Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C186 The Huang Family of Huhai!

C186 The Huang Family of Huhai!

0Upon hearing Chen Bei's order, the few Man in Black who attacked became even more ruthless. Tang Rou, who was watching from the side, felt her heart palpitate. They were really going to fight to their deaths!    


"This way, you really won't beat them to death, right?" Tang Rou, who was by the side, asked.    


"If he dies, then so be it. This kind of scumbag deserves to die." Chen Bei said plainly.    


"But..." Tang Rou wanted to say something, but Chen Bei turned his head to look at Tang Rou and said, "If it wasn't for the two of them, you wouldn't have fallen to this extent. Just now, he wanted to use his own background to deal with us. This kind of scumbag is also a scumbag in the family."    


Tang Rou was speechless. But they are from the Huang family. If we beat them, the Huang family will definitely not be able to endure it..."    


"If they can't endure it, then so be it. What else can we do?" Chen Bei sneered. His tone was arrogant. "Even if the Heavenly King is here, I will still beat him up."    


Tang Rou's delicate forehead appeared. Black lines appeared on her forehead. Chen Bei's words were domineering now. Wait a moment. If someone from the Huang family really came, he would be the first one to be scared!    


"Stop!" Huang Rong howled miserably and struggled to get up, "My uncle is Huang Zongde, he is from the Huang family..."    


Before Huang Rong could finish his sentence, Chen Bei's eyes suddenly turned cold. A tongue of fire shot out and swiftly shot into Huang Rong's mouth.    


In the next second, Huang Rong's face turned livid. It was as if he had eaten a dead fly. His mouth had been burned with countless blisters! After he spat it out, he realized that it was the cigarette butt that Chen Bei had held in his mouth.    


Chen Bei was twenty meters away from Huang Rong. Chen Bei could easily spit a weightless cigarette into Huang Rong's mouth twenty meters away.    


Mr. Zhou was shocked. His back was covered in cold sweat.    


"Noisy, keep hitting." Chen Bei said plainly. Then, he turned to Mr. Zhou and said, "Take care of the one outside as well."    


"Yes." Mr. Zhou nodded. Chen Bei turned around and looked at Tang Rou in front of countless shocked eyes. He smiled and said gently, "Let's go."    


After that, he bowed and gently held Tang Rou's hand. He walked out of the bar.    


"How dare you hit the people of Huang family... Huang family will find you to settle the score!" Huang Rong's angry and resentful voice was faintly heard. Along with a miserable scream, he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


His heart carried a strong and monstrous hatred... He had never been beaten so viciously in his entire life!    




Tang Rou was still in a daze when she walked out of the bar. Chen Bei smiled. "Do you think this is all a dream?"    


Tang Rou nodded. Chen Bei said gently, "Don't run so far next time. "I don't want to run into such danger again."    


Tang Rou blushed. Without Chen Bei, she would definitely be sullied by Yamamoto this time.    


"How did you find me?" Tang Rou asked.    


"The sandalwood palace." Chen Bei said calmly and quickly changed the topic. He didn't say anything. When he asked the young man to check that there was no surveillance on this part of the road, he asked the sandalwood palace to take action.    


He didn't want to create too much of a commotion, but he was worried about Tang Rou, so he had no choice but to do so.    


"What is the relationship between you and the master of the Honolulu Palace?" Tang Rou could not suppress the curiosity in her heart and asked a question that had been pressing down on her heart for a long time.    


Ever since the first time the Honolulu Palace helped them out, Tang Rou had been curious. She did not expect that this time it would be the Honolulu Palace who would step forward and each time it was the master of the Honolulu Palace personally leading the team.    


Chen Bei, what kind of ability did he have to make Mr. Zhou run around for him over and over again?    


Tang Rou looked at Chen Bei's determined face. Her eyes were deep and had a unique charm that was like the starry sky. It was very easy for people to get addicted to it.    


Chen Bei's unique temperament was very attractive.    


Tang Rou looked at Chen Bei in a daze. She was surprised in her heart. In the past, she had never noticed that there was actually charm in this guy's body.    


Chen Bei turned his head and looked at Tang Rou. He revealed a mysterious smile. He said lightly, "Guess?"    


Chen Bei walked to the side of the road. After he got on the bicycle, Tang Rou looked at the bicycle with an expression of disbelief. "You relied on this to find it?"    


Chen Bei nodded. Tang Rou was stunned. She took the taxi to this bar and Chen Bei could actually follow behind the four-wheeled taxi with his two-wheeled bicycle. How fast was this bicycle?    


Tang Rou carefully sat on the bicycle. Chen Bei suddenly said, "Hold me tightly."    


"Ah?!" Tang Rou's pretty face was stunned. Hugging him tightly... what was he trying to do?    


"Let's go!" The corners of Chen Bei's mouth curled up into a ruffian expression. He suddenly stomped on the ground, and the bicycle shook with a bang. The gears of the bicycle spun swiftly, and the bicycle beneath Chen Bei suddenly shot out like an arrow that had left the bow and shot into the distance!    


"Ah ~" Tang Rou cried out in shock, and her beautiful face revealed an expression of shock! Her figure was unsteady, and she was almost thrown off the bicycle!    


Chen Bei's bicycle was too fast! It was beyond Tang Rou's imagination! This was not a bicycle at all! This was the Wind Fire Wheel!    


Tang Rou was shocked in her heart, but Chen Bei's two legs were stomping on the ground madly. The void was constantly torn apart by the bicycle. The strong wind whistled by Tang Rou's ears, making her heart shocked. The towering peaks were rising and falling violently!    


Tang Rou subconsciously hugged Chen Bei tightly. Her face was pressed against Chen Bei's back. She hugged him too tightly. It seemed that this was the only way to give her a sense of security.    




Tang Rou's eyes were tightly shut as she felt the strong wind blowing past her. Her heart was beating wildly! This was simply too exciting! It was even more exciting than racing!    


Chen Bei's speed was too fast, even faster than those motorcycle racing on the street! This was not the speed a bicycle should have!    


Chen Bei stepped on the bicycle madly. The bicycle moved swiftly and nimbly between the city and the road like a silver lightning bolt. The wind blew wherever it passed, making many drivers who were waiting for the green light look stunned.    


Chen Bei felt the beauty hugging him tightly behind him. She did not let go of him at all. There was even a huge object rubbing and deforming on her back. The corner of Chen Bei's mouth gradually curved up.    




In the coffee shop, Tang De was sitting in a corner. Behind him stood two agents in suits. Tang De looked down at his watch from time to time. There was a complicated look in the depths of his clear eyes.    


"Xiao Rou, it's not that grandpa is heartless... It's just for the safety of China. We must eliminate any potential threats. And you, are the best confusion..." Tang De muttered to himself in a voice that could only be heard by himself. He sighed slightly.    


As soon as Tang De's voice faded, two agents behind Tang De suddenly said, "Elder Tang, your daughter is back."    


Tang De's body shook. He turned his head and saw Chen Bei and Tang Rou pushing the door open from outside the coffee shop.    


The two agents quietly retreated from the two places and walked out of the coffee shop like ghosts without anyone noticing.    



Tang Rou's eyes fell on them. The depths of her eyes were filled with shock.    


How could it be so fast!    


Chen Bei's speed had already far exceeded his expectations... It was simply the speed of lightning!    


Chen Bei and Tang Rou walked in front of Tang De. Chen Bei smiled and said, "Elder Tang, it is fortunate that you did not fail."    


Tang De's expression had already disappeared. He smiled and said, "Thank you so much. Without you, I don't know how much effort it would take to find Xiao Rou."    


Tang Rou was like a child who had done something wrong. She restrained her arrogant and fiery temper and obediently sat beside Tang Rou.    


Chen Bei smiled faintly and said, "Elder Tang, it was just a small matter."    


"Grandfather, it was really dangerous just now. If it wasn't for him, I might have been finished..." Tang Rou hugged Tang De's arm and told him everything that happened just now.    


"The direct descendant of R Country Karate?" Tang De frowned, "Yamamoto Izuki?"    


Tang Rou nodded. There are two other members of the Huang family who claim to be from the Gold Clan of Huhai. One of them is called Huang Rong."    


"Huang Rong?" Tang De was slightly shocked. When he heard this name, he revealed a hint of fear.    


"Grandpa, is he very powerful?" Tang Rou asked.    


Tang De nodded, "The Huang family of Huhai is famous for protecting their children. Huang Rong is a collateral family member of the Huang family. But if you hit him, it would be the same as slapping the Huang family's face... "    


Tang De said slowly, "We might have gotten into trouble. The Huang family used to be in charge of Huhai, so they are very powerful. Even if I am here, I will give them some face."    


Tang Rou was shocked, and her pretty face turned pale. "The Huang family is so arrogant? They are not even afraid of you, grandpa?"    


Tang De nodded, "In other words, this Huhai City belongs to him. He can do whatever he wants here."    


"What should we do now?" Tang Rou sounded shocked.    


Tang De looked up at Chen Bei and asked, "Do you have any ideas?"    


Chen Bei was casually looking at the beauties passing by outside the coffee shop. Today's weather was especially hot, and the clothes of the beauties passing by were very cool. Chen Bei's eyes fell on the naked long legs of those beauties, and they were extremely hot.    


After Tang De asked the question, Chen Bei said casually, "When the soldiers come, they will fight. When the water comes, the earth will cover it."    


Tang De was stunned. Chen Bei's words were too unrealistic, but it made Tang De inexplicably believe him.    




In the bar, Mr. Zhou was sitting on a sofa. The owner of the bar was trembling and kneeling in front of Mr. Zhou.    


"Mr. Zhou, I don't know anything... I don't know that this R People is in my bar, and I don't know his identity..." The owner of the bar said in a trembling voice. Mr. Zhou was playing with the dark and cold gun in his hand, which terrified the owner of the bar.    


He never thought that Mr. Zhou would come to his bar in person one day, and there would be such a big trouble!    


"What about the two Huang family members?" Mr. Zhou suddenly pointed the gun at the owner's head and spoke slowly. His tone was cold and deep.    


"I didn't know they were from the Huang family..." The owner's body trembled. At this moment, a Man in Black handed over the ledger and said, "Mr. Zhou, Huang Rong has a VIP member in this bar, but he didn't pay a single cent."    


"Bang!" A piercing gunshot pierced through the air, causing countless people in the bar who were holding their heads to tremble violently.    


Mr. Zhou glanced at the bar owner who was lying in a pool of blood and said indifferently, "Follow Mr. Chen's order and bring that R People back for me."    


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