raised her head and smiled sweetly, "According to the investigation, your son Wang Cong is one of the masterminds. Well, although we'd like to get away with it, we have to punish that sort of thing as political agents. "Therefore, Boss Wang, your son Wang Cong will probably..."    


"You … What do you want? " Wang Qingming understood. No wonder Wang Cong had asked for so much money these days to collude with terrorists.    


It was one thing to collude with him, but to actually make a move in Changxi City, wasn't that courting death?    


He had to be shot for this crime!    


Actually, Liu Haofeng was quite surprised. He thought that Wang Qingming was the one who paid for the old Hong sect. He didn't expect that Wang Qingming didn't know about it even after he conveniently looked up. Wang Cong, you've got guts.    


"Boss Wang, calm down." Liu Haofeng smiled and said, "We are old acquaintances, right? We still have a favor to show to you. If you want me to say that about your son, I don't think it's that big of a deal. As long as we don't say anything, it's basically fine. "    


Wang Qingming was not an idiot, the moment he heard Liu Haofeng's words, he knew something was wrong. However, he only had one son. If he was accused of betraying the kingdom, no one would be able to save him.    


"Staring at Liu Haofeng, Wang Qingming finally gave in after a long time of hesitation." "Tell me, what do you want?"    


After the joke was over, Liu Haofeng sat up straight and said coldly: "It's very simple, I want the project!"    


So it was like that!    



Wang Qingming had already guessed it. If it wasn't for the project, Liu Haofeng wouldn't have said so much. However, this project was too important to him. Losing this would mean the loss of more than half of his group!    


Seeing that Wang Qingming did not answer, Liu Haofeng continued to speak in a cold voice, "I'm telling you very clearly, I want all the projects in the vicinity, including the construction projects. Of course, you can refuse, but your son Wang Cong, and your relationship with the Tyrannosaurus Rex … "    


Wang Qingming was filled with resentment. This was clearly blackmail!    


At this moment, he suddenly regretted it. If only he had listened to Liu Haofeng half a month ago, he would have done his best. Even then, he wouldn't be so distracted as to invite assassins, and even more so, he wouldn't be able to hook up with the Tyrannosaurus Rex.    


Now, falling into Liu Haofeng's hands was a disaster!    


Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Wang Qingming stared at Liu Haofeng gloomily: "So you've already thought about it, taking down all the projects without spending a single cent?"    


Liu Haofeng did not deny it: "That's right, I'm extorting them. Of course, you can refuse. But let me remind you, if I can kill the Tyrant Dragon Group, I can also kill you. "    


Wang Qingming did believe these words. As a member of the special forces, he would naturally be the first to act. However, a billion yuan worth of projects was all given to Liu Haofeng for free. It made his heart ache!    


Zhong Yawei kept her phone and smiled, "Boss Wang, let me remind you out of goodwill." Even if the country does not pursue the matter, I can still kill your son! "    


"You …" Wang Qingming was so angry that his face turned green.    


Glancing at the smiling Liu Haofeng, Wang Qingming finally gave in. He sighed and said, "Fine, but you have to promise to let us go."    


"Heh, you're very smart." "Liu Haofeng laughed. Actually, if Wang Qingming doesn't agree, he also has a way to make him agree!" "Alright, we can stop pursuing this matter."    


"That's what you said." Wu Tie secretly complained. He truly regretted provoking this big trouble. Colluding with a terrorist was too much of a crime. No matter how rich he was, he couldn't afford it. What's more, Liu Haofeng's identity …    


Son, for you, I will give up a billion!    


After getting the transfer contract, Liu Haofeng looked at it with satisfaction and then stood up: "Boss Wang, if you have the opportunity in the future, please cooperate more. "Also, I'm really short on money recently. You better not let your son give me any more, haha …"    


Watching the two of them swaggering away, Wang Qingming's face was filled with resentment. He was so angry that his heart and lungs were about to explode.    


How could he not be angry when a billion dollars was gone just like that and a business rival had been established?    


"Hmph, I'll let you be happy for two days first. At that time …"    




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