Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C383 Iron Blood Will!

C383 Iron Blood Will!

0Chen Bei turned his head and looked at the horrifying wounds on his back. His expression was calm. There wasn't even a trace of fluctuation in his expression.    


It seemed like he had experienced this kind of situation countless times.    


The wounds on his back were very terrifying. It was as if he had been bitten by a ferocious beast. Just by looking at them, one would feel their scalp going numb.    


Chen Bei, on the other hand, looked surprisingly calm. There was not a single ripple on his face.    


Suddenly, Chen Bei took out a bottle of alcohol from the medical kit beside him. His eyes revealed a deep look.    


Immediately after, Chen Bei opened the cap of the bottle. A strong and pungent smell filled the bathroom.    


Chen Bei picked up the bottle of alcohol and took a deep breath. He aimed the bottle at the wounds and his eyes were filled with determination.    


In the next moment, Chen Bei raised the bottle of alcohol and poured it down his shoulder along the wounds.    


Ordinary people would not dare to do such a thing! Without any anesthesia, Chen Bei disinfected the wound with alcohol. This would bring an unbearable pain to an ordinary person!    


And Chen Bei did it just like that! He did it without any hesitation. It was as if he had done it countless times.    




The alcohol slowly flowed down his shoulder and poured down the long and terrifying wound!    


In an instant, an unbearable pain surged over like a wave. It was almost unbearable for ordinary people!    


This kind of pain would almost disintegrate all of a person's willpower and mind, forcibly swallowing up a person's normal reasoning!    


There were even quite a number of people who fainted due to the pain. They were simply unable to endure this kind of unimaginable pain!    


Chen Bei looked at the wound in the mirror. His expression was surprisingly calm. His eyes were deep and cold. There was not the slightest bit of an unbearable expression on his face. It was as if this body did not belong to him!    


In fact, his face was expressionless. His body did not tremble at all. This unbearable pain could not devour his will. His will was like steel. This pain could not do anything to him!    


Alcohol quickly flowed through his wounds. Some of it even entered his flesh. The burning pain spread rapidly, as if there was a flame burning on Chen Bei's body.    


Chen Bei remained unmoved. No matter what happened, it would not change him at all. Even the burning pain could not make the expression on his face twitch.    


Chen Bei's willpower was beyond ordinary. This iron-blooded willpower was not something ordinary people could replace!    


Soon, the bottle of alcohol ran out. Chen Bei looked at the wounds and suddenly picked up another bottle of alcohol. He quickly opened the bottle and removed the poison from the wounds on his back.    


After some disinfection, Chen Bei took out some anti-inflammatory medicine and sprinkled the powder on the wounds. He wrapped the powder with gauze and let out a sigh of relief.    


Chen Bei went back to his bedroom and laid on the bed. He laid on the bed for a while.    


Chen Bei closed his eyes and rested for a while. After a while, he was in a daze. There was a knock on the door of the room.    


Chen Bei, who was in a daze, suddenly opened his eyes. He did not feel tired at all.    


Chen Bei nimbly jumped off the bed. He dashed towards the door and pulled it open.    


The door opened and the person who appeared at the door surprised Chen Bei. Because this person was none other than Su Lei.    


"Yo, Miss Su." When Chen Bei saw Su Lei, he was slightly stunned for a moment before he immediately reacted. The corner of his mouth curled into a smile as he spoke in a ruffian voice.    


"Didn't Miss Su accompany Director Lyi to the company? Why did she appear here? Could it be that Director Lyi has also returned?" Chen Bei asked.    


Su Lei shook her head and said, "Director Lyi had a document left in the hotel room. She asked me to come back to get it. When I just arrived at the hotel entrance, I happened to see the car you drove and came to see you."    


Su Lei said and could not help but look at Chen Bei with her eyes. Her pretty face was slightly embarrassed.    


Because Chen Bei opened the door, he was only wearing a pair of shorts. His upper body was bare. In Su Lei's eyes, she could almost see everything!    


Chen Bei was covered in pigeon meat. He was dressed up to the point of making people's hair stand on end!    


Su Lei sized him up with a flash of shock in her eyes! Her gaze swept over Chen Bei's body. Chen Bei's body was almost covered in cuts and bruises, and there were countless scars all over his body. There were many new and old scars overlapping each other. There was not a single spot on Chen Bei's body that did not have scars.    


Su Lei saw Chen Bei's body and was slightly shocked. This was the first time she had seen so many scars. They were so dense! It could be said to be terrifying!    


Even when Su Lei was in the special forces, she had never seen so many scars. Even when she was the former leader of the special forces, she saw scars all over her body. But now, she could not compare to Chen Bei at all.    


Su Lei looked at Chen Bei. Her mentality was much stronger than ordinary people. She quickly adjusted herself and looked at Chen Bei. There was a hint of complexity in her eyes.    


She was suddenly curious about the man in front of her. She was very curious about what Chen Bei had gone through. There were so many scars all over his body. This was simply too f * cking shocking!    


Su Lei's complicated eyes seemed to be ignored by Chen Bei. Chen Bei saw Su Lei looking at him for a long time and was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, he raised his arms and squeezed out his biceps with all his strength. He smiled slightly. His smile carried a lot of ruffian and rogue meaning. He proudly flaunted, "Miss Su, could it be that you have fallen for my muscles?"    


"Miss Su, if you like, you can come into the room with me. You can touch anything you want ~" Chen Bei's tone became more and more rascally, as if he was flirting with Su Lei.    


Su Lei's eyes flashed. She looked at Chen Bei meaningfully and then shook her head. She flatly refused, "Forget it. I will go back to the company first. Director Lyi is still waiting to use this document."    


After Su Lei finished speaking, she turned around and left.    


Chen Bei stared at Su Lei until she disappeared at the end of the corridor. The ruffian smile on his face disappeared and he closed the door with a calm expression.    


Right after Su Lei left the hotel, Yu Rongxuan stood by the window in one of the rooms in the hotel. He was in the presidential suite. The room was playing elegant music. The fragrance was burning, and smoke was rising. The maid in the corner of the room was standing. Yu Rongxuan was looking down and enjoying the night view of Yanjing. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.    


"Er Dongchen, even if you have a brilliant way this time, you won't be able to turn the situation around." Yu Rongxuan sneered and said to himself. He was confident.    


It was normal for Yu Rongxuan to have such confidence. In order to kill Chen Bei, the supreme elder would bring the Thirteenth Elder to kill Chen Bei. No matter how strong Chen Bei was, could he be stronger than the combination of the supreme elder and the Thirteenth Elder's Seven Stars Formation?    


Yu Rongxuan was full of confidence. He was very confident that the previous incident where the supreme elder overturned the carriage because of his understanding of Chen Bei would never happen again.    


The supreme elder came from the Wudang, and the Seven Stars Formation was a formation passed down from ancient times. It was mysterious and unpredictable. When the two were combined, Chen Bei would not be able to escape even if he had wings.    


Yu Rongxuan could already imagine that when the grand elder reached Chen Bei who was on his last breath, Chen Bei would kneel in front of him and beg him to let him go.    


Chen Bei's previous arrogance and arrogance would disappear completely at that time, and he would become a dog!    


At this time, Yu Rongxuan's door was suddenly pushed open. A subordinate rushed into the room with a pale face.    



"Young Master Yu, something bad has happened!" The subordinate shouted in horror.    


"What's wrong?" Yu Rongxuan turned his head and looked at the subordinate with a frown. He was very dissatisfied. This subordinate had disturbed his good mood all of a sudden. How could he not be angry?    


"He, he... he is back!" That subordinate pointed at the door and spoke in a panic.    


"He, who?" Yu Rongxuan frowned even more. He was confused by this subordinate.    


"I saw Chen Bei walk into the hotel with my own eyes!" Yu Rongxuan's expression changed.    


"What did you say?" Yu Rongxuan looked at the subordinate and his tone became fierce. "Who did you see?" Yu Rongxuan asked.    


"Chen Bei, it must be him," Yu Rongxuan said. the man said.    


Not only that, but at this moment, a few more figures ran into Yu Rongxuan's room in fear. They almost stumbled and crawled to Yu Rongxuan's feet.    


"Young Master Yu, something big has happened! Something big has happened!" The faces of those few figures were ugly to the extreme, as if they had been greatly stimulated!    


The few of them tightly hugged Yu Rongxuan's legs, making no matter how hard Yu Rongxuan struggled, it was useless.    


"What happened?" Yu Rongxuan frowned. He suddenly had an ominous feeling that made him feel uneasy.    


"They are all dead. When we saw Chen Bei walk out, we went in to take a look. We found that the supreme elder and the other elders are all dead." The few people from the Yu Family said in a trembling voice. Their tone was full of shock.    


Yu Rongxuan's heart trembled violently, as if it had stopped beating! His pupils contracted into needles, and his eyes turned black.    


"This is impossible!" Yu Rongxuan shouted subconsciously.    


"Young Master Yu, we saw it with our own eyes. The elders are all dead. Only Chen Bei walked out safely. He must have done this!" One of the Yu Family members said with a trembling voice.    


Yu Rongxuan's body was cold. His eyes were filled with shock and fear. Even the Supreme Elder and the Elder had fallen into that fellow's hands. Just who was he, and what kind of background did he have?!    


Just as Yu Rongxuan's heart was wildly trembling, another person rushed into the room!    


"Young Master Yu, not good! Chen Bei walked out of his room and came towards us! "    


"Young Master Yu, he has reached our floor!"    


Yu Rongxuan was petrified. His eyes were filled with disbelief and despair.    


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