Global Check-in System

C25 Since I'm Giving You Face, If You're Shameless, I'll Slap You in the Face

C25 Since I'm Giving You Face, If You're Shameless, I'll Slap You in the Face

0"Hehe, what a coincidence!"    


However, Chen Jing did not share his feelings. When she looked at Lin Fei, her attitude even became a little cold. She forced a smile on her lips.    


She originally thought that today might be her lucky day. Her colleagues on shift earlier had met a big customer. So she assumed she would also get someone like that.    


However, she did not expect that when it was her turn, Lin Fei would walk in. Her heart immediately turned cold.    


Lin Fei was her college classmate. His hometown was in a remote mountain area, and he did not have a good family background. After graduation, she heard that he did not do well either, so she directly concluded that Lin Fei could not have come here to buy a house.    


In fact, even Lin Fei couldn't afford a house here even if they wanted to.    


This was a waste of her turn. If she wanted to receive new clients, she could only wait for the next round. So naturally, her attitude would not be good.    


"You seem to be doing well. Chen Jing, are you working here?"    


However, Lin Fei did not notice the change in Chen Jing's expression. After all, they were classmates, and Lin Fei did not think that way at all.    


"Yes, my cousin is an executive here, so I came here to work as soon as I graduated."    


Chen Jing's voice was slightly cold, and her entire person seemed to exude a haughty aura.    


It was indeed an achievement for her to get a job here. It was worth showing off in front of her old classmate.    


"Not bad. Looks like you've got a good background. Good, good, good!"    


Seeing that her old classmate was doing well, Lin Fei felt happy for her and gave her a thumbs up.    


His actions made Chen Jing even more arrogant!    


Chen Jing felt that since her chance was already wasted, she might as well show off in front of him. In the future, when he mentioned her in their friends' circle, it would give her more face.    


"By the way, Lin Fei, what are you doing here?" Chen Jing frowned and asked.    


Putting other things aside, she had to know his intentions of coming here first.    


"Me? I am..."    


Chen Jing's question stumped Lin Fei. He originally came here to check in, but how could he tell Chen Jing about that?    


So he stopped halfway and could not come up with a suitable reason.    


However, when Chen Jing saw Lin Fei stuttering, she immediately smiled and said, "Lin Fei, no need to be embarrassed. I guess you must be looking for a job. Unfortunately, our sales department here only recruits women.    


"But for the sake of being classmates, I can ask my cousin and see if he can help you get a job as a security guard!"    


Chen Jing looked at Lin Fei and directly assumed Lin Fei's purpose of coming here.    


Although her words sounded good, the job as a security guard was a naked insult to Lin Fei, who had graduated from Mo City University.    


Lin Fei had noticed Chen Jing's attitude earlier, but he did not take it to heart. After all, they were old classmates.    


But now, even if he wanted to ignore it, he could not do so. Chatting happily with Chen Jing was naturally of the equation.    


However, seeing that they were classmates, Lin Fei did not refute her in public. He just smiled and said, "Old classmate, thank you for the trouble, but there's no need for that!"    


"What? You look down on security guards? To tell you the truth, the security guards in our Moon Bay High Class Villa District sales department are treated quite well. They can get five or six thousand a month!    


"There are a lot of people asking me to help them out. They want me to use my connections and get them the security guard job, but I'm not willing to help them. Think about it carefully. Don't regret it later!"    


Chen Jing stared at Lin Fei, her eyes full of disdain.    


"Yes, thank you for your kind intentions, but there's really no need for that. Security work does not seem to be suitable for me."    


Lin Fei tactfully refused.    


"Humph, Lin Fei, you don't know what's good for you. Don't blame me for not helping you out later!" Chen Jing snorted.    


She thought he was rejecting her kind intentions.    


"Haha, no, no. We're classmates. How can I blame you?"    


Lin Fei smiled. After saying that, he took a few steps forward and walked to the building model map of Moon Bay High Class Villa District.    


He looked like he wanted to see a house, but in fact, he was looking for the check-in spot.    


Ever since he entered the sales department, he had been blocked by Chen Jing at the door. The system also did not notify him that he had successfully checked in. He concluded that he had not reached the exact location.    


"Hey, Lin Fei, since you are not looking for a job, what are you doing here?" Chen Jing became even more riled up. She quickly caught up to Lin Fei and asked him out of curiosity.    


On the surface, she looked like she was just asking casually, but in reality, she wanted to see Lin Fei make a fool of himself and see how he would answer her.    


Lin Fei was thinking about how to get rid of this female classmate that was pestering him like a fly. Right at that moment, the system notification rang in his mind.    


"Ding! Check-in successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the reward: 10 villas in Moon Bay High Class Villa District Area E!    


"The procedures related to the property transfer will be delivered to the host within 10 minutes. The host is requested to not leave the sales department for the time being!    


"The next check-in location. Yinhui Building..."    


Hearing the system notification, Lin Fei felt that it was the perfect opportunity to teach Chen Jing a lesson.    


He even forgot the joy of obtaining such valuable real estate. Before the system notification finished, he grinned and said to Chen Jing, "Why else would I come here? I came to buy a house of course."    


"What? You want to buy a house here? Lin Fei, you are so funny, hahahaha!"    


However, not only did Lin Fei's words failed to shock Chen Jing, but they even made her feel like she had heard a huge joke. She actually did not care about Lin Fei's feelings and directly burst into laughter in front of everyone.    


Her laughter attracted the attention of the surrounding customers and staff of the sales department.    


"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"    



Lin Fei frowned when he saw Chen Jing tear off her fake mask in front of everyone. His unhappiness and irritation grew to a new level.    


"Haha, of course there's a problem!    


"Do you know how expensive a villa here is? The cheapest villa in District A is at least 80 million!    


"Those who can afford a house here are all distinguished personages in Mo City. They are either rich or richer!    


"Hahahaha, with your outfit, you even said that you are here to buy a house! Lin Fei, you sure can boast!"    


Even though her laughter had caught the eye of the customers and staff, Chen Jing did not restrain herself. Instead, she raised her voice as if wanting to share the joke with everyone.    


When Chen Jing's words entered the crowd's ears, they all scanned Lin Fei up and down. In an instant, a mocking look appeared in each of their eyes.    


Lin Fei's clothes added up to no more than two hundred yuan. They could only be from the street stalls.    


Being poor was not a sin. Yet he just had to dress like this and brag in such a high-end area. Now that was a sin.    


Chen Jing did not show any mercy, truly angering Lin Fei. However, he did not say anything. Instead, he looked at Chen Jing with a cold smile.    


Although his hand was itching to slap her, he tried his best to restrain himself. After all, she was still a female classmate.    


As the saying went, gentlemen would not fight with women. Lin Fei still had this bit of chivalry. That was why he didn't want to hurt her.    


"Haha, looking at your awkward expression, it seems that I've hit the bullseye!"    


Lin Fei's concession made Chen Jing think that she was correct in her guess. She did not want to let him go.    


This time, Lin Fei was thoroughly enraged. He tried to let her off the hook time and again, but since she didn't want it, he didn't have to force it either.    


"Haha, Chen Jing, those who come here are customers and your guests. No matter whether he is a beggar or rich tycoon, he's still a guest. Your job in the sales department is to serve all the guests.    


"Since you received me just now, it's your duty to serve me well. Quick, come over and introduce the situation of the entire district to me!"    


Lin Fei did not give her any face. He directly pointed at Chen Jing and instructed her in a commanding tone.    


"Humph, humph, You want me to show you house? Lin Fei, you must be dreaming!"    


However, Chen Jing did not take his words seriously. She just sneered.    


"Haha, of course, you can choose not to, but don't say that I didn't take care of a classmate. You better not complain to others!"    


Lin Fei did not get angry but laughed instead. He looked at Chen Jing and shrugged.    


Since everyone was already focused here, he did not mind making a big scene.    


Everyone already knew the situation, so there was no need to hide it anymore. Besides, what did he need to fear?    


Since some people were shameless, then he might as well smack them in the face!    


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