Global Check-in System

C32 Free Ride

C32 Free Ride

0When Lin Fei and his colleagues reached the first floor, Qu Tao was respectfully waiting for Lin Fei.    


"Sir, I need to trouble you to come over here."    


Before Lin Fei could thank Qu Tao, Qu Tao took the initiative to greet him.    


Lin Fei and Qu Tao walked to the front desk. Qu Tao said, "Sir, you are the most distinguished guest here. Our restaurant has decided to give you a VIP membership card, but I need you to give me your number."    


"President Qu, giving us a free meal tonight is already enough. I don't think you need to give me a VIP membership card," Lin Fei said politely when he heard that.    


Qu Tao had given him enough face in front of his colleagues.    


Although Lin Fei knew that Qu Tao did all this for Xi Mengwei's sake, he still had to be courteous.    


"Sir, you're too polite. With your current status, you fully deserve our VIP membership card. This is also a small gift from our restaurant, so I hope you can accept it," Qu Tao said respectfully.    


Who was he kidding? The guy owned ten whole floors in the business hub of the city.    


In fact, Qu Tao was very anxious. He was worried that Lin Fei would not accept this VIP membership card. After all, this was something his mistress had asked him to do.    


It would be convenient for a person to have a meal here in the future after obtaining the VIP card. Many people with status wouldn't be able to get a VIP card from their restaurant. Now, he actually had to ask Lin Fei to accept it.    


The whole incident made Qu Tao feel strange.    


"Alright then!"    


Lin Fei acted like he was reluctant and hesitant. He then gave his number.    


Actually, he found it a little strange. If they wanted to give him a VIP card, they could just give it to him. There was no need for them to get his phone number!    


After Lin Fei gave his number, the receptionist quickly handed him a VIP card.    


Qu Tao then personally escorted him out of the restaurant. Lin Fei's colleagues saw the whole scene. First, the restaurant didn't charge Lin Fei for the meal and even gave him the VIP card. In the end, the general manager personally sent him to the door. His colleagues were all astonished.    


The tonight's events made Lin Fei feel honored.    


Lin Fei bade farewell to his colleagues one by one and sent them away. He then walked to his car.    


When he reached his car, he suddenly remembered that he had drunk a lot of wine tonight, so he was not fit to drive. What should he do?    


"Looks like I can only find a cab!"    


Lin Fei sat in front of his car, feeling a little tipsy. He wanted to rest for a while before finding a cab.    


Tonight, Lin Fei was going to his new home—Moon Bay High Class Villa District's E99. Thinking of the big and soft leather sofa, he immediately felt a little tired.    


"Get out of my way, you drunkard. Don't disturb my live broadcast!"    


However, not long after Lin Fei sat down, a lovely and charming voice entered his ears.    


Lin Fei turned his head and saw a woman in heavy makeup and sexy clothes.    


"Look, I found a Ferrari 812 parked on the street!    


"Although there are a lot of super cars in Mo City, I actually ran into such a luxury car. This shows that you guys are very lucky!    


"Next, I'll show you guys a closer look at this super car and broaden your horizons!"    


At this moment, the woman was talking non-stop to a phone in her hand. Clearly, she was a female host who was live streaming.    


Lin Fei noticed that it was a very popular live broadcast platform in the country, TikTok. Her username was Seductive Crescent.    


Although this woman was firing words like a machine gun, Lin Fei saw that there were less than 50 people watching her live broadcast.    


Lin Fei used to like watching videos on TikTok, so he knew the app very well. Obviously, he could tell from the number of online viewers that she was just a newcomer without much popularity.    


"Hey, drunkard, didn't you hear what I said? Hurry up and move aside. I want to borrow this car to broadcast live!"    


Seductive Crescent was a little angry when she saw Lin Fei still sitting there without moving. Her voice rose an octave.    


Obviously, she did not think that this car belonged to the drunk man in front of her. She just felt that he must be wasted. That was why he had the courage to sit in front of such an expensive car.    


However, Lin Fei still ignored her. He just looked at her curiously, as if he was looking at a joke.    


"Didn't you hear what I said?"    


After calling Lin Fei twice in a row and not getting an answer, she became angry and shouted at him.    


Lin Fei found her behavior even more funny. He had never seen a person who wanted to borrow something be so rude to the owner. It was as if she was the owner.    




"You only know how to bully girls!"    


Seeing that Lin Fei didn't say anything and kept smiling at her, she was so angry that she stomped her feet. After all, Lin Fei was a man. If he insisted on not moving away, she couldn't do anything either.    


However, it was rare for her to encounter such a luxury car on the street, so she wasn't willing to miss this opportunity.    


After thinking for a moment, she changed her attitude and tried to persuade Lin Fei, "I say, there's no need to be so stubborn. I'm doing this for your own good!"    


"What do you mean?"    


Lin Fei knew that since the female host could not force him to leave, she had changed her tactics. However, he was still curious as he raised his brows.    


Seeing that Lin Fei finally spoke, Seductive Crescent's felt joyful. She stared at Lin Fei and said seriously, "Do you know how much this car is worth?    


"Let me tell you, 5.3 million! If you accidentally damage it, can you bear the consequences? So I'm doing this for your own good.    


"I reminded you kindly because I saw you were drunk. You need to know your limits!"    


Lin Fei suddenly laughed put loud. He looked at her and said, "Then I should really thank you."    



Lin Fei stood up and finally left the Ferrari 812.    


Once Seductive Crescent saw that Lin Fei had gotten up, she made a 'YES' gesture to the broadcast room.    


She was about to get close to the car and show it to her audience, but in the next second, her movements froze.    


Because at that moment, the Ferrari 812's headlights suddenly lit up like the eyes of a slumbering beast. The key was in Lin Fei's hand.    


Looking at Lin Fei, who was smiling at her, Seductive Crescent instantly felt her face turn hot.    


She never imagined that this drunkard wearing cheap clothes was actually the owner of this car.    


Her embarrassment was indescribable. It made her wish that she could immediately find a hole to hide in.    


Even the live broadcast room was in an uproar. The audience sent countless awkward emojis in the comments section.    


They expressed their sympathy for the female host, willing to mourn for her for three minutes.    


"Do you know how to drive?"    


The female host was so embarrassed that her face turned red. She was standing there in a daze. Lin Fei looked at her and broke the awkwardness with a smile.    


"Yes, I know!"    


Seductive Crescent was stunned, but she soon snapped back to her senses. She nodded.    


"As you know, I'm drank, so I can't drive. I need a driver. If you send me home, I can let you do a live broadcast in my car!"    


After Lin Fei finished speaking, he sat in the passenger seat and reclined the seat, assuming a comfortable posture.    


He believed that she would not refuse his conditions.    


To the female host, this could bring enough popularity to her live broadcast room. However, Lin Fei just wanted to find a free driver.    


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