Global Check-in System

C31 I Should Have Known.

C31 I Should Have Known.

0"Are there any rooms available on the third floor?"    


Lin Fei walked straight to the reception on the first floor and politely addressed the waitress.    


The waitress looked up and was surprised to see Lin Fei bringing so many people in.    


Then, she smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, sir. There are too many people with you. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to sit on the third floor..."    


Lin Fei frowned when he saw the waitress beat around the bush instead of answering his question. He felt that she did not respect him. Just as he was about to lose his temper, the general manager, Qu Tao, walked over.    


Qu Tao looked at the waitress and signaled to her to remain quiet. He then walked over to Lin Fei and said respectfully, "Sir, you want to dine on the third floor? That's not a problem. Please wait a moment. I'll see to it right away."    


He then turned around and ordered the waitress, "Hurry up and clean the biggest room for me. Arrange a room with enough seats for this gentleman's guests. Hurry up and go!"    


"Mr. Qu..."    


The waitress looked a bit confused.    


Although it was an order from the general manager, the third floor was almost fully booked. She really did not know how to accommodate so many more guests.    


In addition, the third floor was the highest level of their restaurant. Usually only a small number of distinguished guests dined on the third floor.    


This was the first time she had seen so many people dine on the third floor at the same time.    


"Hurry up! I don't care what method you use. Just arrange everything for me. Otherwise, you won't have to come to work tomorrow!"    


Qu Tao could not care about much at the moment.    


The person in front of him was an important guest. Miss had instructed him to take special care of him. He did not dare to show the slightest bit of neglect. Otherwise, the consequences would be too dire.    


Once the waiter saw Qu Tao getting so angry, she did not dare to say anything more. She hurriedly ran to the third floor to make arrangements without hesitation.    


Lin Fei was satisfied when he saw Qu Tao being so cooperative. He looked at Qu Tao and asked politely, "May I know who you are?"    


"I am Qu Tao, the general manager of Huangting International Restaurant. Sir, this way please!"    


After Qu Tao introduced himself, he extended his hand in an inviting gesture. Then, he walked to Lin Fei's side and personally led the way for him.    


Qu Tao knew that he should not judge Lin Fei by his appearance. Despite his cheap clothes, he was indeed an important guest here. In fact, his wealth had already surpassed many celebrities in Mo City.    


Lin Fei's noble identity, aura, and temperament were further emphasized by Qu Tao's respectful attitude.    


His former colleagues' eyes were filled with envy, jealousy, and blessing.    


With Qu Tao's personal arrangements, everything went without any hiccups.    


Lin Fei had to admit that the waitress at the front desk was quite efficient. By the time Lin Fei and his group entered the third floor, she had already prepared the room and was waiting for them at the elevator, greeting them respectfully.    


From the conversations of the passing guests, Lin Fei learned that to arrange the largest room for them, Qu Tao had waived all the expenses of the guests who were dining in the largest room. They had done this to get the other party to change rooms.    


Lin Fei knew where the largest room was located as he had dinner with Xi Mengwei in that room last night.    


He did not say much and just glanced at Qu Tao with a smile on the corner of his lips as he headed straight to the room.    


Still, he remembered Qu Tao's good deeds in his heart.    


"Come, let's toast to a better tomorrow!"    


In the private room, Lin Fei raised his glass and faced everyone.    




They all raised their cups and took a big gulp. Next, everyone began chatting and losing themselves in the jovial atmosphere.    


The atmosphere of the party was jovial and lively, and everyone drank to their hearts' content.    


However, the lively atmosphere in their room was a little out of place with other guests on the third floor.    


Lin Fei did not care, though. As long as everyone was happy and had a fun time, he would do what he felt comfortable about. He did not need to follow too many secular rules.    


He ate steak as if it were flat bread and drank red wine like beer.    


Everyone savored this luxurious dinner that they had never enjoyed in their lives.    


However, Lin Fei's private room was just too lively and a bit too noisy, making the guests in the other private rooms unhappy.    


Some guests even complained about them to the manager, expressing their dissatisfaction. Qu Tao used his own methods to resolve them one by one.    


In fact, Qu Tao didn't really like Lin Fei and his group, either. To be more precise, he didn't like their rowdiness in a somber place like this. He thought they might have come to the wrong place.    


However, there was nothing he could do about it. The young lady had told him to take good care of them. Unless he did not want his job anymore, he did not dare to neglect them.    


Moreover, he was very clear about the ten real estate certificates that Lin Fei brought out last night. He did not want to end up like Cai Changsheng.    


"Guys, do you know what kind of wine this is?"    


After drinking a lot of wine and eating their fill, Wang Jie stood up and turned to everyone while shaking the glass in his hand.    


"I don't know. We can't tell what kind of wine this is, but its taste is not bad. I just don't have the right word to describe how it tastes." Someone said.    


Other colleagues all shared the same opinion.    


"Haha, of course it tastes good! I just peeked at the label. Guess what? We're drinking the 1982 Lafite tonight!"    


Wang Jie looked at everyone and laughed.    




His colleagues were all stunned.    





This was the 1982 Lafite!    


It was so expensive!    


The price of a bottle like this was estimated to be at least 10,000!    


They all looked at the pile of empty bottles in the corner of the room at the same time. They were shocked!    


There were at least thirty bottles there. In other words, Lin Fei had spent three hundred thousand yuan on the wine alone.    


They were stunned by the revelation.    


The wine was supposed to be savored slowly.    


But today, they did not really taste the wine at all. They drank the expensive Lafite like they were drinking cheap beer. Most importantly, it was the Lafite from 1982. Each bottle was worth more than ten thousand!    


Wang Jie's words made the atmosphere a little dull.    


Maybe Wang Jie was a little drunk at the moment. When he saw everyone's worried expressions, he immediately said, "Don't worry, everyone. My friend Lin Fei is rich now! His wealth is beyond your imagination! Everyone, just feel free to drink as much as you can."    


After he finished speaking, he raised his head and gulped down the entire glass. His unrestrained actions caused everyone to burst into laughter.    


He was not drinking red wine. His arrogant and bold demeanor suggested that he was drinking white wine!    


The party was a blast, and his colleagues were all very happy. Finally, it was time to pay the bill that they were most concerned about.    


"Waiter, get me the bill!"    


Lin Fei shouted at the waiter standing at the door.    


Although his colleagues were a little tipsy, they all perked up their ears.    


They really wanted to know how much Lin Fei had spent on the dinner tonight.    


"Hello, Sir. Mr. Qu has personally instructed that all your expenses in this room are on the restaurant tonight."    


The waiter walked over and said to Lin Fei with a smile.    


"Oh my god! A free meal!"    


Everyone was shocked, staring at the waiter in surprise.    


They all doubted their hearing, wondering if they had misheard his words.    


Roughly, they estimated that they must have spent at least 500,000 yuan on tonight's meal. Yet the manager actually gave them a free pass! This was too exaggerated!    


"Yes, Mr. Qu has personally told us to waive all of your expenses tonight."    


When the waiter saw Lin Fei's questioning look, he immediately repeated himself.    


This time, everyone heard it clearly.    


"Got it!"    


Lin Fei nodded at the waiter.    


He was surprised at first, but then he revealed a smile. He said happily, "I should have known she was the one who arranged all it. This girl really knows how to repay kindness!"    


Firstly, Qu Tao welcomed him personally; then, he arranged a room for him at great costs; and now, he even gave him a waiver — this series of actions made Lin Fei instantly think of a person—Xi Mengwei.    


He didn't need to think about anything else. He was sure that this girl had instructed Qu Tao beforehand. Otherwise, he, as the general manager, wouldn't have such courage.    


Moreover, he was not Lin Fei's friend or anything. He didn't have any reason to help him.    


Thinking about all this, Lin Fei somehow felt a shred of warmth.    


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