Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C611 Get out

C611 Get out

0This was a super carpet search! In the air, on the ground... every angle was searching! This large-scale search operation was comparable to a large-scale police survey. It was even larger than that! Various advanced equipment, countless personnel were being searched like a carpet. There were also dozens of hunting dogs that searched the entire area within dozens of kilometers!    


Two helicopters were circling in the sky. The electronic devices were analyzing and scanning. Staff's face was very solemn. Today was an unprecedentedly large search operation. It involved a lot of things. It might even attract the attention of the media organizations in Huhai City. This was something that they absolutely did not want to see. This search must end quickly. It must not attract any attention. All of this. All of this was done in secret!    


Finally, the electronic scanner locked onto a position... It was the peak of a small hill.    


"Locate the target's position... 1x1, above left, 12 o'clock..." Staff reported.    


A dozen hounds rushed to the top of the hill under the instructor's orders.    


"Woof, woof, woof!" When the dozens of hunting dogs reached the top of the hill, they suddenly started barking loudly!    


The group of Staff's face turned serious. They rushed toward the top of the hill.    


On the top of the hill, there was a mound of earth. On top of the mound, there was a simple tombstone.    


Staff's heart skipped a beat.    


A group of Staff in black suits made a prompt decision. They immediately picked up their tools and shoveled the dirt away.    


Very quickly, a cold corpse slowly appeared under the soil.    


"Falcon's body found! Falcon's corpse found!" Staff's expression was excited as he said solemnly.    


At this moment, everyone finally heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts! The mission was completed!    


Falcon's corpse was extremely important. That would almost affect the entire family's lifeline. Today, they finally found Falcon's corpse. The stone hanging in everyone's hearts could finally fall!    


"It was destroyed on the spot... Or bring it back to Yanjing? A Staff asked.    


Bring them back to Yanjing! The old patriarch will only feel at ease when he sees the body destroyed with his own eyes!" The commander said.    


Thus, Falcon's body was carefully examined and confirmed. Then, he used a rope to hang it in the air and slowly suspended it towards the helicopter in the air.    




Thousands of kilometers away in Yanjing, a bloody massacre was taking place.    


The evening sky seemed to stretch endlessly! A dull sound of tongues of fire pierced through the void!    


Immediately after, all the relatives surrounding the Falcon family were all killed! Any name related to the word 'Falcon' was completely wiped out... Tonight, fresh blood filled the air... In the land of Yanjing... The stench of blood quietly spread...    


A young girl hid in the wardrobe, her face pale with fear. Immediately after, the wardrobe door was opened... A cold gun was aimed at the girl's head!    


At this moment, the child girl's face turned even paler!    


"Don't -! I beg you! Don't! She is still a child! "I beg you to let her go!" The mother knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the group of masked men in black. She hoped that they would let her child go! This was only a nine year old child!    


Man in Black 's expression was incomparably cold, without the slightest bit of emotion. It was as if he was a few cold-blooded and heartless robots!    


The young girl was trembling in panic. Taking advantage of the fact that the killer was not paying attention, she ran away in a panic. She wanted to escape...    


"Bang!" A tongue of flame cut through the air and shot into the back of the girl's head in an instant...    


"Ah -!" The mother screamed like she had lost her mind and completely collapsed! She saw her own child being shot to death with her own eyes... This was a huge mental breakdown!    


"Why did you kill her... She is just a child... " She's just a child! " The mother tore at the killer's clothes but was kicked away by the killer!    


The assassins stared at her coldly and mercilessly, their voices were like an ice cellar in hell," Blame it... Blame it on her father... Who asked her to be Falcon's daughter..."    


"Bang -!" A tongue of flame pierced through the night sky, bringing with it intense sparks... It suddenly shot into the center of her mother's brows!    


Her mother's pupils violently contracted, carrying along with it a hint of anger. Unresigned, hideous and miserable... Slowly, she fell into a pool of blood.    


Blood dyed the night sky red. On this vast and complicated land of Yanjing... Tonight's bloody scene was destined to be the tip of the iceberg... How could the blood of an ordinary ant attract the attention of those elephants? This is only a small wave in the endless monstrous waves...    


A group of Man in Black stepped on the blood and swept across all the corpses. After confirming that all the corpses were dead, they carried all the corpses onto a container truck. Even if they were dead bodies... They had to destroy them completely... This was a true death without a burial! Even after death, there was no place to bury a corpse...    


It was night, the Wang family's residence.    


The eldest young master, Wang Wenhao, was sitting in the hall with a deep look in his eyes. He was sipping a cup of black tea. He seemed delicate and handsome, yet the space between his brows still revealed a wisp of a swift and fierce killing intent. He made a prompt decision. If he wanted to kill, he would kill. This... was his means... and also the reason why the entire Wang family was able to become the overlord of this city... This was a land of blood and slaughter! The winner was the king!    


At this moment, a subordinate hurriedly stepped forward.    


"Young Master, the search team in Huhai City has found Falcon's corpse. Currently, they are planning to transport it back to Yanjing by air!" The subordinate reported respectfully.    


"En, got it." Wang Wenhao put down his teacup. At this moment, he appeared extremely calm. Everything was under his control.    


Wang Wenhao slowly stood up and gently flung his sleeves. After which, he walked out of the hall with an indifferent expression... He wanted to tell his grandfather about this news... He wanted his grandfather to be at ease...    




In the sky above the hills in the outskirts of Huhai City.    


Two helicopters hovered in the air. Falcon's body was slowly suspended in the air... When they saw Falcon's body being transported into the helicopter with their own eyes, they let out a long sigh of relief in their hearts. This mission is completed and the family's biggest worry is removed.    


On the helicopter, a few Staff slowly carried Falcon's cold body up. The electronic instrument began scanning...    


"Strange, why didn't Falcon's body be destroyed when Falcon died?" Staff and the others were confused. Falcon was the ultimate killing weapon of Wang family. Every time he went on a mission, he would press a self-destruct device on his body. If anything happened to Falcon, his body would be destroyed immediately... With this, the evidence would be destroyed. But, why is Falcon's body intact?    


The scanner slowly scanned along Falcon's corpse... Scanning all the way from foot to head...    


Suddenly! Falcon's eye suddenly opened!    


"Ah...!" Staff was so scared that his face turned pale. His body trembled as he retreated.    


Everyone present was also completely shocked. Everyone was shocked by this sudden change. A dead person... Why did he open his eyes?!!    


Suddenly, one of Staff reacted! He pointed at Falcon's opened eyes in horror.    


"This... this is...!" Before he could finish his sentence...    


Falcon's' eye 'instantly exploded!!    


"Boom -!" A shocking explosion!! The helicopter exploded in midair!    


The flames soared into the sky!    


The helicopter on the side was unable to escape. It was also swallowed by the flames in midair... Immediately after, The two helicopters fell to the ground.    


"Boom -!" At the top of the hill, a loud explosion echoed! The entire forest was shaking! A strong fire was burning!    


Countless members were swallowed by the fire... Some were even smashed into meat paste by the wreckage of the helicopter... The scene was tragic!    


This group of Staff would never dream of this! The self-destruct device of Falcon's body... The purpose of the device was... The purpose was to prevent people from stealing his body. However, he did not expect... Someone actually came to steal the body... Furthermore, the self-destruct device was detonated!    


In the house of the Wang family in Yanjing, in Great-grandfather's room.    


After Wang Wenhao told his grandfather the good news, his worried heart finally calmed down.    


After saying good night to his grandfather, Wang Wenhao slowly walked out of the room.    


"Reporting! Young Master! This is bad!" Suddenly, a servant rushed over in a hurry.    


Wang Wenhao's eyes focused as he said coldly, "Since when is it so noisy?! Didn't you see that grandpa just fell asleep?!"    


The servant panicked and hurriedly bowed to apologize. His voice trembled as he said, "Young master... Falcon... Falcon's corpse... It exploded in Huhai City..."    


"What?!" Wang Wenhao's eyes narrowed! He was completely stunned... He was stunned. Even his body trembled!    


Falcon's corpse... Exploded?    


At this moment, Wang Wenhao became extremely complicated! Falcon's body exploded... Although the evidence related to Falcon was destroyed... But there was another new evidence left! The group of people he sent... were all family identities! If they were discovered by the outside world... I'm afraid the consequences will be!    


Thinking of this, Wang Wenhao's expression became very cold... It was extremely cold! This time around, he actually lost! Damn it! This time... It was the mastermind, Wang Wenhao, who was tricked... This feeling... It was as if he and Chen Bei were fighting each other in person... In the end, they suffered a crushing defeat! This... was hard for him to accept!    


"Quickly mobilize the surrounding personnel... Head to the location of the incident... Clean up the scene! "Do not leave any traces behind!" Wang Wenhao's expression was cold and gloomy as he shouted decisively!    


"Yes!" His subordinate immediately went down to give orders.    


Wang Wenhao stood in the courtyard in the dark of the night. His fists were tightly clenched and his entire body was as tight as a longbow... Er Dongchen... I will definitely find out your identity... I will find out who you are.    




The evening sun is setting... Tonight, the Lyi's Villa was brightly lit.    


Today was a special day when Chen Bei was released. Lyi Yang personally cooked a table full of delicious dishes to welcome Chen Bei and wash off his bad luck.    


Chen Bei took the initiative to sit beside Goddess Lyi Qingyan. After he regained his composure, he kept a distance from Chen Bei.    


At this celebration banquet, everyone drank a lot of wine. Lyi Yang took out some precious red wine from the wine cellar and celebrated Chen Bei's release.    


Lyi Qingyan seemed very quiet, as quiet as a little kitten.    


For some reason, when this man could sit beside her... A feeling of security appeared in her heart...    


Lyi Yang and Chen Bei clinked their glasses. There was no need for words between men. Everything was in the wine.    


After drinking a cup, Chen Bei said slowly with a trace of gratitude and complicated feelings, "I'm sorry for making you worry."    


When Chen Bei said this, his mind seemed to be in a mess. At this moment, At this moment, this feeling was like home. He had wandered all the way from Hua Xia and had never truly settled down in a place. Even his secret base was only a place where he was forced to hide in order to survive.    


Although Chen Bei had bought a super mansion all over the world... He kept buying mansions all over the world just to find a sense of belonging in his heart. He seemed to have found his home in the Huhai City, in Lyi Yang's mansion. He had found his home. It was like home.    


After dinner, Lyi Qingyan called Chen Bei to the second floor.    


The two of them walked into the study room. Lyi Qingyan gestured for Chen Bei to sit down. The air was a little quiet.    


The goddess hesitated for a moment and asked softly, "Did they really release you just because there was insufficient evidence?"    


Chen Bei was stunned for a moment and nodded. Regarding the matter of him being released, he did not tell Lyi Qingyan in detail... He was afraid that Lyi Qingyan would be worried. Because of the signs of this matter, Luo Jinzhong was obviously targeting him... I'm afraid... I will be in more trouble in the future...    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes were messy and complicated. She hesitated for a long time... There seemed to be something stuck in her throat... She wanted to ask but did not know how to open her mouth.    


"That day... I saw Zhang Zi Lan..." Lyi Qingyan hesitated for a long time before she finally said something that made her heart very uncomfortable.    


Chen Bei was stunned when he heard this. After a long while, he asked, "Who is Zhang Zilan?"    


"The secretary I saw at the Myriad Kingdom Hotel." Lyi Qingyan stared at Chen Bei and said.    


"What happened between you and Zhang Zi Lan? Why did she testify against you?" Lyi Qingyan stared at Chen Bei.    


Chen Bei was stunned and silent.    


After a long time, Chen Bei spread his hands and said helplessly, "I'm sorry. I don't know either."    


"Then you..." Lyi Qingyan tightly knit her brows and did not say what she wanted to ask. Suddenly, Chen Bei stretched out his hand and pulled her into his embrace.    


"What are you doing..." Lyi Qingyan subconsciously struggled. She smelled the alcohol on Chen Bei's body and immediately understood. This guy dared to mess up after drinking!    


But no matter how Lyi Qingyan struggled, it was useless... Gradually, Goddess President's rarely seen struggling movements gradually became smaller and was no longer as intense as before...    


The two of them had been intimate for a long time. After 20 minutes, Lyi Qingyan, who could not catch her breath, finally managed to avoid Chen Bei with all her might. Her long hair was messy and her pretty face became intoxicated. Just now, she drank a few glasses of red wine downstairs. Her tolerance of alcohol was not good to begin with. At this moment, the goddess' mind was blank. She had lost her basic ability to think. Her body was controlled by instinct.    


Chen Bei held her tightly and smelled the sweet smell of her body. At this moment, it was as if the whole world was in his arms. For this woman, he could give up the whole world.    


"You go out... I'm going to sleep...!" Lyi Qingyan only regained her senses after a long time and also began to calm down. She began to send Chen Bei away and let him go out.    


Chen Bei, however, had a feeling that he did not want it to end. He wanted to get closer and kiss her again.    


Lyi Qingyan fiercely pushed him away, "You are presumptuous! I am your superior! If you dare to be impudent again, I will not forgive you! Quickly get out! "    



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