Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C577 It's Familiar!

C577 It's Familiar!

0Hearing Chen Bei's words, Lyi Qingyan stopped struggling and her delicate body quieted down, allowing Chen Bei to hold her in his arms just like that.    


At this moment, both of their bodies were tightly pressed together. Chen Bei could hear Lyi Qingyan's heartbeat. It was a slightly messy heartbeat. It was like the beating of a deer.    


Her head gently rested on Chen Bei's shoulder as if she was trying to avoid it. Chen Bei gently lowered his head and sniffed her charming and fragrant hair. At this moment... time seemed to have stopped.    


Lyi Qingyan was in a mess at this moment. Her heart was beating rapidly. She repeatedly told herself in her heart, "Just this once... just this once. This time, seeing that he was injured, I will not bicker with him. There will definitely not be a next time!    


Chen Bei just hugged Lyi Qingyan like this for a long time. It seemed like he was not willing to let go again. Her delicate body was very fragrant and soft. With warmth, the feeling of hugging her in his arms was really comfortable.    


After a long time, Lyi Qingyan gently struggled and wanted to get up. Chen Bei still held her as if he did not want to be separated from her.    


"Didn't you say... just for a while?" Lyi Qingyan opened her mouth. Her voice was magnetic and very pleasant to hear.    


"I am going back on my word... let me hug you for a while longer..." Chen Bei said slowly. His arms around the goddess tightened a little.    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was a little hesitant. She struggled out of his arms. At this moment, Goddess President's pretty face was a little red. Her expression was a little messy...    


"That... You should rest well first. I will go to work first..." After saying that, the goddess gently stroke her messy hair and hurriedly escaped while stepping on high heels...    


Chen Bei smiled as he watched the goddess run away in panic. Interesting and loving tigress.    


He also waited. After Lyi Qingyan walked out of the rest room, Su Lei finally reached Chen Bei's side. She looked at Chen Bei covering his chest and said, "Luckily Director Lyi's father has a private plane in Yanjing, otherwise you wouldn't be so comfortable..."    


"What's wrong with you? How did he hurt you?" Su Lei looked at Chen Bei with confusion.    


According to her judgment of Yun Lingxiao's strength, even she could block Yun Lingxiao's attack, let alone the Dragon King.    


This caused her to have a thought in that instant. Her expression was doubtful, wondering if Chen Bei was pretending to get close to Lyi Qingyan.    


"I'm fine. I just fell into a trap." Chen Bei shook his head, and his calm gaze suddenly became deep.    


He naturally would not tell Su Lei that Yun Lingxiao had left a backup plan. He had never expected that Yun Lingxiao would be injured in the end.    


Su Lei saw that Chen Bei was fine, so she nodded and felt relieved.    


After that, in the depths of Chen Bei's deep eyes, a trace of killing intent suddenly flashed.    


Late at night, in a hotel suite.    


Yun Lingxiao supported himself in front of the washroom's washing table and coughed out large mouthfuls of blood again.    


His entire body was trembling in pain. The power of Chen Bei's punch almost shook his internal organs! It had inflicted serious damage to him! It was likely that he would not be able to recover within a few months!    


Yun Lingxiao's face was pale. There was blood in his mouth. His body trembled as he held onto the wall and carefully tried to walk to the bed. However, before he could even get close, he could not bear it anymore. His body fell to the ground.    


Suddenly, a voice came from behind Yun Lingxiao. "Master is very dissatisfied. Not only did you mess up this matter, you even used the trump card that Master gave you to save your life."    


Yun Lingxiao turned his head and saw a man in a golden spectacles and suit standing beside the bed. He looked at Yun Lingxiao with an indifferent expression.    


"I pledge my loyalty to him, but that doesn't mean I'm his dog." Yun Lingxiao's heart suddenly echoed with the Dragon King's words, which made his face show some anger.    


"The Dragon King became famous overseas. Even the west could not do anything to him. Your defeat was planned by my lord." The man in the suit continued.    


"Then he still wants me to go? He wants me to die? " Yun Lingxiao's voice became colder and colder.    


"Even an adult can't fight him. Didn't you want to fight him before?" The man in the suit said calmly.    


Yun Lingxiao was speechless. The man in the suit put another small notebook on the bedside table and said, "The Dragon King has gone to Huhai. Continue your mission. The Dragon King must die."    


Yun Lingxiao picked up the small notebook and found that it was a pass.    


"The gap between me and the Dragon King is too big. This is an impossible mission." Yun Lingxiao's expression became a bit gloomy.    


"Don't worry. When you reach the Huhai, there will naturally be someone to help you. Moreover, master has a way to raise your strength to the level of the Dragon King." The man in the suit smiled. Yun Lingxiao suddenly raised his head with a shocked expression.    


"This is impossible!" Yun Lingxiao said in shock, "This is definitely not realistic. There is no such thing in the world!"    


The man in the suit shook his head. "You are just a chess piece in the hands of an adult. How do you know that there are already new players in this game?"    


"New players? Who?" Yun Lingxiao calmed down a little.    


The man in the suit pointed outside the window.    


Yun Lingxiao looked over and found that the direction was heading west.    




Early in the morning, the first flight to Huhai Hongqiao International Airport landed slowly. It was the morning flight from Europe to China.    


The cabin door opened, and a foreign man in a dark blue expensive suit slowly got off the plane from the first-class cabin. The man was holding an expensive cane, and he wore a gentleman's hat. He gave off an elegant aura of a gentleman.    


Behind the gentleman stood a few attendants in suits. The attendants stood behind the man, and they were extremely respectful. It was clear that this man's identity was extraordinary.    


"China... It's been a long time since I've come." The gentleman man spat in fluent English and walked out of the airport with his crutches.    


Outside the international airport, five black Land Rover parked quietly in front of the door.    


The gentleman walked out of the airport leisurely. A group of attendants stepped forward and respectfully opened the door of the Land Rover.    


The gentleman man's blue eyes swept across the Land Rover. He seemed to be a little picky as he said, "Once this Land Rover exports to China... it will completely change its appearance. It will no longer have the pure taste of our country..."    


With that, he reluctantly got into the Land Rover.    


The suit attendants followed closely behind the car. The five black Land Rover slowly started up and drove out of the international airport...    


The five Land Rover sped all the way. Ten minutes later, they slowly drove to the Lyi's Group.    


The security guard at the entrance of the building bowed respectfully when he saw the five Land Rover cars. He stepped forward and asked, "Hello, may I know who you are looking for? External vehicles entering the building... need to be registered."    


The window was lowered and a foreign man stuck his head out and said in awkward Mandarin, "I am looking for Lyi Qingyan."    


The security guard was stunned and continued, "Okay, please register your identity information."    


The foreign man's eyes turned cold, "Do we still need to register?"    


"Yes... This is the company's rule... entering the company requires registration information." The security guard said in embarrassment.    


"Rubbish! Do we still need to register to enter the company?" A man in a suit grabbed the collar of the security guard and started the Land Rover!    


The Land Rover sped forward and broke the lock on the gate. It dragged the security guard and sped for more than ten meters. Then, it braked and stopped at the Lyi's Group's building!    


The security guard was dragged for more than ten meters. His shoes were all worn and his feet were all scratched. His pants were also torn and bleeding. He was in a miserable state.    


The attendant in the suit waved his hand and threw the little security guard a few meters away.    


The doors of the five Land Rover cars opened. A few attendants in black suits stepped forward and opened the doors for their owners respectfully.    


The man in a dark blue gentleman's suit slowly stepped out of the Land Rover with a cane in his hand.    


Seeing this scene... The security guards at the entrance of the guard station were instantly enraged! A group of security guards rushed up and evaluated, "Hey, what are you doing hurting people? You foreigners are too lacking in manners!"    


The gentleman man ignored the group of security guards and walked into the Lyi's Group leisurely. The group of followers followed him into the building.    


One of the small security guards wanted to argue but was slapped away by a foreign follower... Blood flew everywhere!    


In the office of the president of Lyi's Group, Lyi Qingyan was processing the company's documents.    


Suddenly, the door of the office was knocked open and the phone on the desk suddenly rang.    


Lyi Qingyan picked up the phone and frowned. The phone call came from the security room and a security guard's voice entered Lyi Qingyan's ears, "Director Lyi, outside... there are a group of foreigners looking for you outside..."    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face froze, "Foreign people?" Lyi Qingyan was still in doubt and did not react when the office door was kicked open without any restraint.    


A gentleman in a dark blue suit walked into the president's office with an extraordinary bearing. Outside the office, the group of men in black suits were waiting outside the door. It was extremely neat.    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face froze. Her beautiful eyes stared intently at the man in a dark blue suit who walked into the office.    


The gentleman scanned the president's office with interest. Then, he slowly sat on the leather sofa. He sat there with the intention of turning the tables.    


"You are Lyi Qingyan, right?" The gentleman sat on the sofa with a walking stick in his hand and asked in a pure English tone.    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was solemn as she stared at him and replied in English, "I am Lyi Qingyan. May I ask who you are?"    


The gentleman man's blue eyes slightly wrinkled, "Miss Lyi indeed studied overseas and has a very pure accent."    


Lyi Qingyan was a little stunned and looked at this strange and unusual gentleman man in confusion.    


"Sir, who are you?" Lyi Qingyan asked cautiously.    


The gentleman slowly took off the blue dress hat on his head. His light gold hair was combed neatly and meticulously.    


"I am Richard of the Never Setting Sun Empire." The gentleman's voice was very calm, but it carried a trace of pride that he was born with.    


The Never Setting Sun Empire, Richard?    


Do I... know him?    


Lyi Qingyan quickly filtered through her mind, but she did not have the slightest impression of this person.    


Could it be father's friend?    


Hearing the gentleman's self-introduction, a trace of doubt appeared in Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes.    


But although Lyi Qingyan was puzzled, she also displayed etiquette. She called her secretary and instructed, "Give Mister Richard tea."    


The secretary nodded and immediately made a cup of thick black tea for Mr. Richard. The clear tea soup gave off a strong fragrance.    


When the secretary brought the tea to Richard respectfully, Richard frowned.    


"It can't be. Do you Huaxia people only have this kind of inferior tea?" Richard did not say anything and just waved his hand on the tea table. The cup of hot black tea moved and fell to the ground. The cup shattered and the tea splashed all over the ground.    


"It's not the Ceylon black tea produced by Islam... Why are you giving it to me?" Richard looked down from above. His expression was very cold.    


Goddess President's beautiful eyes froze when she saw this. It seemed that she did not expect Richard to be so strange and uncourteous.    


Lyi Qingyan suppressed the cold anger in her heart and slowly asked. "Mr. Richard, I am sorry... I do not know you. If you are my father's friend, please go to the chairman's office."    


Richard, the gentleman, raised the corner of his mouth in disdain, "You people... naturally don't know about our Richard family... but you only need to know that Richard is an existence that you cannot afford to offend. He is also a force that your Lyi's Group cannot contend with. It's best that your Lyi's Group doesn't seek your own death. " His voice sounded like a taunt, but it also carried a trace of ridicule and threat.    


Hearing Richard's words, Lyi Qingyan's frown deepened when she heard Richard's words. "Mr. Richard, I don't know what you're talking about."    


"I'm here on behalf of my family to discuss the acquisition of Lyi's Group." Richard's expression was full of arrogance.    


"Purchase?" Lyi Qingyan frowned and said, "The Lyi's Group has never planned to be bought. Mr. Richard, please go back."    


Richard took off his gentleman's hat and slowly walked towards Lyi Qingyan. He said word by word, "Lyi Qingyan, please go back. This is not something you can refuse. What does our Richard family want to do? No one has ever organized us... You guys have been bought. This is your luck."    


Lyi Qingyan's expression suddenly turned cold, and a wisp of coldness appeared on her peerlessly beautiful face. "Richard, I don't have any relationship with your family at all. This is Hua Xia, please take care of yourself!"    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes were incomparably cold, "Mr. Richard, I don't want to talk about today's matter anymore. Please leave."    


Hearing Lyi Qingyan's words, the gentleman Richard was stunned. His deep blue eyes stared at Lyi Qingyan and a trace of coldness emerged.    


"Lyi Qingyan... Are you... refusing to negotiate with our Richard Family?" Richard's words were cold and threatening.    


"Reject? Heh, if you think so, then so be it." Lyi Qingyan crossed her arms in front of her chest and Goddess President's aura was released. At this moment, she unconsciously imitated Chen Bei's tone and said this sentence. Even she herself was puzzled... Why did she imitate Chen Bei's tone?    


Clearly, Goddess President was not afraid of this so-called Richard Family. She did not know this Richard Family at all. Even if she did, she was not afraid.    


Richard's eyes instantly turned cold. His gentlemanly face also slightly rose, as if a wave of anger was brewing. The cane in his hand exerted force again!    



"Ka!" With a sound, the hard crutch directly crushed the concrete floor under the wooden board until it cracked open! It was enough to see the horror of this scene! How much strength did this require... to create such a shocking scene!!    


"Lyi Qingyan, are you sure you want to reject the negotiation?!" Richard's voice was cold. "There is only one consequence for resisting my Richard Family."    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face was as cold as ice, as if she did not fear Richard's threat at all!    


"Mr. Richard, I still have work to do. Please go ahead." Lyi Qingyan made a welcoming gesture at the door of the office, indicating for him to leave on his own.    


Richard's eyes flickered repeatedly and became extremely cold. His gentlemanly demeanor was almost concealed by his anger.    


Lyi Qingyan sat down and began to busy herself with the work in front of the computer. She completely ignored Richard.    


The secretary bowed slightly and said respectfully, "I'm sorry, Mr. Richard. Our Director Lyi is busy. Please go ahead."    


Seeing that she was being ignored like this! And he was being 'invited out of the office' so unscrupulously, Richard's anger completely erupted!    


"Ridiculous! "How dare you treat my Richard Family like this?! You are courting death!" Richard suddenly stood up and pointed his walking stick at Lyi Qingyan and the secretary. His gaze was cold and proud, and it carried an endless cold threat!    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face froze, and she said coldly, "Mr. Richard! Please pay attention! This is China! "This is a place protected by China's laws!" Lyi Qingyan's voice was a warning, a warning! In China, how could he allow the westerners to act so recklessly?!    


Richard suddenly laughed, his smile cold and cold. His laughter was weird.    


"Huaxia country? "Hahaha, my Richard Family has always been a tyrant in the world. There is no law in this world that can restrict us! "Today... Lyi Qingyan, you must give me a clear answer!" The cane in Richard's hand fiercely stopped! The floor creaked and cracked!    


Following the cracking sound, the door of the CEO's office was locked from the outside. The group of black-suited attendants waiting outside the door locked the office door!    




At this moment, in the office next door, Chen Bei laid comfortably on the chair of the boss. He held a teacup in his hand and took a sip of tea. He crossed his legs and squinted his eyes. There was no need to mention how comfortable he was.    


After returning to Huhai from Yanjing yesterday, he had been on a plane for the entire night. The sky had just lit up and he had just gotten off the plane when Lyi Qingyan rushed to the company without stopping.    


Lyi Qingyan did not even go to visit her parents. She said that she had left the headquarters of Huhai for too long and had too much work to do.    


"This place is better." Chen Bei sat in his own office and put down the phone. He had just finished talking to Su Xiaoyun on the phone and felt refreshed.    


It was just that... the pain in his chest made him lower his head occasionally and fall into deep thought. His eyes were deep.    


Yun Lingxiao did hurt him in the end. It was not because he was careless. It was because Yun Lingxiao's last stab was very strange and he did not notice it at all. It was as if his aura and any subtle sound had been concealed, causing him to be stabbed.    


When Chen Bei turned around, Yun Lingxiao suddenly disappeared without a trace.    


This move was extremely similar. To Chen Bei, it was extremely familiar.    


At that time, it reminded him of the past and made him more vigilant.    


It was... very similar to that person.    


Suddenly, Chen Bei's heart moved. He could faintly hear that there seemed to be some commotion in the president's office next door.    


Chen Bei took out a cigarette, lit it, and slowly took a drag. He put down the teacup, got up, and walked out of the office towards the president's office.    


When he saw the attendants in black suits guarding the office door, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile.    


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