Beauty's Special Magical Doctor

C45 Be Careful When Wrapping up a Car

C45 Be Careful When Wrapping up a Car

0"Aha, I finally got off!"    


After exiting the train station, the four young beauties jumped out in joy. Behind them, Liu Haofeng, who was covered in bags, followed with difficulty.    


Now, Liu Haofeng was very clear about his position as a free labourer!    


He just got off the car and went to the supermarket to buy daily necessities. He was definitely going to tire himself to death.    


All the men who passed by looked at him with envy. Who would have known that Liu Haofeng was actually depressed?    


On the train, the four girls agreed to treat Liu Haofeng like a girl and not a man!    


No matter what, he was still a man. After hearing the beautiful ladies say so, he felt so stifled in his heart. He wished he could put them all on the ground and prove that he was a man!    


"Aiya, Liu Haofeng, hurry up." At the front, Qin Qingwu impatiently turned her head and shouted, "It's almost dark, we still have to go to the supermarket to buy stuff."    


"Exactly." Gu Lianxuan rolled her eyes and agreed, "I say, Liu Haofeng, are you a man or not? You can't even carry a few bags." Also, should we take a taxi? "    


Liu Haofeng was about to say something, but Lu Yuxi interrupted him, "Of course it's to take care of the car. Otherwise, do you want to be a bus or a minibus?" I'm not going to do it. It's not like I have to pay for a van. Look, there's a chartered car over there. "    


Seeing the four girls happily leaving, Liu Haofeng was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. He kept feeling that he no longer had the right to speak, right to the microphone!    


By the time Liu Haofeng walked over, the four ladies had already chosen their car. It was an extended van and looked quite luxurious.    


The driver was a young man in his thirties. He was thinner than the others, with prominent frontal bones on both sides of his face. However, he was decently dressed and looked quite refined.    


"Liu Haofeng, where are we going?" Gu Lianxuan turned around and asked, "This car is not bad. Let's just rent this car."    


Glancing at the driver, Liu Haofeng smiled and said, "Hello, how much are you going to the small town of Guangan?"    


"Little Lin Town?" The driver frowned and drew in a deep breath, "Aiya, Little Lin Town is quite far from here, it will take more than two hours to get there." "Plus the fact that we're entering the village, this …"    


"One Thousand Yuan, you can have it for five hours." Liu Haofeng interrupted him. Of course he knew that the driver wanted to increase the price. But he didn't care about the money.    


"A thousand?!" The driver's eyes lit up as he revealed a happy smile, "Fine, 5 hours is 5 hours. You can pay half the price first."    


Five hours for a thousand yuan. This was an unprecedented price, how could he not be happy?    


As a famous tourist city, it was normal to take a taxi to City K. Most of them headed for the scenic spots. Usually, they would take a taxi and only cost a few hundred yuan.    


But now, five hours, no matter where he went, he wouldn't need a thousand dollars. The driver really felt like he had met a rich man.    


Liu Haofeng didn't feel anything was wrong. He wanted to reach for his purse, but found that his arm couldn't bend down at all. He could only turn around and say to Qin Qingwu, "I have money in my wallet."    


Qin Qingwu didn't think too much about it. She reached into his pants pocket and suddenly realized that the gesture seemed to be too intimate. In particular, his pocket was stretched forward, and it was extremely deep. It felt as if it was touching the bottom of his thigh …    


Qin Qingwu's face suddenly turned slightly red. She took out her bulging purse and opened it. Qin Qingwu couldn't help but be taken aback. Apart from a handful of bills, there was only a bank card in the wallet.    


He had thought that his wallet would contain his identity card or any other information related to him, but he didn't expect it to be so blank.    


The driver, on the other hand, could see everything clearly. His eyes widened in shock. At least 3,000 cash!    


It was only then that a large number of Liu Haofeng's group realized, although the clothes were ordinary, the color of their faces was rosy and shiny, not the color of a normal family.    


This made the driver even more excited. They were definitely rich. This was a big meal …    


Without giving it much thought, Qin Qingwu reacted and took out six red notes, stuffing them into the driver's pocket. "Six hundred. I'll give you another six hundred when we arrive at our destination."    


"Thank you! "Thank you …" The driver was pleasantly surprised. He actually increased the price! As expected of rich people, not taking money as money.    


The car was well decorated as well. There were a total of eight people in it. Besides the two in front and six in the back, there were also softer seats.    


"It's better to take the train. We'll have to wait a long time for the train. It's so tiring."    


"Yeah, next time I won't take the train, I'll just fly."    


After getting on the train, Gu Lianxuan and Chu Shiqing started to complain again. Liu Haofeng smiled bitterly, it wasn't that you guys insisted on taking the train, but now you've already reached your destination.    


"Master Wang, let's go to the supermarket first. It's the biggest supermarket nearby."    


The driver was shocked. He thought Liu Haofeng and co. went straight to Guanglin Village and rushed back without stopping. Otherwise, why would they rent the car for five hours? Unexpectedly, he was going to the supermarket?    


In any case, Wang Yuan didn't care that much as he calculated the money according to the time. It would be better to just wander around the city.    


Looking at Wang's face in the rearview mirror, Liu Haofeng didn't know why, but he felt that the look in his eyes had always been erratic, as if he was planning something out. He could not help but become vigilant secretly.    


The car quickly entered the city center. Gu Lianxuan and the other two girls kept pointing at the buildings outside the window, just like a village girl entering the city.    


At the same time, Liu Haofeng clearly saw the greedy look in Superintendent Wang's eyes as he gritted his teeth. This made Liu Haofeng frown. Could it be that this driver wasn't a good person?    


After about 20 minutes, the car finally stopped outside the supermarket. The four girls couldn't wait to get off the car, but Liu Haofeng stopped them just in time: "Take your wallet."    


"Oh, put it in the car... "Alright, take it with you." Gu Lianxuan originally wanted to say that she left the car, but then she felt that it wasn't hers after all, so she changed her mind in the end.    


The atmosphere was a bit awkward. When the few of them opened their backpacks, Superintendent Wang looked back and smiled. "It's just nice that I'm going for a meal. Just tell me when you're done buying things."    


Noticing that the four backpacks were full of clothes, disappointment flashed across Wang's eyes. However, he soon noticed that the wallets in the four girls' hands were bulging. He even saw Chu Shiqing pull out a stack of money from under her clothes. It seemed to be around 3000 yuan!    


Chief Wang's gaze did not escape Liu Haofeng's eyes. He sneered but also felt helpless. If one didn't expose their wealth, everyone would covet it. I hope that the king can control his greed, otherwise don't blame him for being impolite!    


After taking the call from Superintendent Wang, Liu Haofeng brought the four beauties into the bustling supermarket. As expected, when he turned his head to look, he saw the King's Manor getting out of the car and staring at the backs of the five people with a wistful expression.    


"Liu Haofeng, what's wrong?" Qin Qingwu finally noticed Liu Haofeng's abnormality.    


Liu Haofeng smiled as he shook his head, "Nothing." After all, nothing bad had happened. Besides, Superintendent Wang only had the slightest clue, so Liu Haofeng couldn't tell them that he should be more careful.    


As Liu Haofeng expected, the four girls couldn't stop once they entered the supermarket. After two hours, the five of them finally came out, each of them carrying two large bags and stuffing them slowly, as if they were buying New Year's items.    


Looking from afar, the corners of the King's Manor's mouth slightly twitched as he involuntarily muttered, "Truly a rich man who buys so many things. "Tsk tsk, if we can really get this piece of fat …"    


Without much time to think, he hurriedly opened the car door and went up to them with a face full of smiles, "Are you guys going to celebrate the new year or what? Why are you buying so many things?"    



"Aiya, I have to stay there for two days. How can I not buy some?" Gu Lianxuan replied without thinking and got into the car.    


The King's Manor was stunned again as he inwardly cursed. To buy so many things in just two days, he would have to spend at least a few thousand.    


After putting everything in the car, Liu Haofeng raised his head and looked at the sky. It was already 7: 30, and the sky gradually darkened. Master Wang, let's go to Guang An Village now. "    


When he finally reacted, he nodded and smiled as he got on the car, feeling even more annoyed. One thousand and two hundred yuan was enough for him to wait in the city for two hours and then drive for two hours. The money came so easily that he was even more dissatisfied with the way these rich people spent their money.    


When the lights came on, the car sped through the city towards the suburbs. However, Liu Haofeng felt that something wasn't right, he seemed to have taken a detour …    


"This is a tent, pillow, and quilt …" Gu Lianxuan and the other three girls didn't notice Liu Haofeng's expression. They formed a circle behind Liu Haofeng and counted the spoils of war. The car was filled with a festive atmosphere.    


Liu Haofeng didn't deliberately look at the Superintendent, but he inadvertently noticed that he always checked the situation behind from the rearview mirror. The envy and greed on his face made him look extremely hypocritical.    


As the sky darkened, the car also entered the countryside. It was pitch black all around, and only the shadow of a few trees could be seen occasionally flashing past the window.    


The four ladies of Gu Lianxuan's group had enough liveliness as they quietly calculated the time. Unable to hold it in, Qin Qingwu pouted and complained, "How come it hasn't been that long? Didn't they say it's been two hours? It's been almost three hours now."    


"We're almost there, hur hur." "Ah, this journey. I haven't walked for a few years, so I'm just following the navigation system."    


This kind of explanation was reasonable. After all, Gu Lianxuan and the others didn't know which direction to go. However, Liu Haofeng had come here once before. Although he didn't take a car last time, he knew that it was to the east. Now that he was driving towards the south, the road was completely wrong.    


However, Liu Haofeng didn't expose him, he wanted to see what kind of tricks Superintendent Wang was playing. At most, he would just snatch the car and drive himself.    


After another half an hour, the car suddenly stopped at a gas station.    


This made Gu Lianxuan unhappy. She glared at him. "Why is there no oil right now?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and smiled at Liu Haofeng and the others, saying, "It's not that there's no oil, it's just that the time is up. "Before, you said five hours, but now that five hours have passed, I can only send you here."    


"You … How can you be so shameless. " Chu Shiqing was the first to shout unhappily. "That's right, it's been five hours. You've been wandering around the city for so long, don't think we don't know about it."    


"In any case, you said five hours, and didn't say where you were going. "Hehe, you can either get off or you can pay the price!"    


These words made Liu Haofeng heave a sigh of relief. Luckily, he had only come for money …    


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