Global Check-in System

C9 Hateful Landlord

C9 Hateful Landlord



On the sidewalk at the corner of Huangting International Restaurant, Liu Daming clenched his fists and yelled excitedly.    


His outburst was a little too sudden, scaring the surrounding passers-by. They looked at him strangely and pulled away from him.    


At this moment, he was really too excited, too freaking excited.    


Liu Daming was actually just an ordinary employee of Lianjia Real Estate Agency located in Mo City. He had been working there for a year now.    


Although he could be considered an old employee, he hadn't scored any decent orders. His performance was poor.    


Liu Daming relied on the basic salary every month to pay off his bills. So until now, his work had not become official. He was barely hanging in there, waiting to hook a big shark.    


In fact, the company's boss had already given him a death order. If there were no more significant deals this month, he would not be able to work there next month. He would be out of a job and might get kicked from his rented apartment too.    


The reason Liu Daming appeared on the third floor of Huangting International Restaurant tonight was that he wanted to make his girlfriend happy.    


One should know that it was not easy to have a girlfriend in the country these days. After getting one, had to treat her like his ancestors. Otherwise, it would be easy for them to break up.    


The real estate certificate he had in Global International Financial Center was actually a big client of his company. Unfortunately, it was not his client, but his colleague's.    


During the time he had spent in the company, he remained honest and upright. As a result, he had developed a good reputation in the eyes of all his colleagues. Many of his colleagues would ask him for help when they were busy. He never rejected them and was very willing to help others.    


Today, he happened to have a colleague who was too busy, so he asked for his help in some procedures. He did not expect that this would bring him good luck and provide him the opportunity to meet a big boss like Lin Fei. His good deeds were finally repaid.    


Liu Daming had spent several months' savings to make his girlfriend happy tonight, and it made his heart ache.    


But now, it seemed like it was all worth it.    


Lin Fei's ten floors were all empty. If he could become Lin Fei's real estate agent, he would get a generous commission regardless of whether it was selling or renting.    


Most importantly, if he could get this client, not only would he keep his job, but he would also become an official employee, saying goodbye to the internship or probation period.    


Thinking about this, Liu Daming became even more exhilarated.    


Just now, he had been waiting for Lin Fei outside the restaurant, so he let his girlfriend go back first.    


He had now handed the business card to Lin Fei and fulfilled his wish, so he quickly walked towards home.    




At the entrance of an old residential area near the outskirts of Mo City, Lin Fei and Xi Mengwei walked down from a taxi.    


"You live here?" Xi Mengwei looked at the dilapidated residential area in front of her and asked Lin Fei with a slight frown.    


The place looked gloomy, and there were trash bags everywhere. Clearly, only the poor would live here.    


She was getting more and more confused about Lin Fei.    


From his clothes, he did seem like he was a resident of this place. However, the ten real estate certificates stated otherwise. All of this appeared too illogical.    


"Yeah, let's go inside!"    


Lin Fei acted very natural, not finding it odd at all. He nodded and led the way.    


Xi Mengwei frowned even more when she heard Lin Fei's answer. She did not follow him but stood rooted to the spot, deep in thought.    


Xi Mengwei thought about it hard before muttering to herself, "This guy is clearly loaded. How could he live in such a neighborhood?    


"Could he be playing a game to conceal his identity? Or is he hiding from an enemy?"    


"Beauty Xi, let's go. What's wrong with you?"    


After walking a few steps forward, Lin Fei found out that Xi Mengwei did not follow him. He stopped and turned around to call out to her.    


"Nothing, I'm coming!"    


Xi Mengwei's train of thought was interrupted by Lin Fei's shout. After shaking her head, she hurried forward and caught up to him. The two of them walked side by side into the neighborhood.    


The living conditions in this residential area were very poor. Even the street lamps were broken, and the light was very dim.    


A rich young mistress like Xi Mengwei was too unaccustomed to this place. She had been pampered since young, so her reaction was understandable.    


The duo quickly walked into a dark path. Lin Fei could feel Xi Mengwei's nervousness. When they walked here, she had gotten closer to him.    


Clearly, she was still a little afraid of such a strange and poor environment.    


At this time, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the dark undergrowth in front and flashed past them.    


Xi Mengwei, who was already on tenterhooks, let out an ear-piercing scream.    


Then, she jumped to the side and put her hands around Lin Fei's neck, her legs wrapping around his waist. In an instant, her entire body was hanging on Lin Fei's body like a koala.    


Her appearance was extremely ungraceful and unladylike.    


Luckily, Lin Fei was tall and strong. Otherwise, he would have fallen down because of her sudden jump.    


"Don't worry. It's just a cat," Lin Fei looked at Xi Mengwei, who had her arms around his neck, and said calmly.    


The girl was scared witless, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest.    


Xi Mengwei nodded slightly and let out a whimper. However, she did not let go of Lin Fei, maintaining that indecent posture.    


"That, Beauty Xi, don't you plan to come down?"    


Lin Fei coughed dryly and revealed a mischievous smile.    




Only then did Xi Mengwei realized that her actions were a bit unseemly. She quickly let go of his neck and got down from his body.    



She felt very awkward and said shyly, "That... Mr. Lin Fei, I'm sorry. I—"    


Lin Fei revealed a smile and interrupted Xi Mengwei, "Beauty Xi, as you can see, I don't live in a lavish manor. It's still early, so you can go back home. Why don't you give it a thought?"    


"Mr. Lin Fei, does that mean you don't welcome me?"    


Xi Mengwei pouted and rolled her eyes at him.    


"No, no, I just think—"    


"Alright, that's enough. Let's go upstairs!"    


Xi Mengwei didn't let him continue and walked straight ahead.    


Her sudden change in attitude surprised Lin Fei. In an instant, she seemed to have reverted to her appearance outside the western restaurant when she asked him to take her home.    


The two of them did not have to walk for long before they arrived in front of a seven-story building.    


"Let's go. I live on the fifth floor!" Lin Fei stretched out his hand and said to Xi Mengwei.    


The awkward atmosphere from earlier had disappeared.    


"Lin Fei, you finally came back."    


Just as Lin Fei's voice faded, another voice, thick with Mo City accent, sounded from the dim corridor ahead.    


"Mr. Landlord, it's already so late. W hat are you doing here?"    


Lin Fei looked at the landlord, Zhang Hai walking out of the dark corridor. He frowned unnaturally, a bad feeling rising in his heart.    


In fact, Lin Fei already knew the answer. Zhang Hai must have come at this late hour to ask for rent.    


Zhang Hai was a native of Mo City. He was in his fifties. Although he was skinny, his small eyes were full of shrewdness.    


He stared at Lin Fei and asked, "Don't you know why I am here?"    


Lin Fei also wanted to pay him the rent, but he really did not have any money on him now.    


All of his savings were used to buy bags and flowers for his ex-girlfriend, Lau Yiyi. He really could not take out a single cent.    


Although he had ten property certificates worth billions on him, they were not cash. Hence, he felt a little embarrassed and guilty when facing the landlord, not saying anything in return.    


Seeing that Lin Fei was silent and did not speak, Zhang Hai said with an ugly expression, "Lin Fei, you're just too much. This month is almost over, yet you haven't given me a single penny. Do you want to live in my house for free?"    


Xi Mengwei, who was beside Lin Fei, had a strange expression on her face.    


A person worth billions actually owed rent. She genuinely could not wrap her mind around this guy.    


However, instead of feeling repulsed, she found him even more interesting. She wanted to learn all his secrets.    


Lin Fei glanced at Xi Mengwei sheepishly. Then, he walked up and pulled Landlord Zhang Hai to the side. He softly whispered in his ears, "Mr. Landlord, can you give me one more day? I have a friend over tonight. Give me some face, please!    


"How about this, tomorrow at noon, wait for me here. I'll definitely give you the rent!"    


After all, Lin Fei cared a lot about his reputation in front of Xi Mengwei. This was the first time she had come to his place to stay, and it really made him feel ashamed.    


However, Zhang Hai did not care about Lin Fei's feelings at all. He waved his hand and said, "No, absolutely not! Is respect asked from others? No, you've to earn it yourself!    


"You want me to do it for your sake, but so what? You said the same thing last time. In the end, you still haven't given me a single cent!    


"No, you have to pay me the rent tonight. If you can't, then move out tonight!"    


Upon hearing Lin Fei's request, not only did Zhang Hai not entertain him, he even rebuked him.    


His sharp words made Lin Fei lose all his face in front of Xi Mengwei. He felt disgusted in his heart.    


If Xi Mengwei were not here, he would have already slapped the landlord twice. This guy was really asking for a beating. It was just one month's rent, and he was not running anywhere. He already said he would pay him tomorrow.    


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