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C315 I Am a Man with Principles and Bottom Lines

C315 I Am a Man with Principles and Bottom Lines

0After saying that, Lin Fei turned around and walked out of the bar, leaving the bar owner in a daze.    


He could not understand Lin Fei's words, but he felt that it was so profound and reasonable. After a while, he shrugged and said to himself, "Maybe!"    


Lin Fei followed the five women all the way back to the hotel. He did not expect that Xu Xinjia's hotel was not far from their hotel.    


However, she chose to stay in a house.    


When the women were bidding farewell to each other, Xu Xinjia was actually generous enough to ask them for help. : "Then... can I hug my benefactor?"    


Liu Qing smiled and said, "Of course, that is your right and also sir's right. Although we are lovers with him, we will not influence his thoughts. He is an independent and free person!"    


Xu Xinjia gave Liu Qing a thumbs up in admiration.    


Hugging abroad was only the basic etiquette, so Lin Fei did not reject it. However, Lin Fei quickly avoided Xu Xinjia's mouth that suddenly stretched out.    


Xu Xinjia did not know whether she was drunk or really wanted to laugh. She pointed at Lin Fei and showed a sweet smile, then politely retreated.    


But she suddenly turned to Liu Qing, Lee Fei'er, and the others and said, "To be honest, Mr. Lin was the one I fell in love with at first sight, even though he rejected my offer of love. But I will not give up, so I hope you do not mind that I will be your opponent from now on! "    


Xu Xinjia's words were very sudden and her tone was very serious. It made people feel like she was provoking them.    


However, Liu Qing and Lee Fei'er did not show any bad emotions this time. This made Lin Fei surprised and at the same time, Xu Xinjia also showed great curiosity towards them.    


At this time, Liu Qing smiled and said, "Miss Xu, you can pursue her. Don't worry. I have just said it. sir was an individual who had his own independence and freedom. He only belonged to himself. He doesn't belong to us, even though we love him deeply now. But this doesn't mean that he is our private property! "    


"So, as long as Miss Xu is charming enough, as long as sir is willing to accept you... This is something worth celebrating. Opponents or whatever. It doesn't exist. We are all good friends. Perhaps we'll be very good sisters in the future! "    


"But there is a prerequisite. You have to be able to walk into sir's heart!"    


Liu Qing's words were not only generous, but also gave Lin Fei enough dignity as a man. Not only did she not take Xu Xinjia as her opponent, but she also generously said that she did not have any opponents. Lin Fei really liked this kind of personality.    


He felt that such a woman's EQ was ridiculously high. She was probably already a world-class treasure. How could she bear to lose her?    


After this conversation ended, Liu Qing's plan was very open. Xu Xinjia immediately felt ashamed of her inferiority, so she gave Liu Qing a thumbs up. She was willing to admit defeat, but deep in her heart, she still liked Lin Fei.    


In the end, she waved at Lin Fei and the four beauties, then turned around and walked to her own residence. As she walked, she waved her hand and said, "See you tomorrow!"    


Although there was no tomorrow in this world without time, Xu Xinjia was still looking forward to tomorrow's arrival.    


The four beauties were touched by Lin Fei's action of avoiding Xu Xinjia's kiss at the last moment, because it confirmed Liu Qing's words, "sir is a man with a bottom line!"    


So at this moment, all of them hugged Lin Fei, held his arm, and gave him a gentle kiss on his face.    


Lin Fei proudly stuck out his chest, grinned, and said proudly, "I have already said that I, Lin Fei, am a person with principles and bottom lines!"    


The four beautiful girls immediately nodded and praised him, "Yes, yes, yes. I'm Mr Lin Fei, the best, the most principled!"    


"Xiao Fei, I knew you wouldn't change your mind!"    


"Brother Fei, you have long been the Prince Charming in my heart. I love you to death!"    


Xi Mengwei, Lee Fei'er, and Sun Yunxi said sweetly at the same time.    


Only Liu Qing finally said with a gentle smile, "sir, don't be arrogant and complacent. Continue to work hard and stick to your bottom line!"    


"Of course. If one day you really don't love me, or us, then... Then please tell me in time, even if we can't be lovers. Then we will still be friends, so I hope that we won't hurt each other one day! "    


When Liu Qing said this, she was smiling, but her words revealed some seriousness and sincerity.    


She looked at Liu Qing, Xi Mengwei, Lee Fei'er, and Sun Yunxi. Lin Fei suddenly felt his heart ache. He suddenly realized that in this originally unfair love... They actually loved each other so lowly, just like he did in front of Lau Yiyi in the past.    


So he quickly said, "Xiao Qing, what are you talking about? We are people who have survived through life and death together. How could I abandon you!"    


"Don't worry, you are all treasures in my hands. I will always cherish you, but please don't love me so lowly. Just like what you said, you are also individuals with independent freedom!"    


As Lin Fei's voice fell, the five of them actually leaned their heads against each other and hugged each other tightly on the Yongye Island that was filled with snow and wind.    


It was as if they were on the island where there was no time. They showed each other their love oath that they would be as eternal as the holy flame.    


A long time later, a cold wind blew past. Lin Fei felt Xi Mengwei's trembling body. He patted them on the shoulders and said, "Let's go home!"    


So the five of them walked towards the warm hotel in the snowy night. It was their warm home.    


This night's experience, although there were twists and turns, and although Xu Xinjia's appearance caused a misunderstanding between Lin Fei and the four beauties, the misunderstanding was resolved in the end. It made the five of them even closer to each other.    


That night, Lin Fei hugged and slept with them, but he always abided by that rule and never touched that bottom line.    


Since the women wanted to give their best forbidden fruit to Lin Fei on their wedding night after returning to the country, then everything would be as they wished!    


Early the next morning, although it was still night outside the door, the biological clock of humans still allowed Lin Fei to roughly sense some time. Although it was not very accurate, the deviation would not be too big.    


"Dong! Dong! Dong!"    


Another knock on the door woke Lin Fei up from his sweet dream.    


Lin Fei pushed Xi Mengwei and Sun Yunxi's thighs away and got up from the pile of women. He walked to the door and opened it.    


"Hi, morning!"    


A beautiful figure suddenly made Lin Fei's eyes light up.    


The person who came was Xu Xinjia!    


"En, morning!"    


Lin Fei looked at Xu Xinjia who was standing outside the door and said politely.    


"Are you interested in skiing? I know a good ski park."    


Xu Xinjia invited him directly.    



"Oh, sorry, Miss Xu. I think I should tell you something!"    


Lin Fei didn't answer Xu Xinjia's question. Instead, he waved his hand and said to her.    


Xu Xinjia smiled. Her face revealed a smile as bright as the sun. She said, "I wonder what it will be."    


Lin Fei didn't hesitate this time. He said straightforwardly, "Actually, I am a person with a bottom line and principles, so..."    


Before Lin Fei finished his words, Xu Xinjia had already understood what he meant.    


Although she still had a bright smile on her face, Lin Fei could already see the sparkling at the corner of his eyes.    


Lin Fei knew that this might be very painful, but he had no choice but to do so!    


Xu Xinjia took a long time to calm down before she said, "Thank you!" Then she turned around and left, but that pretty figure seemed a little bleak in the cold wind outside the house.    


However, Lin Fei did not see that at this moment, on the warm bed behind him, the four women showed sweet smiles in their sleep.    


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