Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C574 Draw Ranking

C574 Draw Ranking

0"Hubby, hurry up, hee hee, winter swim, come, come …"    




Liu Haofeng's eyes lit up when he saw Gu Lianxuan and a few other girls in swimsuits scurrying into the hot water pool. He quickly rushed over and swam with the beauties. Of course he would be happy to do so.    


He found this hot spring yesterday, and the girls immediately said they wanted to come and soak in it. Yesterday, he was forced to go out to buy a lot of swimsuits, so he went to ask around.    


He had been back for five days and things had calmed down outside. The matter of City S was a hot topic. They were still dealing with the aftermath of the incident, but the punishment was basically decided. It was only a matter of time.    


Chang Xi also didn't send any messages, so there shouldn't be any problems. On the other hand, Mad Spirit's team had been causing a lot of trouble recently, dealing with both spies and scum.    


Liu Haofeng was not worried about the six of them. Since they were all Upper Sky, they could still deal with the normal dangers. Furthermore, they all had their own strengths. Even if they met one or two Grandmasters, they would still be able to deal with them, unless they were as arrogant as Midregion.    


The military sector remained the same for the past few days, so Liu Haofeng didn't ask too much. Right now, his main task was to improve.    


To tell the truth, he had been living quite comfortably with the girls these past few days. Besides training, he would play with them every day. The girls did not stop their training because of him. On the contrary, they worked even harder. Even if they were injured, there would still be some pain.    


"What are you thinking about? Come down quickly. It's so comfortable." When Qin Qingwu's shout came, Liu Haofeng finally came back to his senses. He shuddered and directly inserted himself in.    


This hot spring was quite large, with a length and width of three meters. Furthermore, the water was just above his chest. It was truly rare. The water temperature was also quite high, around 40 degrees Celsius. It was rarely seen.    


Previously, he did not realize that there was actually such a good hot spring in this forest. One had to know that soaking in hot springs could help to eliminate fatigue and increase one's strength greatly.    


Liu Haofeng's eyes widened as he looked under the water. All the girls wore the same swimsuit, all light blue. Looking at it now, it really was a unique scenery.    


Although they couldn't see underwater clearly, there were pairs of long and slender legs, tender and tender. One could even see the light blue color between the legs. There were also some small ravines that were even more enchanting.    


He couldn't help but feel that Liu Haofeng was a bit tough.    


He did not dare to stay any longer as he quickly popped out his head and took deep breaths. It was really too beautiful. Nine pairs of eyes, nine different shades of light blue. It made him almost lose his mind.    


The girls did not pay any attention to him as they began to play with each other. Other than training, it was rare to get a chance to soak in hot springs. Of course, they cherished this chance.    


"Hubby, it's so warm and comfortable here." Qin Qingwu smiled as she shook the water off her body. Her chest was soft and white as it floated in her sleep, an enchanting sight.    


Noticing Liu Haofeng's fiery gaze, Qin Qingwu chuckled and scolded, "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen enough?"    


In the past few days, he had made love with all the girls once a day. It could be said that he had already become accustomed to it, that he would be happy even if there was nothing to be happy about.    


Liu Haofeng was a bit embarrassed as he laughed, "How can that be enough, hehe …"    


Ripples of water rippled out. It was really a green wave. Liu Haofeng was even more furious and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.    


It was said that the most beautiful thing for a woman was not for a beauty to come out of the bath, but for a beauty to be in the water. That was the true passion of a woman!    


With so many beauties playing in the water, how could he not be moved? Moreover, having too much meat these days and learning by eating the taste of the marrow would easily arouse his desire.    


Seeing his burning gaze, Qin Qingwu quickly covered her chest and rebuked, "Don't even think about it. Hurry up and soak in the hot spring, you are becoming more and more unable to control yourself. "    


"Exactly." Lan Luo walked up to them and glared, "Sisters, we have to restrain him in the future. "Looks like we need to arrange a time, who will serve who, and shift shifts a bit."    


Liu Haofeng twitched and laughed awkwardly, "That can't be, right? Hehe …"    


"Why not? I think it's necessary." Chu Shiqing rolled her eyes. "You are getting more and more lustful! "I think we should do it like this. We should rotate one per day, exactly seven. Hehehe …"    


"Hey hey hey, am I not as good as that?" Zhong Yawei quickly objected. "What does the rotation of the five of you have to do with us?"    


Qin Qingwu giggled, "Sister Wei, you can't say such things. We're just going to arrange who he's going to be with, not that he has to love. Hehe, could it be that Sister Wei wants to love too? "    


Such unbridled provocation made Zhong Yawei's face instantly flush red as she averted her gaze. "I …" I won't be like you guys. "    


This suggestion reminded Liu Haofeng that if he wanted to not neglect a single person, the best choice was to take turns. He had always been with Qin Qingwu and the others these days, so he had neglected Gu Lianmeng and Zhong Yawei.    


Besides, he always had five wives to serve every night. He was worried that one day, he would be the one to die. Not every night, but on average, at least once a day.    


Ignoring Liu Haofeng's thoughts, Qin Qingwu continued, "Then it's settled. We'll rotate one a day. We'll change it when we get back." "As for the day of the week …"    


"Let's draw lots!" Gu Lianxuan suddenly burst into laughter. "The lottery draw is the most exciting. Besides, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference between the two."    


After some discussion, the girls finally decided to draw lots. Liu Haofeng was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. Such a small matter, was there a need to draw lots? Every day is the same.    


He thought so, but the girls did not think so, for two of them could not be loved with him. In other words, there would be two days of peace between them.    


If possible, Qin Qingwu wanted Gu Lianmeng and Zhong Yawei to be in charge on Friday so that they could be separated from each other. However, looking at Zhong Yawei's expression, Qin Qingwu guessed that it wouldn't be long before she was eaten, so she didn't continue to hesitate.    


On the surface, this was just a lottery draw, but in the hearts of the girls, it was also a ranking. Who was the first wife?    


Of course, all the girls were tacit in their agreement. They just had this thought in their hearts. In fact, they all knew very well that Qin Qingwu had always been the first one to make the decision no matter how hard they tried.    


Only after the discussion was settled did the girls pull Liu Haofeng over to preside over the event. Liu Haofeng felt a little helpless and insisted on doing it in such a grand manner.    


"Qing Wu, you're the first wife. You smoke first." Lan Luo nudged Qin Qingwu and joked.    


Qin Qingwu hesitated for a moment before she exhaled. Liu Haofeng finally understood that drawing lots was not only related to how the girls would take turns in the future, it was also related to the rankings in the hearts of the girls.    


Carefully reaching out her hand, Qin Qingwu gritted her teeth and pulled out a branch from Liu Haofeng's hand, but she was stunned for a moment.    


The girls were also stunned. It was indeed their boss. No matter how they slapped him, they couldn't change it. It was actually Monday!    


Qin Qingwu's worried heart finally settled down. With a smile, she turned around and looked at the girls. "Alright, I'll be there on Monday."    


The girls didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed like Big Sister's position was still unshakable after all.    


Except for Liu Haofeng, the second one to come out wasn't Lan Luo or Gu Lianmeng. Instead, it was Zhong Yawei who came out first. She raised her head and glanced at Liu Haofeng. Perhaps it was because the temperature of the hot spring wasn't low, but her face was blushing.    


Zhong Yawei prayed silently in her heart. She didn't have to struggle too long to pull out the second branch, but she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Well, I'll do it Thursday!"    


It seemed that he couldn't force the issue. He still wanted to be number two, but who would have thought that he would become number four!    


Then, Lan Luo and Gu Lianmeng came up at the same time. The two girls looked at each other with a smile and smoked the two furthest away from each other in tacit understanding.    



Coincidentally, Lan Luo Tuesday and Gu Lianmeng Wednesday. As a result, the remaining three girls were due on Saturday.    


Chu Shiqing pouted and said, "Seems like it will be difficult to become the boss in a counterattack!" "Ya ya, I can't be the smallest, I'll go first."    


Gu Lianxuan rolled her eyes at her, "Fine, you two smoke it. The other one is mine. "567, the difference isn't too big."    


Even so, Chu Shiqing was the first to smoke a cigarette. However, it was Sunday that she felt even more depressed.    


Gu Lianxuan teased without restraint, "Hehe, look at you being impatient. You are so stupid.    


"Yu Xi, it's your turn."    


Lu Yuxi didn't go forward, but smiled and said, "I want the one on the left."    


Lu Yuxi is Saturday, Gu Lianxuan is Friday. From start to finish, he did not speak, but his heart was filled with melancholy.    


It was obvious that the girls still had a fighting spirit in them. This couldn't be blamed on them, as normal people would. The longer they spent together, the more they would want to be loved.    


This made Liu Haofeng realize that he had neglected them and that was why they were so sensitive.    


Since he possessed them, he should spend more effort on them and protect each and every one of them …    


"Brother-in-law, this time you feel so good." Zi Xin couldn't help but tease, "There's a sister-in-law accompanying me every night. How carefree."    


"How is it? Envy it, right?" Chu Shiqing suddenly smiled evilly as she raised her eyebrows. "If you could join us as a songstress, I would be happy to join, hehe …"    


Although it was just a joke, Zi Xin couldn't help but blush and scold, "I'm not fooling around with you guys. All of you are a bunch of... A bunch of lecherous children, hehe …    


She couldn't help feeling bashful as she sank into the spring.    


Qin Qingwu and the other girls couldn't help laughing as they all knew that sooner or later this twin sister would never be able to escape their grasp.    


However, there were already enough people. Qin Qingwu did not intend to interfere too much in order to let nature take its course.    


"Aiya, you're here. Hurry up and take a bath. I still need to continue practicing."    


Only after hearing Gu Lianxuan's shout did the girls regain their senses and start laughing again.    


Seeing their carefree laughter, Liu Haofeng also let out a heavy sigh. He would use this time to accompany them when they were taking refuge, he definitely couldn't let them have any more thoughts.    


Although he believed in them, Liu Haofeng was worried that there would be a fire in the harem one day. When that happened, he really didn't know what to do.    


Therefore, in the event of a rainy day, he had to completely untie all of the knots in their hearts. Otherwise, the one who would be in trouble in the end would still be him …    




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