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C426 What Is Darkness This Is True Darkness

C426 What Is Darkness This Is True Darkness

0Lin Fei slowly walked to the office chair in front of the desk and slowly sat down. He crossed his legs and made the exact same posture as Wood.    


Then he leisurely said, "What's wrong with you?"    


Wood was stunned. Looking at Lin Fei, who was high and mighty and did the same thing as before, he suddenly felt sad.    


He felt that life was like a dream. Just now, he was high and mighty in this chair, but who would have thought that after a few minutes, his identity had changed with ___'s, and he had become a pitiful ant in the dust.    


However, this sadness only flashed in his heart for a moment. Then he looked at Lin Fei, who was high up in the sky, and said, "big brother, I was wrong in everything!"    


How could he still have any dignity left? He only hoped that this devil king would let him go and not hurt him. At this moment, he only wanted to live well.    




Lin Fei nodded his head, then looked at Black Fatty and said, "Black Fatty, are you angry in your heart?"    


Black Fatty was stunned. It seemed that because Wood had bullied him too hard, he could not accept this change of identity for a while.    


But the next moment, he looked at the fresh scar on his palm that was burned by the cigar and the smell of grilled meat. An indescribable anger suddenly surged in his heart and he glared at Wood.    


But he did not speak. It seemed that the deep-rooted fear of Wood in his heart had not completely disappeared in a short time.    


But when Wood saw the fierce look in the eyes of the black fat Hayes, his heart suddenly trembled, and he felt his scalp go numb!    


He was not unfamiliar with that look. It was a look that people would only reveal when they were in despair and forced into a corner. That was the look of mutual destruction, and that was the look of killing.    


It had to be said that at that moment, Wood, who had always been high and mighty, was afraid of Hayes. A fear of Hayes rose from the bottom of his heart.    


If it were any other day, he would not be afraid of Hayes' look. Instead, he would find it funny. Hayes would also be beaten up for no reason. In the end, he could only choose to bear it in humiliation.    


However, today, everything changed because of the appearance of this strange eastern man. Because the knife in his hand had changed hands and was no longer in Wood's hands. Instead, it was in Hayes's hand.    


"Don't worry, Black Fatty. With me here, the sky won't collapse!"    


Lin Fei saw that Black Fatty still didn't have the courage to vent the anger in his heart, so he spoke up once again for Black Fatty.    


Hayes looked at Lin Fei, his eyes revealing deep respect and trust.    


If he said he didn't believe the others, he would definitely believe the words of this man in front of him. If he said that the sky wouldn't collapse, then the sky wouldn't collapse.    


Under Lin Fei's encouragement, Hayes finally mustered up his courage and shouted, "He is angry! I am extremely angry with him! I wish I could kill him as soon as possible! I wish I could tear him into a thousand pieces!"    


Hayes's hatred for Wood wasn't just the scene when he burned himself with the cigarette. It was the hatred that had been accumulating in his heart for the past few years.    


At this moment, this hatred erupted without any reservation. It was as if a volcano had erupted.    


But at this moment, because of Lin Fei's existence, Wood did not dare to have the slightest temper. He could only lie on the ground and bear Hayes' angry roar at him.    


At this moment, because of the huge movement in the office, the whole company was attracted over and surrounded the office to watch the show.    


However, when they saw their boss Wood, who was usually full of evil deeds, kneeling on the ground and staring at Hayes in fear, their eyes showed deep disbelief.    


However, this disbelief only lasted for a moment, and then it turned into a happy and satisfied look in their eyes.    


Wood was always showing off in the company. He kept squeezing the employees under him, and he never had the bearing of a boss.    


In his eyes, these employees were beggars who were begging for food under him for survival. He did not think of them as people and bullied them as he liked.    


In fact, all the employees in the company hated him, but because he was too strong, no one dared to provoke him. And for the sake of life and for the sake of his family, they could only be angry but not dare to say anything. They continued to live in his company.    


It could be said that besides his few hatchet men who often followed him in the company, Wood was disloyal to him from head to toe. He didn't have a single heart in the company.    


But not saying anything did not mean that he did not have resentment in his heart. At this moment, when they saw Hayes stand up to beat up Wood, all the employees felt secretly pleased and silently praised Hayes' actions.    


Lin Fei, who was sitting in the boss's chair, was calm and composed. He looked at the angry roar and said like a black fat bull, "Do it if you want. You are Lin Fei's brother. Of course, I can't let you suffer any grievances!"    


"Yes, big brother!"    


Hearing this, Hayes's eyes suddenly shot out a fierce light. He shouted and rushed to Wood.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


There was a sound of fists and kicks falling on Wood's body like raindrops. Wood's blood-curdling scream instantly came out of the office like a pig being slaughtered.    


"Good, good fight!"    


No one knew who it was. In the crowd outside the office, when they saw the scene, they cheered loudly for Hayes, who had bravely stood out.    


"Good, good, good!"    


It immediately caused a chain reaction.    


The sound of cheers and applause instantly came from outside the office.    


Black Fatty's heart was overflowing with rage at this moment. It was as if his fists were hitting flesh. Wood's body felt like it was going to crack. Suddenly, he heard cheers from the employees outside. His heart was also hurt at this moment.    


It could be said that Wood had been hurt both physically and mentally at this moment. He felt like he was going to collapse instantly.    


But because Lin Fei was here, he did not dare to resist Hayes' violent beating. This extreme grievance made Wood feel like he was surrounded by enemies. It made him, who had been used to being high and mighty, feel depressed about wanting to kill himself.    


However, it was obvious that this kind of pain and torture had just begun under Hayes' monstrous anger. It seemed that it would take a long time for it to end.    


Just like that, Hayes punched Wood's body, making Wood's entire head look like a pig's head.    


It was not until Hayes was so tired that he was sweating, panting, and his fist was covered in blood that he glared at Wood, who was about to die, and finally stopped beating him up.    


"Is his anger gone?"    


Lin Fei looked at Hayes and asked.    


"Yes, it is gone!"    



Hayes looked at Lin Fei and answered while panting.    


"Okay, now let's talk about the compensation and pull him up!"    


Lin Fei nodded and pointed at Wood, who had been beaten to a pulp, and said calmly.    


Wood was bruised all over. He had no strength at all. However, as soon as Lin Fei said that, he struggled to get up. Although his eyes were so swollen that they were narrow, he quickly said, "There is no compensation. There is no compensation. There is no compensation at all!"    




Lin Fei looked at him and snorted. Although he did not say anything, he did not say it clearly, but it clearly meant, "What's wrong? There is no compensation. How can there be no compensation?"    


Wood was the boss, but in fact, he was just the manager of the underworld thugs on the surface. He was a smart man to be able to walk from an unknown gangster to this position.    


Hearing Lin Fei's snort, he instantly understood and said, "Yes, there's compensation, there's compensation. Hayes, how do you want me to compensate? Just tell me the price!"    


Hayes was confused."    


The surrounding people:... "??"    


Only Lin Fei looked at Wood and smiled with satisfaction.    


"Well, this is a little sensible!"    


Lin Fei was very satisfied, and then he said, "Black Fatty, you are the party involved. Tell me!"    


Hayes was stunned again!    


It seemed that only now did he understand that Lin Fei's so-called compensation was not the compensation for the car, but Wood's compensation for him.    


Everyone looked at Lin Fei in disbelief. Their eyes seemed to be saying, What is darkness? This is true darkness.    


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