Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C603 Identity

C603 Identity

0Luo Jinzhong stood beside Zhang Zi Lan and solemnly asked, "Miss Zhang, we are now conducting a suspect identification. May I ask, at the time of the crime... Are you present?!"    


Zhang Zi Lan's pretty face was a little complicated. Her beautiful eyes were staring at the private glass... That evil man's face... At this moment, seeing this man again... The mess in her heart seemed to rise again... That one... That night, Chen Bei brought her great fear. This was like a sequela that she did not dare to face...    


In the hidden room of the identification room, all the surveillance cameras were activated. Two policemen sat beside them and took notes seriously. Everything... They were all waiting for Zhang Zi Lan to identify them! As long as Zhang Zi Lan nods her head, this case... This case can be settled immediately!    


In the identification room, Chen Bei just sits there indifferently. His gaze is incomparably calm as he stares at the interrogation room's glass, as if... He could see through the deep reflective privacy glass.    


Zhang Zi Lan bit her lips. She seemed to be hesitating. She knew very well... After she nods her head today, what kind of result will there be... This Chen Bei would be sentenced to death... As for how long he would be sentenced to death, this was not something that the law could decide! Because behind him, there is someone helping him... She knows that this is all arranged by her boss.    


Zhang Zi Lan stared at Chen Bei for a long time, but in the end, she still looked away... She slowly nodded and spat out a word, "Yes."    


Luo Jinzhong suddenly clapped his hands!    


"Good! The witness is here!"    


Luo Jinzhong smiled evilly and excitedly. Zhang Zilan nodded and admitted... This powerful witness would be able to directly accuse Chen Bei! This crime, no matter how strong his excuses were, would be useless! As long as the witness was present, everything would be set in stone.    


After Zhang Zi Lan finished her identification, she was taken away from the identification room by two policemen... When she left, Chen Bei's eyes followed her figure slowly. There was a deep look in his eyes.    


Luo Jinzhong rushed into the identification room with a thick stack of documents and smashed the stack of documents in front of Chen Bei.    


"Chen Bei! After Zhang Zilan identified you personally, she confirmed that you were the person involved in the crime! With all the witnesses and confessions, are you still going to deny it?!" Luo Jinzhong's voice was extremely cold and stern, as if he was interrogating!    


Chen Bei raised his eyes and indifferently swept his gaze over Luo Jinzhong. After that, he suddenly laughed... His smile was so deep and mysterious that it even made people feel that it was somewhat strange.    


Luo Jinzhong fiercely slammed the table and shouted angrily, "Chen Bei! Do you admit it or not?!"    


Chen Bei stared at him meaningfully, "Chief Luo. What do you think I do? Or not?"    


Luo Jinzhong's expression was ferocious as he shouted fiercely, "Even if you admit it today, you still have to admit it. Even if you don't, you still have to admit it! With the witness and the confession, how are you going to defend yourself?!"    


Chen Bei's gaze was extremely deep, and he suddenly nodded as he said indifferently. "Alright, I will admit it."    


Luo Jinzhong was stunned! He didn't react at all?! Accepted?! Accept it so quickly?! He subconsciously repeated again, "Chen Bei, you are suspected of being strong. Do you plead guilty to rape Zhang Zi Lan?!"    


"Yes." "Yes," Chen Bei said.    


Hearing Chen Bei admit his guilt, A flash of malevolence appeared on Luo Jinzhong's face. He had finally confessed to his crimes! Once this Chen Bei confessed... Then... He would never be able to leave this place for the rest of his life!    


Luo Jinzhong stared at Chen Bei in a deep and cold manner. Then, he took the documents and left swiftly and decisively...    


Luo Jinzhong went straight to the monitoring technology department and ordered his subordinates to adjust the surveillance video of Chen Bei nodding his head and admitting his guilt.    


Looking at the replay on the monitor screen... The scene of Chen Bei nodding his head and admitting his guilt in the identification room... Luo Jinzhong's eyes slightly narrowed, the corner of his mouth carrying a sinister smile... Ah, Chen Bei! Since you have fallen into my hands... I will make sure you have nowhere to go and nowhere to go!    


"Mobilize the best technical staff in the bureau. I want to fix the video!" Luo Jinzhong said slowly.    


The police officer was stunned for a moment and said, "Chief Luo... This is a high-definition video... There is no need to fix it..."    


Luo Jinzhong's eyes narrowed as he spoke in a deep voice. "No... What I want to do is to repair other types of injuries..."    




At this time, it was already 10 o'clock in the night. Lyi Qingyan and her father, Lyi Yang, sat in the police station with worry and anxiety. Both father and daughter were waiting for Chen Bei's latest news.    


A large group of lawyers had gone through serious negotiations, but they were all useless. The police station went through proper legal procedures. They had to complete the interrogation. Only after Chen Bei confirmed that he was not guilty would they be able to fish him out.    


Su Lei sat at the side and looked very calm. She seemed to not care about Chen Bei being arrested at all.    


At this moment, a few policemen suddenly walked out from inside.    


Lyi Qingyan quickly got up and asked anxiously, "Police comrade... How is Chen Bei? When did Luo let him go?"    


"Let him go? Hmph, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait any longer!" A few police officers passed an arrest warrant to Lyi Qingyan with cold expressions. "Chen Bei has already confessed to his crimes! Are you a family member? Please sign here!"    


Swoosh! Lyi Qingyan's face turned pale when she heard what the police officer said. She was delicate. His body trembled slightly, and he was stunned! All of this. He really did it!    


Lyi Yang's expression was also solemn as he sternly said, "Impossible! How could Xiao Chen commit such a crime?! Did you guys make a mistake?!"    


The police officer stared coldly. "Are you questioning our ability to handle cases?"    


"I don't believe that Xiao Chen would do such a thing!" Lyi Yang said angrily.    


The policeman looked cold and heartless. He said coldly, "The witness is here. The suspect confessed himself. You can't believe it!"    


Lyi Yang's expression changed when he heard this. Chen Bei confessed?    


Goddess Lyi Qingyan's face turned white. At this moment, her eyes were extremely complicated and deep. She vaguely thought of something... Just now... She saw Zhang Zi Lan walk into the police station... And then she left in a hurry... Could it be?? A possibility that she really didn't want to admit surfaced in her mind.    


At this moment, Lyi Qingyan scolded Chen Bei in her heart... However, her beautiful eyes gradually turned red. It was a deep panic... Worry and fear... She was afraid... She was afraid that Chen Bei would never come out again... What should she do?!    


"Okay, sign it now!" The police officer reminded impatiently.    


Lyi Qingyan's hands trembled as she signed her name on the arrest notice. At this moment, her mind was in an unprecedented state of chaos... At this moment, she had already lost her most basic calmness... She had completely lost control of her emotions.    


Lyi Yang walked in front of his daughter with a complicated expression and gently patted her shoulder, "Qingyan, let's go back first... Tomorrow, daddy will go and communicate with the leaders in the bureau... Don't worry, daddy will definitely get Chen Bei out."    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes turned red. The fog had long soaked her beautiful eyes.    


"Father, you should go back first... I will stay and wait for him..." Lyi Qingyan said in a haggard voice.    


"But... it is useless for you to stay. Chen Bei is in trouble and you have to take care of yourself... Currently, Huhai is in danger and your safety is even more important." Lyi Yang advised.    


At this moment, Su Lei slowly got up from her seat and moved closer to Lyi Qingyan's ear. Using words that could only be heard by her, she said, "Don't worry... He will be fine."    


Hearing this... Lyi Qingyan's heart slightly trembled... Dragon King? She heard these two words again... What did these two words represent?! Why... Su Lei had such a confident look?    


Although she was puzzled, when Lyi Qingyan heard these two words, her mood calmed down a lot.    


In the end, Lyi Qingyan still followed her father and left the police station in a messy and helpless manner... Su Lei had been protecting their safety along the way.    




Late at night, in the electronic equipment technology room of the police station... A group of technicians were gathered in front of the computer equipment, carefully doing the technical processing of the video.    


Luo Jinzhong stood at the side, his face cold and sinister with an evil smile. At this moment, he appeared incomparably ferocious, making people shiver!    


A group of technical staff worked in front of the computer for several hours before finishing dealing with the details of the video.    


"Director Luo, look... This is the effect after the fusion, how is it?" The technician clicked on a new surveillance video.    


The video... It was still Chen Bei sitting in the identification room, nodding his head and admitting his guilt.    


However, some of the scenes in the scene had been deliberately cut off. The video was integrated into a brand new surveillance camera.    


In other words... It was a fake surveillance video! A fake confession!    


Luo Jinzhong stared at the video on the screen for a long time before he asked with a deep gaze, "How about the details of the fusion? Will it be discovered?"    


The technician said seriously, "Director Luo, don't worry! The entire video fusion editing, we have used the high-frame encryption function. If it wasn't for the professionals... There's no way to tell if it's real or fake! "    


Luo Guanzhong slowly nodded his head, and a wisp of coldness and depth flashed across his eyes! Today's match could be said to be a chain of events! He first let Chen Bei confess to his crimes... Then he obtained the surveillance video of Chen Bei admitting to his crimes and nodding his head! This video was extremely important! It would be a court testimony in the future. Even if Chen Bei wanted to deny it, it would be useless.    


Next, it was where his ruthlessness lay. He edited the video of Chen Bei admitting his guilt and merged it into a new surveillance video.    


In the new surveillance video, Chen Jiang confessed to the series of murders. All of this was due to the fusion of fake videos! Falsification of evidence!    


In the police station's prison cell, Chen Bei sat quietly in the corner of the cell. He looked at the cold and heartless iron prison and could not help but sneer. The Imperial Court of China had decayed to such an extent... The officials of the Imperial Court of Huhai City had already decayed to such an extreme degree... It made him feel sad.    


He had not eaten for a whole day, but to him, this was nothing. In the past, when he was in the desert of the Shahara Desert, he wanted to snipe a leader of the militants. For seven days and seven nights, without eating a single thing, he was able to endure the cruelty of the environment and compared it to the experiences he had gone through, Compared to those experiences, the prison in the police station was like heaven.    


Chen Bei decided to let it be. Since he could not leave today, he should just stay quietly. He laid on the cold ground and slept.    


This time... At night, people are destined to be excited... And there are bound to be people who are unable to sleep...    


Lyi Qingyan curled up on the soft and fragrant bed. Her long hair was messy and she tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep at all... Every time she closed her eyes, the scene of Chen Bei being grabbed appeared in her mind. She was very worried... Worried that if Chen Bei really couldn't come out, what should she do?    


Sometimes, when someone is beside you, you won't realize how important he is. Until one day she suddenly leaves you... Disappearing in your world... Only then will you suddenly realize how important that person is to you...    


Lyi Qingyan did not know why, but she was worried about Chen Bei... She was already used to Chen Bei following her every day. When this man suddenly disappeared from her side, At this moment, she was in a mess...    




The sun rose from the eastern horizon and the Huhai City welcomed a new day.    


Lyi Qingyan did not sleep the whole night. Her eyes were full of dark circles and fatigue. She hurriedly changed her clothes and did not even put on any makeup. She followed Su Lei and drove to the police station.    


Lyi Yang, on the other hand, started to run relationships and communicate with others. He did his best to get Chen Bei out.    


At the Huhai City police station, Chen Bei slowly stretched his back and woke up from the cold floor of the prison cell. Last night, he slept very soundly, almost without any discomfort.    


In the morning, there was still no breakfast. Chen Bei did not care. In any case, his body was very resistant to hunger. He did not eat for a few days. It was nothing to him.    


Lyi Qingyan actually brought a hot breakfast for Chen Bei early in the morning. However, the breakfast had not been sent in yet. He was directly thrown into the trash can by Staff.    


Chen Bei calmly started his morning exercises in the cell. It was as if he didn't care about his case at all. It was as if he was calm. He was as calm as a person who had nothing to do. There was no change in life and rest.    


At this moment, the door to the cell was suddenly opened!    


A few Staff walked into the cell with cold faces. They handed a warrant to Chen Bei.    


"Chen Bei, after your confession last night, you are suspected of creating multiple murder cases. The case is serious. Now that I have arrested you, do you plead guilty?" Staff's face was extremely cold and stern.    


Hearing this, Chen Bei's eyes narrowed.    


He asked meaningfully, "Create multiple murder cases? Did I confess last night? Why don't I remember?"    


"The evidence is conclusive. You have no right to deny it! You can remain silent, but every word you say will be used as evidence! " Staff said seriously.    


Chen Bei looked at them calmly. "You said I confessed last night. Where is the evidence? Is this how the royal court does things?"    


Staff's expression was cold and serious. He took out his phone and played the surveillance video.    


When Chen Bei saw the fake video, his eyes narrowed. Then, he smiled.    


"That's right. The video's forgery ability has reached the point of perfection... I have indeed underestimated your ability, I admit defeat..." Chen Bei's smile was full of ridicule.    


"Impudent! The police station will not allow you to be impudent! Chen Bei, the witness's testimony... you personally confessed the evidence, how are you going to deny it?!" Staff's voice was cold and harsh, as if he was provoking Chen Bei.    


Where's Luo Jinzhong? I want to see him." Chen Bei said calmly.    


"I'm afraid you won't have the chance. Wait for the punishment of the law!" Staff stared at Chen Bei with disdain. He was just a murderer, and the crime had been carried out. What he was about to face was death!    


Chen Bei slowly took a breath, and suddenly... He suddenly punched!    


"Boom!" His fist directly smashed onto the bars of the iron prison cell in front of him!    


The thick and thick iron cage bars were instantly broken by a punch!    


Staff's expression changed. The group of people retreated in horror.    


Immediately after, a group of people outside with guns in their hands. Countless guns. The hole was aimed at Chen Bei!    


"Don't move! Raise your hands!"    


Chen Bei glanced at them coldly. The corner of his mouth curled into a mocking smile. Then, he raised his hands calmly and put them behind his head. He wanted to see how this Luo Jinzhong could continue playing.    


In the Huhai Police Station, Luo Jinzhong was sitting in his office. He had a cigar in his mouth and a cold smile on his face. Today, he was handling a big case!    


Suddenly, a subordinate rushed to the bureau chief's office.    



"Report to Director Luo... this Chen Bei... I'm afraid..." The subordinate's voice was a little hesitant.    


Luo Jinzhong's expression slightly froze as he coldly asked, "I'm afraid of what?"    


"I'm afraid... We have no right to convict him..." The subordinate hesitated for a moment before speaking.    


Luo Jinzhong's expression instantly turned serious and he said angrily, "Who said that?! Validation, confession... The evidence and videos of his personal confession are all here, how can he not have the right to convict?!"    


"Director Luo... this Chen Bei... he..." The subordinate's face was a little embarrassed as he carefully said, "His file information... It is top secret protection information... We... Our department doesn't have the authority to handle this...    


Hearing this, the cigar in Luo Jinzhong's mouth fell to the ground... His entire person became stupefied!    


"What... did you say?!"    


The subordinate bowed and carefully explained again: "We originally collected his evidence and information... We wanted to hand him over to the Prosecutor's Office and convict him... " However, we only found out after entering his archive database... It's a top-secret level of protection... This special identity... We have no right to touch... We don't dare to move...    


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