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C423 It's Good to Have Another Daughter

C423 It's Good to Have Another Daughter

0The women seemed to have experienced a night of nervousness and seemed very tired, but even so, they still stood at the door and waited for Lin Fei to return home.    


As soon as Lin Fei went upstairs, Xi Mengwei hugged him from behind and pulled him into their room. After that, a group of women surrounded Lin Fei and hugged him before crying.    


They were really too nervous that night. They didn't even dare to cry.    


It was only when Lin Fei returned to their side that they could cry without any worries. It seemed that only with him around could they feel at ease.    


"You damn Lin Fei! You stinky Lin Fei! Why did you leave us behind every time? Why did you make us worry? You really pissed us off!"    


Xi Mengwei hugged Lin Fei and patted his back as she spoke.    


Although the few women did not speak, the blame in their eyes was exactly the same as Xi Mengwei's. Clearly, they had suffered too much that night.    


"Hee hee!"    


Faced with the tenderness of the women's children, Lin Fei could only scratch his head and laugh. "Sorry, it was my fault. It was my fault. It will not happen again next time!"    


He was firm and unyielding, but when faced with his daughter's tears, he really had no choice.    


At this time, Sun Yunxi also cried and said, "You even said you won't do it next time. Last time, you said it like that. But this time, why did another person take the risk?"    


Only Liu Qing said coldly, "Alright, this kind of thing is really not what sir wants. He also doesn't want it, but there's nothing he can do about it!"    


Although there were tears on Liu Qing's face, she still had to calm down in the end.    


This kind of thing, no one else was willing to do it, but the only thing that made people feel relieved was that sir finally came back safely.    


Although Liu Qing did not believe in God, nor did she believe in God, at this moment, her heart was praying devoutly, praying for Lin Fei, hoping that this man would be safe.    


"Yes, Xiao Qing can understand people the best!"    


Lin Fei nodded and gently stroked Liu Qing's hair. He touched her three heads and smiled. "You all look like children!"    


"Alright, alright, sisters. sir has been working all night. Let him have a good rest!"    


At this time, Liu Qing directly said to Xi Mengwei, Lee Fei'er, and Sun Yunxi.    


She had the highest position in everyone's hearts. They all listened to her and nodded immediately. Then, they hugged Lin Fei and went to bed.    


Lin Fei hugged a few women and slept on the soft bed.    


The night of running and being tired made his heart unable to raise any evil thoughts. She hugged Lee Fei'er just like that. The pillow rested on Sun Yunxi's soft chest and very quickly, she entered a sweet and sweet dreamland.    


In the dream, he returned to his hometown and returned to the stall of the old master who sold cotton candy in town. His mother bought him two bunches of cotton candy and he ate it softly and sweetly!    




After waking up, Lin Fei found that he was alone when he woke up.    


He thought that it was a dream. It was only when he found out that the items around him were all women's items that he confirmed that it was not a dream, but...    


Lin Fei thought about it and suddenly laughed. The sweet fragrance in the dream made him sink into endless memories.    


After getting up, he dialed Liu Qing's number. Only then did he know that the few of them continued to follow up on the "Ten Thousand Mile Dream Search" charity activity.    


Now, all aspects were progressing exceptionally smoothly.    


And the happiest piece of news was that after Ah Jian's information was released to mainland, through his DNA comparison, he actually found information about his parents in Yang City.    


However, the government was currently looking for his parents and had yet to officially get in touch with them. However, there was no problem with the DNA comparison results, so getting practice was only a matter of time.    


Sun Yunxi also sent good news. Ah Hong had acute leukemia, but now with the timely treatment from the hospital, Ah Hong had clearly gotten better and her condition had also been controlled.    


The doctor said that she was still lucky to have been sent to the hospital in time. If she had been a few days later, perhaps even gods would not have been able to save him.    


As for the other children who had been kidnapped and sold from various countries, their matters had also made major progress to varying degrees. Moreover, their bodies and minds had already been restored to the greatest extent.    


Those loving people from all walks of life, psychologists, etc. After evaluating their psychology one by one, they actually discovered that among them... The children who suffered from mental illness due to their many years of inhumane life were extremely, very few.    


Most of the children's mental states were close to the level of normal people. Although the data was a little low, they would soon be able to return to the level of normal people.    


And this was quite an inconceivable thing.    


After learning of this news, Lin Fei decided to personally go and see Ah Hong, who Sun Yunxi took care of.    


After getting out of bed and washing up, Lin Fei went downstairs and took a taxi to the hospital where Ah Hong was. Ah Ming was there too, and Ah Jian had also gone to the hospital after treating his wound.    


Now that they no longer had a home, the three of them were gathered in the hospital. That place was their home now, and it was their temporary residence.    




When Lin Fei entered the ward, Ah Jian was the first to see Lin Fei. He immediately walked in front of Lin Fei and wanted to kneel down before him.    


In his eyes, Lin Fei was like his second parent!    


However, Lin Fei was quick to react. He immediately helped him up and said, "Ah Jian, your injuries are not healed yet!"    


However, Ah Jian's eyes were filled with determination. He felt that even if his wounds were to be torn apart again, he had to kneel down before Lin Fei.    


However, Lin Fei shook his head and said with a smile, "Ah Jian, there is a saying in mainland, 'a man has gold under his knees'. A man can't kneel to anyone casually!"    


Tears flashed in Ah Jian's eyes as he looked at Lin Fei. He could not say anything. In the end, he could only say two words. "sir!"    


Lin Fei rubbed his head. He put his hand on his shoulder and did not say anything. They just walked towards Ah Hong's bed together.    


At this moment, in front of the bed, besides Sun Yunxi, Ah Ming and Fatty Hei were also there.    


When he saw Lin Fei, Fatty Hei's eyes immediately revealed a look of worship and fanaticism. He hurriedly bowed to Lin Fei and said, "big brother!"    


Lin Fei looked at him and revealed a helpless smile.    



In fact, Lin Fei had never planned to take him in as a younger brother, but this Black Fatty, the more he looked at him, the more pleasing he was to the eye, so he tacitly agreed to call him big brother.    


Ah Ming also ran over and greeted sir warmly. The respect in his eyes was no less than a minister meeting an emperor.    


Ah Hong also sat up from the hospital bed at this time. She looked at Lin Fei with gratitude in her eyes. She wanted to get off the bed to thank him, but Lin Fei shook his head and motioned for her to not move.    


Then Lin Fei quickly walked to the front of the hospital bed and personally helped her lie down again. He then asked with concern, "Ah Hong, how do you feel now?"    




Ah Hong opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but there was only one word in her heart, and there were tears in her eyes.    


She could not remember how long it had been since she felt this warmth. It seemed that she had not felt this warmth for a long, long time, but today, she felt it from this man in front of her.    


Lin Fei personally wiped away Ah Hong's tears and comforted her, "Child, don't cry. There are better days waiting for you!"    


"Your lives have just begun. Don't care about these hardships. This might be a test from the heavens for you. So, child, be strong and live your life well!"    




Ah Hong held Lin Fei's hand and nodded heavily.    


Sun Yunxi, who was standing at the side, saw the bright light in Ah Hong's eyes at this moment. It was the light of hope in her heart.    


Like a father, Lin Fei gently stroked Ah Hong's head and continued, "You can rest assured and recuperate here. You don't have to worry about money. As long as I'm here, everything will be fine!"    


When Ah Hong heard this, she was even more touched in her heart!    


At that moment, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Fei. Her eyes were filled with hope and warmth. She said, "sir, can I... can I call you father?"    


This was the first time she had said a complete sentence in front of Lin Fei. Her voice was very pleasant to the ears, as clear as a hundred spirit birds.    


However, when it landed in Lin Fei's ears, it stunned him. Not to mention him, everyone around him was stunned.    


However, when Lin Fei saw the trace of anticipation and desire in the young lady's clear eyes, he immediately nodded and said, "Alright, what's wrong with having another daughter!"    




Just as Lin Fei nodded, Ah Hong threw herself into his arms. That kind of desire for family had been suppressed in his heart, as if he had finally found an outlet to vent it.    




Lin Fei's heart was deeply touched. He immediately responded in a conditioned reflex.    


At this moment, he was touched by the warmth of this relationship. He felt that it was good to have another daughter. It was really good!    


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