Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C612 Zhang Residence

C612 Zhang Residence

0Chen Bei sighed, "Alright, don't get too excited. I'm leaving now... Good night. "    


After saying that, Chen Bei helplessly turned around and left...    




The next day, Chen Bei woke up punctually as usual according to his biological clock habits. He was imprisoned in the guest house for a few days... He was not used to the luxurious presidential suite when he suddenly returned to his bedroom.    


After morning practice, he finished washing up. Chen Bei returned to the Lyi family mansion.    


Lyi Yang enthusiastically pulled Chen Bei into the dining room of the mansion for breakfast.    


At this time, Goddess President and Lyi Qingyan were wearing a nightgown and sitting at the dining table with sleepy eyes, eating breakfast.    


Chen Bei took the initiative to move closer to Lyi Qingyan and sat close to her. The two of them were tightly together and Chen Bei's thighs were almost wrapped around Lyi Qingyan's body. They were eating breakfast together so intimately.    


However, Lyi Qingyan was clearly very messy and did not want to care about Chen Bei at all. She just ate something and left in a hurry.    


Chen Bei swept his gaze across the back of the goddess who had left in a mess. He only felt his saliva dripping down. This is simply the best... I don't know when I'll be able to taste it.    


At this moment, on the morning news on the TV screen in the hall, there was a new news report...    


"Last night, there was a report from the townsfolk that two violent explosions were heard near a rural area of Huhai City. It was suspected that a huge object like a plane exploded in the air. However, according to our reporter's investigation, the ground seemed to be clean. I don't know who cleaned it up. At the same time, a few of the netizens also took pictures of the explosion in the air. As for the specific situation, the relevant departments will investigate further..."    


Shua! Hearing this news... Chen Bei's eyes instantly became focused.    


He suddenly turned his head and stared at the news report on the TV screen.    




At the same time, in the Huhai City, in the Zhang Mansion.    


Wang Wudi was sitting at the dining table, enjoying his breakfast quietly with Zhang Zhan. The Zhang family's breakfast was unusually sumptuous. Wang Wudi was a distinguished guest. As such, Zhang Zhan used the highest level of etiquette to treat him.    


Wang Wudi had a calm expression as he savored the extravagant delicacies on the dining table. To him, these ingredients were nothing. In the end, he could not be interested in them.    


However, the next morning news of Huhai on the TV screen... It completely piqued his interest. In an instant, his interest turned from interest to shock!    


He watched the broadcast on TV. The news about the explosion in the rural area of Huhai City... Wang Wudi's expression changed from shock to anger.    


Bang! The young master of the Wang family of Yanjing was furious. He slammed his palm on the table! The entire table shook violently!    


Zhang Zhan trembled in fear... With a panicked expression, he said, "Young Master Wang... What's wrong? What happened?!"    


Wang Wudi's face was pale from anger. He pointed at the news channel of the TV station." Immediately... Stop the broadcast of the news channel! "Ridiculous! "Who allowed them to report!?"    


Zhang Zhan was stunned for a moment before he reacted. He immediately dialed a number...    


Very quickly, the news that was being broadcasted suddenly stopped... Then, it was replaced by an advertisement...    




In Lyi's Villa, Chen Bei was staring at the news that was suddenly skipped... The seriousness in his eyes deepened. At this moment, he clenched his fists tightly, as if a wave of anger had been ignited!    


That party mountain was the place where he buried Falcon's corpse! And that plane explosion... There was only one possibility! Someone... came to steal Falcon's corpse! Destroy the corpse and erase the traces! Because he had modified the settings of the self-destruct device on Falcon's corpse. The purpose is to prevent certain forces from stealing the corpse... Unexpectedly, they still came... They did not even let go of a corpse!    


At this moment, Chen Bei's anger could no longer be restrained. Even if Falcon was wrong, he had shed blood and sweat for China. He had paid a price! Although he had lost his former glory after listening to Wang family... But he... He should not be disturbed after his death! He should have the right to rest in peace!    


As for those people... They didn't even let a corpse go! This... This was simply insane!    


"What's wrong?" At this moment, Su Lei walked over. When she saw that Chen Bei's expression was not right, she could not help but ask with concern.    


Chen Bei took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the irritation in his heart. In an instant, he regained his calm.    


"It's fine." At this moment, he was unusually calm, as if he was a person who was fine. However, a trace of hostility flashed across his calm eyes.    


Ten minutes later, Goddess President, who had changed her clothes, leisurely went downstairs.    


Chen Bei followed closely behind Goddess President and Su Lei and got into the car. Su Lei drove Maybach all the way to Lyi's Building...    


Lyi Qingyan and Su Lei got out of the car.    


Goddess Lyi Qingyan stepped on high heels and walked into the building with a charming temperament. But at the same time, she walked very slowly... She seemed to be waiting for someone to take the initiative to follow her... But after waiting for a long time, the man didn't even have a shadow... Where is he?    


Lyi Qingyan turned her head back in confusion... The Maybach had already turned around and sped away. Only the tail of the car was left at the end of the street.    


Seeing this scene, Goddess President's heart could not help but be stunned. What is he... going to do?    


Humph... What is this stinky fellow doing to me? Goddess President angrily stomped her high heels and coldly walked into the elevator...    




Maybach sped all the way and finally stopped at a place.    


Chen Bei stepped out of the car door and slowly lit a cigarette.    


He just held the cigarette in his mouth and put his hands in his pockets. He walked into the police station like a hooligan.    


In the police station, Staff and the others were busy with their work. When they saw Chen Bei suddenly step into the door, the policemen were stunned.    


Everyone turned their heads and stared at him with alert eyes.    


At this moment, Chen Bei had become a special list of people in Huhai Police Station who paid special attention to him. This name had caused a lot of trouble in this department. Yesterday, the entire Huhai City's White Dao had heard of it!    


"Chen Bei...! What are you doing here?! Do you still want to be locked up?!" A Staff shouted with a cold expression.    


Chen Bei slowly blew out a smoke ring and said indifferently, "Don't be agitated, comrades... I am only here to retrieve my things..."    


The group of Staff's expression turned serious and said in an incomparably cold manner, "Impudent!"    


When he heard these words, Chen Bei's eyes narrowed slightly.    


"A few days ago, my watch and dagger... But you confiscated it yourself. You... Are you trying to cheat me? "    


The group of Staff's expression became even more serious and cold as they scolded, "You want to go back when you recklessly carry the control knife?! Hurry up and get out!"    


Chen Bei slowly blew out a smoke ring. The corner of his mouth carried a trace of a smile, "That means... Are you going to go back on your word?    


"Impudent! Are you going to scram or not?" A Staff shot him a look, and a group of people instantly surrounded Chen Bei, surrounding him in a triangle formation. The atmosphere was oppressive.    


Chen Bei's eyes swept over indifferently. "Do you want to attack? I'm just here to get my things back... There's no need to do it, is there? "    


A group of Staff glared at them angrily. A few of them even took out high-voltage electric batons!    


Chen Bei shook his head and smiled. "Why are you forcing me?"    


Finishing... The half cigarette butt in his hand suddenly flew out!    


"Puff!" The cigarette butt was like a tongue of flame that flew at high speed and ruthlessly smashed into the face of a Staff. That Staff only felt his head shake violently. His body staggered back continuously. Then, he fell to the ground with a somersault.    


"Impudent!" A group of Staff rushed up in anger. They attacked as soon as they said they would!    


They were all a group of Staff who had undergone specialized training and possessed extraordinary skills! Even if they did not die, they would still be half-disabled if they attacked.    


The police station was in chaos. The killing intent was soaring!    


Chen Bei narrowed his eyes and kicked with his leg!    


Bang! Staff was sent flying several meters away.    


"Impudent! How dare you fight back?!" One of the Staff was furious. Both of his fists were terrifying!    


Chen Bei ignored him and threw out a punch. It was simple and domineering!    


Bang! The Staff did not even have time to use his fist... He was sent flying by Chen Bei's fist and vomited blood.    


"Fuck! Take him down!" The group of people were furious and ferocious. They pounced on Chen Bei and tried to suppress him.    


Chen Bei's body was grabbed by seven or eight Staff. He was trapped like a criminal.    


His eyes narrowed slightly. Suddenly, his body exploded.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! The seven or eight Staff were sent flying by a terrifying force. They crashed into the wall, and the scene was a complete mess!    


A whole group of Staff... They could not even stop a single person...    


The entire police station was in chaos! The group of female Staff were scared silly... Their bodies were trembling.    


Chen Bei continued to light a cigarette. Then, he stepped over the broken bodies that were scattered all over the ground and wailed. Then, he slowly walked into the police station.    


There was a bulletproof glass door inside. It could only enter after Staff's fingerprints were unlocked.    


Chen Bei did not have an electronic watch at the moment. This kind of unlocking device could not be cracked.    


Chen Bei held the cigarette in his mouth and slowly raised his palm. Suddenly, his palm turned into a fist! A shocking fist strike!    


"Bang -! Crack!" With a punch, the thick and hard bulletproof glass door was directly smashed into pieces!    


Chen Bei stepped over the broken glass and slowly walked into the police station.    


In the entire police station, a group of Staff was handling official business in the office. When they heard the sudden loud explosion, everyone was shocked. A group of people rushed out one after another.    


"Hey! What are you doing?! Stop right there!" A group of Staff surrounded them again...    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang -!" Chen Bei turned into an afterimage. Wherever he passed, there was a dull and terrifying sound of attacks... One figure after another was sent flying like dolls. The scene was a mess of miserable howls.    


This group of specially trained Staff stood in front of Chen Bei. It was as if there was no resistance at all!    


With a cigarette in his mouth, Chen Bei turned on his mobile phone and started tracking. His mobile phone was bound to the electronic watch. Soon, he found the location of the electronic watch.    


Like a hooligan, he slowly walked to the police station's special evidence storage room.    


"Open the door." Chen Bei's voice was very calm as he said to Staff who was waiting at the door.    


The Staff instantly became alert, and his facial expression changed drastically.    


"Who are you?!"    


Chen Bei slowly blew out a smoke ring. "I'm here to retrieve my things..."    


At this moment, a bright alarm sounded in the entire police station.    


"Everyone, listen up. See a man in a black suit smoking. Be on alert!" A stern warning voice came from the loudspeaker, echoing continuously!    


Black suit... smoking? Staff glanced at Chen Bei. Then his expression changed. He rushed forward and wanted to attack!    


Chen Bei grabbed his neck with one hand and raised it abruptly.    


"Bang!" Staff was thrown to the ground. The ground cracked.    


Chen Bei slowly blew out a smoke ring and came to the metal door of the evidence room. It was a heavy alloy iron door. It could only be unlocked with a password.    


Without saying anything else, Chen Bei raised his fist. "Boom, boom, boom, boom!"    


His fist was like a terrifying iron hammer, pounding violently on the iron door.    


The originally intact iron door was instantly unable to withstand the terrifying force. It directly distorted...    


Staff, who was howling on the ground, saw this scene. The color drained from his face... His eyes were filled with shock and shock.    


"Boom -!" The veins on Chen Bei's arm bulged as he punched fiercely! The heavy iron door was punched through by a huge hole! It shook violently.    



Chen Bei took advantage of the opportunity to kick the iron door, which weighed hundreds of pounds, and sent it flying!    


He walked into the evidence room with a cigarette in his mouth. Then, he took out his electronic watch and the black dagger from a drawer.    


At the same time, a group of police officers were charging over in anger and anger. Each of them was equipped with a thick, hot weapon! Today, the police station was actually forced into the police station by force. This was simply a complete disgrace! They must capture that damn bastard!    


When they rushed into the evidence office, everyone was stunned!    


How could they still see that damn person? The only thing left was the huge human-shaped hole that was pierced through by the huge force...    


All the officers are stunned... They felt cold sweat on their foreheads and their hearts were trembling. This... This scene, how do we explain it? How do we explain it using physics? How do I explain it using science? How to explain it to the director who was about to return from the meeting?    


Ten minutes later, a black car slowly stopped in front of the police station. Director Luo Jinzhong carried his briefcase and slowly walked into the police station...    


"Who did it...!!" The entire police station... They could hear Luo Jinzhong's thunderous roar!    




Black Maybach drove slowly on the street. Chen Bei drove the car slowly and made a phone call along the way.    


"Send me the current location of Wang Wudi from the Wang family of Yanjing..." Chen Bei said slowly.    


The young man on the other end of the phone was stunned. "Yes."    


After hanging up Chen Bei's phone, the young man bitterly laughed. According to his understanding, there was an eighty to ninety percent chance that it was a dragon. Who would not open their eyes and offend Kong Sha? Very quickly, the young man used the triangular positioning to lock onto Wang Wudi's position.    


After receiving the address from Sun Xue on the phone, Chen Bei narrowed his eyes slightly. He stepped on the accelerator and Maybach flew out with a bang.    


Huhai. Zhang family House.    


The Zhang family Residence was located at the edge of the bustling city of Huhai. It was an ancient residence hidden in the world. Almost no one dared to approach the area within a kilometer radius of the Zhang family's residence. This place was incomparably quiet. It was like a paradise. Back then, that old ancestor of the Zhang family shook Hu Hai Beach, and with his world-shaking methods, it was clear that he had intimidated countless people... Although a hundred years had passed, those killing methods back then still shook the world...    


Suddenly, a Maybach with the roar of an engine sped over from the quiet street...    


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