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C417 A Trap

C417 A Trap



As expected, just as Lin Fei finished his words, a gunshot rang out in the bamboo forest.    


One of Lin Fei's headlights was also instantly blown up. The huge impact of the bullet caused the entire car to shake violently, as if the entire car was about to jump up from the ground.    


"Nine o'clock in front, 560 meters!"    


"Barett Thunder God!"    


After the gunshot, Lin Fei whispered in his heart.    


Lin Fei knew very well that the other party was telling him through the bullet that he had been locked onto. It was very easy to take his life away.    


But he didn't care at all. Instead, he was waiting for the other party to shoot.    


His eyesight and hearing had long surpassed ordinary people's, so he could analyze a lot of information that ordinary people could not grasp through the warning of this shot.    


He didn't hear the sound of bamboo leaves on the phone, which meant that the other party might not be in this bamboo forest, or even not here at all.    


But how could it be so easy to get a white wolf from him, Lin Fei, empty-handed? Although he did not care about 100 million USD, or even 100 million USD, it was nothing to him. However, how could he give the hostage a ransom without seeing him?    


The verbal stimulation just now was the psychological tactic used by Lin Fei. He hoped that the other party would use this method to warn him.    


In the end, the other party really fell into his trap.    


Although all of this happened in an instant, Lin Fei analyzed the information that ordinary people could not imagine. He indeed got a very important piece of information from it, and that was that there was no gunshot from the phone.    


So this proved that the other party and his hostage father-in-law might not be here at all. This was just a trap.    


And based on this information, it could be deduced that there was a shocking conclusion. The other party did not intend to let the person who came to deliver the ransom go, and the reason why he had not killed him until now... It was only a warning because the other party hadn't seen the ransom yet.    


All of this was a long story, but it was actually just a thought in Lin Fei's mind. After the gunshot, the man's voice came from the other end of the phone again.    


"I advise you to be honest with me. My sniper can blow up your head at any time. Do you understand? Don't play any tricks. Hurry up and take the ransom. Get out of the car and walk forward. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that the next bullet will hit your forehead! "    


On the other end of the phone, the voice revealed endless killing intent.    


However, Lin Fei's voice was even colder. He sneered and said, "Humph, humph, stop fucking scaring me. You are not in this bamboo forest!"    


The other side was silent once again, but then he said, "So what? You are just a sheep on my chopping board. I can kill you whenever I want. The decision is in my hands!"    


"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!"    


However, as soon as his voice faded, Lin Fei started laughing wildly. After laughing, he said, "No, you are wrong. You are really wrong!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang.    




At this moment, in an abandoned villa in the western suburbs of Los Angeles, a bald man with sunglasses stood in front of the window. He looked at the phone that was hung up on his phone with an expression of F * ck you.    


His name was Robert Wensen. He was the fourth person in the Hell Saboteurs organization. Due to his cruel and bloody methods, he was given the nickname Devil of Hell!    


And the phone call just now was from him!    


Ever since he became a Taoist, he had always thought that it was people who showed fear, horror, begging, and other reactions when facing him. In his opinion, this was the normal emotion that those who were kidnapped by him should show.    


However, today, he encountered a freak, a freak that was slightly unknown.    


Boss had asked him to do this. As for what kind of person he would have to face in the end... The boss did not say. The boss only said that the person would definitely appear. And now, he guessed that the unbelievable person on the phone just now should be the person mentioned by the boss. But what kind of f * cking freak was this?    


Although the other party didn't say anything before hanging up the phone, for some reason, his heart was beating wildly for no reason.    


He had a feeling that something bad was about to happen.    




After Lin Fei hung up the phone, not only was he not nervous, he even revealed a relaxed smile.    


At this moment, Lin Fei's face also revealed a bloodthirsty and cruel expression that outsiders could not see, because now it was time for him to kill.    


Through these various information, Lin Fei had already grasped the key to this matter.    


He had already predicted that the target this time wasn't Xu Xinjia, nor Xu Liben, but him.    


What they wanted was obviously not the one hundred million USD, but the Tears of the Sea.    


The game tonight was just a trap. The other party wanted to lure him into the game, and also wanted to see how capable he was.    


And before that, before they got what he wanted, his father-in-law was safe because that was the bargaining chip they used to negotiate and threaten him.    


However, Lin Fei suddenly thought of a few women at that moment.    


He was wondering if this was the other party's ploy to lure the tiger away from the mountain. As long as he came, they would target his women.    


And those women were the real hostages they wanted!    


Thinking of this, Lin Fei's heart suddenly tightened, and the smile on his face vanished instantly.    


These few women were the treasures in his hands, the most important people in his life right now. Just like his reverse scale, whoever touched them would die.    


But now, he felt that he was a little too reckless. He actually ran out without caring about the safety of these women.    


Without any hesitation, Lin Fei called Ming Zhongshui again and said, "I need to hire a few assassins. Is there anyone from your organization in Los Angeles?"    




The Ming Zhongshui cut and said.    


"Alright, go and arrange it!"    



Lin Fei did not have any extra words. He quickly informed the location and room of the Ming Zhongshui hotel and then said again, "Protect the people inside for me. Ask them to name the price as they wish!"    


"Master, rest assured!"    


The Ming Zhongshui patted its chest and said.    


There was even excitement in his voice, because Lin Fei had never asked him for help before. But this time, he actually spoke.    


After saying that, Lin Fei hung up the phone.    


He knew very well that even if those thugs from hell had arrangements, they would not be able to control his woman in such a short period of time.    


And they would never have thought that he would be able to hire assassins from the underground organization of the Dark Abyss to protect his woman.    


"Alright. Since you guys want to play, then grandpa will play with you tonight!"    


After doing all of this, Lin Fei whispered in the car.    


In the next moment, he instantly turned off the engine of the car, causing the edge of this bamboo forest to fall into darkness.    


In a person's eyes, they would usually lose their sight for a short period of time when the light and darkness alternated. This was actually a process of adapting to one's sight, and in this short period of adaptation, one was equivalent to a blind person.    


However, this period of time was very short, and it could be recovered in two to three seconds at most.    


Two to three seconds might not be much for an ordinary person. It was simply too short, but for Lin Fei now, it was enough for him to get off the car and blend into the darkness of the bamboo forest.    


The moment the car turned off the lights and the lights went out, Lin Fei jumped out of the driver's seat like a ghost. His body flashed and easily merged into the bamboo forest.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


Almost at the same time, there was a fire in the bamboo forest. A few dull gunshots were heard at the same time. They hit the car that Lin Fei was in and countless sparks flew out.    


The huge power of the bullets hit the car, causing the metal sheets of the car to instantly wrinkle like paper. Unfortunately, Lin Fei was no longer in the car.    


The moment Lin Fei landed on the ground, he tapped the ground of the bamboo forest with the tip of his foot, and his body instantly flew up like a bird.    


At that moment, the tip of his foot kept tapping on a bamboo. His entire body was almost parallel to the ground, and he was speeding towards the top of the bamboo.    


Very quickly, he landed steadily on the top of the bamboo.    


At this moment, he stood with his hands behind his back. The instant he stood on the top of the bamboo, he had the illusion that he had suddenly entered the bamboo forest in the movie Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon.    




However, at this moment, a gunshot suddenly came from a high ground in the north of the depression.    


The bullet whistled through the air and turned into a shocking line of fire, heading straight for Lin Fei.    


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