Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C815 An Arrogant Group of People

C815 An Arrogant Group of People

0As Liu Haofeng expected, the moment the word "mother" came out, Yang Guang's face instantly turned gloomy, and opposite him, Papa Yang was also full of resentment and sadness.    


Zi Xin spasmed and realized that she had said the wrong thing. She secretly stuck out her small tongue.    


"Mom's dead!" Yang Guang suddenly raised his head and looked at the ceiling with determination, "Mom was killed by the criminals, and those criminals are all dead!"    


There was no resentment. Instead, it was extremely calm. However, in Liu Haofeng's eyes, that was the most terrifying thing. A six year old child actually knew how to suppress the resentment in his heart. From this, it could be seen how heavy this hatred was hidden in his heart.    


Sighing, Father Yang wiped away his grief and explained in a low voice, "My wife was killed, last year …"    


It turned out that last year, Mama Yang took Yang Guang to the town to get the money, but they never thought that they would run into a gangster robbery. Mama Yang was stabbed in the middle of tangling with the gangster and died in vain.    


The criminal was caught and sentenced to death. However, Yang Guang had personally witnessed his mother being killed!    


Yang's father sighed, "Since then, Little Light has become extremely mature, and won't be able to play with other children. He has now finished all his elementary school lessons. "    


Zi Xin's eyes reddened as she listened. This kid had such a heavy side to him. Not to mention he was only a 5-6 year old child, even a martial artist like her would feel a heavy shadow in her heart if she saw her mother being killed with her own eyes.    


"I'm fine," Yang Guang shook his head with a smile. "Mom just went to heaven. I will only grow up to protect dad in the future."    


He didn't know why, but when he heard that, Liu Haofeng suddenly felt a little sad. In fact, his childhood was not much different from Yang Guang's. It could even be said that Yang Guang's was more painful.    


Rubbing Yang Guang's head, Liu Haofeng finally steeled his heart and said: "Xiao Guang, let's not go to the military camp. Big Brother Yang, in a few days, bring Little Light to the capital.    


"This …" Father Yang's eyes widened. Go straight to the capital?    


Liu Haofeng continued to explain, "When you go to the capital, someone will arrange for your living quarters, including your house and work, so you don't have to worry too much. He might not be used to it at first, but it's fine after a while. As for Little Light, after he goes, there will be people to take care of all of his affairs, including school, future training, and so on. "    


Zi Xin was a little surprised. Liu Haofeng actually wanted to add Yang Guang to the dragon group? For such a young child to send him to the dragon group didn't feel good …    


Liu Haofeng, on the other hand, didn't think so. Currently, Wu Junzheng was still at the age of transformation. If they could train him from now on, he might become as abnormal as Ling Ling in the future.    


However, because of the shadow in Yang Guang's heart, Liu Haofeng did not dare to let him become the successor of the Infernal King. The Infernal King trained in a demonic art. Although it required a certain amount of hatred, if the hatred was too great, it could very likely turn into a killing demon in the future.    


Therefore, Liu Haofeng really did not dare to act recklessly. He could only let Yang Guang practice martial arts, but not let him practice demonic arts. More importantly, he should let him practice more orthodox inner force skills …    


Father Yang wanted to say something, but Liu Haofeng was too firm with his words, and he even arranged the house and work, leaving him at a loss as to what to say. Most importantly, Yang Guang was extremely happy and wished that he could leave immediately.    


Taking a deep breath, Liu Haofeng said in a deep voice, "Xiao Guang, go out with brother …"    


Before he could finish, his heart skipped a beat as he stood up and changed his words, "Xiao Guang, follow daddy to the capital first, there will be someone to teach you how to do it. "Big brother Yang, this is the fare, you can take it. As for the specifics, you can do it according to what is written above. I still have to leave first."    


Without waiting for the reaction of Yang Guang and Zi Xin, Liu Haofeng had already dragged Zi Xin and ran out, leaving them puzzled.    


"What's wrong?" Zi Xin was baffled as well. She had just reached the crux of the matter, why was she suddenly leaving?    


Liu Haofeng pulled her towards the village entrance and said in a low voice, "A group of people are coming. They need our help." Go back and notify Zi Yue and the others. "    


"Ah, what's the situation?" Zi Xin still didn't understand what was going on. She was speechless as she watched Liu Haofeng leave quickly. A group of people had come, could it be that the people from Thousand Illusion Gate had come?    


Liu Haofeng wasn't sure who it was, but he was sure that there were a lot of people, and they were all using firearms. Now that Feng Yiliang had received the report and led his men over, there was probably going to be another fierce battle tonight.    


Not only that, there were also people who knew martial arts. This was what Liu Haofeng was worried about the most. Feng Yiliang and the others didn't have the ability to fight those people, so they had to hurry over as soon as possible.    


As Liu Haofeng expected, when he arrived at the hillside outside of the village, Feng Yiliang and company had already occupied their positions. They only had time to rush over twenty or so ice cubes, which clearly showed how sudden the news was.    


Seeing Liu Haofeng come over, Feng Yiliang was overjoyed. Hiding in the grass, he said in a low voice: "Chief, I received the report …"    


Before he could finish his sentence, Liu Haofeng interrupted them in a low voice: "You guys retreat further back to the village entrance as a defense line. Also, do not gather too many people to defend the village. Other than that, please calm the citizens down, they have a heavy weapon! "    


Feng Yiliang frowned. Just as he was about to say something, Liu Haofeng had already shouted in a cold voice: "Hurry up and go, carry out the order!"    


The enemies had quite a number of people, and they were all heavily armed. Feng Yiliang and the others couldn't deal with them alone, so they couldn't risk their lives.    


Feng Yiliang had no choice but to grit his teeth and lead the team to retreat. His heart was also filled with cold sweat. To be able to make Liu Haofeng so nervous, the other party must not be as simple as possessing a heavy weapon.    


Feng Yiliang and his group had not left for more than two minutes when Zi Xin, Zi Yue, and Murong Xueer also arrived. Liu Haofeng, what's going on … Hmm, why are there so many people? "    


Seeing Murong Xueer furrow her thin eyebrows, Zi Xin quickly spread her telepathic thoughts and listened attentively. Sure enough, there were more than 20 people in front rapidly advancing, each of them fully armed, even more professional than the special forces. There were six more people in front of the crowd. They all knew martial arts, and even though they were only Grandmasters, they couldn't be underestimated.    


"Where did this group of people come from?" Liu Haofeng's face was a bit gloomy. If it was just those grandmasters, they could easily deal with them. The problem was that they had many rocket launchers. If they really did fire them into the village, it would be troublesome.    


Without giving it much thought, a group of people appeared at the village entrance. The training was really well done. Six Grandmaster floated in front while the fighters behind him carefully rotated their positions and moved forward.    


Liu Haofeng and Murong Xueer stood in the middle of the road, while Zi Xin and Zi Yue hid to the left and right, just in case.    


Seeing Liu Haofeng, the six of them stopped. The fighters on the other side started to hide in two directions and cooperated with each other.    


Looking at those people, Liu Haofeng's expression turned even uglier, they even had chemical and biological weapons! What was going on? Why would such an arrogant team appear here?    




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