Global Check-in System

C15 A Sports Car Worth Half the Company

C15 A Sports Car Worth Half the Company

0Lin Fei's words were like a clap of thunder, jolting everyone once again.    


Even Wei Qiang, who was previously pleased with himself, stared at Lin Fei as if he were a monster.    


At this moment, a feeling of unfamiliarity suddenly birthed in his heart. He didn't seem to know this guy at all.    


He suspected whether this was still the Lin Fei who worked under him or some other guy with similar looks.    


"He actually took the initiative to help Wang Jie resign? Has he gone crazy?"    


"Isn't Lin Fei a little too bold this time? He goes too far."    


"Brother Lin is acting so arrogant. I wonder where he gets his confidence from!"    


"He actually went head-to-head with President Chen. This is the first time someone in our company has ever done this!"    


"Brother Fei is bold!"    




After recovering from the sudden turn of events, the other staff members in the meeting room couldn't help but start discussing in hushed voices. The current Lin Fei had grown an extra pair of balls. No, he must have grown a dozen extra balls!    


Chen Biao's expression became extremely ugly.    


In his opinion, he had chosen the best timing and location to fire someone. He could set an example for everyone to not step out of their bounds. But now, he felt that not only did he fail to gain any advantage, but he had also lost to an ordinary employee.    


This really made him a little embarrassed!    


"Shut up, all of you. Don't you want to work anymore?"    


The general manager, Wei Qiang, took note of the situation and immediately shouted.    


The noisy meeting room turned silent in an instant. It was as if they had been struck with a silencing spell.    


Wei Qiang then turned to Lin Fei and mocked, "Lin Fei, you have to pay the price for acting tough. However, what's the point of putting up a false bravado now?    


"Since the two of you have already been fired, you are no longer employees of my company. Get lost now!    


"Otherwise, I'll have the security guards kick you two out. Do you understand or not?"    


"You don't have to worry about that. I don't want to stay in this crappy place anymore either!    


"Wang Jie, let's go!"    


Lin Fei pulled Wang Jie up from the ground and wanted to leave.    


However, Wang Jie, who had regained his senses, was not willing to leave. He immediately shook off Lin Fei's hand and said, "Lin Fei, what the hell are you doing? Do you plan to live on air in the future?"    


After rebuking Lin Fei, he turned to Chen Biao, whose face was so ugly that it looked like he had eaten a fly, forced a smile, and said, "President Chen, don't listen to his nonsense. There's something wrong with his brain, so he was confused for a moment. He's not sensible. Don't lower your esteemed status by arguing with him!    


"Neither of us will resign, and I promise we'll work even harder in the future. We'll not let you down as long as you place your trust in us."    


However, Chen Biao gazed at Wang Jie with ridicule.    


Lin Fei had disgraced him in front of everyone. How could he take back what he had said?    


To him, it was not a loss to fire two ordinary staff members, but to Wang Jie, it was a fatal blow.    


Wang Jie was so anxious that he was about to go crazy. Seeing Chen Biao ignore him, he really wanted to drop to his knees and beg him.    


"President Chen, please. For the sake of the elderly and the children at my home, and Lin Fei, who has yet to settle down, please give us another chance!"    


Wang Jie pleaded with Chen Biao, but what he didn't know was that, in Chen Biao's eyes, his plea was nothing.    


Chen Biao had been staring at him coldly all this time. He remained indifferent.    


However, Wang Jie's actions completely touched Lin Fei's heart. He was almost reduced to tears.    


He really did not expect that even at this moment, Wang Jie did not abandon him. He was still helping him keep his job.    


This was definitely a true brother, a friendship that should be maintained and cherished for a whole life.    


So how could he let his brother grovel at others' feet? He had discarded his self-respect, yet he was still met with ridicule and scorn.    


"Wang Jie..."    


Lin Fei held Wang Jie's arm and pulled him up before he could kneel. He then whispered something into his ear.    


The others didn't know what Lin Fei said to Wang Jie, but to their surprise, after a few moments, Wang Jie gradually quieted down.    


He stared at Lin Fei with indescribable amazement in his eyes. There was a mixture of shock, disbelief, and confusion in his gaze.    


He grabbed Lin Fei's hand with shaking hands and asked in a trembling voice, "Lin Fei, is what you said true?"    


"Brother, have I ever lied to you?"    


Lin Fei met his gaze and reassured him.    


"That's right. Why are we still working here? Let's go!"    


Wang Jie's attitude took a U-turn. Without any hesitation, he took off his work clothes and threw them away before swaggering out of the door.    


This sudden change dumbfounded everyone.    


They really couldn't understand it. Even Chen Biao and Wei Qiang couldn't figure out what was going on today. First, it was Lin Fei and now Wang Jie.    


When they reached the door, Lin Fei turned around and said to everyone in the meeting room, "By the way, guys, I'll treat everyone to dinner at six o'clock tonight on the third floor of Huangting International Restaurant. I hope everyone will be there and have a good time. Just treat it as a farewell dinner from me."    


After Lin Fei finished speaking, he walked out of the meeting room side by side with Wang Jie while chatting and laughing loudly. They left the crowd in a stupor.    


However, after a few steps, Lin Fei returned. Standing at the door of the meeting room, he pointed at Wei Qiang and Chen Biao. "Oh, I forgot to mention just now. Tonight's farewell dinner is for everyone here except for you two!"    



Chen Biao and Wei Qiang's expressions contorted. They were in a terrible state.    


If it weren't for Chen Biao and Wei Qiang, the meeting room would have become a fish market after Lin Fei left.    


After all, the place Lin Fei invited everyone to dinner was the best western restaurant in Mo City.    


It was famous for its exorbitant prices in the entire Mo City. Normally, they wouldn't even dare to think about dining there.    


Yet, Lin Fei was actually treating all of them. Could it be that this kid had suddenly made a great fortune or won a lottery?    


Although the hearts of his ex-colleagues were in turmoil, the entire meeting room was still extremely quiet.    


Chen Biao's face was extremely gloomy. No one dared to step on his tail.    


Even the general manager, Wei Qiang, did not have the courage to open his mouth. He stood there respectfully and held his breath.    


However, Chen Biao was the boss after all. Although he was furious at the moment, he would not vent his anger on his employees.    


If he wanted to continue doing business in Mo City, he still had to rely on these employees.    


"Alright, all of you are dismissed. Get back to work!"    


After a few minutes, Chen Biao waved his hand at everyone, indicating for them to leave.    


Everyone heaved a sigh of relief and quickly left the meeting room.    


"Wow, look! Isn't that Lin Fei?"    


A young lady was sitting by the window. She had just returned to her desk and casually glanced outside. Unexpectedly, she saw Lin Fei opening the car door of a cool red sports car. She couldn't help but exclaim out loud.    


Everyone rushed over when they heard her shout.    


"I'll be damned! A Ferrari 812!"    


"This is a luxury car worth 5 million!"    


"Looks like this kid is really getting rich!"    


"No wonder he was so confident just now!"    




The employees all looked at Lin Fei with envy. They couldn't help but discuss with each other, and the whole company instantly became noisy.    


"Why are you all gathered here and not working?"    


Chen Biao stepped out of the meeting room and saw the commotion. He was already in a bad mood, so he scolded harshly.    


Everyone immediately dispersed and returned to their seats.    


Their discussion had aroused curiosity in him. He walked over to the window and saw Lin Fei sitting in the Ferrari.    


His pupils contracted, and he whispered in his heart, 'What? Lin Fei...'    


'Ferrari 812...'    


'He drives this kind of car...?'    


Chen Biao finally understood where Lin Fei's confidence was coming from earlier.    


His company was not that big, with a total value of about ten million only.    


However, Lin Fei's sports car was worth more than five million, equivalent to half of his company. No wonder he was so arrogant and full of confidence just now.    


In today's society, money was everything. However, there was one thing Chen Biao could not understand.    


How come this Lin Fei became so rich all of a sudden?    


Could it be that he was a second-generation scion of some hidden family, or that he had inherited some inheritance?    


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