Global Check-in System

C22 His Heart Was Bleeding

C22 His Heart Was Bleeding

0Bai Yiping stared at Lin Fei and Liu Daming as they receded. He clenched his fists tightly and stomped his feet in anger.    


He wanted to please Lin Fei and persuade him to stay, but Lin Fei did not care. Instead, he lost all his prestige in front of his employees.    


Bai Yiping felt that his high and mighty status and dignity as the boss got trampled under Lin Fei's feet.    


In front of Lin Fei, he was like an insignificant clown dancing around the circus.    


Bai Yiping's heart was burning with fury in his chest like a volcano.    


However, he couldn't afford to offend Lin Fei, who was stinking rich. Therefore, he felt stifled in his heart. He had nowhere to vent his anger, and his eyes turned red.    


At that moment, his gaze fell on Wu Lili, who was still kneeling on the ground and sobbing quietly. It was as if he had found an outlet to vent out all his frustrations.    


Bai Yiping walked over, and without saying anything, he slapped Wu Lili across the face.    


"You slut, why are you crying? You've taken away all the good luck of my company!"    


Bai Yiping pointed at Wu Lili and started berating her loudly.    


The force behind the slap instantly knocked Wu Lili to the ground, but she did not put up a resistance. Instead, she only stared at Bai Yiping with tears flowing down her face, not even leaking out a peep.    


When the surrounding employees saw their boss fuming in anger, they all kept quiet out of fear and did not dare to stop him.    


Even after slapping and scolding her, Bai Yiping's anger hadn't subsided yet.    


In the end, he grabbed her hair, pulled her up, and dragged her to the door. He kicked her out of the company.    


He pointed at Wu Lili and yelled, "You're a disaster. Get out of my company. From now on, you are fired!"    


Even after all the abuse, Wu Lili didn't show a hint of refusal. She sat on the ground, her hair disheveled and her clothes a mess. Her whole body was in pain, and she looked miserable.    


As soon as she heard that Bai Yiping was going to fire her, she immediately crawled in front of him and hugged his leg. She begged pitifully, "Mr. Bai, I beg you, please don't fire me. Please. Please, don't fire me. Okay?"    


She had hit her rock bottom. There was no longer the slightest bit of arrogance from before.    


At this time, Lin Fei and Liu Daming, who had just walked out of the company, stopped as well. They turned around and watched this scene coldly.    


However, there was not a trace of sympathy in their eyes. This was the outcome she deserved.    


Her pleading did not receive any sympathy from her lover either. Instead, it made him hate her even more.    


"Get away from me, you bitch!"    


Bai Yiping kicked Wu Lili away. He couldn't care less about their previous relationship.    


Wu Lili sprawled on the ground. At this moment, she no longer had any dignity. She was even worse than a dog.    


Amid Wu Lili's sobs, a Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped in front of the Lianjia Real Estate Agency's gate.    


A handsome middle-aged man in his forties stepped out of the car.    


The man was dressed casually. Although his clothes were not branded, they naturally gave off a unique, noble aura.    


This kind of temperament was developed by a person's environment and upbringing. It was not something that ordinary people could pull off.    


Despite unbranded clothes, his car already indicated his extraordinary identity.    


Bai Yiping, standing at the entrance of the company, originally had a face full of rage. However, when he saw that another big customer had come to visit, his eyes immediately lit up.    


He put on a smile and ran towards the man to greet him.    


"I was wondering why there would be magpies chirping on the tree in front of my company's entrance. It turns out that there are guests visiting. Welcome! please come in!"    


Bai Yiping glanced at Lin Fei while talking to the man. He then extended his hand and politely invited him in.    


He had just suffered a blow from Lin Fei, so he thought that he could regain some of his esteem now.    


"Liu, I'm sorry. I was dealing with something important in the suburbs, so I came a little late. I'm really sorry."    


When the man noticed Liu Daming standing at the side, he walked straight towards him, not even casting a glance at Bai Yiping.    


Bai Yiping was ignored without mercy. For a moment, he had nowhere to put his hand. An ugly expression appeared on his face. The situation was unimaginably awkward.    


He was a boss, yet he was ignored again. He felt that his self-respect that had been trampled by Lin Fei earlier had now turned into mush.    


But facing such an important person with an unknown background, he still did not dare provoke him. He could only swallow his anger.    


"Boss Zhou, you're too polite. You're not late at all. It's just the perfect timing."    


Liu Daming looked at Lin Fei and then cast a scornful glance at Bai Yiping. He smiled at the man meaningfully.    


His name Zhou Changxing, and he was the boss who called him the other day saying that he was looking for an office in Global International Financial Center.    


Liu Daming called Zhou Changxing in the taxi and told him about Lin Fei's offer.    


When Zhou Changxing heard that there was an entire floor available, he didn't beat about the bush. He wanted the whole floor, and even agreed to Lin Fei's condition that the deal must be sealed today.    


Although Liu Daming had emphasized on the phone that he should make haste, he still didn't expect him to come so quickly.    


"That's good, good!    


"Well, is the boss you mentioned here? We can discuss the details at once!"    


Zhou Changxing gave Liu Daming a gracious smile. He could hardly wait anymore.    


Seeing this scene, Bai Yiping suddenly felt like he had been slapped in the face again.    


He originally thought that he could use this big client to save the day. However, he never expected the man to go straight to Liu Daming.    


This feeling of being ignored by others made Bai Yiping feel like he was going crazy. However, he suppressed the ball of fury in his belly due to the strong curiosity bubbling in his heart.    



He silently looked at the trio, wishing to see what they were going to talk about next.    


"He's here. Boss Zhou, let me introduce him to you. This is Lin Fei, Mr. Lin. The floor you want to rent is Mr. Lin's property."    


Ignoring the curiosity in Bai Yiping's eyes, Liu Daming quickly introduced Lin Fei to Zhou Changxing.    


"So you are Mr. Lin. Hello. I'm Zhou Changxing from Wanxing Foreign Trade. Nice to meet you!"    


Zhou Changxing did not put on any airs. Instead, he extended his hand and introduced himself to Lin Fei.    


However, the moment he said that, not only Lin Fei but even Bai Yiping and all the employees here looked shocked.    


Wanxing Foreign Trade was the biggest foreign trading company in Mo City. It specialized in e-commerce and external trade and was one of the top companies in the entire Mo City.    


It was very famous in the business world of Mo City, and almost everyone knew about it. Many university students dreamed of working there after graduation.    


Lin Fei, who had graduated from Mo City University, had also submitted his resume to try his luck, but he did not receive any response.    


Lin Fei did not expect that this low-key and humble person in front of him was actually the boss of Wanxing Foreign Trade, Zhou Changxing.    


"Hello, I'm Lin Fei!"    


Lin Fei shook Zhou Changxing's hand with a smile.    


Bai Yiping finally understood everything. Lin Fei was the owner, while Zhou Changxing of Wanxing Foreign Trade was the tenant.    


These two big clients were procured by Liu Daming, a former employee of his company. It would have been a huge deal for his company.    


But now, with Liu Daming's departure, he could only watch at the sidelines as this great opportunity slipped away in front of him.    


The rent of one floor at the Global International Financial Center for a year was at least ten million yuan. According to the 2% commission, the company could earn two hundred thousand yuan just from this one deal, not to mention that Lin Fei still had nine more floors.    


Bai Yiping's heart bled, an indescribable pain and regret overwhelming his body. But there was nothing he could now.    


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