Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C215 Earn Back Your Wife's Money

C215 Earn Back Your Wife's Money

0"Tsk, just a little." Gu Lianxuan frowned in disdain as she took the dark brown piece of jade from her cutting master.    


When it was even bigger than a fist, it was only 5 cm or so. It was so small that it was almost pitiful.    


Liu Haofeng also felt that he had made a huge loss. A stone worth four hundred thousand yuan, if he looked at the current piece of jade, the quality was not very high. He estimated that he could buy it for a few thousand yuan.    


Four hundred thousand was a waste of money. Just thinking about it made his scalp go numb. No matter how much money he had, it was not enough to waste.    


Bai Xing took the jade and looked at it, then said with a smile, "Be content with what you have. This is a good quality yellow jade, it belongs to the category of He Tian Yu. It's a pity that it's a little small and isn't suitable for making bracelets, but it can be used for making pendants. "    


"How much is it worth?" Gu Lianxuan stared at him nervously.    


Liu Haofeng held his breath. How much is it worth? That's the main point. He should have been able to get back some wives, but he definitely wouldn't have lost everything.    


White Star frowned as he weighed the offer. "A hundred thousand or so. Of course, if I find a good master, the price will increase several times."    


Gu Lianxuan was so happy that her eyebrows were raised. She grabbed the jade and jumped up in joy. "Really? That's great! Hehe …"    


Liu Haofeng almost cried. Finally, he managed to get back some of his wife's money, so it wasn't a big loss for his grandma. Then he thought, "If I can get back $100,000 and still need to find a famous master, wouldn't that be even more of a loss?"    


"It's out, it's out!"    


Right at this moment, a shout came from another cutting machine next door. It was soon followed by Chu Shiqing's excited shout, "Ah! Such a white jade! Hurry up! How big is it?"    


Liu Haofeng immediately ran over and stared at the stone under the cutting machine. He realized that it wasn't cut much, so he felt more than half relieved.    


Such a small stone, if cut out, it would be around the size of a thumb and would cost eight hundred thousand yuan. It would be a loss no matter what!    


White Star's eyes lit up. "It's the upper-class He Tian Yu. The middle part should be white jade with goat fat."    


No matter what it was, Liu Haofeng didn't understand. What he cared about the most was how much it could be cut and how much it was worth!    


Even if he didn't sell it, it would be impossible for it to become money again. At least, he had something to keep.    


Very quickly, the jade was completely revealed, and the surrounding people also started to get excited.    


"Like I said, it's white jade with goat fat. Its quality isn't bad, but it's a bit small."    


"Yeah, eight hundred thousand isn't worth it." However, that is not necessarily the case. If it is slightly rounded, at least it will not be a loss. "    


"If it were a little bit bigger, I would still be willing to pay eight hundred thousand, what a pity …"    


Chu Shiqing ignored the crowd and happily received the white jade. She looked around happily and smiled at Liu Haofeng: "Look, Liu Haofeng, it's so pretty."    


Gu Lianxuan pouted dejectedly, "What's so good about Bai Yu? My Huang Yu is good." His tone was sour and one could tell that he was unwilling to accept it.    


Liu Haofeng secretly wiped off his cold sweat. Luckily, eight hundred thousand wasn't completely wasted. His wife had left a little more!    


"Hey, baby, baby is coming out!"    


With another shout, Liu Haofeng Xiu quickly ran over. His heart was thumping hard. Did he really step on dog shit luck?    


However, when he arrived at the third cutting machine, he discovered that the rock that was used as a human head had already been cut into the size of a melon.    


"It's white jade with mutton fat, a top grade white jade with mutton fat!"    


"It's not small, this treasure is not small." Judging from its appearance, it should be around the size of a fist. Hehe, over a million is the minimum. "    


"Yeah, this should be the biggest business deal in the past few days. Over a million, tsk tsk, that's really not a small amount. "    


"Hehe, I earned over a million. I remember that this piece is only 10,000 yuan, it's really profitable! "    


"At that time, I wanted to buy this as well, but the price was only ten thousand. I thought it wasn't anything good. Ai …"    


He didn't even need to ask White Star, just listening to the crowd chattering, Liu Haofeng's heart was already beating fast. Over a million yuan, I've earned it all back, haha!    


Even if he had to pay a cutting fee later, it wouldn't be a loss. He would just have to spend money to buy some jade. It would be great!    


Seeing Liu Haofeng finally crack a smile, Chu Shiqing giggled, sneakily going up to him and whispering, "Liu Haofeng, what are you in such a hurry for? Go buy another piece later." "Anyway, Sister Wei said that you have twenty million yuan on you, and she wants us to help you spend it as soon as possible."    


These words almost made Liu Haofeng stagger and fall down. Damn, no wonder they never felt the pinch. Zhong Yawei had revealed her secret!    


Just as she was about to cry, Gu Lianxuan said, "Don't worry, you can ask my sister for the money you spent. If my sister doesn't have it, you go to my house and ask my mother for it. "No, my dad will probably come to the capital in two days. Just ask my dad directly."    


He spoke calmly, as if it was a matter of course. But to Liu Haofeng, it was all nonsense. Could he ask the Gu family for money?    


"Wait," Liu Haofeng suddenly reacted and stopped Gu Lianxuan with his eyes wide open, "You …" You said just now that your father is coming to the capital? "    


"That's right!" Gu Lianxuan nodded affirmatively as her lips curled up evilly, "My dad heard that my sister has a boyfriend, so he came over to take a look. Hehe …" Yi, Liu Haofeng, what happened to your face? Did you cramp? "    


It was more than a cramp. He was so scared that he was about to piss his pants!    


What the hell was going on? Why did he agree to be Gu Lianmeng's fake boyfriend? It should have started tomorrow, so why did he arrange for his father-in-law to be here already?    


He was just an imposter, how would he dare face the Gu family's elders?    


"It's not small! "Look, look, look, there's a tail at the end, it's really good."    


"Then who is it? I'll pay a million, how about you give it to me?"    


"Are you sick? Have you forgotten where we are? Even if you want to sell it, you should be the one who speaks first, right? "    


Liu Haofeng suddenly came back to his senses. He looked carefully and saw the white jade, which was the size of a fist. Although it was a bit sharp, it was so white that it was shining. It looked really good.    


"Wow, she's so beautiful." Gu Lianxuan and Chu Shiqing couldn't help but exclaim in admiration. Looking at the jade in their hands, they felt that it was a little too lacking.    


Bai Xing was also surprised. Liu Haofeng's win was equivalent to a million yuan, this dog shit luck is pretty good.    


However, he had been in this line of work for one or two years, and he had seen quite a lot of scenes. He was not too shocked, so he turned to Liu Haofeng and smiled, "Congratulations, Liu Haofeng. Your luck is pretty good."    


Liu Haofeng smiled bitterly, "Hehe, there will be a time when I have to step on my dog shit luck." In his heart, he thought, "Could the Jade Seed really absorb true qi?"    



If that was really the case, wouldn't it be a big deal? Even if he was able to scrape a stone for a million each, he would still be able to earn a lot!    


Thinking this, Liu Haofeng almost jumped up in joy, he was so happy.    


"Liu Haofeng, are you crazy?" Chu Shiqing cautiously tugged on his sleeve and asked with caution, "Have you taken the wrong medicine? With just this little thing, why are you smiling so much?"    


Realizing that, Liu Haofeng slapped her and bitterly took the white jade. He really couldn't let go of it. This thing was even more expensive than gold. Whether he could get his wife back was already up to it!    


Bai Xing smiled, "So, do you plan to take them away, or do you plan to trade here?"    


Liu Haofeng answered without thinking, "Deal!"    


These words caused everyone to be stunned. Judging from the reactions of the two girls just now, they seemed like rich people. They should be bringing them away.    


Bai Xing was also a bit confused. He was just casually asking about it as a matter of routine. He never expected that Liu Haofeng actually intended to sell it. Usually, those who came for the first time would bring it back as a souvenir.    


"Liu Haofeng, did you lose your mind?" Gu Lianxuan stared at the white jade in Liu Haofeng's hand with extreme dissatisfaction, "Such a good-looking jade, why would you want to sell it? No, I don't agree. You... You can give me this piece of yours. "    


Ignoring Gu Lianxuan's objection, Liu Haofeng continued to smile coyly and said, "Um, Brother Bai Xing, look at this jade. I don't think it's of any use to keep it, so why don't you help me out?"    


Seeing that he was actually ignoring her, Gu Lianxuan's forehead was covered in a few black lines. Her almond-shaped eyes narrowed and she gnashed her teeth. This guy was no longer afraid of her. He didn't even put her in his eyes.    


Hmph hmph, find a chance to rejuvenate the heroism of women!    


Since Liu Haofeng agreed to change hands, White Star didn't say anything more. He asked his men to take the jade away first, saying that it would be processed first and then evaluated later.    


"You're crazy!" Gu Lianxuan couldn't help but mutter as she saw Liu Haofeng continue to walk towards the arena happily.    


Chu Shiqing nodded in agreement, "That's right, Liu Haofeng is a miser now, and a crazy miser!"    


Liu Haofeng heard it clearly and complained in his heart. The money isn't yours, so of course you don't feel sorry for it. This is my wife's money, I can't let it go to waste!    


How could he not want to squander his money like that? He did not care about anything else. But now, he had a layer of consideration for the future. He wanted to leave some money to do some practical work, so there wasn't anything wrong with that.    


As he walked in front of the entrance, Bai Xing suddenly stopped and smiled: "Liu Haofeng, you seem to have a way to appraise it, don't you?"    


Liu Haofeng looked at him blankly, not understanding what he meant.    


White Star gloomily said, "How about we work together? Let me bring you to the biggest arena in the capital.    


The corner of his mouth twitched. This Bai Xing was really shrewd. He could tell that something was amiss so quickly and he even wanted to pull her down with him!    


"We're not finished. You guys can play by yourselves." Gu Lianxuan and Chu Shiqing, who were behind them, angrily left after saying those words. They didn't know if it was on purpose or not.    


Liu Haofeng nodded with a wry smile and admitted, "Alright, I do have a little idea, but I'm not sure if it's accurate."    


Upon hearing the confirmation, Bai Xing was astonished. There really was a solution. Wasn't this fellow too fearsome? Initially, he thought that he had never come into contact with him before due to pure luck. He didn't think that he would truly have such skills.    


How could he let them live? Many of these old foxes had struggled on this path for years to not even get a million yuan, but now, he estimated that they were going to make a killing today.    


Taking a deep breath, Bai Xing said in a serious tone, "Liu Haofeng, this path is not easy. You have to be careful not to overdo it."    


Liu Haofeng also understood that if he made too much of a profit all of a sudden, it would probably arouse suspicion and offend people. I know that, and I don't want to make a fortune and let it go. Hehe, you just said that it's the biggest stage, what's wrong, do you have enmity with them? "    


Bai Xing looked left and right, laughing wickedly. "It can't be considered as having enmity, it's just that I'm short on money." "Furthermore, that is our family's property, hehe …"    


Liu Haofeng rolled his eyes at these words. As expected, he was a cunning person. He actually wanted to earn money from his family. It was obvious that he wanted to use him for revenge!    


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