Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C634 Too Professional

C634 Too Professional

0"Clank -!" A loud metallic sound rang out! The tongue of fire carried a terrifying devouring force... It ruthlessly smashed onto the medicinal Dragon Tooth dagger's body!!    


Chen Bei's entire person was completely unable to withstand this distance... He was directly sent flying and fiercely fell to the ground! Even the ground... It was completely cracked!!    


Chen Bei's expression suddenly became extremely serious! This was... an armor-piercing bullet! The opponent... He actually possesses such terrifying flame power!    


Armor Penetrating Bullets... It was one of the most terrifying special weapons in the world... It could pierce through hard and thick armor-piercing bullets!    


At this moment, Chen Bei's eyes were extremely cold. The enemy had armor-piercing bullets... This was like a fight between a mouse and a python!    


The unarmed Chen Bei... It was that pitiful mouse!    


"Report! Armor Penetration failed! It was blocked by the other party!" In the wireless headset, the sniper reported in shock!    


There was silence in the headset! A few seconds later, the commander's solemn voice was heard!    


"Everyone, change into armor-piercing bullets, two rounds of hunting!!"    


The air was incomparably silent! In the sky hundreds of meters away... One after another, tongues of fire shot out violently!    


The armor-piercing bullet carried a terrifying force... It trembled in the dark night! All of the tongues of fire fiercely attacked Chen Bei!    


Chen Bei's eyes narrowed. His feet suddenly moved. His body turned into a flash of lightning!    


"Sou Sou Sou!" Numerous armor-piercing bullets whistled past his face! The violent sound of the wind was like a blade, brushing against his cheek muscles. Pain tore through his skin!    


"Boom, boom, boom -!" Countless armor-piercing bullets shot through the air... The bullets hit the spot where Chen Bei was standing just now. The ground instantly exploded. It formed a huge hole! It was incomparably terrifying!    


A violent explosion shook the entire silent street! It was incomparably terrifying!    


Inside Maybach, Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was completely pale and flustered! Her beautiful eyes nervously stared at the shocked scene outside the window... At this moment, her heart was hanging up!    


Chen Bei was in a sorry state. His entire body was covered in dust... He rushed to the car window and shouted, "Lock the door! Don't come out!"    


But before Chen Bei could finish his sentence... Behind him came a few tongues of fire!    


Chen Bei's body suddenly flashed. He barely dodged the tongues of fire!    


His eyes suddenly swept across the endless night sky. Fifteen! Fifteen snipers! He had already passed the shooting trajectory of the tongues of fire... He had completely calculated the number of snipers!    


A total of 15 snipers... This was a terrifying killing array that was almost fully armed! The strategic significance of snipers was special! Just one sniper could influence the entire battle! And today... The enemy actually sent out a total of 15 snipers?! This... This was too shocking!    


All of a sudden... Chen Bei's figure suddenly sped up and flashed in the dark night!    


"Report! The target moved too fast! The scope cannot lock onto it!" In the wireless current, the snipers reported solemnly!    


Fire intertwines! Accuracy to 0.1 microseconds! Blow up his head!!" The commander's voice was thick and bloody!    


In the night sky hundreds of meters high, countless snipers aimed their firearms with the highest precision! All the bullets aimed at the target... Chen Bei!    


"Fire!" He shouted.    


"Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!" Countless tongues of fire interweaved and attacked, causing the air in the darkness to violently tremble!    


The Dragon Tooth in Chen Bei's hand flashed explosively! His entire person rapidly dashed and dodged in the dark night!    


"Boom, boom, boom!" Countless tongues of fire exploded beside him, filling the entire place with smoke! Killing machines were everywhere!    


At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the bloody battlefield from before! That one full of guns. The terrifying hell on earth that was filled with bullets!!    


Chen Bei's entire body emitted a murderous aura! His movement technique was as fast as lightning. His speed had broken through the limit of the human body! Wherever the ground passed... A cloud of dust swept out!    


Countless tongues of fire... All of them missed!    


At the top of a tall building that was hundreds of meters tall... The sniper's eyes were wide open! In the night sky... All the snipers were shocked!    


A total of 15 snipers... A total of fifteen Barrett sniper weapons! They were actually... unable to stop and kill him?! This... How is this possible?!    


"Report... Unable to lock onto the target...! " The snipers were shocked and their voices were filled with fear as they reported to the radio!    


There was silence on the radio! The commander was lying in front of a high-rise building, staring at the rapidly moving figure through the scope...    


"Two rounds of lockdown! All weapons, aim! " Kill him! " The commander's voice was extremely solemn!    


Not good! The target is heading in the direction of Seventh Brother!" Suddenly, the snipers noticed something... Trembling violently!    


"Old Seven... Old Seven, the target has discovered your hidden floor! Quickly aim and shoot it!!"    


"Everyone, aim at the target and shoot him!" The commander shouted!    


Countless tongues of fire aimed at Chen Bei in the dark. They shot violently!    


Terrifying tongues of fire exploded beside him. Smoke and dust rose in all directions. The air was filled with killing intent!    


In Maybach, Lyi Qingyan's hands were tightly clenched and her palms were covered in sweat. Her pretty face was pale and worried as she looked at the figure charging towards the distance. At this moment, there was only one thought in her mind... You must not be in trouble!!    


"The target's movement speed is too fast! There is no way to aim!" On the radio, the snipers trembled!    


The commander's eyes were solemn. Through the scope, he stared at the charging figure in the dark night...    


Chen Bei's movement technique was as fast as lightning. He was sprinting towards the skyscraper that was hundreds of meters away! At the top of the skyscraper... A sniper was aiming at him and shooting at him fiercely, trying to stop him.    


"Everyone, fire! Lock down the defense line below the building! Block him outside the building and make him unable to move!" The commander's expression was grim as he shouted sternly.    


Suddenly, countless numbers of firepower interweaved and attacked the entrance of the skyscraper... They formed a terrifying fire line! Trying to block Chen Bei outside!    


This was a horrifying shaking! Countless attacks! The entrance of the building was covered in flames... A huge hole was instantly created in the ground! Dust and dust filled the air!    


Not far away, at the top of another skyscraper. The commander looked through the aiming lens. The corner of his mouth carried a dense bloody arc...! No matter how fast your movement technique is, you will not be able to charge into the fierce interweaving flame defense line! Once you charge in, you will be turned into a sieve by the terrifying flame!    


"Number 7, number 8... Aim at the target and attack in the end... Shoot!" The commander's voice was deep! The target had already been brought into the best sniping spot! At this moment, no matter how fast his movement technique was... It was impossible for him to escape! Could it be... The other party could even fly over walls and roofs? Could it be? This... This was destined to be a sure-kill situation!!    


In front... Countless tongues of fire collided! Behind them, several tongues of fire fiercely attacked! Chen Bei could not avoid it at all! This was a sure-kill situation!    


All of a sudden... Chen Bei's movement technique flashed... He was like a ferocious beast as he rushed up the glass wall of the building.    


In the dark night... Chen Bei's figure was vigorous and agile. Just like Spider-Man... He stepped on the roof of the glass wall outside the building and suddenly rushed up.    


On the roof of the building opposite, the commander's pupils suddenly shrank! His entire person was shocked! His gaze was fixed on the figure of the target... This... How is this possible?! He... He can actually fly over the walls?!    


At this moment, Commander Guang's eyes were filled with shock!!    


At this moment, the countless snipers on the surrounding roofs were all shocked! Through the scope, they firmly locked onto the target's figure... That lithe climbing figure... The endurance in their hearts shook time and time again!    


Hand-to-hand climbing up the tall building...! This... Is this... really a human?!    


"Everyone! Aim at the target! Shoot him in the air! "We must not let him climb to the top of the building!" The commander roared!    


Swoosh! Countless aiming lens aimed at Chen Bei who was climbing rapidly. Fire!    


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!" Flames flew everywhere! They shot toward Chen Bei, who was still climbing in the air.    


Chen Bei's movement was as fast as lightning. He kept stepping on the wall of the building and climbing up. In a blink of an eye, he had climbed nearly a hundred meters into the sky.    


However, at this time! Countless tongues of fire behind him suddenly attacked! They wanted to kill him on the spot in the sky!    


At this moment, Chen Bei was standing outside the wall of the building. His movement technique was unable to dodge or move... This seemed to be a sure-kill scene!    


Suddenly, the dark light in front of Chen Bei flashed! The medicinal Dragon Tooth Daggers let out a light cry, bringing with it the trembling of the air as they flashed out!    


Clank, clank, clank! Countless tongues of flame were blocked by the slashes! Not even half an inch into his body!    


On the roof of the building... Sniper No. 7's pupils suddenly turned serious! His Barrett sniper weapon fired fiercely at Chen Bei who was climbing up the building below!    


"Go to hell!!" Sniper number seven had a ferocious expression on his face. Barett attacked fiercely. Countless tongues of fire trembled in the air.    


Chen Bei's body was even faster. He climbed outside the hundreds of meters tall glass wall. The Dragon Tooth Dagger in his hand fiercely flashed, chopping down countless tongues of fire!    


This was an extremely shocking scene... a terrifying scene that surpassed the endurance of everyone's heart!    


Chen Bei climbed up the skyscraper that was hundreds of meters tall with his bare hands. Facing the attacks of countless terrifying sniper weapons... To be able to hack and dodge all of them! All of the tongues of fire could not even approach him by half an inch!!    


Suddenly, Chen Bei's body suddenly jumped! In an instant, he jumped onto the roof of the building! He was as fast as lightning!    


On the roof of the building, Sniper No. 7 was furious and ferocious. He held Barett in his hand and fired at Chen Bei who was in midair!    


In the dark night, countless tongues of fire were shooting at Chen Bei from all directions. The snipers all aimed at their targets... Chen Bei!    


The dark light in front of Chen Bei flashed and hacked down countless tongues of fire! It was so terrifying!    


"Number seven! Flee at once!" The commander shouted through the walkie-talkie!    


"Everyone, cover for Number Seven to escape!"    


In the dark night, countless tongues of fire shot out, trying to block Chen Bei.    


At the same time, Number Seven couldn't care less about cleaning up the scene. His body rushed forward... He wanted to escape towards the fire stairs!    


"Whoosh -!" Chen Bei's movement technique flashed and he turned into an afterimage! He dashed to the front of sniper number seven.    


"Kacha!" A crisp sound! Chen Bei folded his hands at lightning speed. Number Seven's head snapped and flew off. Blood splashed everywhere.    


"Number 7!" In the radio current... the commander and the snipers' voices were filled with rage and savagery!    


Number 7... Completely fallen! He didn't even have the chance to escape!    


"Kill him!! Kill him! Replace him with a large caliber heavy bullet!" The commander's voice was filled with rage. In this dark night, he was as bloody as a devil!    


Hundreds of meters away, countless snipers were aiming at the top floor of the building where Chen Bei was located. Sniper weapons... The infrared scope was all aimed at Chen Bei.    


The air was silent for 0.1 seconds.    


The next second! The air trembled! The tongues of fire were like a terrifying rain of fire as they attacked!    


Chen Bei suddenly crawled on the ground and grabbed the Barrett sniper weapon on the ground! This... This was a familiar feeling! At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the bloody hell that was filled with smoke! That hell was the place that belonged to him! That was his real world!    


No one was more familiar with Barett than Chen Bei... Because this was an innate talent! He had spent his entire life with cold firearms!    


"Damn it! The enemy has taken over the sniping weapons and positions... They have the tendency to counterattack!" The snipers were shocked!    


Hit him! Everyone! Target locked! "Beat him into a sieve!" The commander roared ferociously!    


Countless tongues of fire instantly aimed at the silent night sky!    


All of a sudden, Chen Bei assembled his gun and skillfully raised Barett's sniper rifle. When he aimed, he aimed accurately. The moment the mirror appeared... His entire aura suddenly changed! That was... a dense sea of blood... A mountain of bones! The moment his right index finger pulled the trigger of the weapon... The air froze!    


Under his right index finger... How many dead souls had he lost?! Dragon King never used a spear... Because his medicinal Dragon Tooth was enough to crush everything! But the moment Dragon King held the gun... Hell finally descended!    


"Whoosh!" A tongue of flame with a powerful force shot towards Chen Bei. The target was Chen Bei's forehead.    


Chen Bei's eyes narrowed as he suddenly opened fire.    


Bang! Barett's barrel trembled as a black tongue of fire shot out! It was aimed at the incoming tongue of fire!    


"Boom!!" The two tongues of fire collided violently in the air! It exploded!!    


Chen Bei's spear technique was extremely fast! * Hong Long...... *    


Countless tongues of fire were intercepted by the tongues of fire he shot out.    


"How is this possible?!!" The group of snipers were shocked!! They were shocked by this horrifying scene!    



He... he could actually use the tongue of fire to block the tongue of fire of the supersonic Mach?! This... how powerful is his accuracy?! How terrifying is his aiming technique?! This... this can only be done by countless high density accurate rebound systems!! Could it be... his spear technique... is comparable to a high precision weapon system and is even accurate?! This, this is absolutely impossible!!    


The snipers did not believe it! All the hot weapons instantly aim and shoot fiercely at Chen Bei once again!!    


Boom! Boom! Boom! The Barett in Chen Bei's hand trembled and attacked again!    


The tongues of fire that were shooting toward them were intercepted in midair! The tongues of fire collided with each other and exploded in midair!    


Countless sparks of fire exploded and shot out! It illuminated the night sky that was hundreds of meters high!    


At this moment... All the snipers were trembling!! This scene... It completely shocked their minds!    


They had never seen someone with such terrifying spear skills... To actually be able to block the tongues of fire that came from all four directions?! This... How the f * ck is this possible?! Could it be that he was a human-shaped ballistic intercepting system?! This simply surpasses the mental endurance of all snipers!!    


They have undergone professional training in high quality... But at this moment... They were still shocked! This terrifying scene exceeded everyone's expectations!    


On a skyscraper a few hundred meters away, the commander's eyes were wide open... He was staring at this scene! His expression was solemn and dead silent!    


Just by relying on... one person's strength... to intercept and block countless tongues of flame at a high speed of sound... he had once heard of this scene...! Ten years ago... when he was undergoing training in the base... he had heard his instructor mention... that in this world... there were some people... who had been tempered by hell... they were devils that came from hell! They were able to block the tongues of flame with their bare hands... they were able to snipe the trajectory of the tongues of flame! They were known as special forces soldiers!!    


Special forces soldiers... Special forces soldiers... could it be... He is... Special Forces Sergeant?! A terrified thought suddenly appeared in the commander's mind!    


However... the commander still had time to think about the future... He was pulled back to his senses by the shocked roar on the radio!    


"No. 9! No. 9!" A roar came from the radio headset!    


The commander raised his aim and aimed. He turned his head and looked at the ninth sniper's floor!    


Number 9... He was already lying in a pool of blood... His eyebrows shot up!    


At this moment... The commander's pupils suddenly shrank! The situation had changed!    


"Everyone, cover and hide! Protect yourself!" The commander roared furiously!    


The snipers' expressions were extremely solemn. All of them prostrated and covered their bodies!    


On the roof of the building high up in the sky, Chen Bei was holding onto Barett's sniper rifle. His expression was incomparably calm... There was a cigarette in his mouth and he was breathing without restraint. The counterattack that belonged to him had officially begun!    


A sniper hid in the corner of the rooftop and aimed his sniper scope at Chen Bei, who was 100 meters away from the rooftop. He slowly adjusted the precision of his sniper weapon. Just as he was about to aim and shoot...    


Suddenly, the air trembled! Immediately after, his pupils violently contracted!    


A tongue of flame... It was shooting accurately at the direction of the sniper scope!    


"Puff!" The tongue of fire pierced through the scope... It suddenly shot into his eyes... Then it pierced through the back of his head...    


He fell to the ground!    


"Number 3! Number 3!" On the radio, the voices of his accomplices were roaring furiously! But Number 3 was already dead... Being shot by a gun. Dead through the head!    


"Everyone, watch out! Everyone, pay attention! Exchange for a large-caliber bullet! Pay attention to cover, shoot to the death! "Blow him into minced meat!" The commander's face was filled with rage as he roared!    


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