Global Check-in System

C4 The Most Distinguished Guest

C4 The Most Distinguished Guest

0Xi Mengwei felt that this scene was getting more and more intriguing. Lin Fei was really full of surprises.    


Through her observations during this period, she had already figured out a part of the story between Lau Yiyi, Zhao Donglai, and Lin Fei.    


It was only at this moment that she understood that Lin Fei had been tolerating their ridicule and sarcasm, only waiting for the delivery man to arrive.    


In this farce, Lin Fei seemed to be in a passive position. He was constantly mocked and insulted by them, and they even suspected him of being a thief.    


But in reality, he was the real director behind this whole skit.    


He was directing a big show, a good show for his audience.    


Lau Yiyi and Zhao Donglai were making things difficult for Lin Fei, taunting and humiliating him. But in the end, when the delivery man arrived, he didn't even need Lin Fei to explain anything. Just his arrival was enough to reveal everything to the spectators.    


To Lin Fei, his ex-girlfriend, Lau Yiyi, was just a clown who was disgracing herself in front of everyone!    


Therefore, Xi Mengwei decided to continue hiding in the crowd and watch Lin Fei's good show.    


Lin Fei was not in a hurry to sign for the express delivery. He just politely nodded to the courier and turned around to look at Lau Yiyi, Zhao Donglai, and Cai Changsheng. The corner of his mouth rose slightly, and he gradually exposed a splendid expression.    


At this moment, although Lin Fei did not say anything, his gaze was like a silent slap to the trio's faces. One by one, he had slapped every single one of them, and it was a silent yet resounding slap.    


Lau Yiyi's expression turned ugly. Zhao Donglai's expression did not look good, either. Cai Changsheng had no idea what to do when faced with such a sudden reversal.    


The surrounding guests began to discuss among themselves. They all glanced at Lau Yiyi, Zhao Donglai, and Cai Changsheng while talking.    


This instantly made trio's faces look even worse. At this moment, they wished they could dig a hole and hide themselves from the embarrassment.    


Lin Fei finally turned around and signed his express delivery.    


He had thoroughly enjoyed the process. He liked the feeling of Lau Yiyi getting slapped in the face, so he deliberately slowed down the signing of the express delivery. He wanted to let Lau Yiyi suffer the torment of being pointed at by the crowd for a while longer.    


He would not show mercy to her now because this was what this bitch asked for. This was the humiliation she deserved.    


However, how could Lau Yiyi be willing to let Lin Fei take advantage of her? She would not let him off the hook so easily.    




Just as Lin Fei finished signing the delivery and was about to head back to his private room, Lau Yiyi suddenly rushed forward like a madman and stopped him.    


"Lau Yiyi, what do you want now?"    


Lin Fei did not even want to look at her. He frowned and said impatiently.    


"Manager Cai, everyone, we were all deceived by this guy!    


"The courier is clearly his accomplice. They want to use this method to get away with the act tonight.    


"Haha, Lin Fei, if I'm not wrong, you must be looking for a corner to hide first and then escape when everyone is not paying attention, right?"    


Lau Yiyi looked at Lin Fei and questioned him with a sharp gaze.    


After saying that, she started laughing, as if she was admiring her own intelligence and wisdom.    


"Lau Yiyi, you really know how to tell a story, but unfortunately, I'm not the main character in your story tonight.    


"Please, don't be so bored. Save some face for yourself. Don't come and disgust me again!"    


Lin Fei said calmly, but the content of his words did not give Lau Yiyi any face.    


Lau Yiyi did not take Lin Fei's words seriously. She now firmly believed that her judgement was correct. This guy was hiding something.    


"Lin Fei, you still want to deny it? In my opinion, your express delivery is just a coverup!"    


A sinister smile flashed across Lau Yiyi's eyes as she continued.    


"Why do you say that?"    


Lin Fei was not angry that Lau Yiyi was framing him like this. He only looked at her with a grin adorning his face as he calmly asked.    


"Humph, how can you appear on the third floor with your dirty outfit. This is the biggest suspicion!    


"According to the restaurant's rules, it's impossible to enter this place without appropriate dressing!"    


Lau Yiyi felt that she was getting a whole lot smarter. When she said this, she was beaming with joy. She even looked at Zhao Donglai and gave him a flirtatious look to show off her ability.    


"That's right. Lin Fei, why don't you tell us how you got here?"    


Zhao Donglai also chimed in at this time.    


Although Lau Yiyi's brainless deduction was just here spouting nonsense, with Zhao Donglai's agreement, the surrounding guests actually believed her.    


They all looked at Lin Fei, as if waiting to see how he would answer this time.    


After all, his attire was indeed too shabby. It was somewhat abnormal to appear here.    


"Why should I answer your questions?    


"You guys are just too f*cking bored in your lives!"    


Lin Fei didn't want to waste any more time with them. He refused to entertain them and walked away.    


Xi Mengwei was still in the private room. He did not want her to let her wait for too long.    


However, Lin Fei's actions made Lau Yiyi think that he had been seen through by her. He had become angry from embarrassment and wanted to escape.    


The surrounding guests, Zhao Donglai, and Cai Changsheng also felt the same.    


"Manager Cai, this guy wants to escape. Quickly stop him. Don't let him run away!"    


Lau Yiyi quickly said to Cai Changsheng.    



Cai Changsheng suddenly dashed forward and stopped Lin Fei with his hand. He shouted, "Stop! Stop right there, you thief! You still want to leave today?"    


Zhao Donglai also joined the floor manager.    


Lau Yiyi took advantage of Lin Fei not paying attention to her and rushed over in an instant. She snatched the express delivery from his hand.    


But even stranger was that Lin Fei did not stop Lau Yiyi. Instead, he revealed a strange smile on his face.    


"Friends, watch carefully. I'll get the stolen goods now!"    


Lau Yiyi revealed a ferocious expression and ripped open the express delivery in front of everyone.    


The express delivery box fell to the ground, bouncing off on the floor.    


However, it was not the stolen things that Lau Yiyi had imagined in her mind but ten red real estate certificates.    


Those scattered real estate certificates were exceptionally eye-catching under the extravagant lights on the third floor. At the same time, they also attracted the gazes of all the surrounding guests.    


At this time, one of the property certificates was flipped open. It happened to be on the page that marked the owner of the property.    


And there, the name of the owner was clearly written—Lin Fei. This meant that this property ownership certificate belonged to Lin Fei.    


However, this wasn't what shocked them. After all, all the guests here were people with high status in Mo City. It wasn't strange for them to own a property or two.    


What shocked them the most was that the land marked on the property certificate was actually the entire 53rd floor of the Global International Financial Center.    


Global International Financial Center!    


The property rights of the entire floor!    


What kind of concept was this?!    


One must know that the building was located in the hub of the most prosperous business circle in Mo City!    


And Global International Financial Center was the best commercial office building there!    


In Mo City, where every inch of land was worth its weight in gold, based on the current market value, the worth of this property was at least 300 million!    


Furthermore, other than this one, There were nine more open property certificates scattered on the floor, although their real estate locations were hidden from the crowd's sight.    


Damn it!    


How could someone who owned such a golden office building be a thief?    


At this moment, they could understand this question with their toes!    


Who would dare say that he was a thief? That would be f*cking ignorant!    




Lin Fei!    


He was not a thief at all!    


In fact, he was the most distinguished guest here tonight!    


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