Global Check-in System

C21 You Don't Deserve It

C21 You Don't Deserve It

0Liu Daming's reaction made Bai Yiping feel awkward. He didn't know how to continue.    


However, Wu Lili couldn't care about so much. She shouted at Liu Daming like before, "Liu Daming, who do you think you are? Mr. Bai asked you a question. Are you deaf?"    


As soon as she finished, Bai Yiping turned around and slapped her on the face without any warning.    


"Shut up, you bitch!" Bai Yiping roared at Wu Lili.    


There was no trace of tender affection anymore.    


In Bai Yiping's eyes, Liu Daming's value was much more important than Wu Lili. She was just a toy to him.    


This tycoon was a client brought by Liu Daming. If he wanted to keep this big client here, he would have to rely on Liu Daming. He might even have to suck up to him.    


Five clear fingers appeared on Wu Lili's fair face.    


She used her hand to cover her swollen cheek and stared at Bai Yiping in horror. She did not know why he hit her.    


However, she didn't dare to ask Bai Yiping. She could only sob in silence, appearing pitiful like a hurt cat.    


Bai Yiping ignored her and turned around without even glancing at her. A fawning smile appeared on his face, and he said to Liu Daming, "Liu, you did the right thing. Lianjia Real Estate Agency has always treated customers as their top priority. How can we be rude to our customers?    


"As long as you do this well, not only will you become an official employee, but you will also become a manager!    


"Now hurry up and tell me who this gentleman is. I better receive him personally. We shouldn't neglect our distinguished guest!"    


Hearing Bai Yiping's shameless words, Liu Daming really wanted to scold him again.    


However, he kept his emptions in check. After all, he had a new boss now, and he wanted to maintain his image of be a good person in his mind.    


Now that he was following Lin Fei, this big boss, those temptations of promotion and becoming a manager were nothing in his eyes.    


Looking at the hypocritical Bai Yiping and the pitiful Wu Lili, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.    


Wasn't Bai Yiping greedy? Didn't Wu Lili look down on others? He didn't mind giving them a hard time and teaching them a lesson.    


"Mr, Bai, are you talking about Mr. Lin?"    


Liu Daming suddenly turned calm. He started at Bai Yiping and looked earnest.    


"Yes, yes, yes!"    


Bai Yiping saw Liu Daming's changed attitude and thought that he still had a chance to gain Lin Fei's favor. He immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice.    


Liu Daming squatted and picked up the property ownership certificate on the ground. He opened them one by one and placed them in front of Bai Yiping. "Lin Fei, Mr. Lin, is not a big client at all.    


"He only owns ten floors in Global International Financial Center, nothing big."    


"Global International."    


"Ten floors..."    


Once Liu Daming's voice faded, the whole company was once again filled with exclamations.    


"This is a billionaire boss. How is he not a big client?!"    


Bai Yiping looked at the property ownership certificate in Liu Daming's hand and was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.    


Even Wu Lili, who was sobbing, turned to look at Lin Fei with a newfound respect. She forgot the pain rising from her cheek.    


Although Bai Yiping knew that Liu Daming was up to no good, he didn't dare to offend him.    


He forced a smile and said, "Liu, don't talk nonsense. Mr. Lin is such a big boss. Why isn't he a big client? He's a distinguished guest of our company!    


"What are you guys waiting for? Hurry up and brew the best West Lake Longjing Soft Heart Tea. Bring it to me. I'll serve it myself!"    


Bai Yiping waved his hand at the two employees beside him and quickly ordered.    


"Hey, stop. Mr. Bai, oh, no. It should be Boss Bai now!    


"Yes, Boss Bai. I think you forgot something. Does Mr. Lin have anything to do with you?"    


Liu Daming put away the property ownership certificates and gave Bai Yiping a teasing look.    


"Liu, what are you saying? You're an employee of my company, and your client is the company's client. Why does Mr. Lin have nothing to do with me?"    


To keep Lin Fei, Bai Yiping didn't mind his status at all. He acted as if nothing happened earlier.    


"Damn, Bai Yiping, why are you so shameless? How can you still say something like that?    


"Wake up! I'm already Mr. Lin's employee now. It has nothing to do with you or your company!"    


Liu Daming couldn't bear with this guy's shamelessness anymore.    


Once Liu Daming said it out loudly, even if Bai Yiping was more outrageous, he couldn't say anything now.    


"Daming, let's go. What else do you have to say to them?"    


Lin Fei saw that he had already achieved his goal, so he waved his hand at Liu Daming.    


"Yes, Sir!"    


Liu Daming put away the property ownership certificates and followed behind Lin Fei. The two of them walked out of the company.    


However, Bai Yiping was still unwilling to give up.    


He quickly walked in front of Lin Fei with a smile on his face and blocked his way. Then, he said to Lin Fei with a flattering expression, "Mr. Lin, please wait a moment. It's a misunderstanding. Everything's a misunderstanding.    


"It was our employee who was rude to you, so it's our fault. I'll immediately ask her to apologize to you.    


"Wu Lili, come over here and apologize to Mr. Lin. Hurry up. If you dare tarry, you're fired." Bai Yiping glared at Wu Lili.    



He couldn't care less about their relationship. In front of such a big client, Wu Lili was nothing but a fart.    


Wu Lili was already feeling wronged. Now that Bai Yiping forced her to apologize to Lin Fei, she felt even more distraught.    


However, she did not dare to go against Bai Yiping's orders. She could only pitifully walk in front of Lin Fei. She lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin. I was in the wrong just now. I shouldn't have been rude to you. I'm sorry!"    


Lin Fei put his hands behind his back and silently looked at her. He did not have any sympathy for Wu Lili's miserable ending.    


All of this was caused by Wu Lili herself. It was what she deserved. This was the price she should pay for not respecting others.    


Seeing Lin Fei's silence, Bai Yiping thought that he was not satisfied. He scolded Wu Lili again, "F*ck, you slut, kneel down and apologize to Mr. Lin!"    


Wu Lili was unwilling to kneel in front of so many people. However, under Bai Yiping's fierce eyes, she had no other choice.    


In the end, her legs bent and she knelt in front of Lin Fei with a face full of grievance and unwillingness. She once again apologized to Lin Fei.    


At this moment, her appearance was truly miserable. Her makeup was ruined by her tears, and her cheeks had an extra handprint. Moreover, she had to kneel in front of someone she treated as a farmer, losing all her self-esteem.    


Unlike her, Liu Daming's heart was filled with indescribable pleasure.    


Damn it, this slut should have such an ending!    


"Hehe, Mr. Lin, do you think your anger has subsided?"    


Bai Yiping turned to Lin Fei with a smile, afraid that he would not be satisfied with just that.    


Lin Fei said with a smile, "You're thinking too much. There's nothing here that made me angry, so I don't have anything to be angry about!    


"As for misunderstandings, there are none. With your identity, you don't deserve to be misunderstood by me."    


After Lin Fei finished speaking, he took Liu Daming and strode out of the company. Bai Yiping, who looked so embarrassed that he was about to die, was stunned on the spot. He didn't know what to do.    


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