Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C42 Courtship

C42 Courtship

0On the ten popular pieces of news, three of them were about today's matter. Although it had been dealt with and suppressed to the best of its ability, it still caused a huge sensation.    


A student riot was the most taboo thing in the world. It was forbidden no matter what country they were in.    


However, there were not many investigations. A few policemen would occasionally patrol the school and leave, but what was truly exciting was the city, which was already in a state of chaos.    


"Zhou Feng, you're ruthless!" Opening the office door, Ye Li gritted her teeth as she glared at him. "You actually dared to touch my men. You must have some guts."    


Zhou Feng stood up calmly and smiled, "Secretary Ye, you are welcome to come. I have always been a timid person, and Deputy Secretary Ye must be joking. "    


Ye Li didn't appreciate his kindness. She snorted coldly, "Don't think that you're so amazing just because you have the Gu family backing you. If you provoke me, you'll never be able to stand up again in your entire life."    


He then turned around and left in a huff.    


Zhou Feng was still smiling, but his eyes were filled with a cold light. Before, he hadn't relied on much, but now, not only was there the Gu family, but there was also the dragon … He was not afraid of a small deputy secretary of the Municipal Committee!    


"Liu Haofeng, get up!"    


Early in the morning, Liu Haofeng was still asleep. The door frame rang, and Gu Lianxuan's scream penetrated the entire building before the doorbell even rang.    


He turned his body around in dissatisfaction. Liu Haofeng couldn't care less and shouted, "Let's sleep a bit more. What time is it?"    


"It's already past 6. Hurry and get up!" Gu Lianxuan kicked the door in dissatisfaction, causing it to tremble in excitement.    


Scratching his messy hair, Liu Haofeng woke up from his beautiful dream and muttered dejectedly: "It's only 6, what's the rush?" "If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have let you go."    


Still, he had to dress.    


Liu Haofeng was instantly dumbfounded when he opened the door. Standing in the doorway were two beautiful girls who were dressed exactly the same, with similar height and looks.    


They were both in slacks, black outdoor shoes, and hats. At first glance, he looked like a free person who traveled outside the city all year round.    


Needless to say, they were Gu Lianxuan and Chu Shiqing.    


"You're still not up yet? Hurry up and pack up." Gu Lianxuan glared in dissatisfaction, her face filled with endless excitement.    


"That's right, let's hurry up and go, hee hee …" Chu Shiqing could not wait any longer. She snapped her backpack, "Seriously, it's so heavy."    


Liu Haofeng's mouth twitched. His gaze fell on Chu Shiqing as he said, "You're going too?"    


"I can't go!" Chu Shiqing narrowed her eyes and pouted, feigning anger. "Since you said it's like traveling, then why can't you bring me along?"    


Gu Lianxuan quickly added, "That's right, what's the point of having an extra person? It's not like I want to live with you, nor do I need to spend your money! Hurry and pack up, we're going to the train station! "    


Liu Haofeng's heart nearly jumped out of his chest after receiving the confirmation. My mother, are you trying to make him take a few young and beautiful girls on a tour? And, just him?    


Worse of all, these two little barbarians were obviously not on good terms with Qin Qingwu and Lu Yuxi. When the four of them targeted him, wouldn't that be a tragedy?    


The more he thought about it, the more Liu Haofeng regretted it. He could already imagine how sad he would be for the next few days!    


Liu Haofeng swallowed a mouthful of foam and tremblingly changed the topic: "9 o'clock train, there's no need to be in such a hurry right …"    


If Gu Lianxuan and Qin Qingwu hadn't insisted on taking the train, Liu Haofeng wouldn't have bothered.    


Before Liu Haofeng finished his sentence, Gu Lianxuan's almond eyes immediately narrowed into a line: "Can't you go earlier? Also, we still need to go to the supermarket to buy food later! "    


Seeing the unfriendly faces of the two girls, Liu Haofeng hurriedly nodded and said, "Fine, fine, fine. You guys go have breakfast first. I'll come and find you later."    


"Remember, hurry up. We have to get there before 7 o'clock. Otherwise, hmph hmph hmph …" Gu Lianxuan had a threatening look on her face.    


Liu Haofeng was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. He really didn't know what to be so anxious about. It was only six o'clock, when could he get on the train?    


If it wasn't for the promise he made last night, Liu Haofeng would've reneged on his promise and let Gu Lianxuan follow him.    


When Liu Haofeng closed the door, Gu Lianxuan's joyous voice came from the outside, "Shi Qing, let's think carefully where we should go to play then." "We got off at City K, and then we went this way …"    


Liu Haofeng smiled wryly. They really thought that he was going on a trip!    


However, he didn't intend to stay in the city. He was planning to go to the countryside and disappoint them when the time came!    


While she was brushing her teeth, Qin Qingwu called to urge him to hurry over as she was having breakfast in the cafeteria.    


Wasn't it just a long journey? Was there a need to cause such a ruckus?    


He didn't think that it would be easy for these young mistresses to travel, especially when they didn't have any bodyguards to accompany them. This was a rare opportunity, and they naturally cherished it. They were also exceptionally happy.    


Other than his bank card and cell phone, he did not bring anything else with him as he walked towards the cafeteria with empty hands.    


At the entrance of the cafeteria, he could see a group of people gathered in the distance, chattering non-stop. Looking over, there was a piece of red paper on the wall, which completely aroused Liu Haofeng's suspicion.    


"Dr Liu is here!"    


The moment they walked in, someone shouted loudly. The crowd immediately opened up a path as they looked at Liu Haofeng in admiration.    


Being stared at like that, Liu Haofeng chuckled dryly. He raised his head and glanced at the red paper with black characters. It turned out to be the school's announcement of the expulsion of Zhao Guang and the other six teachers.    


"Dr Liu, thank you. This time, you have done us students a great service to get rid of these worms."    


"That's right, Dr Liu. You don't know, these teachers have always been domineering and unreasonable. They are all shameless. "It's good now that you've finally been expelled. It's really a pleasure to see it!"    


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