Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C182 Goodbye to the Simple Teacher

C182 Goodbye to the Simple Teacher

0As Liu Haofeng expected, Yun Guangyuan called before he could even take a few steps.    


Luckily, he didn't beat Yun Lin up first, otherwise, he really didn't know how to answer. After all, Yun Guangyuan was the driver of Jiang Lao, so he often sent Yun Che in and out of Zhongnanhai.    


"Small Wind, Lil 'Lin doesn't know what's good for him, don't lower yourself to the same level as him." "This brat is disappointing. When you have time, help me scold him …"    


"Yes, yes …" Other than that word, Liu Haofeng didn't know how to respond. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.    


Usually, Yun Guangyuan didn't talk much, but this phone call lasted for twenty minutes. Liu Haofeng was completely disoriented from all the chatter.    


After finally hanging up the phone, Liu Haofeng let out a heavy sigh. He turned around and looked at Ma Rulong and the others who had already gotten up. He shook his head helplessly.    


A favor, it really wasn't a good thing!    


If it was the past, he would not care about these people's worldly wisdom. But now, he had to think for the people around him. After all, he couldn't stay in the army forever, so he had to give them face.    


Especially since this was the capital, where small fights and small ruckus were common, but if they truly caused a big incident, then there would be a series of reactions. No matter how strong he was, he would not be able to fight against the country.    


It had to be said that Liu Haofeng's personality had changed a lot these days. In the army, he was Soldier King. Most people worshipped him, giving way wherever he went. However, after coming out, he realized that this world needed favors, and it needed tolerance, and taking a step back into the wider world …    


Liu Haofeng got off the taxi in front of the upscale Tea Cloud Hotel. He couldn't help but call Zhong Yawei: "Are you sure it's the Tea Cloud Hotel?"    


It was no wonder that he suspected that the Tea Cloud Hotel was so luxurious. Why would they come to a place like this for lunch? Judging from the surroundings, a meal would probably cost tens of thousands!    


He didn't want to spend money like that. He wanted to save that money for something else.    


"I'm sure, I'm sure. If you don't believe me, you can navigate!" Zhong Yawei's voice sounded impatient. "Hurry up and come up. Room 302, third floor."    


After saying that, he hung up, making Liu Haofeng smile bitterly. From the looks of it, it was him who had invited him to dinner again!    


Although tens of thousands was not a lot compared to the 20 million on him, when would such a small amount of money come to an end?    


He had already thought about it. Using this small amount of money to settle Li Li's family as well as letting Shadow do some practical things, he could not rely on the army to support him in the future.    


Just relying on School Hospital was not enough to go shopping! Furthermore, Qin Qingwu's family background was quite good. As a man, he naturally wished to be worthy of her.    


However, he did not know what exactly he was going to do to earn money. He would discuss it with Shadow once he returned to Chang Xi.    


Just as he was about to walk towards the restaurant, he suddenly stopped in his tracks. With a frown, he looked at the stand beside the restaurant. Two people were fighting over something.    


If it was anyone else, he would definitely not have cared. However, one of them was Wang Chunxiang, who he had met on the plane. The other was a woman in her twenties. She was dressed extremely flirtatiously. She was simply a monster!    


Liu Haofeng couldn't help but walk over and heard the two of them arguing from afar.    


"You didn't pay!"    


"I gave it to you, I gave you twenty, and you still say you didn't give it to me, you're being shameless!" "Sly merchant, I have never seen such a scoundrel seeking for money like you!"    


"You … You didn't pay, you ate my squid, you... "Give me the money!"    


"Heh, I already gave it to you. It's you who can't remember what it was for me. Don't be so f * cking shameless. Do you believe that I won't smash your stall? "    


"You … You're spitting blood. I never took your money! "    


Hearing the competition between the two, Liu Haofeng also understood. It should be that enchanting woman cheating. With Wang Chunxiang's personality, how could she not remember that she even remembered a bottle of cola!    


Taking a deep breath, Liu Haofeng walked over and shouted in a deep voice: "What's going on?"    


"Aiya, handsome brother!" The enchanting woman's eyes immediately lit up with a coquettish smile, "Handsome, this crazy woman actually said I didn't follow the money, why don't you judge for me?"    


Wang Chunxiang's face was flushed red as she yelled angrily, "You obviously didn't pay up, you …" "Liu Haofeng, why is it you?"    


The enchanting woman's mouth twitched. Feelings of an acquaintance! His expression changed instantly as he looked at Liu Haofeng. He noticed that Liu Haofeng was not dressed well and said disdainfully: "What, you want to help her out? "Then find me money!"    


Wang Chunxiang panicked and shouted, "It was clearly you who wanted to give me the money. 7 yuan, bring it over!"    


With Liu Haofeng's draw, how could the seven yuan be so expensive? However, in a small business, seven yuan was still money. Furthermore, for someone as thrifty as Wang Chunxiang, seven dollars wasn't a small sum for her.    


Besides, it wasn't a matter of money. It was a matter of credibility and dignity!    


He then stared coldly at the enchanting woman, "Take out your money, what's the point of cheating."    


"You … I don't owe her money. She owes me money! " The enchanting woman still held her head high, "What, people bullying people. If you have the ability, come at me, I don't believe you can do anything to me!"    


The arrogant tone made Liu Haofeng very unhappy and he almost slapped him.    


Seeing that Liu Haofeng didn't understand, the enchanting woman curled her lips in disdain: "What, you don't dare? "If you don't dare, just take out the money. Find me thirteen yuan, hurry up!"    




Liu Haofeng still couldn't hold it in anymore. He slapped towards the enchanting woman, causing her face to tilt and her earrings to fly away.    


"You … "How dare you hit me!" The enchanting woman covered her face with her hands as she shouted with her eyes wide open, "Someone come, someone hit me, I'm bullying you …"    


The voice was particularly ear-piercing and loud, attracting the attention of a few people.    


"Try your best to scream," Liu Haofeng stared at her coldly. "If you scream enough, I will make you die a horrible death!"    


"You … "You …" When she met Liu Haofeng's cold gaze, the enchanting woman was scared to death. She trembled as she backed away, but her mouth still refused to back down, "Just you wait, I'll find someone, I'll find someone to break your stall!"    


With that, he dejectedly turned around and left. He didn't care about the earrings on the floor and guessed that it was just a cheap fake.    


Wang Chunxiang was a little taken aback and said worriedly, "Thank you, Liu Haofeng." Watching the woman leave, he felt sorry for the loss of the seven dollars. At the same time, he was worried that the woman would come back to take revenge.    


Liu Haofeng could see through her thoughts. He smiled and changed the topic, "Why are you here to sell barbecue? Didn't you say you were going to see your uncle?"    


Wang Chunxiang reacted, her face pouting in anger. "My uncle lied, but he's not sick at all, he scammed me into coming back!" I don't have the money to go back now, so I'm renting a stall to earn my fare. "    


It sounded natural, but it sounded very sad to Liu Haofeng. Even if he wanted to earn his fare, he still had to return to that poor place?    


Wang Chunxiang suddenly smiled, "But it doesn't matter. It's the National Day, so the barbeque business is pretty good here. I think we'll be able to earn money in a few days." Oh right, why are you here? "    



"I …" Liu Haofeng wanted to say that he was coming to eat, but he changed his mind, "I just happened to pass by. I didn't expect to meet you here."    


She was working hard for the fare, but she had to spend several tens of thousands for a single meal. The difference was so huge that he didn't even dare to say it out loud.    


Wang Chunxiang smiled and nodded, "Mm, thank you. "I think I'll go somewhere else. If she comes back later, I'll be in trouble."    


"There's no need for that. Here it is." Liu Haofeng frowned, "It's not bad here. She doesn't dare to do anything to you, don't worry. This is the crossroads, there are a lot of people. "    


"But …" Wang Chunxiang was a little worried. That woman did not seem like she was joking. However, he was unwilling to think about escaping after losing seven yuan. Gritting his teeth, he nodded his head. "Then I will stay here. I'm not afraid of her."    


Liu Haofeng secretly let out a sigh of relief. He didn't want to harm her because of him to no avail.    


Honestly speaking, Liu Haofeng was more impressed with Wang Chunxiang. He admired her optimism and her dedication.    


She was a woman in the prime of her life. She should have lived a beautiful life in the city, yet she chose to go to the countryside to be a teacher. Furthermore, she was always thinking about her students.    


Liu Haofeng admired this point from the bottom of his heart. It was as if a delicate woman could carry the future of a bunch of children with her …    


"Liu Haofeng, Liu Haofeng?"    


Hearing the shout, Liu Haofeng finally reacted. Seeing Wang Chunxiang looking at him with a puzzled look, Liu Haofeng smiled: "It's nothing, I was just thinking about something. "Yeah, I told you about the fund last time. It's like this, you need to give me a basic report on your school, I'll help you apply."    


"Can I really apply?" Wang Chunxiang was pleasantly surprised. "Thank you, Liu Haofeng, then I..." I'll go back and get it. "    


Liu Haofeng was at a loss whether to laugh or cry: "We can do it tonight, there's no rush. I've been in the capital for the past few days, I'll take care of your stall every day."    


"This... How can this be? " Wang Chunxiang's cheeks were flushed red. She was very happy, but she wasn't too stubborn. "Thank you, Liu Haofeng. Thank you so much."    


She knew Liu Haofeng was not short on money, and she didn't plan to take it from him. Whether or not the fund could be applied for, Liu Haofeng was already very grateful for his help.    


Liu Haofeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You don't have to ask, how much can you probably apply for?"    


Wang Chunxiang was stunned as if she had never thought about this question. With a blush, she scratched her head in embarrassment. "Then, how many applications can I apply for?"    


Liu Haofeng smiled: "I asked yesterday, look at your school, those with the maximum quota can apply for two hundred thousand, at least fifty thousand."    


"Ah, so many!" Wang Chunxiang screamed, her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. Two hundred thousand, if he really had two hundred thousand, the school wouldn't have to worry about that anymore. It would already take twenty years!    


Liu Haofeng nodded with certainty: "Yeah, I'll check the report then. I'll try my best to help you apply for a little bit more." Then, I'll have them all donate some money. I should be able to collect three hundred thousand dollars. "    


"Three... Three hundred thousand?! " Wang Chunxiang's eyes were wide open with disbelief written all over her face. 300,000 yuan, then she wouldn't have to worry about the school fees for her children for the rest of her life!    


Actually, if he wasn't worried that she wouldn't be able to take it, Liu Haofeng would give her at least one million yuan.    


Love, don't mind the money...    


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