Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C77 Consequences of a Beautiful Woman on a Bus

C77 Consequences of a Beautiful Woman on a Bus

0"Hey, what are you looking at?" Lan Yun raised her head and realized that Liu Haofeng was staring at her chest. Her face blushed red as she covered her chest, blocking the ravine.    


Swallowing a mouthful of foam, Liu Haofeng finally reacted. The previous gloom had already disappeared without a trace, and his anger had already become nameless.    


"Hur hur, why are you here? Did you get off work?"    


Being angry in front of a pure police officer was like being angry in front of a three year old child. The guilt was really strong …    


"That's right," Lan Yun continued to look at him warily. "I've only been here for half a month, it's the same even if I'm not here for half a year. They didn't do anything for me." As he spoke, his eyes suddenly lit up and he lowered his voice. "Heh, just who are you? To be able to invite people from the military, and even Zhou …"    


Before she could finish, Liu Haofeng already shook his head and interrupted: "I'm just an ordinary school doctor, so it's not that complicated. It can't be that you're looking for me to ask me about this, right? "    


"Of course not!" Lan Yun curled her lips, "I don't care who you are. What I'm more interested in is, hehe, have you really beaten Yang Li into a vegetable? What method did you use, quickly tell me."    


Liu Haofeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry from the excited gossiping. She was really a little girl!    


"Aiya, just say it," Lan Yun said in a slightly spoiled manner, "I know you did it, but there is no evidence. I promise, I won't tell anyone else. Just tell me, will he ever wake up? Let me tell you, this bastard had better spend his life becoming a vegetable! "    


Thinking about it, Liu Haofeng couldn't help but reply: "Unless someone is willing to help, he will be lying on the bed for the rest of his life."    


"Aha!" Lan Yun suddenly jumped in front of him and wiped her face clean. "I told you it must have been you, hehe …"    


Liu Haofeng's mouth twitched. He realized that he trusted her somehow. It was really easy to lie to her. You wouldn't look for me for such a trifling matter, right? "I still have things to do …"    


"Hey hey hey, don't leave in such a hurry." Lan Yun pulled him back, "I'm not trying to bring you back. What are you in such a hurry for? Really." What I want to know is, just who are you … Yi, you said just now that you're the school doctor? Impossible, how could a school doctor be so powerful? At that time, how did you know about those two assassins killing them? Do you know martial arts? "Perhaps, you are a military agent, lurking in the school as a school doctor?"    


After a series of questions, Liu Haofeng was so dizzy that he couldn't answer them at all. This essence was really the thought of a child, curious about everything.    


Lan Yun also realized that she asked a little too many questions, plus she didn't know Liu Haofeng that well. A slight blush appeared on his face, and he laughed awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I just became a police officer, so I'm more curious …"    


Liu Haofeng nodded: "If there's nothing else, then I'll be leaving first, I still …"    


"Where are you going?" Before Liu Haofeng could finish his sentence, Lan Yun jumped up in excitement. She didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed.    


Liu Haofeng was curious. They had only met once, so why did it feel like they were old acquaintances? Was it because she was too innocent, or was it because she had some other motive?    


Seeing Liu Haofeng sizing her up, Lan Yun's cheeks turned even redder, but she raised her head resolutely. "What? I'm just curious, not giving?"    


"Here!" Liu Haofeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "But, I have something to do now, you won't follow me around, right?"    


"I... I didn't say I would follow you! " Lan Yun rolled her eyes unhappily. "Then give me your phone number. I'll look for you if I need anything from you in the future."    


Liu Haofeng was really dumbfounded. Although he had never experienced it before, wasn't it usually men who asked for a phone number from a beauty, and also had to go through a lot of hardships to get it? Why was she asking him for a phone call now?    


Ignoring Liu Haofeng, Lan Yun reached into his pocket and took out her phone. At first glance, she was very surprised. "Oh, your phone is so special. It doesn't have a sign either. How weird."    


Liu Haofeng couldn't tell her that this was a specially made military phone. It looked like a normal touchscreen phone, but it was actually quite powerful.    


Liu Haofeng was both helpless and envious as he looked and looked with curiosity like a little girl. To be able to maintain such innocence in his twenties, wasn't that a good thing as well?    


After leaving a message for Liu Haofeng, Lan Yun reluctantly returned the phone, "Alright, if you need me again in the future, I can help you …" Oh no, I should be the one looking for you. You are so mysterious. "Let's go, farewell!"    


Looking at Lan Yun's happy back, I really want to be a carefree little girl, I really don't know how she kept it up.    


Liu Haofeng thought for a while, then took a taxi back to school.    


"Liu Haofeng …" Seeing Liu Haofeng return, Qin Qingwu couldn't wait and rushed forward. She wanted to jump into Liu Haofeng's arms, but when she thought about Zhong Yawei and the others behind her, she didn't dare to.    


"I'm fine." Liu Haofeng pressed his lips with a smile and lightly tapped her forehead, "Don't worry, they can't do anything to me."    


"En!" Qin Qingwu looked at him affectionately, worry still filling her eyes.    


"Liu Haofeng, what's the situation?" Zhong Yawei could no longer bear to watch. "Are you done yet? You're so dizzy. There's been a lot of trouble recently."    


Before Liu Haofeng could reply, Gu Lianmeng already frowned and interrupted: "It's pointless to say this now, Yang Family shouldn't end until one side dies, let's think of a countermeasure."    


"Liu Haofeng had never understood why Gu Lianmeng was being so cautious about this. He always felt that she was worried about something." I'll take care of it myself, don't worry. "    


Even though she said that, Gu Lianmeng still didn't raise her head. She still lowered her head in thought with a frown, which made Liu Haofeng even more confused. What was she thinking? Was Liu Hua worth her concern?    


In Liu Haofeng's opinion, Gu Lianmeng had someone backing her, and that person was an expert. She wanted to be arrogant, so she shouldn't worry about Liu Hua.    


Unable to understand, Liu Haofeng changed the topic: "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. After dinner, let's go to the pharmacy. "    


"Going shopping?" Zhong Yawei's eyes lit up as she stared at Liu Haofeng with a threatening look. If he dared to disobey, hmph …    


How could Liu Haofeng not know what she was thinking? His scalp went numb as he nodded: "Alright, but first I'll buy the medicine."    


"Haha, you're the one who said that." Zhong Yawei smiled proudly, her smile especially sinister and bright. "I don't have any money, hehe!"    


Liu Haofeng's heart skipped a beat. So it was like that, how could she not have money? No matter what, she was still from a big family, and the money for this mission was all taken away by her. How could she not have any money?    


It was a good thing that Xiao Aili had given him money today. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to wait upon so many beauties shopping.    


Upon hearing that Liu Haofeng had agreed to go shopping, Qin Qingwu was speechless. She quickly took out her cell phone and called Lu Yuxi and Gu Lianxuan. She couldn't wait to gather all her good sisters.    


What was rare was that Gu Lianmeng also wanted to go out with them. In this way, Liu Haofeng would stand out among the six beauties.    


Leading a bunch of beautiful girls out of the school gate, there was no lack of attention from a large group of students, especially the single hungry wolves. They were all gnashing their teeth and wishing that they could replace Liu Haofeng and become the target of the girls' praises.    


"Motherf * cker, this is so blissful. Six great beauties, all of them looking gorgeous. This is the tempo of going shopping!"    


"Heavens, why did you make me a man? If I were to be of the same kind with such a person, I would be jealous to death! I've decided that if there's a chance, I must go to Thailand! "    


"Brother, it's fate. I think so too. "Let's go, let's talk about life together …"    


"I finally believe in love again! My left-handed girlfriend, I'll take good care of you when I get home! "    


After finally walking out of the school gate, Liu Haofeng finally got rid of the hungry wolves and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to grab a taxi, Zhong Yawei suddenly said, "Hey, we haven't taken the bus in a long time. Why don't we try it today?"    


Gu Lianxuan's eyes lit up as she agreed, "Sure, I haven't taken a bus in a long time. I can try."    



"Yeah, it's so lively on the bus, and it saves money, hehe …"    


Seeing a bunch of beauties pushing their way to the bus stop, Liu Haofeng lost his composure, this was the tempo to kill him! He didn't dare to get too close, so he intentionally retreated a distance away, afraid that others would recognize that he was related to them.    


Sure enough, the group of people waiting at the bus stop turned their heads. A group of bloodthirsty gazes fell on Liu Haofeng. It was a hot day, but the surrounding air suddenly dropped and instantly froze.    


No matter how thick-skinned Liu Haofeng was, he felt embarrassed to be stared at by so many people. His heart skipped a beat.    


Before long, Gu Lianxuan's loud and clear voice could be heard, "The car is here!"    


Only then did Liu Haofeng dare to raise his head, but he found that other than him and a few beauties, the others were all standing to the side watching. They were envious, jealous, and faintly resentful.    


Liu Haofeng was even more embarrassed. It seemed like he could not dodge at first! What made Liu Haofeng even more speechless was that there weren't a lot of cars, but the seats were full. A few beauties were standing in the middle, and then … He had to stand in the middle!    


The fragrance of the daughter came one after another, it really made Liu Haofeng's heart flutter. He almost lost his mind and stretched out the Demon Claw, and also touched the pretty girls' buttocks.    


"Caw …"    


The bus suddenly stopped. Chu Shiqing, who was in front of Liu Haofeng, was chatting with Gu Lianxuan, but she was caught off guard and fell into Liu Haofeng's arms.    


Originally, his desire was already strong. Now that he fell down, it just happened to be pressing down on Liu Haofeng's crotch. The dragon head inside instantly lifted like an uncontrollable volcanic eruption.    


"It scared me to death." Chu Shiqing didn't seem to notice. With a blush on her face, she struggled out of his embrace. She turned around and said gratefully, "Thank you, Liu Haofeng."    


Liu Haofeng nodded with a dry smile. He slightly bent his waist and tried his best to control the dragon's head below him, hoping that it would quickly retract.    


However, the more it thought about it this way, the more excited it became. In fact, it even seemed to be calling out to him.    


Woo …    


The car suddenly started again. Liu Haofeng, who was preoccupied with his thoughts, was caught off guard as his body leaned forward.    


"Ah!" Chu Shiqing didn't expect him to suddenly move forward and cry out in alarm. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt something hard pressing against his buttocks. Thinking that Liu Haofeng wanted to take advantage of him, he hastily stretched out his hand to hit it.    


Unexpectedly, the blow hit her crotch, and the solid object inside even shook a few times, causing Chu Shiqing to be stunned for a moment. Her face instantly flushed red, and she hurriedly retreated backwards.    


Liu Haofeng's face twitched. His lower part of his body was hurting a little, but it was also becoming hotter. However, he didn't dare to reach out and scratch it. Both of his hands held onto the hook stiffly as he gave an apologetic smile …    


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