Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C580 An Incident Caused by a Firecracker

C580 An Incident Caused by a Firecracker



Ye Zichen slapped the red-haired young man fiercely, while Liu Haofeng pressed on the young man's chest with his left hand. "Stay awake and take a deep breath!"    


The red-haired youth's face turned green. He was trying so hard to catch his breath, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch it. This slap woke him up a bit, and he tried his best to compress his stomach.    


If it wasn't for the fact that he was worried that others would see him using martial arts, he would have immediately channeled his zhenqi into the other party to clear up the flow. He would have felt no pressure at all.    


He really didn't expect that a firecracker could actually cause this bastard's heart to stop beating.    


Thankfully, it was not too serious. After pressing a few times, the red-haired youth was able to maintain his consciousness and quickly find a feeling to breathe.    


After taking in another breath of air, the red-haired youth almost cried, his complexion gradually returning to normal.    


Liu Haofeng stood up and said stiffly, "Be careful in the future. Your heart, it's best for you to go to the hospital for a check up."    


It should be a mild heart attack, and nothing serious will happen without a major blow.    


"How is it?" The other two young men walked up to him and asked in concern.    


The red-haired youth gasped for breath and shook his head, "It's fine, it's fine. I was almost scared to death. Damn it, it's all because of you guys!    


He suddenly stood up in anger and shouted at Liu Haofeng furiously.    


Liu Haofeng was speechless. Gu Lianxuan rushed forward and said, "Hey, are you trying to be shameless? If it wasn't for us, you'd be dead for sure."    


The youth frowned: "It was you who threw the firecrackers into his clothes." "Hmph, if you don't take out some money, don't even think about leaving!"    


As they spoke, the two youths stood in front of the girls with vicious expressions on their faces.    


Hearing the shouts, many villagers also came out to watch. The red-haired youth immediately shouted, "Everyone, come over here. Fuck, you nearly caused my death!"    


Several villagers hesitated for a moment, but still walked over, blocking the road in front and behind.    


Liu Haofeng's face was gloomy and he had the urge to kill someone. F * ck, if it wasn't for him, the red hair would have died a long time ago.    


Gu Lianxuan was also furious. She shouted, "Do you still have any shame? You were the ones throwing firecrackers around and accidentally fell into your own clothes. You almost blew yourself up. Now you're biting back."    


"Yeah, you really think we're idiots." Zhong Yawei couldn't help but stare coldly at the red hair. This was indeed the case, to be bitten by a dog despite feeling heartache for the dog.    


"Cut the f * cking crap, pay up." The red hair angrily pointed at her tattered clothes, "My clothes that are over a thousand yuan were destroyed, but my chest is still hurting. If you don't lose one or two thousand, don't even think about leaving."    


"You want money?" Liu Haofeng sneered as he looked around. There were strong men everywhere. This village was really out of the ordinary. There was still a month until the new year, and logically speaking, most people were still working outside. However, everyone was around 30 years old right now.    


"Two thousand, not a cent less." The military youth proudly raised his head, "If you don't leave your money behind, I'll make you f * cking kneel here!"    


"Oh, so arrogant?" Liu Haofeng smiled sinisterly. This group of people obviously wanted money crazily, they even want two thousand yuan.    


Taking a deep breath, Liu Haofeng snorted: "If you want money, I have plenty. However, if you want money, you'll need some blood. "    


As she spoke, she turned around and raised her eyebrows at Gu Lianxuan. Gu Lianxuan took the hint and rushed forward, slapping the red hair.    




The crisp sound stunned everyone. They actually dared to hit someone?    


The military youth quickly reacted and cursed, "You still f * cking dare to …"    


Before he could finish his words, Gu Lianxuan had already turned around and rushed over. Her speed was so fast that the young man didn't even have time to react.    


Boom! *    


He raised his knee and hit the young soldier's crotch, causing him to tremble in pain. His eyes were wide open as he bent over, clutching his crotch as he retreated.    


The two men who were blocking the way were shocked for a moment. They hurriedly rushed over: "Let go, you still dare to hit people, you're courting death!"    


Bang Bang Bang...    


"Ah …"    


Gu Lianxuan screamed at the men mercilessly. The sounds of her punches hitting flesh caused the men to fall to the ground. Their faces were bruised and some of them even had nosebleeds.    


With one foot on the red-haired man's chest, Gu Lianxuan pressed him to the ground and snorted coldly, "Do you want money?"    


"No …" "No, no." The red-haired youth clutched his bleeding nose in horror, his face turning blue once again.    


This woman was too terrifying. Not even six people were able to hit her, and she even beat them up to the ground.    


Liu Haofeng sneered as he looked at the uniformed youth kneeling on the ground, holding onto his crotch. He snorted and said, "Don't worry, your balls haven't exploded yet, but it will take some time to recuperate. You want money? I have plenty of money, but that depends on whether or not you live! "    


This wasn't a problem of two thousand yuan. If Liu Haofeng told him angrily, he might be able to give him a few thousand yuan.    


But to extort him in such a manner, did they really think that he was a fool!?    


He pretended to reach into his pocket and took out two thousand red notes. He looked at the young officer and coldly snorted, "Since you like money so much, I'll leave one on your face!"    


As he said this, he smashed the two thousand yuan, and with a "pa" sound, the money imprinted itself on the forehead of the young soldier.    


He hadn't used this move for a long time, so it felt quite comfortable.    


The twenty red bills scattered on the ground, causing the few men to be stunned. Wasn't this brat too rich? He directly took out two thousand yuan to spend on this?    


However, Gu Lianxuan and the other girls couldn't help but laugh, because they could clearly see the banknotes on the young man's forehead; they were too dazzling.    


Resisting the urge to laugh, Gu Lianxuan kicked the young officer in the back and scolded, "If you really want money in the future, just use your forehead as an imprint."    


Liu Haofeng did not say anything else as well. Some people were just base people who only dared to bully the weak and fear the strong.    


Watching Liu Haofeng and the others leave, the youths were speechless. Obviously, it wasn't their first time getting beaten up.    


After turning the corner, Gu Lianxuan couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Haha, this is so fun. "Sigh, in the future, we should save up a little more coins so we can use it to smash others. It's best if we can make some imprints on our faces, hehe …"    



Gu Lianmeng knocked on her head with a wry smile. "You are so funny. I will definitely take my revenge on you." I'm afraid that this matter is not over yet. "    


"If you have the guts, then come on, whoever is afraid of who will!" Zhong Yawei snorted disdainfully. These villagers knew how to extort money just because they were vile. This village seems to be pretty good, but it's actually not as good as those poverty-stricken villages. "    


Liu Haofeng agreed with this point. The poor villagers were simpler and less utilitarian.    


As for the people behind him, Liu Haofeng had long heard the young man's screams. Then he made a phone call, saying that he wanted someone to wait at the village entrance.    


He had to admire the unity of the villagers, especially when they were fighting.    


In just ten minutes, when Liu Haofeng's group reached the village entrance, a large group of people stopped them. There were a total of fifteen young men. He held a wooden stick in his hand from the age of forty to the age of fifteen.    


"Yo, there's quite a lot of people." Gu Lianxuan sneered disdainfully. "I told you, these people have long been deranged and have lost their minds."    


Qin Qingwu frowned. "Hubby, it looks like we can't let this go easily. Since you don't want face when giving it back, then don't give it back. "    


Liu Haofeng sighed. Trouble arose wherever he went. He would hide in the mountains for a month before coming out.    


"Huff … Huff …"    


The sound of a motorcycle came from behind him. He turned around. It was none other than the military youth. He was burning with anger and the marks of the money on his face were very clear.    


He stopped the motorcycle and angrily shouted, "Arrest all of them! I refuse to believe that anyone dares to behave so atrociously in my territory!" "F * ck, why can't I get rid of the imprint on my face?"    


Seeing the large group of people closing in on them, the girls got really angry and prepared to take action at any moment.    


This village was too disgusting. They wanted to start a fight without asking any questions. They were clearly looking for a beating!    


Liu Haofeng was helpless. He couldn't really make a move on these people, could he? They were just a few villagers who had opened their eyes to money, and it would not be good to injure them.    


After hesitating for a moment, Liu Haofeng took out a gun from the Ghost Ring and pointed it at the other side. All of you, back off! "    


The sudden appearance of the black hole caused everyone to stop in their tracks. The military youth behind them was also stunned.    


When he finally reacted, the young officer laughed disdainfully, "Haha, use a toy gun to scare me. Something's wrong with my head!"    


Zhong Yawei was furious. She snatched the gun away and aimed it at the foot of the young soldier. Peng!    


The bullet bounced off the concrete and hit the motorcycle's rearview mirror with a clink. The glass shattered.    


The military youth's face paled as he took a step back. His eyes widened. This was actually a real spear!    


The group of young men also retreated, their faces filled with fear. This was definitely a real gun, and there were definitely a lot of bullets.    


"All of you, scram." Zhong Yawei pointed her gun at the young officer and yelled, "Don't think that I don't dare to kill people. Do you believe that I won't shoot you?"    


As she spoke, Zhong Yawei shot again, directly piercing through the front wheel of the motorcycle. The sound of the tire exploding was especially loud, scaring the crowd of people into taking a few steps back.    


Originally, Liu Haofeng didn't want to argue with these people. After all, they were just villagers. However, with such a large group of people blocking their way, wasn't this way too arrogant?    


"I'll go, I'll go …" The military youth was scared and his face turned ugly.    


Seeing his beastly look, Gu Lianxuan couldn't help but spit and scolded, "Pah! Bullying the weak is afraid of the strong. We're only passing by and still trying to rob you."    


"Yes, yes. I know my wrongs. I know my wrongs …" The young man didn't dare to retort and retreated with a pale face. This was a real gun, he didn't want to die.    


Liu Haofeng was also quite puzzled. Why did he have to mess with me? Could it be to ask for money? Didn't he already pay two thousand yuan?    


Originally, Zhou Dawei had no intention to blackmail his friends, but after seeing his companions injured by the firecrackers and Liu Haofeng bringing a bunch of beauties, he was anxious to blackmail them for the new year.    


However, he did not expect the other party to be so tough.    


He was furious, so he called someone and planned to fix Liu Haofeng. It could be said that there was no deep hatred between them. Everything had been caused by the firecrackers …    




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