Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C595 Ling Chu

C595 Ling Chu

0Only then did Chen Bei let go of Lyi Qingyan's hand. Lyi Qingyan fiercely glared at Chen Bei. A strong anger suddenly surged in Lyi Qingyan's heart! This damn bastard! Stinking man!    


Lyi Qingyan was so angry that she turned around and left the banquet hall in a huff, stepping on her high heels.    


Chen Bei looked at Lyi Qingyan's sexy back and smiled helplessly as he followed her out of the banquet hall. The main character, Lyi Qingyan, had left. What was he still doing here? In any case, he had already eaten what he needed to eat and drink.    


Outside the Myriad Kingdom Hotel, Lyi Qingyan walked out in a huff while stepping on her high heels. She immediately turned on her phone and called a taxi.    


"Hey Qingyan, wait for me." Chen Bei followed her out in a ruffian manner.    


Lyi Qingyan was angry and did not care about him at all.    


Chen Bei walked to Lyi Qingyan's side gently and wrapped his arm around her waist. He said gently, "Qingyan, don't be angry."    


"Let go of me! You shameless hooligan! What do you want to do! "It has nothing to do with me!" Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was extremely cold and her breathing was a little messy.    


Chen Bei hugged her waist tightly and pulled her into his embrace... He tightly felt the goddess' beautiful and moving aura. It was sweet and fragrant, and the fragrance assailed his nose.    


Lyi Qingyan wanted to struggle, but Chen Bei's strength was boundless. He held her tightly and did not give her any chance to break free.    


"Qingyan, don't be angry. I will definitely not be like this next time..." Chen Bei hugged her and slowly explained.    


Hearing Chen Bei's explanation, Lyi Qingyan's struggle gradually became lighter...    


"Qingyan, don't be angry anymore, okay ~" Chen Bei said gently.    


Lyi Qingyan did not say anything and just quietly snuggled into Chen Bei's arms. At this moment, her heart was in a mess.    


Chen Bei hugged her. At this moment, he had never felt at ease before. The feeling of hugging the woman he loved. Perhaps this was the so-called love.    


Chen Bei gently rubbed her cheek, and the two of them intimately stuck together.    


Gradually, Lyi Qingyan struggled again. She suddenly realized that she seemed to have been played by Chen Bei.    


He clearly said that she would not be like this, but he still hugged her tightly. What did he want to do?!    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes shrank, and then her pretty face turned cold again.    


It was also at this moment... Suddenly, Chen Bei gently bit her earlobe...    


Lyi Qingyan's body trembled as if she had been electrocuted.    


Lyi Qingyan struggled even harder. At this moment, Chen Bei seemed to have turned into a devil. She wanted to escape from the devil's claws!    


Chen Bei hugged her tightly, not letting her escape...    


Lyi Qingyan could not struggle. In her anxiety, she opened her mouth and bit Chen Bei's shoulder!    


"Ah!" Chen Bei howled and was forced to let go of Lyi Qingyan.    


"Lyi Qingyan, you are a tiger! Why are you biting people?" Chen Bei grimaced in pain and rubbed the bite marks on his shoulder.    


"I am a tiger. What can you do to me?" Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was cold. She threatened angrily, "If you dare to play hooligan with me again, I will castrate you!"    


Chen Bei helplessly sighed, "In this life, I have laid my hands on a tigress like you. Looks like I owe you in my previous life..."    


Chen Bei held Lyi Qingyan's hand and finally persuaded her to enter the car. Chen Bei took the initiative to put on the seatbelt for Lyi Qingyan. Then, taking advantage of Lyi Qingyan not noticing, he suddenly came close to her pretty face and kissed her without any fear.    


Lyi Qingyan was stunned at first, but then she became angry. He was going to fight Chen Bei to the death!    


Luckily, Chen Bei ran fast... He got into the driver's seat and stepped on the gas pedal.    


Not long after the Mercedes-Benz left, a white off-road vehicle started up slowly and followed him at a moderate pace.    


The Mercedes-Benz slowly stopped at the entrance of Li's house. Lyi Qingyan got out of the car and walked into the villa in high heels.    




At this moment.    


Huhai City, the special care ward of the hospital in the center of the city.    


Wang Wudi was lying on the sofa with a white gauze wrapped around him like a mummy. A subordinate stood respectfully in front of Wang Wudi, trembling all over. It was as if there was an invisible and terrifying aura coming from Wang Wudi, making this subordinate shiver and not dare to speak.    


At this moment, Wang Wudi's expression changed dramatically. His complexion had never improved in the past few days, and he had always been in such a scary and gloomy state. He was unwilling to accept this. He could not accept this! How could he tolerate Chen Bei humiliating him like this? He was the Wang family's genius. No one had ever dared to humiliate him like this! But now... in this small Huhai City, To be so humiliated!    


It was hard to imagine that if the other people of Wang family found out about this, if news of this matter were to spread back to the family... He was afraid that Wang Wudi would lose all his reputation. The other geniuses from the other martial arts families would treat him as a laughing stock!    


Regarding that Chen Bei... Wang Wudi... Wang Wudi only had one thought at the moment, and it was also the only way to resolve the hatred in his heart! It was death!    


Without realizing it, Wang Wudi clenched his fists tightly... At this moment, the anger in Wang Wudi's heart could not be restrained. He must... He must kill! He had to kill Chen Bei at all costs!    


Wang Wudi's breath was cold as he dialed a number.    


"Young Master Wang, didn't you go to Huhai? What are your orders?" On the phone, an old voice slowly sounded. The voice was incomparably old, but it revealed a wisp of a continuous depth.    


"Second Uncle, I need to ask you something!" Wang Wudi clenched his fists tightly, and his voice was extremely heavy and carried a swift and fierce killing intent.    


On the other end of the phone, Wang Wudi's second uncle was silent for a moment. Then, he opened his mouth with a stunned voice and slowly asked, "What do you need me to do? Could it be that you encountered trouble in Huhai?!"    


Wang Wudi's expression changed drastically and he slowly said, "I want to kill a person! I need a falcon!"    


"Second Young Master , who do you want to kill? We need Falcon?" Second Uncle's voice was even more shocked. Falcon was one of the hidden hidden techniques of the Wang family. If it wasn't for special circumstances, Falcon would never appear... This was a secret weapon that could save the family!    


Wang Wudi's eyes were tightly focused. His entire body carried a monstrous killing intent. He slowly spat out two words, "Chen He!"    


On the other end of the phone, it was completely silent! Second Uncle did not speak. He seemed to have fallen into deep thought!    


On the phone, Second Uncle fell into deep thought once again! Mobilizing Falcon... This is not an ordinary move! Falcon's identity is too acute! If something went wrong in the middle, the consequences would be unimaginable!    


"Second uncle, this time, You have to help me!" Wang Wudi clenched his fists and begged. He, the Wang family's Second Young Master , had never begged for mercy in front of his elders. He had never needed to plead for mercy in Yanjing. He did not need to borrow the power of his family. With his strategy alone, he would be able to kill the world. No one could match him!    


But today... This dignified Second Young Master of the Wang family... He was forced to call his family and beg his second uncle... and even more so, he wanted to mobilize Falcon to attack at all costs? This... This is a method without turning back! Wang Wudi was really forced into a corner!!    


"Second Young Master , you are making things difficult for me..." Second Uncle sounded helpless, "Falcon is a hidden killer of the Wang family. Second Young Master , you know better than me about the pros and cons of this... If something goes wrong, then the consequences..."    


Wang Wudi clenched his fist tightly. His expression kept changing as he solemnly said, "Second uncle, this matter... I have my own plans. Everything is under my control! There will be no mistakes! Once the Falcon appears, Er Dongchen will die! Everything... Everything will end!    


On the phone, Second Uncle was silent for the third time! Even the experienced second uncle of the Wang family was unable to make a decision like this... Falcon's influence was too acute!    


"After a long time, Second Uncle slowly sighed...    


"Second Young Master , since you insist on leaving... "Then I will use my life to help you once!" Second Uncle's voice was old and deep, carrying a trace of helplessness.    


Mobilizing the Falcon, If it was discovered, then this would be a serious crime of the clan! If the Wang family's old ancestor were to blame, Perhaps... His life will be lost! But... What could Second Uncle do? Second Young Master , who had never begged him before, begged him like this. What else could he do? He could only take his life and help Second Young Master once!    


When Wang Wudi heard his second uncle agree, his expression changed instantly. He clenched his fists even tighter! That was excitement! An unprecedented excitement! This Second Young Master of the Wang Clan had never been so excited like he was today, and even his breathing was slightly hurried! Falcon - He was finally going to make a move!    


The moment Falcon appeared, blood massacred all directions!    


Falcon was one of the many hidden attacks of the Wang family! The reason why he was hidden in this world was because his influence was too deep!    


The last time Falcon attacked was several decades ago... The blood slaughter that year left a deep impression on Wang Wudi until now!    


Dozens of years ago, the Wang family had a dispute with the mortal enemy family... After that, the Wang family's ancestor ordered the Falcon to attack... That night... The blood slaughtered the entire house! Enemy family... The entire house was silenced!    


Ever since that time, Falcon did not make a move!    




In the Yanjing, in a huge, vintage house with dragons and phoenixes carved on it. To be able to own such a luxurious, super house in the capital of Yanjing, a place where every inch of land was worth a gold coin... This was absolutely not something that could be achieved with money! This required power, absolute power! A terrifying power that surpassed the limits of ordinary merchants!    


On the plaque of the vintage residence, there was a thick and heavy plaque with two words carved on it. Wang Mansion    


Currently, the Wang family's compound was quiet and peaceful. The Wang family had been standing in the Yanjing for decades. Every disciple of the Wang family had taken root in this land and laid the foundation of the Wang family's foundation, the source of evergreen.    


The second uncle walked with aged steps. He held a secret order in his hand and slowly walked towards the depths of the residence...    


Ten minutes later, a secret order was issued from the second uncle's hand!    


The secret order was first transmitted to the Wang family's armed defense department.    


When they received this secret order, the entire armed defense department was shaken!    


"What...? You want to mobilize Falcon?! Did something big happen to our Wang family?!"    


While the armed defense department was in shock, Second Uncle forcefully suppressed all of their doubts. The armed defense department had passed the secret order!    


Finally, through a series of auditing procedures, the order to dispatch was officially activated!    


Dispatch - Falcon, attack!    


Falcon, like fighting in the sky, like an eagle piercing through the sky!    


On the same day, a helicopter took off directly from the capital of Yanjing, heading towards the northeastern direction of the sky!    




In the northeast, in a certain primitive forest.    


This place is covered in snow, -30 degrees Celsius. This was the coldest temperature in the Northeast. At this moment, even the water that splashed out would instantly freeze. A normal person would not be able to withstand this temperature for more than a few minutes.    


In the depths of the forest, a brown shadow was slowly crawling on the snow. The snow was still falling and the brown shadow slowly appeared. It was a majestic and fierce wild Northeast Tiger!    


It slowly got up from the snow. Because it was woken up by something!    


On the other side, in the snowy wind, a man in a beast skin coat was stepping into the deep snow step by step!    


The muscles on the beast skin man's body were bursting and bulging like terrifying stones, with veins and veins all over his body. On his skin, numerous hideous scars appeared... It was hard to tell what kind of injury it was. There were spear wounds, weapon wounds, and even the bite wounds of all kinds of beasts... There were too many scars, so many that there were overlapping scars. It was impossible to distinguish them at all!    


As the beast skin man slowly walked forward, the Northeast Tiger's eyes instantly focused! It was a bloodthirsty stench. This was the true eye of a ferocious beast! The Northeast Tiger! The king of ferocious beasts! However, the beast skin man was completely fearless! He didn't even have any weapons or tools in his hands, and he was unarmed. He was completely naked! He only had a beast skin vest on him!    


His gaze was extremely calm as if he was taking a stroll. He walked towards the direction of the Northeast Tiger step by step!    


The Northeastern Tiger stared at this man with extreme vigilance. Its entire body of a fierce tiger instantly prostrated on the ground. That was the action of shooting like a longbow, accumulating power!    


The eyes of the beast skin man became slightly focused as he stared straight at the Northeast Tiger.    


When he met this man's gaze! This Northeast Tiger's tensed body suddenly trembled! That was a cold shiver! What did it see?! It actually saw a trace of the same kind of expression in the man's eyes! This man's eyes were like a ferocious beast! It was even... more terrifying than a ferocious beast!    


The Northeastern Tiger opened its bloody mouth and let out a deep roar! It was the roar of a ferocious tiger!    


Shua! The squirrels, birds, and insects that were hiding in the snow all scattered and fled in panic!    


Shortly after, in another corner of the snow forest... Another Northeast Tiger that was lurking slowly appeared! Its entire body was covered in a thick layer of snow, it... It had been lurking here for a long time! Its body was even larger!    


The two Northeastern Tigers stared at the fierce, cold, and bloody beast eyes, firmly locking onto the man in beast skin!    


These two tigers were hunting together! The two tigers glared fiercely... Their killing intent was dense!    


The sky was filled with snow and the cold wind blew. It was solemn and bone-piercingly cold.    


The man in animal skin did not stop. He slowly stepped forward again... The two fierce tigers not far away did not seem to pose any threat to him. He was as calm as a monster.    


"Howl -!" Suddenly, two deep and fierce tiger roars sounded! Two brown and yellow tiger bodies suddenly pounced forward! Without any hesitation, they shot out like a longbow! Fierce tiger, northeastern tiger! King of All Beasts!    


Suddenly, the gaze of the man in beast skin froze! His body suddenly gathered strength and charged forward! The snow beneath his feet stirred up a myriad of snow dust under his enormous foot! Amidst the white snow, his body... turned into a shadow of nothingness!    


The beast skin man's body was as fast as lightning, piercing straight into the snow dust that filled the sky like Long Swords! His two fists fiercely swung out, the force shooting out. The veins and muscles on his entire arm instantly exploded and swelled up!    


Right at the instant the Northeast Tiger opened its bloody mouth and directly pounced over! The fur-clad man's fist suddenly struck out! The air trembled!    



"Bang -!" One punch!    


The body of the northeastern tiger caved in violently. Its bones were all broken and broken. Its body, which weighed several hundred kilograms, was directly sent flying by this punch. A string of blood shot out from between its thumb and index finger!    


Another tiger pounced over, and it trembled in a terrifying manner. Its sharp tiger teeth were about to bite the man!    


The man in animal skin suddenly opened his hands and blocked the tiger's bloody mouth!    


The muscles on the man's arms suddenly swelled up!    


"Crack - Puchi!" A violent sound of flesh and blood being torn apart could be heard! The mouth of Xue Peng, the ferocious tiger from the northeast, was actually torn apart by him with his bare hands! Amidst the white snow flying in the air, a layer of scarlet beast blood pervaded the air!    


In a short two seconds, a person... Killed two northeastern tigers! So terrifying!    


The man slowly wiped off the blood stains on his hands. His eyes were extremely calm. He lifted the tiger's head and carried the two wild Northeastern Tigers away slowly...    


At this moment, a communication device on the man's body suddenly rang!    


The man was slightly stunned. He put down the tiger's head in his hand. A deep look flashed across his eyes. He took out his communication device in surprise. He had lived in seclusion in this place for many years and had not come out of the mountain. He had even almost forgotten what the outside world looked like. However, at this moment, this communication device that had not rung for several years actually rang!    


"Who is it?" The man slowly asked the communicator. His voice was deep and hoarse, like a ferocious beast that made people tremble. "Wang family." Four words were spat out from the communication device. It was extremely solemn.    


"What is it?" The man's eyes slightly focused. His tone seemed to be a little rusty. Because he remembered that the Wang family had not contacted him for a long time.    


"The family secret order has been issued. There is a mission." The message was so simple.    


The man's calm expression finally recovered a hint of seriousness, because he was able to make him make a move... That was a huge matter! There was a big mission!    


"Location, time, character." The man calmly asked through the communicator.    


"We'll be there in a moment. I'll tell you directly on the plane" The voice on the communicator said.    


At this moment, in the distant sky, the sound of a propeller suddenly rang out! The huge propeller engine roared and a helicopter slowly flew over from the sky, shaking the entire primeval forest!    


The helicopter hovered above the fur-clad man at a height of dozens of meters!    


The helicopter pilot adjusted the angle of the helicopter and prepared to slowly descend...    


The fur-clad man raised his head and stared at the helicopter at a height of tens of meters. A sharp glint appeared in his eyes. The sky... I haven't seen it for a long time.    


The corner of his mouth curled up. Suddenly, he gathered his strength with one hand and a long and thin iron spear flew out from his hand and shot towards the helicopter's leg like lightning!    


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