Most Arrogant Son-In-Law

C374 Master Wu Dang!

C374 Master Wu Dang!



In the evening, the sun was setting in the west. In the Yanjing branch of the Lyi's Group, Lyi Qingyan had finished her busy day of work. Her soft and delicate body was lying on the office chair. Her delicate face was full of fatigue.    


Goddess President let out a heavy breath and got up to turn off the lights in the office. She stepped on her delicate high heels and walked out leisurely.    


The crisp sound of high heels echoed in the quiet company building. Lyi Qingyan's sexy back view was a little lost under the few remaining lights.    


The entire company building... Other than the staff on duty who needed to maintain the normal operation of the company building, almost everyone had already gotten off work. Lyi Qingyan became the last person to get off work.    


After walking out of the company building, the slightly cold wind blew past and blew away the strand of bangs on Lyi Qingyan's forehead, making Lyi Qingyan slightly sober.    


Very quickly, a black ordinary business car drove out of the garage and drove towards Lyi Qingyan. It slowly stopped in front of Lyi Qingyan.    


The sky was too dark and Lyi Qingyan did not see the driver's face clearly. Her beautiful face was even more exquisite than an angel's face. There was a flash of surprise on her face. A few days ago, it was after she made the phone call that she drove the car over and stopped in front of her.    


What was going on today? The driver suddenly timed the time, which made Lyi Qingyan slightly surprised.    


The business car stopped in front of Lyi Qingyan. Lyi Qingyan did not think much about it and opened the door to the car and sat in the back seat with her body.    


"Go back to the hotel." Lyi Qingyan's magnetic voice was as cold as usual but it contained a charming magnetism.    


Lyi Qingyan did not see the back of the driver's seat. The corner of her mouth raised into a meaningful smile.    


After a while, she sat in the back seat of the driver's seat. Lyi Qingyan frowned and crossed her arms around her chest. She sniffed the air with her nose and immediately smelled a faint smell of smoke. In the fragrance that was like an orchid, it was very obvious that it was pungent.    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face turned slightly cold. She looked at the back of the driver seat and her expression was very ugly. Her expression sank and she spoke coldly with a hint of warning and threat in her words. "I said not to smoke in my car. This is the second time and also the last time. If there is a next time, don't do it."    


The figure sitting in the driver's seat did not respond. It was as if he did not hear what Lyi Qingyan was saying.    


Not only that, the smell of smoke in the interior of the car became even stronger.    


Goddess President frowned. She suddenly saw that the driver in the driver's seat did not take his words seriously. He even took out a cigarette in an even more unrestrained manner and lit one in the driver's seat!    


Goddess President's beautiful eyes suddenly focused. In the next second, a cold light suddenly shot out from her eyes.    


She really did not take her seriously! This was the first time she had seen such an impudent employee!    


Goddess President's pretty face suddenly turned cold, and her heart was burning with anger!    


Her dignity as a female superior was actually provoked so brazenly!    


"You're still smoking!" Goddess President could not bear it any longer and coldly shouted!    


The figure sitting in the driver's seat did not care about it and Lyi Qingyan could not bear it anymore. She shouted sternly, "Stop the car, stop the car immediately!"    


The commercial car finally stepped on the brakes. The tires rubbed against the ground and stopped with a piercing sound.    


A strong inertia suddenly appeared, causing Lyi Qingyan, who was sitting in the back seat, to almost fly out. Her jet black hair that was like a waterfall draped over her shoulders, but there was an additional trace of sexiness in her messy hair.    


After stopping the car, Lyi Qingyan angrily unfastened her seatbelt and pushed open the car door. She stepped on high heels and pedaled to the front door of the car driver's seat. She was just about to pull the driver who was sitting in the driver's seat out and teach him a good lesson, but when her eyes fell on the driver, her pretty face suddenly froze!    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes flashed with disbelief and shock! Her delicate body violently trembled as if she could not accept it!    


When Lyi Qingyan saw that familiar face expression... She stood on the spot. Her delicate body trembled due to excitement and her entire person was practically petrified!    


This face that was ordinary seemed to contain a strange charm... The smile that was filled with ruffian air was deeply imprinted in Lyi Qingyan's memories, causing her to be unable to forget it no matter what!    


Lyi Qingyan stared at Chen Bei. The anger in her heart suddenly disappeared without a trace. What replaced it was a deep and complicated expression that could not be changed.    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes stared at Chen Bei for a long time. At that moment, she did not even believe that it was Chen Bei. She even thought that she was dreaming!    


Lyi Qingyan stared at Chen Bei. Her delicate body was trembling slightly. Her usually calm and indifferent heart was trembling with excitement. It was difficult to calm it down.    


At this moment, Chen Bei slowly spat out a smoke ring. He looked at Lyi Qingyan and smiled faintly, "Do you miss me?"    


"Crazy!" Lyi Qingyan looked at the smile on Chen Bei's face, which had a hint of a familiar ruffian aura. Her pretty face suddenly turned cold, but a warm feeling suddenly surged in her heart.    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face coldly spat out a sentence, then she turned around without hesitation. She stomped her feet and left in high heels. She wanted to stay as far away from Chen Bei as possible. The further away she was from Chen Bei, the better!    


Chen Bei looked at Lyi Qingyan's sexy back and was slightly stunned. He suddenly reacted and rushed out of the car. He quickly chased after her. With Chen Bei's skills, Lyi Qingyan was caught by Chen Bei before she could get far.    


Lyi Qingyan's body subconsciously trembled and her entire body tensed up. A pair of big hands wrapped around her soft waist and a warm chest pressed against her back. That familiar smell of tobacco entered her nose and made her instantly feel at ease. A sense of security arose spontaneously.    


The sense of security that she had lost these few days was lost and recovered. Lyi Qingyan secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Her tensed and delicate body gradually softened. A complicated and dazed expression flashed across her beautiful eyes.    


"These few days... did you miss me?" At this moment, Chen Bei's words that were full of ruffian air, accompanied by a wave of heat, entered Lyi Qingyan's ears.    


Lyi Qingyan's ears, on the other hand, were lightly snorted by Chen Bei. Her body suddenly shook violently and had an extremely abnormal overreaction.    


In the next moment, Lyi Qingyan suddenly reacted. Her pretty face was suddenly covered by a layer of cold killing intent. Her beautiful eyes flashed with a cold killing intent.    


Lyi Qingyan suddenly struggled with all her might and her body twisted. However, Chen Bei's arms were like a pair of tiger pincers as he tightly hugged Lyi Qingyan. No matter how hard Lyi Qingyan struggled, she could not move.    


Lyi Qingyan struggled for a while and her pretty face revealed a trace of anger, embarrassment, and anger. Chen Bei's action just now had instantly angered her bottom line. That was her forbidden area but after Chen Bei's breath just now, it had recklessly invaded!    


Lyi Qingyan's delicate pretty face turned red. Her hair was burning hot... Chen Bei's actions were simply teasing her! It made her feel numb and uncomfortable when Chen Bei's hot breath blew on her!    


At this moment, Lyi Qingyan raised her long legs that were wearing sexy high heels. She bit her red lips with her teeth and stomped fiercely at Chen Bei's feet!    


"Hiss!" The ruffian smile on Chen Bei's face froze. His face stiffened and he sucked in a breath of cold air.    


The heels of Lyi Qingyan's high heels accurately stepped on Chen Bei's feet. It made his face full of pain.    


Lyi Qingyan seized the opportunity to break free from Chen Bei's arms. She turned around and placed her hand on Chen Bei's shoulder.    


Lyi Qingyan's pretty face turned red. Her normally fair and delicate face looked extremely beautiful. Now that it was red, it was even more suffocating! The beauty of falling in love with the world!    


Chen Bei's gaze fell on the jade hand that Lyi Qingyan placed on his shoulder. A bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart.    


In the next moment, Lyi Qingyan performed a woman's shoulder throw.    





Chen Bei fell to the ground firmly. He was like a dog eating mud. He had killed countless super forces. He was like a human being under the rain of bullets. At this moment, he was in a sorry state. Who would have thought that the Dragon King, who could shake the world and look down on the world, would never have any means of defense in front of this beautiful and sexy woman in front of him!    


Lyi Qingyan's beautiful eyes She glared at Chen Bei angrily, "Bastard, did I let you touch me?"    


Lyi Qingyan gasped for breath. At this moment, she had already been replaced by anger. As Goddess President's usual intelligence, she could not see any signs of it in her at this time.    


Chen Bei got up from the ground and gasped repeatedly as he muttered, "Wife, you really can be ruthless..."    


"Who is your wife?" Lyi Qingyan snorted again. Chen Bei was helpless. He could only change his words, "Honey, it's been a long time since I last saw you. It's not good to start a fight when we just met."    


"You!" Lyi Qingyan said in anger, "Who knows where you are going to die?"    


Chen Bei smiled slyly. "It seems you care about me."    


"Shameless! Rogue!" Lyi Qingyan could not be bothered with Chen Bei. She realized that the more she cared about Chen Bei, the harder it was for her to vent her anger.    


"It's getting late. Let's go back to the hotel. Some people are waiting for us. We should not be able to wait any longer." Chen Bei said.    


Lyi Qingyan rubbed the parts of her body that were in pain from Chen Bei's pinch. When she heard Chen Bei say that, she asked, "Some people, who?"    


The corner of Chen Bei's mouth slightly raised. He said lightly, "We will know when we return to the hotel."    




In the hotel, Chen Bei was leaning against the window while Lyi Qingyan and Su Lei were sitting on the sofa. They looked at Chen Bei coldly and asked, "What did you do during the few days you went missing?"    


"I went to visit an old friend." Chen Bei replied.    


"Old friend, who?" Lyi Qingyan coldly harrumphed and asked.    


Chen Bei did not answer. "You will know him if you have the chance in the future."    


Lyi Qingyan glanced at Chen Bei. She snorted and did not ask any more questions.    




At that moment, in another room of the hotel, there was a large mahogany round table, thick red cloth, delicate wine glasses, porcelain bowls, and a stack of delicate dishes arranged neatly.    


The waiters were continuously serving steaming hot dishes.    


Yu Rongxuan sat in the middle and opened a bottle of top quality Lafite. He filled the bottles of Lafite for the elders sitting at the round table. He raised his wine cup and said respectfully to the elders, "Elders, I have asked all of you to come here without any hesitation. It is my junior's. No. Fortunately, we have earned back the reputation of the Yu family. We will not lose our reputation in the martial world. "    


At this moment, the supreme elder sitting in the middle of the round table frowned slightly and asked, "Is he dead?"    


Yu Rongxuan glanced at the supreme elder. The supreme elder's face was still covered with gauze. It was a horrible sight to see. He had only just woken up a few days ago.    


Yu Rongxuan nodded and laughed. He explained, "According to reliable information, he has already left Yanjing."    


Yu Rongxuan looked at the supreme elder and said respectfully, "It's all thanks to you, elder. Otherwise, we wouldn't have driven him away from the capital. If he was on the Stone Gambling Great Session, the Yu family would lose all face because of him sooner or later."    


The supreme elder didn't say anything. His brows were tightly furrowed, but he didn't relax at all.    


Elder Su, this is indeed a good thing. We can celebrate for a bit. The fact that he was able to injure you means that he has a certain level of strength. If one of us were to go, the result would still be unknown. " At this moment, another elder advised.    


Elder Su shook his head and slowly said, "I am not worried about this."    


"Elder, is there anything else that you need to worry about?" Yu Rongxuan's expression turned serious as he asked.    


Elder Su glanced at him. His deep eyes were filled with a profound look that no one could see through.    


Elder Su snorted coldly and asked Yu Rongxuan, "You only told me that he was only slightly skilled?"    


Yu Rongxuan nodded. "I didn't expect that he would be able to hurt you even though he was hiding his strength."    


"hurt me?" The supreme elder sneered. He glanced at the other elders and said, "Not only did he hurt me, but he is also a disciple of Wudang!"    


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